Esempio n. 1
    def test_carve(self):
        s = 'redbluegreenyellowred'
        r = drillresults.carve(s, 'red', 'red')
        self.assertEqual('bluegreenyellow', r)

        r = drillresults.carve(s, 'blue', 'yellow')
        self.assertEqual('green', r)
    def test_carve(self):
        s = 'redbluegreenyellowred'
        r = drillresults.carve(s, 'red', 'red')
        self.assertEqual('bluegreenyellow', r)

        r = drillresults.carve(s, 'blue', 'yellow')
        self.assertEqual('green', r)
 def get_fault_addr(self):
     Find the EFA
     faultaddr = carve(self.reporttext, 'access_address=', ':')
     logger.debug('carved fault address: %s' % faultaddr)
     return self.format_addr(faultaddr)
Esempio n. 4
 def get_fault_addr(self):
     Find the EFA
     faultaddr = carve(self.reporttext, 'access_address=', ':')
     logger.debug('carved fault address: %s' % faultaddr)
     return self.format_addr(faultaddr)
    def _find_testcase_file(self):
        # Tries a little harder than the base class to find a test case file to
        # work with

        # Check if the expected crasher file (fuzzed file) exists
        current_dir = os.path.dirname(self.dbg_outfile)
        if not os.path.isfile(self.testcase_file):
            # It's not there, so try to extract the filename from the cdb
            # commandline
            commandline = carve(self.reporttext, "CommandLine: ", "\n")
            args = commandline.split()
            for arg in args:
                if "sf_" in arg:
                    self.testcase_file = os.path.basename(arg)
                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(current_dir, self.testcase_file)):
                        self.testcase_file = os.path.join(
                            current_dir, self.testcase_file)
                    elif "-" in self.testcase_file:
                        # FOE 2.0 verify mode puts a '-<iteration>' part on the
                        # filename when invoking cdb, however the resulting file
                        # is really just 'sf_<hash>.<ext>'
                        fileparts = self.testcase_file.split('-')
                        m ='\..+', fileparts[1])
                        # Recreate the original file name, minus the iteration
                        self.testcase_file = os.path.join(
                            current_dir, fileparts[0] +

    def _find_testcase_file(self):
        # Tries a little harder than the base class to find a test case file to
        # work with

        # Check if the expected crasher file (fuzzed file) exists
        current_dir = os.path.dirname(self.dbg_outfile)
        if not os.path.isfile(self.testcase_file):
            # It's not there, so try to extract the filename from the cdb
            # commandline
            commandline = carve(self.reporttext, "CommandLine: ", "\n")
            args = commandline.split()
            for arg in args:
                if "sf_" in arg:
                    self.testcase_file = os.path.basename(arg)
                    if os.path.isfile(
                            os.path.join(current_dir, self.testcase_file)):
                        self.testcase_file = os.path.join(
                            current_dir, self.testcase_file)
                    elif "-" in self.testcase_file:
                        # FOE 2.0 verify mode puts a '-<iteration>' part on the
                        # filename when invoking cdb, however the resulting file
                        # is really just 'sf_<hash>.<ext>'
                        fileparts = self.testcase_file.split('-')
                        m ='\..+', fileparts[1])
                        # Recreate the original file name, minus the iteration
                        self.testcase_file = os.path.join(
                            current_dir, fileparts[0] +

 def get_instr_addr(self):
     Find the address for the current (crashing) instruction
     instraddr = None
     instraddr = carve(self.reporttext, 'instruction_address=', ':')
     logger.debug('carved instruction address: %s' % instraddr)
     return self.format_addr(instraddr)
Esempio n. 8
 def get_instr_addr(self):
     Find the address for the current (crashing) instruction
     instraddr = None
     instraddr = carve(self.reporttext, 'instruction_address=', ':')
     logger.debug('carved instruction address: %s' % instraddr)
     return self.format_addr(instraddr)
 def fix_efa_bug(self, instraddr, faultaddr):
     !exploitable often reports an incorrect EFA for 64-bit targets.
     If we're dealing with a 64-bit target, we can second-guess the reported EFA
     instructionline = self.get_instr(instraddr)
     if not instructionline or "=" not in instructionline:
         # Nothing to fix
         return faultaddr
     if 'ds:' in instructionline:
         # There's a target address in the msec file
         if '??' in instructionline:
             # The AV is on dereferencing where to call
             ds = carve(instructionline, "ds:", "=")
             # The AV is on accessing the code location
             ds = instructionline.split("=")[-1]
         # AV must be on current instruction
         ds = instructionline.split(' ')[0]
     if ds:
         faultaddr = ds.replace('`', '')
     return faultaddr
Esempio n. 10
 def fix_efa_bug(self, instraddr, faultaddr):
     !exploitable often reports an incorrect EFA for 64-bit targets.
     If we're dealing with a 64-bit target, we can second-guess the reported EFA
     instructionline = self.get_instr(instraddr)
     if not instructionline or "=" not in instructionline:
         # Nothing to fix
         return faultaddr
     if 'ds:' in instructionline:
         # There's a target address in the msec file
         if '??' in instructionline:
             # The AV is on dereferencing where to call
             ds = carve(instructionline, "ds:", "=")
             # The AV is on accessing the code location
             ds = instructionline.split("=")[-1]
         # AV must be on current instruction
         ds = instructionline.split(' ')[0]
     if ds:
         faultaddr = ds.replace('`', '')
     return faultaddr
Esempio n. 11
 def _get_shortdesc(self):
     self.shortdesc = carve(self.reporttext, "Short description: ", " (")
     if not self.shortdesc:
         self.shortdesc = 'UNKNOWN'
     logger.debug('Short Description: %s', self.shortdesc)
Esempio n. 12
 def _get_classification(self):
     self.classification = carve(self.reporttext, "Classification: ", "\n")
     if not self.classification:
         self.classification = 'UNKNOWN'
     logger.debug('Classification: %s', self.classification)
Esempio n. 13
 def _get_classification(self):
     self.classification = carve(self.reporttext,
                                 "Exploitability Classification: ", "\n")
     logger.debug('Classification: %s', self.classification)
 def _get_shortdesc(self):
     self.shortdesc = carve(self.reporttext, "Short Description: ", "\n")
     logger.debug('Short Description: %s', self.shortdesc)
 def get_instr(self, instraddr):
     currentinstr = carve(self.reporttext, "instruction_disassembly=", ":")
     logger.debug('currentinstr: %s' % currentinstr)
     return currentinstr
Esempio n. 16
 def get_instr(self, instraddr):
     currentinstr = carve(self.reporttext, "instruction_disassembly=", ":")
     logger.debug('currentinstr: %s' % currentinstr)
     return currentinstr
Esempio n. 17
 def _get_shortdesc(self):
     self.shortdesc = carve(self.reporttext, "exception=", ":")
     logger.debug('Short Description: %s', self.shortdesc)
Esempio n. 18
 def _get_classification(self):
     self.classification = carve(self.reporttext, "is_exploitable=", ":")
     logger.debug('Classification: %s', self.classification)
 def get_instr_addr(self):
     instraddr = carve(self.reporttext, "Instruction Address:", "\n")
     return self.format_addr(instraddr)
 def _get_classification(self):
     self.classification = carve(self.reporttext, "Classification: ", "\n")
     if not self.classification:
         self.classification = 'UNKNOWN'
     logger.debug('Classification: %s', self.classification)
 def _get_classification(self):
     self.classification = carve(
         self.reporttext, "Exploitability Classification: ", "\n")
     logger.debug('Classification: %s', self.classification)
 def _get_shortdesc(self):
     self.shortdesc = carve(self.reporttext, "Short description: ", " (")
     if not self.shortdesc:
         self.shortdesc = 'UNKNOWN'
     logger.debug('Short Description: %s', self.shortdesc)
 def _get_classification(self):
     self.classification = carve(self.reporttext, "is_exploitable=", ":")
     logger.debug('Classification: %s', self.classification)
Esempio n. 24
 def get_instr_addr(self):
     instraddr = carve(self.reporttext, "Instruction Address:", "\n")
     return self.format_addr(instraddr)