Esempio n. 1
    def test_flip_with_bad_data(self):
        Test that flip fails with an error message when passed bad data

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, self.fail_message):
Esempio n. 2
def test_flip_with_bad_data(fail_message, bad_data):
    Test that flip fails with an error message when passed bad data

    with pytest.raises(Exception, message=fail_message):
def test_flip_with_bad_data(fail_message, bad_data):
    Test that flip fails with an error message when passed bad data

    with pytest.raises(JSONDecodeError, match=fail_message):
    def test_flip_with_bad_data(self):
        Test that flip fails with an error message when passed bad data

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, self.fail_message):
Esempio n. 5
def test_explicit_json_rejects_yaml(input_yaml):
    Given an output format of YAML
    The input format should be assumed to be JSON
    and YAML input should be rejected

    with pytest.raises(Exception, message="Invalid JSON"):
        cfn_flip.flip(input_yaml, out_format="yaml")
def test_explicit_json_rejects_yaml(fail_message, input_yaml):
    Given an output format of YAML
    The input format should be assumed to be JSON
    and YAML input should be rejected

    with pytest.raises(JSONDecodeError, match=fail_message):
        cfn_flip.flip(input_yaml, out_format="yaml")
Esempio n. 7
    def test_explicit_yaml_rejects_bad_yaml(self):
        Given an output format of YAML
        The input format should be assumed to be JSON
        and YAML input should be rejected

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, "Invalid YAML"):
            cfn_flip.flip(self.bad_data, out_format="json")
Esempio n. 8
def test_explicit_yaml_rejects_bad_yaml(bad_data):
    Given an output format of YAML
    The input format should be assumed to be JSON
    and YAML input should be rejected

    with pytest.raises(Exception, message="Invalid YAML"):
        cfn_flip.flip(bad_data, out_format="json")
def test_explicit_yaml_rejects_bad_yaml(bad_data):
    Given an output format of YAML
    The input format should be assumed to be JSON
    and YAML input should be rejected

    with pytest.raises(
        match="while scanning for the next token\nfound character \'\\\\t\' that cannot start any token",
        cfn_flip.flip(bad_data, out_format="json")
Esempio n. 10
    def generate_sample_cfn_module(self, module_dir=None):
        """Generate skeleton CloudFormation sample module."""
        if module_dir is None:
            module_dir = os.path.join(self.env_root, 'sampleapp.cfn')
        for i in ['stacks.yaml', 'dev-us-east-1.env']:
                os.path.join(module_dir, i)
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(module_dir, 'templates'))
        with open(os.path.join(module_dir,
                               'tf_state.yml'), 'w') as stream:
                         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),  # noqa

            )"Sample CloudFormation module created at %s",
Esempio n. 11
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    data = urlparse.parse_qsl(event["body"])
    for k, v in data:
        if k == 'code':
            plaintext = v
            plaintext = ""

    stdout_ = sys.stdout
    stream = cStringIO.StringIO()
    sys.stdout = stream
    hndlr = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = stdout_
    data = stream.getvalue()

    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.loads(json.dumps(data)),
        'headers': {
                'Content-Type': 'plain/text',
                'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
                'Cache-control': 'private, max-age=0, no-cache'
def test_no_flip_with_json(input_json, parsed_json):
    We should be able to submit JSON and get JSON back

    actual = cfn_flip.flip(input_json, no_flip=True)

    assert load_json(actual) == parsed_json
def test_flip_to_json(input_yaml, input_json, parsed_json):
    Test that flip performs correctly transforming from yaml to json

    actual = cfn_flip.flip(input_yaml)

    assert load_json(actual) == parsed_json
def test_flip_with_json_output(input_yaml, parsed_json):
    We should be able to specify that the output is JSON

    actual = cfn_flip.flip(input_yaml, out_format="json")

    assert load_json(actual) == parsed_json
def test_flip_to_clean_json(input_yaml, clean_json, parsed_clean_json):
    Test that flip performs correctly transforming from yaml to json
    and the `clean_up` flag is active

    actual = cfn_flip.flip(input_yaml, clean_up=True)

    assert load_json(actual) == parsed_clean_json
def test_no_flip_with_explicit_json(input_json, parsed_json):
    We should be able to submit JSON and get JSON back
    and specify the output format explicity

    actual = cfn_flip.flip(input_json, out_format="json", no_flip=True)

    assert load_json(actual) == parsed_json
def identify_resources(stackName, region):
    #this function will build out the list of resources for analysis

    client = boto3.client('cloudformation', region)
    response = client.list_stack_resources(StackName=stackName, )

    return_obj = {}
    ec2_resources = {}
    rds_resources = {}
    asg_resources = {}

    #Generate list for existing resources
    resources = response['StackResourceSummaries']
    for resource in resources:
        if resource['ResourceType'] == 'AWS::EC2::Instance':
                resource['LogicalResourceId']] = resource['PhysicalResourceId']
        elif resource['ResourceType'] == 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance':
                resource['LogicalResourceId']] = resource['PhysicalResourceId']
        elif resource['ResourceType'] == 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup':
                resource['LogicalResourceId']] = resource['PhysicalResourceId']

    response = client.get_template(StackName=stackName)

    #Identify resources that don't currently exist
    if is_json(response['TemplateBody']):
        resources_fullList = json.loads(json.dumps(
        resources_fullList = json.loads(flip(

    for resource in resources_fullList:
        if resources_fullList[resource]['Type'] == 'AWS::EC2::Instance':
            if resource not in ec2_resources:
                ec2_resources[resource] = "DoesNotExist"
        if resources_fullList[resource]['Type'] == 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance':
            if resource not in rds_resources:
                rds_resources[resource] = "DoesNotExist"
        if resources_fullList[resource][
                'Type'] == 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup':
            if resource not in asg_resources:
                asg_resources[resource] = "DoesNotExist"

    #Build and return final object
    return_obj['ec2'] = ec2_resources
    return_obj['rds'] = rds_resources
    return_obj['asg'] = asg_resources
    print("Identified Resources: EC2[" + str(len(ec2_resources)) + "] RDS[" +
          str(len(rds_resources)) + "] ASG[" + str(len(asg_resources)) +
          "] --> " + str(return_obj))

    return return_obj
Esempio n. 18
    def test_flip_to_json(self):
        Test that flip performs correctly transforming from yaml to json

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_yaml)

        parsed_actual = json.loads(actual)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_json)
Esempio n. 19
    def test_no_flip_with_json(self):
        We should be able to submit JSON and get JSON back

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_json, no_flip=True)

        parsed_actual = json.loads(actual)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_json)
Esempio n. 20
    def test_no_flip_with_yaml(self):
        We should be able to submit YAML and get YAML back

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_yaml, no_flip=True)

        parsed_actual = yaml.load(actual, Loader=CustomLoader)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_yaml)
def test_flip_with_yaml_output(input_json, parsed_yaml):
    We should be able to specify that the output is YAML

    actual = cfn_flip.flip(input_json, out_format="yaml")

    parsed_actual = load_yaml(actual)

    assert parsed_actual == parsed_yaml
    def test_flip_to_json(self):
        Test that flip performs correctly transforming from yaml to json

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_yaml)

        parsed_actual = json.loads(actual)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_json)
Esempio n. 23
    def test_flip_with_json_output(self):
        We should be able to specify that the output is JSON

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_yaml, out_format="json")

        parsed_actual = json.loads(actual)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_json)
Esempio n. 24
    def test_flip_with_yaml_output(self):
        We should be able to specify that the output is YAML

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_json, out_format="yaml")

        parsed_actual = yaml.load(actual, Loader=CustomLoader)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_yaml)
def test_no_flip_with_yaml(input_yaml, parsed_yaml):
    We should be able to submit YAML and get YAML back

    actual = cfn_flip.flip(input_yaml, no_flip=True)

    parsed_actual = load_yaml(actual)

    assert parsed_actual == parsed_yaml
Esempio n. 26
    def test_flip_to_clean_json(self):
        Test that flip performs correctly transforming from yaml to json
        and the `clean_up` flag is active

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_yaml, clean_up=True)

        parsed_actual = json.loads(actual)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_clean_json)
def test_no_flip_with_explicit_yaml(input_yaml, parsed_yaml):
    We should be able to submit YAML and get YAML back
    and specify the output format explicity

    actual = cfn_flip.flip(input_yaml, out_format="yaml", no_flip=True)

    parsed_actual = load_yaml(actual)

    assert parsed_actual == parsed_yaml
    def test_flip_to_clean_json(self):
        Test that flip performs correctly transforming from yaml to json
        and the `clean_up` flag is active

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_yaml, clean_up=True)

        parsed_actual = json.loads(actual)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_clean_json)
Esempio n. 29
    def test_no_flip_with_explicit_json(self):
        We should be able to submit JSON and get JSON back
        and specify the output format explicity

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_json,

        parsed_actual = json.loads(actual)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_json)
Esempio n. 30
    def test_no_flip_with_explicit_yaml(self):
        We should be able to submit YAML and get YAML back
        and specify the output format explicity

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_yaml,

        parsed_actual = yaml.load(actual, Loader=CustomLoader)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_yaml)
Esempio n. 31
    def test_flip_to_yaml(self):
        Test that flip performs correctly transforming from json to yaml

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_json)

        # The result should not parse as json
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        parsed_actual = yaml.load(actual)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_yaml)
def test_flip_to_yaml(input_json, input_yaml, parsed_yaml):
    Test that flip performs correctly transforming from json to yaml

    actual = cfn_flip.flip(input_json)
    assert actual == input_yaml + "\n"

    # The result should not parse as json
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    parsed_actual = load_yaml(actual)
    assert parsed_actual == parsed_yaml
    def test_flip_to_yaml(self):
        Test that flip performs correctly transforming from json to yaml

        actual = cfn_flip.flip(self.input_json)

        # The result should not parse as json
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        parsed_actual = custom_yaml.load(actual)

        self.assertDictEqual(parsed_actual, self.parsed_yaml)
def test_flip_to_yaml_with_longhand_functions(input_json, parsed_json):
    When converting to yaml, sometimes we'll want to keep the long form

    actual1 = cfn_flip.flip(input_json, long_form=True)
    actual2 = cfn_flip.to_yaml(input_json, long_form=True)

    # No custom loader as there should be no custom tags
    parsed_actual1 = yaml.load(actual1)
    parsed_actual2 = yaml.load(actual2)

    # We use the parsed JSON as it contains long form function calls
    assert parsed_actual1 == parsed_json
    assert parsed_actual2 == parsed_json