Esempio n. 1
def test_add_transfer_to_housekeeper(
    external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI,
    fastq_file: Path,
    """Test adding samples from a case to Housekeeper"""
    # GIVEN a Store with a DNA case, which is available for analysis
    cases = external_data_api.status_db.query(models.Family).filter(
        models.Family.internal_id == case_id
    mocker.patch.object(Store, "get_cases_from_ticket")
    Store.get_cases_from_ticket.return_value = cases
    samples = [fam_sample.sample for fam_sample in cases.all()[0].links]

    # GIVEN a list of paths and only two samples being available
    mocker.patch.object(ExternalDataAPI, "get_all_paths")
    ExternalDataAPI.get_all_paths.return_value = [fastq_file]

    mocker.patch.object(MockHousekeeperAPI, "last_version")
    MockHousekeeperAPI.last_version.return_value = None

    mocker.patch.object(MockHousekeeperAPI, "get_files")
    MockHousekeeperAPI.get_files.return_value = []

    mocker.patch.object(Path, "iterdir")
    Path.iterdir.return_value = []

    mocker.patch.object(ExternalDataAPI, "get_available_samples")
    ExternalDataAPI.get_available_samples.return_value = samples[:-1]

    mocker.patch.object(Store, "cases")
    Store.cases.return_value = [{"internal_id": "yellowhog"}]

    mocker.patch.object(Store, "set_case_action")
    Store.set_case_action.return_value = None

    # THEN none of the samples should exist in housekeeper
    assert all(
        external_data_api.housekeeper_api.bundle(sample.internal_id) is None for sample in samples

    # WHEN the sample bundles are added to housekeeper

    # THEN two sample bundles exist in housekeeper and the file has been added to those bundles bundles
    added_samples = [sample for sample in external_data_api.housekeeper_api.bundles()]
    assert all(
        sample.internal_id in [ for added_sample in added_samples]
        for sample in samples[:-1]
    assert all(
        sample.versions[0].files[0].path == str(fastq_file.absolute()) for sample in added_samples
    # Then the sample that is not available should not exists
    assert samples[-1].internal_id not in [ for added_sample in added_samples]
Esempio n. 2
def test_curate_sample_folder(
    case_id, customer_id, dna_case, external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI, tmpdir_factory
    cases = external_data_api.status_db.query(models.Family).filter(
        models.Family.internal_id == case_id
    sample: models.Sample = cases.first().links[0].sample
    tmp_folder = Path(tmpdir_factory.mktemp(, numbered=False))
        cust_name=customer_id, sample_folder=tmp_folder, force=False
    assert (tmp_folder.parent / sample.internal_id).exists()
    assert not tmp_folder.exists()
Esempio n. 3
def test_add_files_to_bundles(
    external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI, fastq_file: Path, hk_version_obj, sample_id: str
    """Tests adding files to housekeeper"""
    # GIVEN a file to be added
    to_be_added = [fastq_file]

    # WHEN the files are added.

    # THEN the function should return True and the file should be added.
    assert str(fastq_file.absolute()) in [idx.path for idx in hk_version_obj.files]
Esempio n. 4
def test_get_failed_fastq_paths(external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI, fastq_file: Path):
    bad_md5sum_file_path: Path = fastq_file.parent.joinpath("fastq_run_R1_001.fastq.gz")
    # GIVEN a list of paths with one fastq_file with a correct md5sum and one with an incorrect md5sum
    # When the failed paths are extracted
    failed_paths: List[Path] = external_data_api.get_failed_fastq_paths(
        [fastq_file, bad_md5sum_file_path]
    # THEN only the path to the failed file should be in the list
    assert failed_paths == [bad_md5sum_file_path]
Esempio n. 5
def test_get_all_fastq(external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI, external_data_directory: Path):
    """Test the finding of fastq.gz files in customer directories"""
    # GIVEN a folder containing two folders with both fastq and md5 files
    for folder in external_data_directory.iterdir():
        # WHEN the list of file paths is created
        files = external_data_api.get_all_fastq(
        # THEN only fast.gz files are returned
        assert all([tmp.suffixes == [".fastq", ".gz"] for tmp in files])
Esempio n. 6
def test_create_log_dir(caplog, external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI, ticket_nr: int):
    """Test generating the directory for logging"""

    # WHEN the log directory is created
    log_dir = external_data_api.create_log_dir(ticket_id=ticket_nr, dry_run=True)

    # THEN the path is not created since it is a dry run
    assert "Would have created path" in caplog.text

    # THEN the created path should start with 2 dirs and then the ticket id
    assert str(log_dir).startswith("/another/path/123456")
Esempio n. 7
def test_transfer_sample_files_from_source(
    cg_context: CGConfig,
    customer_id: str,
    cust_sample_id: str,
    external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI,
    external_data_directory: Path,
    sample_store: Store,
    ticket_nr: int,

    # GIVEN a Store with three samples, where only two samples are present in the source folder
    sample_name1: str = cust_sample_id + "1"
    sample_name2: str = cust_sample_id + "2"
    sample_name3: str = cust_sample_id + "3"

    helpers.add_sample(store=external_data_api.status_db, name=sample_name1, ticket=ticket_nr)
    helpers.add_sample(store=external_data_api.status_db, name=sample_name2, ticket=ticket_nr)
    helpers.add_sample(store=external_data_api.status_db, name=sample_name3, ticket=ticket_nr)

    mocker.patch.object(Store, "get_customer_id_from_ticket")
    Store.get_customer_id_from_ticket.return_value = customer_id

    mocker.patch.object(ExternalDataAPI, "get_source_path")
    external_data_api.get_source_path.return_value = external_data_directory

    external_data_api.source_path = str(Path("").joinpath(*[:-2]))
    external_data_api.destination_path = str(
        Path("").joinpath(*[:-1], "%s")

    # WHEN the transfer is initiated
    external_data_api.transfer_sample_files_from_source(ticket_id=ticket_nr, dry_run=True)

    # THEN only the two samples present in the source directory are included in the rsync

    assert str(external_data_directory) in caplog.text
Esempio n. 8
def test_get_destination_path(
    customer_id: str,
    external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI,
    sample_id: str,
    """Test generating the destination path"""
    # GIVEN a customer and an internal sample id
    # WHEN the function creates the destination path
    destination_path = external_data_api.get_destination_path(
        customer=customer_id, lims_sample_id=sample_id

    # THEN the destination path should contain the customer_id, ticket_id and sample_id
    assert destination_path == Path("/path/on/hasta/cust000/ADM1/")
Esempio n. 9
def test_get_available_samples_no_samples_avail(
    customer_id: str,
    external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI,
    ticket_nr: int,
    # GIVEN that the empty directory created does not contain any correct folders
    tmp_dir_path: Path = Path(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("not_sample_id", numbered=False))
    available_samples = external_data_api.get_available_samples(
        folder=tmp_dir_path, ticket_id=ticket_nr
    # THEN the function should return an empty list
    assert available_samples == []
Esempio n. 10
def test_get_available_samples(
    customer_id: str,
    external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI,
    sample_obj: models.Sample,
    ticket_nr: int,
    # GIVEN one such sample exists
    tmp_dir_path: Path = Path(tmpdir_factory.mktemp(sample_obj.internal_id, numbered=False)).parent
    available_samples = external_data_api.get_available_samples(
        folder=tmp_dir_path, ticket_id=ticket_nr
    # THEN the function should return a list containing the sample object
    assert available_samples == [sample_obj]
Esempio n. 11
def test_get_source_path(
    cust_sample_id: str,
    customer_id: str,
    external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI,
    ticket_nr: int,
    """Test generating the source path"""
    # GIVEN a ticket number a customer and a customer sample id

    # WHEN the function is called and assigned
    source_path = external_data_api.get_source_path(

    # THEN the return should be
    assert source_path == Path("")
Esempio n. 12
def fixture_external_data_api(cg_context: CGConfig) -> ExternalDataAPI:
    """ExternalDataAPI fixture"""
    _external_data_api: ExternalDataAPI = ExternalDataAPI(config=cg_context)
    return _external_data_api
Esempio n. 13
def external_hk(context: CGConfig, ticket_id: int, dry_run: bool, force):
    """Adds external data to housekeeper"""
    external_data_api = ExternalDataAPI(config=context)
    external_data_api.add_transfer_to_housekeeper(dry_run=dry_run, ticket_id=ticket_id, force=force)
Esempio n. 14
def external(context: CGConfig, ticket_id: int, dry_run: bool):
    """Downloads external data from caesar and places it in appropriate folder on hasta"""
    external_data_api = ExternalDataAPI(config=context)
    external_data_api.transfer_sample_files_from_source(ticket_id=ticket_id, dry_run=dry_run)