Esempio n. 1
 def split_heads(self, x, k=False):
     new_x_shape = x.shape[:-1] + (self.n_head, x.shape[-1] // self.n_head)
     x = x.reshape(*new_x_shape)  # in Tensorflow implem: fct split_states
     if k:
         return F.transpose(x, (0, 2, 3, 1))
         return F.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1, 3))
Esempio n. 2
def reorg(input, stride=2):
    batch_size, input_channel, input_height, input_width =
    output_height, output_width, output_channel = int(input_height/stride), int(input_width/stride), input_channel*stride*stride
    output = F.transpose(F.reshape(input, (batch_size, input_channel, output_height, stride, output_width, stride)), (0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5)) 
    output = F.transpose(F.reshape(output, (batch_size, input_channel, output_height, output_width, -1)), (0, 4, 1, 2, 3)) 
    output = F.reshape(output, (batch_size, output_channel, output_height, output_width))
    return output
    def _predict_depth_chainer_backend(self, bgr, depth_bgr=None):
        bgr_data = np.array([bgr], dtype=np.float32)
        depth_bgr_data = np.array([depth_bgr], dtype=np.float32)
        if self.gpu != -1:
            bgr_data = cuda.to_gpu(bgr_data, device=self.gpu)
            depth_bgr_data = cuda.to_gpu(depth_bgr_data, device=self.gpu)
        if LooseVersion(chainer.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.0.0'):
            bgr = chainer.Variable(bgr_data, volatile=True)
            depth_bgr = chainer.Variable(depth_bgr_data, volatile=True)
            self.model(bgr, depth_bgr)
            with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
                    bgr = chainer.Variable(bgr_data)
                    depth_bgr = chainer.Variable(depth_bgr_data)
                    self.model(bgr, depth_bgr)

        proba_img = F.softmax(self.model.mask_score)
        label_pred = F.argmax(self.model.mask_score, axis=1)
        depth_pred = F.sigmoid(self.model.depth_score)
        proba_img = F.transpose(proba_img, (0, 2, 3, 1))
        max_proba_img = F.max(proba_img, axis=-1)
        # squeeze batch axis, gpu -> cpu
        proba_img = cuda.to_cpu([0]
        max_proba_img = cuda.to_cpu([0]
        label_pred = cuda.to_cpu([0]
        depth_pred = cuda.to_cpu([0]
        # uncertain because the probability is low
        label_pred[max_proba_img < self.proba_threshold] = self.bg_label
        # get depth image
        depth_pred = depth_pred[0, :, :]
        depth_pred *= (self.model.max_depth - self.model.min_depth)
        depth_pred += self.model.min_depth

        return label_pred, proba_img, depth_pred
Esempio n. 4
def block_embed(embed, x, dropout=0.):
    """Embedding function followed by convolution

        embed (callable): A :func:`~chainer.functions.embed_id` function
            or :class:`~chainer.links.EmbedID` link.
        x (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \
        :class:`cupy.ndarray`): Input variable, which
            is a :math:`(B, L)`-shaped int array. Its first dimension
            :math:`(B)` is assumed to be the *minibatch dimension*.
            The second dimension :math:`(L)` is the length of padded
        dropout (float): Dropout ratio.

        ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. A float array with shape
        of :math:`(B, N, L, 1)`. :math:`(N)` is the number of dimensions
        of word embedding.

    e = embed(x)
    e = F.dropout(e, ratio=dropout)
    e = F.transpose(e, (0, 2, 1))
    e = e[:, :, :, None]
    return e
Esempio n. 5
 def _log_prob_words(self, context, temperature=1.0):
     """ This calculates an softmax over the vocabulary as a function
     of the dot product of context and word.
     dot = F.matmul(context, F.transpose(self.vocab.W))
     prob = F.softmax(dot / temperature)
     return F.log(prob)
Esempio n. 6
 def __call__(self, h_list):
     h_list = [functions.expand_dims(h, axis=-2) for h in h_list]
     concat_h = functions.concat(h_list, axis=-2)
     mb, atoms, n_layers, hidden_dim = concat_h.shape
     # concat_h: (n_layers, mb, atoms, hidden_dim)
     concat_h = functions.transpose(concat_h, axes=(2, 0, 1, 3))
     seq_h = functions.reshape(concat_h,
                               shape=(n_layers, mb * atoms, hidden_dim))
     seq_h_list = list(seq_h)
     _, seq_out_list = self.bigru_layer(None, seq_h_list)
     # [n_layers, mb * atoms, hidden_dim]
     seq_out_arr = functions.concat(
         [functions.expand_dims(seq, axis=0) for seq in seq_out_list],
     # [mb * atoms, hidden_dim]
     seq_out_forward = seq_out_arr[-1, :, :hidden_dim]
     # [mb * atoms, hidden_dim]
     seq_out_backward = seq_out_arr[0, :, hidden_dim:]
     # [mb * atoms, 2 * hidden_dim]
     seq_out_arr = functions.concat([seq_out_forward, seq_out_backward],
     # [mb * atoms, 2 * hidden_dim] -> [mb, atoms, 2 * hidden_dim]
     seq_out_arr = functions.reshape(seq_out_arr,
                                     shape=(mb, atoms, 2 * hidden_dim))
     # [mb, atoms, 2 * hidden_dim]
     h = seq_out_arr
     h = self.out_layer(h)
     return h
Esempio n. 7
    def translate(self, hxs, max_length):
        """Generate target sentences given hidden states of source sentences.

            hxs: Hidden states for source sequences.

            ys: Generated sequences.

        batch_size, _, _ = hxs.shape
        compute_context = self.attention(hxs)
        c = Variable(self.xp.zeros((batch_size, self.n_units), 'f'))
        h = F.broadcast_to(self.bos_state, ((batch_size, self.n_units)))
        # first character's embedding
        previous_embedding = self.embed_y(
            Variable(self.xp.full((batch_size, ), EOS, 'i')))

        results = []
        for _ in range(max_length):
            context = compute_context(h)
            concatenated = F.concat((previous_embedding, context))

            c, h = self.lstm(c, h, concatenated)
            concatenated = F.concat((concatenated, h))

            logit = self.w(self.maxout(concatenated))
            y = F.reshape(F.argmax(logit, axis=1), (batch_size, ))

            previous_embedding = self.embed_y(y)

        results = F.separate(F.transpose(F.vstack(results)), axis=0)
        ys = [get_subsequence_before_eos( for result in results]
        return ys
Esempio n. 8
 def compute_features(self, obs):
     obs = F.cast(obs, np.float32)
     obs = F.transpose(obs, (0, 3, 1, 2))
     h1 = F.relu(self.conv1(obs))
     h2 = F.relu(self.conv2(h1))
     h3 = F.relu(self.fc(h2))
     return h3
Esempio n. 9
File: Progetto: shuyo/iir
    def forward(self, x, q, is_linear=False):
        # Random Noise for Learing Time invariance
        if chainer.configuration.config.train:
            xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(x)
            z = xp.zeros((1,x.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float32)
            i = 0
            while i<x.shape[0]:
                if numpy.random.rand(1)[0]<0.1:
                    x = xp.vstack((x[:i], z, x[i:]))
                    i += 1
                i += 1
        max_knowledge, D = self.temporal_a.shape
        if len(x)>max_knowledge: x = x[len(x)-max_knowledge:]
        j = max_knowledge-len(x)

            a = xp.arange(1,0,-1/D)
            b = xp.arange(-1,1,2/D)
            M = a * F.matmul(x[:,:self.V], self.embedid_a) + b * F.matmul(x[:,self.V:], self.embedid_a) + self.temporal_a[j:]
            C = a * F.matmul(x[:,:self.V], self.embedid_c) + b * F.matmul(x[:,self.V:], self.embedid_c) + self.temporal_c[j:]
            M = F.matmul(x[:,:self.V], self.embedid_a) + self.temporal_a[j:]
            C = F.matmul(x[:,:self.V], self.embedid_c) + self.temporal_c[j:]

        U = F.matmul(q.reshape(1,-1), self.embedid_b)
        for l in range(self.layer):
            P = F.transpose(F.matmul(M,U[0]))
            if not is_linear: P = F.softmax(P)
            O = F.matmul(P,C)
            if l == self.layer-1:
                U = U + O
                U = self.H(U) + O
        return self.W(U) # (1,D)
Esempio n. 10
def block_embed(embed, x, dropout=0.):
    """Embedding function followed by convolution

        embed (callable): A :func:`~chainer.functions.embed_id` function
            or :class:`~chainer.links.EmbedID` link.
        x (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \
        :class:`cupy.ndarray`): Input variable, which
            is a :math:`(B, L)`-shaped int array. Its first dimension
            :math:`(B)` is assumed to be the *minibatch dimension*.
            The second dimension :math:`(L)` is the length of padded
        dropout (float): Dropout ratio.

        ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. A float array with shape
        of :math:`(B, N, L, 1)`. :math:`(N)` is the number of dimensions
        of word embedding.

    e = embed(x)
    e = F.dropout(e, ratio=dropout)
    e = F.transpose(e, (0, 2, 1))
    e = e[:, :, :, None]
    return e
Esempio n. 11
    def __call__(self, x):
        """Compute localization, objectness, and classification from a batch of images.

        This method computes three variables, :obj:`locs`, :obj:`objs`,
        and :obj:`confs`.
        :meth:`self._decode` converts these variables to bounding box
        coordinates and confidence scores.
        These variables are also used in training YOLOv2.

            x (chainer.Variable): A variable holding a batch of images.

            tuple of chainer.Variable:
            This method returns three variables, :obj:`locs`,
            :obj:`objs`, and :obj:`confs`.

            * **locs**: A variable of float arrays of shape \
                :math:`(B, K, 4)`, \
                where :math:`B` is the number of samples in the batch and \
                :math:`K` is the number of default bounding boxes.
            * **objs**: A variable of float arrays of shape \
                :math:`(B, K)`.
            * **confs**: A variable of float arrays of shape \
                :math:`(B, K, n\_fg\_class)`.

        h = self.subnet(self.extractor(x))
        h = F.transpose(h, (0, 2, 3, 1))
        h = F.reshape(h, (h.shape[0], -1, 4 + 1 + self.n_fg_class))
        locs = h[:, :, :4]
        objs = h[:, :, 4]
        confs = h[:, :, 5:]
        return locs, objs, confs
Esempio n. 12
def reorg(input, stride=2):
    batch_size, input_channel, input_height, input_width =
    output_height, output_width, output_channel = int(
        input_height / stride), int(input_width /
                                    stride), input_channel * stride * stride
    output = F.transpose(
        F.reshape(input, (batch_size, input_channel, output_height, stride,
                          output_width, stride)), (0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5))
    output = F.transpose(
            (batch_size, input_channel, output_height, output_width, -1)),
        (0, 4, 1, 2, 3))
    output = F.reshape(
        output, (batch_size, output_channel, output_height, output_width))
    return output
Esempio n. 13
    def __call__(self, x, **kwargs):
        # shapes:
        # self.gammas.W : (n_classes, n_ch)
        # weights : (n_batch, x, y, n_classes)

        weights, = argument.parse_kwargs(kwargs, ('weights', None))
        _weights = F.reshape(weights, (weights.shape[0] * weights.shape[1] * weights.shape[2], weights.shape[3]))

        gamma_c = F.reshape(F.matmul(_weights, self.gammas.W),
                            (weights.shape[0], weights.shape[1], weights.shape[2], self.gammas.W.shape[1]))
        gamma_c = F.transpose(gamma_c, (0, 3, 1, 2))
        beta_c = F.reshape(F.matmul(_weights, self.betas.W),
                           (weights.shape[0], weights.shape[1], weights.shape[2], self.gammas.W.shape[1]))
        beta_c = F.transpose(beta_c, (0, 3, 1, 2))

        return super(SpatialCategoricalConditionalBatchNormalization, self).__call__(x, gamma_c, beta_c, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 14
 def __call__(self, x):
     x = F.transpose(x, axes=(0, 3, 1, 2))
     h = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))
     h = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(h)))
     h = F.relu(self.bn3(self.l1(h)))
     h = F.relu(self.bn4(self.l2(h)))
     return chainerrl.action_value.DiscreteActionValue(self.l3(h))
Esempio n. 15
def train():
    # model
    model = Mynet(train=True)

    if GPU >= 0:

    opt = chainer.optimizers.MomentumSGD(0.01, momentum=0.9)

    xs, ts, paths = data_load('../Dataset/train/images/', hf=True, vf=True)

    # training
    mb = 4
    mbi = 0
    train_ind = np.arange(len(xs))

    for i in range(500):
        if mbi + mb > len(xs):
            mb_ind = train_ind[mbi:]
            mb_ind = np.hstack((mb_ind, train_ind[:(mb - (len(xs) - mbi))]))
            mbi = mb - (len(xs) - mbi)
            mb_ind = train_ind[mbi:mbi + mb]
            mbi += mb

        x = xs[mb_ind]
        t = ts[mb_ind]

        if GPU >= 0:
            x = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(x)
            t = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(t)
        #    x = chainer.Variable(x)
        #    t = chainer.Variable(t)

        y = model(x)

        accu = F.accuracy(y, t[..., 0])
        y = F.transpose(y, axes=(0, 2, 3, 1))
        loss = F.sigmoid_cross_entropy(y, t)


        loss =
        accu =
        if GPU >= 0:
            loss = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(loss)
            accu = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(accu)

        print("iter >>", i + 1, ',loss >>', loss.item(), ',accuracy >>', accu)

    chainer.serializers.save_npz('cnn.npz', model)
Esempio n. 16
    def __call__(self, x):
        Calucurate Minibatch Discrimination using broardcast.

        x: Variable
           input vector shape is (N, num_units)
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        xp = x.xp
        x = F.reshape(x, (batch_size, -1))
        activation = F.reshape(self.t(x), (-1, self.b, self.c))

        m = F.reshape(activation, (-1, self.b, self.c))
        m = F.expand_dims(m, 3)
        m_T = F.transpose(m, (3, 1, 2, 0))
        m, m_T = F.broadcast(m, m_T)
        l1_norm = F.sum(F.absolute(m-m_T), axis=2)

        # eraser to erase l1 norm with themselves
        eraser = F.expand_dims(xp.eye(batch_size, dtype="f"), 1)
        eraser = F.broadcast_to(eraser, (batch_size, self.b, batch_size))

        o_X = F.sum(F.exp(-(l1_norm + 1e6 * eraser)), axis=2)

        # concatunate along channels or units
        return F.concat((x, o_X), axis=1)
Esempio n. 17
 def _log_prob_words(self, context, temperature=1.0):
     """ This calculates a softmax over the vocabulary as a function
     of the dot product of context and word.
     dot = F.matmul(context, F.transpose(self.vocab.W))
     prob = F.softmax(dot / temperature)
     return F.log(prob)
    def __call__(self, x, mask):
        #h = self.c(x) - self.b = self.xp.array(self.maskW)  #mask windows are set by 1
        h = self.c(x * mask)  #(B,C,H,W)
        B, C, H, W = h.shape
        b = F.transpose(F.broadcast_to(self.c.b, (B, H, W, C)), (0, 3, 1, 2))
        h = h - b
        mask_sums = self.m(mask)
        mask_new = (self.xp.sign( - 0.5) + 1.0) * 0.5
        mask_new_b = mask_new.astype("bool")

        mask_sums = F.where(
            mask_new_b, mask_sums,
            0.01 * Variable(self.xp.ones(mask_sums.shape).astype("f")))
        h = h / mask_sums + b

        mask_new = Variable(mask_new)
        h = F.where(mask_new_b, h,

        #elif self.sample=="up":
        #    h = F.unpooling_2d(x, 2, 2, 0, cover_all=False)
        #    h = self.c(h)
        #    print("unknown sample method %s"%self.sample)
            h = self.batchnorm(h)
        if self.noise:
            h = add_noise(h)
        if self.dropout:
            h = F.dropout(h)
        if not self.activation is None:
            h = self.activation(h)
        return h, mask_new
    def _segment(self, bgr):
        bgr_data = np.array([bgr], dtype=np.float32)
        if self.gpu != -1:
            bgr_data = cuda.to_gpu(bgr_data, device=self.gpu)

        if LooseVersion(chainer.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.0.0'):
            bgr = chainer.Variable(bgr_data, volatile=True)
            self.model(bgr, None)
            with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
                    bgr = chainer.Variable(bgr_data)
                    self.model(bgr, None)

        # Get proba_img, pred_label
        proba_img = F.softmax(self.model.score)
        proba_img = F.transpose(proba_img, (0, 2, 3, 1))
        max_proba_img = F.max(proba_img, axis=-1)

        pred_label = F.argmax(self.model.score, axis=1)

        # squeeze batch axis, gpu -> cpu
        max_proba_img = cuda.to_cpu([0]
        pred_label = cuda.to_cpu([0]

        # uncertain because the probability is low
        pred_label[max_proba_img < self.proba_threshold] = self.bg_label

        return pred_label
Esempio n. 20
    def __call__(self, h, adj):
        # --- Message part ---
        mb, atom, ch = h.shape
        out_ch = ch
        m = functions.reshape(self.graph_linear(h),
                              (mb, atom, out_ch, self.num_edge_type))
        # m: (minibatch, atom, ch, edge_type)
        # Transpose
        m = functions.transpose(m, (0, 3, 1, 2))
        # m: (minibatch, edge_type, atom, ch)

        adj = functions.reshape(adj, (mb * self.num_edge_type, atom, atom))
        # (minibatch * edge_type, atom, out_ch)
        m = functions.reshape(m, (mb * self.num_edge_type, atom, out_ch))

        m = chainer_chemistry.functions.matmul(adj, m)

        # (minibatch * edge_type, atom, out_ch)
        m = functions.reshape(m, (mb, self.num_edge_type, atom, out_ch))
        m = functions.sum(m, axis=1)
        # (minibatch, atom, out_ch)

        # --- Update part ---
        # Contraction
        h = functions.reshape(h, (mb * atom, ch))

        # Contraction
        m = functions.reshape(m, (mb * atom, ch))

        out_h = self.update_layer(functions.concat((h, m), axis=1))
        # Expansion
        out_h = functions.reshape(out_h, (mb, atom, ch))
        return out_h
Esempio n. 21
	def __call__(self, xs):
		# self.reset_state()
		h0_f, ys_f = [], []
		if len(xs.shape) == 2:
			h0 = self.embed(xs)
		elif len(xs.shape) == 3:
			xs = F.transpose(xs, axes=(1, 0, 2))
			h0 = F.concat((self.embed(xs[0]), self.f_embed(xs[1])), axis=1)
			# print(h0.shape)			# (batchsize, seqsize*2, embedsize)
		for x in h0:

		# hy, cy, ys = self.bilstm(self.hx,, h0_f)
		hy, ys = self.bigru(self.hx, h0_f)

		# self.hx, = hy.to_gpu(), cy.to_gpu()
		self.hx = hy.to_gpu()

		for ys_s in ys:

		ys_f = self.xp.array(ys_f, dtype=self.xp.float32)

		h1 = self.l2(ys_f)
		predict = self.l3(h1)
		return predict
Esempio n. 22
    def forward(self, xs):  # xs shape = (batch, T, F, D)
        :param xs: appearance features of all boxes feature across all frames
        :param gs:  geometry features of all polygons. each is 4 coordinates represent box
        :param crf_pact_structures: packaged graph structure contains supplementary information
        xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(
        batch = xs.shape[0]
        T = xs.shape[1]
        # first frame node_id ==> other frame node_id in same corresponding box
        node_out_dict = self.node_recurrent_forward(xs)
        # shape = F, B, T, mid_size
        node_out = F.stack([
            node_out_ for _, node_out_ in sorted(node_out_dict.items(),
                                                 key=lambda e: int(e[0]))

        node_out = F.transpose(node_out, (1, 2, 0, 3))  # shape = (B,T,F,D)
        assert self.frame_node_num == node_out.shape[2], node_out.shape[2]
        assert self.mid_size == node_out.shape[-1]
        assert T == node_out.shape[1]
        node_out = F.reshape(node_out, shape=(-1, self.mid_size))
        node_out = self.node_classify_fc(
            F.relu(node_out))  # shape = (N, out_size)
        node_out = F.reshape(node_out,
                             shape=(batch, T, self.frame_node_num,
        if self.spatial_edge_mode == SpatialEdgeMode.all_edge:
            conn_out_dict = self.conn_recurrent_forward(node_out_dict)
            return node_out, conn_out_dict
        return node_out
Esempio n. 23
    def predict(self, xs):  # all shape is (B, T, F, D)
        if not isinstance(xs, chainer.Variable):
            xs = chainer.Variable(xs)
        xp = chainer.cuda.cupy.get_array_module(xs)
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
            if self.spatial_edge_mode == SpatialEdgeMode.all_edge:
                node_out, conn_out_dict = self.forward(
                    xs)  # node_out is B,T,F,class_num
                node_out = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(
            # B, T, F, class_num
                node_out = np.bitwise_or.reduce(node_out,
                                                axis=2)  # B, T, class_num
                temp_conn_output = []
                for conn_out in conn_out_dict.values():  # each is B,T,D
                    temp_conn_output.append(conn_out)  # F, B, T, D
                temp_conn_output = F.transpose(F.stack(temp_conn_output),
                                               (1, 2, 0, 3))  # B, T, conn_F, D
                temp_conn_output = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(
            # B,T, conn_F,D
                temp_conn_output = np.bitwise_or.reduce(temp_conn_output,
                                                        axis=2)  #  B, T, D

                pred = node_out | temp_conn_output  # B, class_num
                pred = (pred > 0).astype(np.int32)
                node_out = self.forward(xs)  # node_out is B,T,F,class_num
                node_out = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(
            # B, T, F, class_num
                node_out = np.bitwise_or.reduce(node_out,
                                                axis=2)  # B,T, class_num
                pred = (node_out > 0).astype(np.int32)
        return pred  # return batch x out_size, it is last time_step frame of 2-nd axis of input xs prediction
def sentence_block_embed(embed, x):
    batch, length = x.shape
    e = embed(x.reshape((batch * length, )))
    # (batch * length, units)
    e = F.transpose(F.stack(F.split_axis(e, batch, axis=0), axis=0), (0, 2, 1))
    # (batch, units, length)
    return e
Esempio n. 25
    def forward(self, ws, ss, ps):
        batchsize, length = ws.shape
        xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(ws[0])
        ws = self.emb_word(ws) # (batch, length, word_dim)
        ss = F.reshape(self.emb_suf(ss), (batchsize, length, -1))
        ps = F.reshape(self.emb_prf(ps), (batchsize, length, -1))
        hs = F.transpose(F.concat([ws, ss, ps], 2), (1, 0, 2))
        hs = F.dropout(hs, self.dropout_ratio, train=self.train)
        hs = F.split_axis(hs, length, 0)
        hs_f = []
        hs_b = []
        for h_in_f, h_in_b in zip(hs, reversed(hs)):
            h_f = self.lstm_f2(self.lstm_f1(F.reshape(h_in_f, (-1, self.in_dim))))
            h_b = self.lstm_b2(self.lstm_b1(F.reshape(h_in_b, (-1, self.in_dim))))

        hs = zip(hs_f, reversed(hs_b))

        cat_ys = [self.linear_cat2(F.dropout(
            F.elu(self.linear_cat1(h)), 0.5, train=self.train)) for h in hs]

        dep_ys = [self.biaffine(
            F.elu(F.dropout(self.linear_dep(h), 0.32, train=self.train)),
            F.elu(F.dropout(self.linear_head(h), 0.32, train=self.train))) for h in hs]

        return cat_ys, dep_ys
Esempio n. 26
    def __call__(self, query, key, value, mask=None):
            Perform attention on the value array, using the query and key parameters for calculating the attention mask.
        :param query: matrix of shape (batch_size, num_timesteps, transformer_size) that is used for attention mask calculation
        :param key: matrix of shape (batch_size, num_timesteps, transformer_size) that is used for attention mask calculation
        :param value: matrix of shape (batch_size, num_timesteps, transformer_size) that is used for attention calculation
        :param mask: mask that can be used to mask out parts of the feature maps and avoid attending to those parts
        :return: the attended feature map `value`.
        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask[:, self.xp.newaxis, ...]

        batch_size = len(query)

        query, key, value = [
            self.project(linear, x, batch_size)
            for linear, x in zip(self.linears, (query, key, value))

        x, self.attention = self.attention_implementation(
            query, key, value, mask=mask, dropout_ratio=self.dropout_ratio)

        x = F.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1, 3))
        x = F.reshape(
            x, (batch_size, -1, self.num_heads * self.key_dimensionality))

        return self.linears[-1](x, n_batch_axes=2)
Esempio n. 27
    def callAndAtt(self, xs):  #xsはword_idのlistのlist

        xs_f = self.makeEmbedBatch(xs)
        xs_b = self.makeEmbedBatch(xs, True)

        ys_f = self.enc_f(xs_f)
        ys_b = self.enc_b(xs_b)
        ys_bi = [
            F.concat((y_f, y_b[::-1]), axis=1) for y_f, y_b in zip(ys_f, ys_b)
        y_att = [
            self.att_w2(np.ones(([0], 1), dtype=xp.float32)) *
            F.tanh(self.att_w1(y_bi)) for y_bi in ys_bi
        y_att = [
            F.softmax(F.reshape(F.sum(y_ce, axis=1), (1,[0])))
            for y_ce in y_att

        y_conc = [
                F.concat([y_ce for ri in range(2 * self.out_size)], axis=0))
            for y_ce in y_att
        h = F.concat([
            F.reshape(F.sum(y_ce * y_bi, axis=0), (1, 2 * self.out_size))
            for y_ce, y_bi in zip(y_conc, ys_bi)
        y = self.clssi(h)

        return y, y_att
Esempio n. 28
    def translate(self, hxs, max_length=100):
        batch_size, _, _ = hxs.shape
        compute_context = self.attention(hxs)
        c = Variable(self.xp.zeros((batch_size, self.n_units), 'f'))
        h = Variable(self.xp.zeros((batch_size, self.n_units), 'f'))

        ys = self.xp.full(batch_size, tokens['<SOS>'], np.int32)

        results = []
        for _ in range(max_length):
            eys = self.embed_y(ys)

            context = compute_context(h)
            concatenated = F.concat([eys, context])

            c, h = self.lstm(c, h, concatenated)
            concatenated = F.concat([concatenated, h])

            logit = self.w(self.maxout(concatenated))
            y = F.reshape(F.argmax(logit, axis=1), (batch_size, ))


        results = F.separate(F.transpose(F.vstack(results)), axis=0)

        outs = []
        for y in results:
            inds = np.argwhere(y == tokens['<EOS>'])
            if len(inds) > 0:
                y = y[:inds[0, 0]]

        return outs
Esempio n. 29
    def generate(self, articles, rule_flag_list, limit_s=7, limit_w=50):
        # 各データをエンコードする(バッチ処理)
        hs, cs, enc_ys = self.encode(articles)

        # 1次元と2次元を入れ替えてバッチ単位にする
        hs = F.transpose(hs, (1, 0, 2))
        cs = F.transpose(cs, (1, 0, 2))

        # 1データずつデコード処理(バッチ処理ではない)
        ys = []
        for h, c, e, r in zip(hs, cs, enc_ys, rule_flag_list):
            h = F.transpose(F.reshape(h, (1, *h.shape)), (1, 0, 2))
            c = F.transpose(F.reshape(c, (1, *c.shape)), (1, 0, 2))

            ys.append(self._generate(h, c, e, r, limit_s, limit_w))
        return ys
Esempio n. 30
 def check_forward(self, x_data):
     axes = self.axes
     x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
     y = functions.transpose(x, axes)
     self.assertEqual(, self.dtype)
         (self.x.transpose(axes) == backend.CpuDevice().send(
Esempio n. 31
    def __call__(self, h, adj, **kwargs):

            h: (batchsize, num_nodes, in_channels)
            adj: (batchsize, num_edge_type, num_nodes, num_nodes)

            (batchsize, num_nodes, ch)

        mb, node, ch = h.shape

        # --- self connection, apply linear function ---
        hs = self.graph_linear_self(h)
        # --- relational feature, from neighbor connection ---
        # Expected number of neighbors of a vertex
        # Since you have to divide by it, if its 0, you need to
        # arbitrarily set it to 1
        m = self.graph_linear_edge(h)
        m = functions.reshape(m,
                              (mb, node, self.out_channels, self.n_edge_types))
        m = functions.transpose(m, (0, 3, 1, 2))
        # m: (batchsize, edge_type, node, ch)
        # hrL (batchsize, edge_type, node, ch)
        hr = functions.matmul(adj, m)
        # hr: (batchsize, node, ch)
        hr = functions.sum(hr, axis=1)
        return hs + hr
Esempio n. 32
 def __call__(self, xs, ys, train):
     decoder_logits = self.predictor.predict(xs, ys, train)
     labels = F.flatten(F.transpose(ys))
     loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(decoder_logits, labels)
     accuracy = F.accuracy(decoder_logits, labels){"loss": loss, "accuracy": accuracy}, self)
     return loss
Esempio n. 33
    def _predict_depth_chainer_backend(self, bgr, depth_bgr=None):
        bgr_data = np.array([bgr], dtype=np.float32)
        depth_bgr_data = np.array([depth_bgr], dtype=np.float32)
        if self.gpu != -1:
            bgr_data = cuda.to_gpu(bgr_data, device=self.gpu)
            depth_bgr_data = cuda.to_gpu(depth_bgr_data, device=self.gpu)
        if LooseVersion(chainer.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.0.0'):
            bgr = chainer.Variable(bgr_data, volatile=True)
            depth_bgr = chainer.Variable(depth_bgr_data, volatile=True)
            self.model(bgr, depth_bgr)
            with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
                    bgr = chainer.Variable(bgr_data)
                    depth_bgr = chainer.Variable(depth_bgr_data)
                    self.model(bgr, depth_bgr)

        proba_img = F.softmax(self.model.mask_score)
        label_pred = F.argmax(self.model.mask_score, axis=1)
        depth_pred = F.sigmoid(self.model.depth_score)
        proba_img = F.transpose(proba_img, (0, 2, 3, 1))
        max_proba_img = F.max(proba_img, axis=-1)
        # squeeze batch axis, gpu -> cpu
        proba_img = cuda.to_cpu([0]
        max_proba_img = cuda.to_cpu([0]
        label_pred = cuda.to_cpu([0]
        depth_pred = cuda.to_cpu([0]
        # uncertain because the probability is low
        label_pred[max_proba_img < self.proba_threshold] = self.bg_label
        # get depth image
        depth_pred = depth_pred[0, :, :]
        depth_pred *= (self.model.max_depth - self.model.min_depth)
        depth_pred += self.model.min_depth

        return label_pred, proba_img, depth_pred
Esempio n. 34
def pixel_shuffler(out_ch, x, r = 2):
    b, c, w, h = x.shape
    x = F.reshape(x, (b, r, r, int(out_ch/(r*2)), w, h))
    x = F.transpose(x, (0,3,4,1,5,2))
    out_map = F.reshape(x, (b, int(out_ch/(r*2)), w*r, h*r))

    return out_map
Esempio n. 35
    def __call__(self, hx, cx, xs, enc_hs):
        xs_embed = [self.embed(x) for x in xs]
        hy, cy, ys = self.Nlstm(hx, cx, xs_embed)

        ys_pad = F.pad_sequence(ys, length=None, padding=0.0)
        enc_hs = F.pad_sequence(enc_hs, length=None, padding=0.0)

        mask = self.xp.all( == 0, axis=2, keepdims=True)
        mask_num = self.xp.full(mask.shape, -1024.0, dtype=self.xp.float32)

        alignment = []
        decode = []

        ys_pad = F.transpose(ys_pad, (1, 0, 2))
        for y in ys_pad:
            y = F.reshape(y, (*y.shape, 1))
            score = F.matmul(enc_hs, y)
            score = F.where(mask, mask_num, score)
            align = F.softmax(score, axis=1)
            context_vector = F.matmul(enc_hs, align, True, False)
            t = self.W_c(
                F.dropout(F.concat((y, context_vector), axis=1), self.dropout))
            ys_proj = self.proj(F.dropout(t, self.dropout))
            alignment.append(F.reshape(align, (len(xs), -1)))

        decode = F.stack(decode, axis=1)
        alignment = F.stack(alignment, axis=1)
        return hy, cy, decode,
Esempio n. 36
    def loss(self, padded_input_batch_data, target_signal_batch_data):
        batchsize = padded_input_batch_data.shape[0]
        width = target_signal_batch_data.shape[1]

        raw_output = self.forward_one_step(padded_input_batch_data,

        # remove padding
        cut = padded_input_batch_data.shape[3] - width
        if cut > 0:
            raw_output = CausalSlice1d(cut)(raw_output)

        # (batchsize * time_step,) <- (batchsize, time_step)
        target_signal_batch_data = target_signal_batch_data.reshape((-1, ))

        # (batchsize * time_step, channels) <- (batchsize, channels, 1, time_step)
        raw_output = F.transpose(raw_output, (0, 3, 2, 1))
        raw_output = F.reshape(raw_output, (batchsize * width, -1))

        target_id_batch = Variable(target_signal_batch_data)
        if self.gpu_enabled:

        loss = F.sum(F.softmax_cross_entropy(raw_output, target_id_batch))

        return loss
Esempio n. 37
def angular_mc_loss(f, f_p, alpha=45, in_degree=True):
        f (chainer.Variable or xp.npdarray):
            Anchor vectors. Each vectors in f must be l2 normalized.
        f_p (chainer.Variable or xp.npdarray):
            Positive vectors. Each vectors in f must be l2 normalized.
    xp = cuda.get_array_module(f)

    if in_degree:
        alpha = np.deg2rad(alpha)
    sq_tan_alpha = np.tan(alpha)**2
    n_pairs = len(f)

    # first and second term of f_{a,p,n}
    term1 = 4 * sq_tan_alpha * matmul(f + f_p, transpose(f_p))
    term2 = 2 * (1 + sq_tan_alpha) * F.sum(f * f_p, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    #    term2 = 2 * (1 + sq_tan_alpha) * F.batch_matmul(f, f_p, transa=True).reshape(n_pairs, 1)

    f_apn = term1 - F.broadcast_to(term2, (n_pairs, n_pairs))
    # multiply zero to diagonal components of f_apn
    mask = xp.ones_like( - xp.eye(n_pairs, dtype=f.dtype)
    f_apn = f_apn * mask

    return F.average(F.logsumexp(f_apn, axis=1))
Esempio n. 38
    def __call__(self, h, adj):

            h: (batchsize, num_nodes, in_channels)
            adj: (batchsize, num_edge_type, num_nodes, num_nodes)

            (batchsize, num_nodes, ch)

        mb, node, ch = h.shape

        # --- self connection, apply linear function ---
        hs = self.graph_linear_self(h)
        # --- relational feature, from neighbor connection ---
        # Expected number of neighbors of a vertex
        # Since you have to divide by it, if its 0, you need to
        # arbitrarily set it to 1
        m = self.graph_linear_edge(h)
        m = functions.reshape(
            m, (mb, node, self.out_channels, self.num_edge_type))
        m = functions.transpose(m, (0, 3, 1, 2))
        # m: (batchsize, edge_type, node, ch)
        # hrL (batchsize, edge_type, node, ch)
        hr = functions.matmul(adj, m)
        # hr: (batchsize, node, ch)
        hr = functions.sum(hr, axis=1)
        return hs + hr
Esempio n. 39
 def prelu(self, inp, parameter):
     x = F.reshape(inp, (inp.shape[0], 1, inp.shape[1]))
     zeros = self.xp.zeros_like(
     c = F.transpose(F.concat((x, zeros), axis=1), (0, 2, 1))
     return F.max(
         axis=2) + F.broadcast_to(parameter, inp.shape) * F.min(c, axis=2)
Esempio n. 40
    def __call__(self, hs, ys):
        '''CTC forward

        :param hs:
        :param ys:
        self.loss = None
        ilens = [x.shape[0] for x in hs]
        olens = [x.shape[0] for x in ys]

        # zero padding for hs
        y_hat = linear_tensor(
            self.ctc_lo, F.dropout(F.pad_sequence(hs),
        y_hat = F.transpose(y_hat, (1, 0, 2))  # batch x frames x hdim

        # get length info + ' input lengths:  ' +
                     str(ilens)) + ' output lengths: ' +

        # get ctc loss
        self.loss = warp_ctc(y_hat, ilens,
                             [cuda.to_cpu( for l in ys])[0]'ctc loss:' + str(

        return self.loss
Esempio n. 41
File: Progetto: kzky/works
    def _calc_distmat(self, h):
        bs = h.shape[0]
        h_l2_2 = F.sum(h**2, axis=1)
        H = F.broadcast_to(h_l2_2, (bs, bs))
        H_t = F.transpose(H)
        XX = F.linear(h, h)

        return (H_t - 2*XX + H)
Esempio n. 42
    def __call__(self, xs):
        """Compute loc and conf from feature maps

        This method computes :obj:`mb_locs` and :obj:`mb_confs`
        from given feature maps.

            xs (iterable of chainer.Variable): An iterable of feature maps.
                The number of feature maps must be same as the number of

            tuple of chainer.Variable:
            This method returns two :obj:`chainer.Variable`: :obj:`mb_locs` and

            * **mb_locs**: A variable of float arrays of shape \
                :math:`(B, K, 4)`, \
                where :math:`B` is the number of samples in the batch and \
                :math:`K` is the number of default bounding boxes.
            * **mb_confs**: A variable of float arrays of shape \
                :math:`(B, K, n\_fg\_class + 1)`.


        mb_locs = []
        mb_confs = []
        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            mb_loc = self.loc[i](x)
            mb_loc = F.transpose(mb_loc, (0, 2, 3, 1))
            mb_loc = F.reshape(mb_loc, (mb_loc.shape[0], -1, 4))

            mb_conf = self.conf[i](x)
            mb_conf = F.transpose(mb_conf, (0, 2, 3, 1))
            mb_conf = F.reshape(
                mb_conf, (mb_conf.shape[0], -1, self.n_class))

        mb_locs = F.concat(mb_locs, axis=1)
        mb_confs = F.concat(mb_confs, axis=1)

        return mb_locs, mb_confs
Esempio n. 43
    def __call__(self, h, adj):
        # type: (chainer.Variable, chainer.Variable) -> chainer.Variable
        mb, node, ch = h.shape
        if ch != self.out_channels:
            raise ValueError('out_channels must be equal to dimension '
                             'of feature vector associated to each atom, '
                             '{}, but it was set to {}'.format(
                                 ch, self.out_channels))
        # adj: (mb, edge_type, node, node)
        edge_type = adj.shape[1]
        adj_in = adj
        adj_out = functions.transpose(adj, axes=(0, 1, 3, 2))

        # expand edge vector to matrix
        adj_in = functions.reshape(adj_in, (-1, edge_type))
        # adj_in: (mb*node*node, edge_type)
        adj_in = self.nn_layer_in(adj_in)
        # adj_in: (mb*node*node, out_ch*out_ch)
        adj_in = functions.reshape(adj_in, (mb, node, node, ch, ch))
        adj_in = functions.reshape(
            functions.transpose(adj_in, axes=(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)),
            (mb, node * ch, node * ch))

        adj_out = functions.reshape(adj_out, (-1, edge_type))
        # adj_out: (mb*node*node, edge_type)
        adj_out = self.nn_layer_out(adj_out)
        # adj_out: (mb*node*node, out_ch*out_ch)
        adj_out = functions.reshape(adj_out, (mb, node, node, ch, ch))
        adj_out = functions.reshape(
            functions.transpose(adj_out, axes=(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)),
            (mb, node * ch, node * ch))

        # calculate message
        h = functions.reshape(h, (mb, node * ch, 1))
        message_in = chainer_chemistry.functions.matmul(adj_in, h)
        # message_in: (mb, node*ch, 1)
        message_in = functions.reshape(message_in, (mb, node, ch))
        # message_in: (mb, node, out_ch)
        message_out = chainer_chemistry.functions.matmul(adj_out, h)
        # message_out: (mb, node*ch, 1)
        message_out = functions.reshape(message_out, (mb, node, ch))
        message = functions.concat([message_in, message_out], axis=2)
        return message  # message: (mb, node, out_ch * 2)
Esempio n. 44
    def check_backward(self, x_data, y_grad):
        x = chainer.Variable(x_data)
        y = functions.transpose(x, self.axes)
        y.grad = y_grad

        func = y.creator
        f = lambda: func.forward((,))

        gx, = gradient_check.numerical_grad(f, (,), (y.grad,), eps=1e-5)

        gradient_check.assert_allclose(gx, x.grad, rtol=1e-5)
Esempio n. 45
    def __call__(self, imgs, questions):
        feat = self.feat_extractor(imgs)

        # Append relative coordinates to each location in the feature maps.
        n, c, h, w = feat.shape
        spatial_area = h * w

        xp = self.xp
        coords_h = xp.linspace(-1, 1, h, dtype=feat.dtype)
        coords_w = xp.linspace(-1, 1, w, dtype=feat.dtype)
        coords_hh, coords_ww = xp.meshgrid(coords_h, coords_w)
        coords_hh = coords_hh[None]
        coords_ww = coords_ww[None]
        coords = xp.concatenate((coords_hh, coords_ww), axis=0)
        coords = coords.reshape(2, -1)
        coords = coords[None]  # (1, 2, spatial_area * spatial_area)
        coords = xp.repeat(coords, n, axis=0)

        # Coordinates may be cached here but the performance gain is not
        # significant so it is skipped in favor of readability.

        feat = feat.reshape(n, c, spatial_area)
        h = F.concat((feat, coords), axis=1)  # (n, c + 2, spatial_area)

        # Create coordinate pairs (differentiable meshgrid).
        h_hh = F.expand_dims(h, 2)
        h_ww = F.expand_dims(h, 3)
        h_hh = F.repeat(h_hh, spatial_area, axis=2)
        h_ww = F.repeat(h_ww, spatial_area, axis=3)
        h = F.concat((h_hh, h_ww), axis=1)

        # Append questions to each coordinate pair.
        questions = questions.astype(imgs.dtype)
        questions = questions[:, :, None, None]
        questions = F.tile(questions, (1, 1, spatial_area, spatial_area))
        h = F.concat((h, questions), axis=1)
        # (n, (c + 2) * 2 + questions_length, spatial_area, spatial_area)

        # g.
        h = F.transpose(h, (0, 2, 3, 1))
        h = F.reshape(h, (n * spatial_area * spatial_area, -1))
        h = self.g(h)
        h = F.reshape(h, (n, spatial_area * spatial_area, -1))
        h = F.sum(h, axis=1)

        h = self.f(h)

        # Logits.
        h = self.fc(h)

        return h
Esempio n. 46
    def __call__(self, x):
        """Applies the linear layer.

            x (~chainer.Variable): Batch of input vectors.

            ~chainer.Variable: Output of the linear layer.

        if self.has_uninitialized_params:
        # return linear.linear(x, self.W, self.b)
        batch_size =[1]
        return F.transpose(F.reshape(batch_matmul(x, self.W), (self.out_size, batch_size)))
Esempio n. 47
    def predict(self, input_x):
        output = self.predictor(input_x)
        batch_size, input_channel, input_h, input_w = input_x.shape
        batch_size, _, grid_h, grid_w = output.shape
        x, y, w, h, conf, prob = F.split_axis(F.reshape(output, (batch_size, self.predictor.n_boxes, self.predictor.n_classes+5, grid_h, grid_w)), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), axis=2)
        x = F.sigmoid(x) # xのactivation
        y = F.sigmoid(y) # yのactivation
        conf = F.sigmoid(conf) # confのactivation
        prob = F.transpose(prob, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
        prob = F.softmax(prob) # probablitiyのacitivation
        prob = F.transpose(prob, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))

        # x, y, w, hを絶対座標へ変換
        x_shift = Variable(np.broadcast_to(np.arange(grid_w, dtype=np.float32), x.shape))
        y_shift = Variable(np.broadcast_to(np.arange(grid_h, dtype=np.float32).reshape(grid_h, 1), y.shape))
        w_anchor = Variable(np.broadcast_to(np.reshape(np.array(self.anchors, dtype=np.float32)[:, 0], (self.predictor.n_boxes, 1, 1, 1)), w.shape))
        h_anchor = Variable(np.broadcast_to(np.reshape(np.array(self.anchors, dtype=np.float32)[:, 1], (self.predictor.n_boxes, 1, 1, 1)), h.shape))
        #x_shift.to_gpu(), y_shift.to_gpu(), w_anchor.to_gpu(), h_anchor.to_gpu()
        box_x = (x + x_shift) / grid_w
        box_y = (y + y_shift) / grid_h
        box_w = F.exp(w) * w_anchor / grid_w
        box_h = F.exp(h) * h_anchor / grid_h

        return box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h, conf, prob
Esempio n. 48
File: Progetto: kzky/works
 def __call__(self, h):
     if len(h.shape) != 4:
         return 0
     # (b, c, h, w) -> (b, h, w, c) -> (b, h*w, c)
     h = F.transpose(h, (0, 2, 3, 1))
     shape = h.shape
     b, n, c =  shape[0], shape[1]*shape[2], shape[3]
     h = F.reshape(h, (b, n, c))
     s = 0
     xp = cuda.get_array_module(
     I_ = xp.identity(n)
     I_ = Variable(to_device(I_, device))
     for h_ in h:
         s += F.sum(F.square(F.linear(h_, h_) - I_))
     l = s / (b * n * c)
     return l
Esempio n. 49
File: Progetto: kzky/works
    def __call__(self, y, ):
        bs =[0]
        d =[1])
        if len(y.shape) > 2:
            s =[2:])

            y = F.reshape(y, (bs, d, s))
            y = F.transpose(y, (0, 2, 1))

            y_normalized = F.softmax(y, use_cudnn=False)
            y_log_softmax = F.log_softmax(y, use_cudnn=False)
            self.loss = - F.sum(y_normalized * y_log_softmax) / bs / s
            y_normalized = F.softmax(y)
            y_log_softmax = F.log_softmax(y)
            self.loss = - F.sum(y_normalized * y_log_softmax) / bs / d

        return self.loss
Esempio n. 50
        def transpose_for_scores(input_tensor, batch_size, num_attention_heads,
                                 seq_length, width):
            output_tensor = F.stack(
                F.split_axis(input_tensor, num_attention_heads, axis=1),
            # batch_size * seq_length, num_attention_heads, width

            output_tensor = F.stack(
                F.split_axis(output_tensor, seq_length, axis=0),
            batch_size, num_attention_heads, seq_length, width
            output_tensor = F.reshape(
                (batch_size, seq_length, num_attention_heads, width))
            output_tensor = F.transpose(output_tensor, [0, 2, 1, 3])
            return output_tensor
Esempio n. 51
    def __call__(self, orig_img):
        orig_input_height, orig_input_width, _ = orig_img.shape
        #img = cv2.resize(orig_img, (640, 640))
        img = reshape_to_yolo_size(orig_img)
        input_height, input_width, _ = img.shape
        img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        img = np.asarray(img, dtype=np.float32) / 255.0
        img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)

        # forward
        x_data = img[np.newaxis, :, :, :]
        x = Variable(x_data)
        x, y, w, h, conf, prob = self.model.predict(x)

        # parse results
        _, _, _, grid_h, grid_w = x.shape
        x = F.reshape(x, (self.n_boxes, grid_h, grid_w)).data
        y = F.reshape(y, (self.n_boxes, grid_h, grid_w)).data
        w = F.reshape(w, (self.n_boxes, grid_h, grid_w)).data
        h = F.reshape(h, (self.n_boxes, grid_h, grid_w)).data
        conf = F.reshape(conf, (self.n_boxes, grid_h, grid_w)).data
        prob = F.transpose(F.reshape(prob, (self.n_boxes, self.n_classes, grid_h, grid_w)), (1, 0, 2, 3)).data
        detected_indices = (conf * prob).max(axis=0) > self.detection_thresh

        results = []
        for i in range(detected_indices.sum()):
                "class_id": prob.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0)[detected_indices][i].argmax(),
                "label": self.labels[prob.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0)[detected_indices][i].argmax()],
                "probs": prob.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0)[detected_indices][i],
                "conf" : conf[detected_indices][i],
                "objectness": conf[detected_indices][i] * prob.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0)[detected_indices][i].max(),
                "box"  : Box(
                            h[detected_indices][i]*orig_input_height).crop_region(orig_input_height, orig_input_width)

        # nms
        nms_results = nms(results, self.iou_thresh)
        return nms_results
Esempio n. 52
	def __call__(self, x):
		xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(
		batchsize = x.shape[0]
		if self.train_weights == False and self.initial_T is not None: = self.initial_T

		M = F.reshape(self.T(x), (-1, self.num_kernels, self.ndim_kernel))
		M = F.expand_dims(M, 3)
		M_T = F.transpose(M, (3, 1, 2, 0))
		M, M_T = F.broadcast(M, M_T)

		norm = F.sum(abs(M - M_T), axis=2)
		eraser = F.broadcast_to(xp.eye(batchsize, dtype=x.dtype).reshape((batchsize, 1, batchsize)), norm.shape)
		c_b = F.exp(-(norm + 1e6 * eraser))
		o_b = F.sum(c_b, axis=2)

		if self.train_weights == False:
			self.initial_T =

		return F.concat((x, o_b), axis=1)
Esempio n. 53
def choose_var_of_type(spec, context, scope, type_def):
    compatible_scope = [var for var in scope if var.type_def.can_be(type_def)]
    scope = list(scope)

    var_ndxs = [i for i in range(len(scope)) if scope[i].type_def.can_be(type_def)]
    var_embeddings = [scope[i].vec for i in var_ndxs]
    var_lprobs = [F.matmul(vec, F.transpose(context['state'])) for vec in var_embeddings]
    normalizer = Variable(np.array([[0]], dtype=np.float32))
    for vlp in var_lprobs:
        normalizer = normalizer + F.exp(vlp)
    normalizer = F.log(normalizer)
    var_lprobs = [vlp - normalizer for vlp in var_lprobs]
    vlp_data = np.array([ for vlp in var_lprobs])[:,0,0]
    ps = np.exp(vlp_data)
    ps /= np.sum(ps)

    ndx = np.random.choice(range(len(ps)), p=ps)
    lp = var_lprobs[ndx]
    var = scope[var_ndxs[ndx]]
    context['lp'] += lp[:,0]
    return var, context
Esempio n. 54
def mk_expression_of_type(spec, context, scope, type_def):
    if context['depth'] > context['max_depth']:
        return Expression('depth_exceeded', type_def=type_def), context, False
    rule_ndxs = [i for i in range(len(spec['rules']))
                   if spec['rules'][i].can_make(scope, type_def)]
    vrule_ndxs = Variable(np.array(rule_ndxs, dtype=np.int32))
    rule_embeddings = context['model'].rule_embeddings(vrule_ndxs)
    rule_lprobs = F.matmul(rule_embeddings, F.transpose(context['state']))
    normalizer = context['model'].normalize(rule_lprobs)
    rule_lprobs = rule_lprobs - F.BroadcastTo((len(rule_ndxs), 1))(normalizer)
    rps = np.exp([:,0]
    rps /= np.sum(rps)
    ndx = np.random.choice(range(len(rps)), p=rps)
    lp = rule_lprobs[ndx,:]
    rule_ndx = rule_ndxs[ndx]
    rule_embedding = rule_embeddings[[ndx],:]
    rule = spec['rules'][rule_ndx]
    context['lp'] += lp
    context['state'] = context['model'].state2state(context['state']) + context['model'].choice2state(rule_embedding)
    context['state'] = F.tanh(context['state'])
    return rule.make_expr(spec, context, scope, type_def)
Esempio n. 55
    def __call__(self, input_ids, input_mask, token_type_ids):
        final_hidden = self.bert.get_sequence_output(
        batch_size = final_hidden.shape[0]
        seq_length = final_hidden.shape[1]
        hidden_size = final_hidden.shape[2]

        final_hidden_matrix = F.reshape(
            final_hidden, [batch_size * seq_length, hidden_size])

        logits = self.output(final_hidden_matrix)

        logits = F.reshape(logits, [batch_size, seq_length, 2])
        logits = logits - (1 - input_mask[:, :, None]) * 1000.  # ignore pads
        logits = F.transpose(logits, [2, 0, 1])

        unstacked_logits = F.separate(logits, axis=0)

        (start_logits, end_logits) = (unstacked_logits[0], unstacked_logits[1])
        return (start_logits, end_logits)
Esempio n. 56
 def __call__(self, h):
     # type: (chainer.Variable) -> chainer.Variable
     xp = cuda.get_array_module(h)
     mb, node, ch = h.shape  # type: int, int, int
     if self.q_star is None:
         self.q_star = [
             xp.zeros((1, self.in_channels * 2)).astype('f')
             for _ in range(mb)
     self.hx,, q = self.lstm_layer(self.hx,, self.q_star)
     # self.hx: (mb, mb, ch)
     # (mb, mb, ch)
     # q: List[(1, ch) * mb]
     q = functions.stack(q)  # q: (mb, 1, ch)
     q_ = functions.transpose(q, axes=(0, 2, 1))  # q_: (mb, ch, 1)
     e = functions.matmul(h, q_)  # e: (mb, node, 1)
     a = functions.softmax(e)  # a: (mb, node, 1)
     a = functions.broadcast_to(a, h.shape)  # a: (mb, node, ch)
     r = functions.sum((a * h), axis=1, keepdims=True)  # r: (mb, 1, ch)
     q_star_ = functions.concat((q, r), axis=2)  # q_star_: (mb, 1, ch*2)
     self.q_star = functions.separate(q_star_)
     return functions.reshape(q_star_, (mb, ch * 2))
Esempio n. 57
    def __call__(self, batch):
        word_ids, (char_ids, char_boundaries) = batch
        batch_size =[0]

        # word lookup table
        word_embs = self.word_emb(word_ids)     # batch x len x dim

        if self.use_char:
            # character lookup table
            char_embs = self.char_emb(char_ids)     # total_len x dim
            char_embs_reshape = F.reshape(char_embs, (1, 1, -1, self.char_emb_dim))     # 1 x 1 x total_len x dim

            # convolution
            char_emb_conv = self.char_conv(char_embs_reshape)     # 1 x dim x total_len x 1
            char_emb_conv_reshape = F.reshape(char_emb_conv, (self.char_hidden_dim, -1))     # dim x total_len

            # max
            embs = []
            for i, char_emb_conv_word in enumerate(F.split_axis(char_emb_conv_reshape, char_boundaries, axis=1)):
                if i % 2 == 1:
                    # not pad
                    embs.append(F.max(char_emb_conv_word, axis=1))
            char_emb_conv = F.reshape(F.concat(embs, axis=0), (batch_size, -1, self.char_hidden_dim))

            # concatenate
            word_embs = F.concat([word_embs, char_emb_conv], axis=2)     # batch x len x dim

        word_embs_reshape = F.reshape(word_embs, (batch_size, 1, -1, self.word_dim))

        h = self.word_conv(word_embs_reshape)   # batch x dim x len x 1
        #h_transpose = F.swapaxes(h, 1, 2)  # TODO: maybe inefficient
        h_transpose = F.transpose(h, (0, 2, 1, 3))  # TODO: maybe inefficient
        h_reshape = F.reshape(h_transpose, (-1, self.word_hidden_dim))

        y = self.linear(F.relu(h_reshape))

        return y
Esempio n. 58
    def __call__(self, h, adj):
        xp = self.xp
        # (minibatch, atom, channel)
        mb, atom, ch = h.shape
        # (minibatch, atom, EDGE_TYPE * heads * out_dim)
        h = self.message_layer(h)
        # (minibatch, atom, EDGE_TYPE, heads, out_dim)
        h = functions.reshape(h, (mb, atom, self.n_edge_types, self.n_heads,
        # concat all pairs of atom
        # (minibatch, 1, atom, heads, out_dim)
        h_i = functions.reshape(h, (mb, 1, atom, self.n_edge_types,
                                    self.n_heads, self.out_channels))
        # (minibatch, atom, atom, heads, out_dim)
        h_i = functions.broadcast_to(h_i, (mb, atom, atom, self.n_edge_types,
                                           self.n_heads, self.out_channels))

        # (minibatch, atom, 1, EDGE_TYPE, heads, out_dim)
        h_j = functions.reshape(h, (mb, atom, 1, self.n_edge_types,
                                    self.n_heads, self.out_channels))
        # (minibatch, atom, atom, EDGE_TYPE, heads, out_dim)
        h_j = functions.broadcast_to(h_j, (mb, atom, atom, self.n_edge_types,
                                           self.n_heads, self.out_channels))

        # (minibatch, atom, atom, EDGE_TYPE, heads, out_dim * 2)
        e = functions.concat([h_i, h_j], axis=5)

        # (minibatch, EDGE_TYPE, heads, atom, atom, out_dim * 2)
        e = functions.transpose(e, (0, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5))
        # (minibatch * EDGE_TYPE * heads, atom * atom, out_dim * 2)
        e = functions.reshape(e, (mb * self.n_edge_types * self.n_heads,
                                  atom * atom, self.out_channels * 2))
        # (minibatch * EDGE_TYPE * heads, atom * atom, 1)
        e = self.attention_layer(e)

        # (minibatch, EDGE_TYPE, heads, atom, atom)
        e = functions.reshape(e, (mb, self.n_edge_types, self.n_heads, atom,
        e = functions.leaky_relu(e, self.negative_slope)

        # (minibatch, EDGE_TYPE, atom, atom)
        if isinstance(adj, chainer.Variable):
            cond = adj.array.astype(xp.bool)
            cond = adj.astype(xp.bool)
        # (minibatch, EDGE_TYPE, 1, atom, atom)
        cond = xp.reshape(cond, (mb, self.n_edge_types, 1, atom, atom))
        # (minibatch, EDGE_TYPE, heads, atom, atom)
        cond = xp.broadcast_to(cond, e.array.shape)
        # TODO(mottodora): find better way to ignore non connected
        e = functions.where(cond, e,
                            xp.broadcast_to(xp.array(-10000), e.array.shape)
        # In Relational Graph Attention Networks eq.(7)
        # ARGAT: take the softmax over the logits across node neighborhoods
        # irrespective of relation
        if self.softmax_mode == 'across':
            # (minibatch, heads, atom, EDGE_TYPE, atom)
            e = functions.transpose(e, (0, 2, 3, 1, 4))
            # (minibatch, heads, atom, EDGE_TYPE * atom)
            e = functions.reshape(e, (mb, self.n_heads, atom,
                                      self.n_edge_types * atom))
            # (minibatch, heads, atom, EDGE_TYPE * atom)
            alpha = functions.softmax(e, axis=3)
            if self.dropout_ratio >= 0:
                alpha = functions.dropout(alpha, ratio=self.dropout_ratio)
            # (minibatch, heads, atom, EDGE_TYPE, atom)
            alpha = functions.reshape(alpha, (mb, self.n_heads, atom,
                                              self.n_edge_types, atom))
            # (minibatch, EDGE_TYPE, heads, atom, atom)
            alpha = functions.transpose(alpha, (0, 3, 1, 2, 4))

        # In Relational Graph Attention Networks eq.(6)
        # WIRGAT: take the softmax over the logits independently for each
        # relation
        elif self.softmax_mode == 'within':
            alpha = functions.softmax(e, axis=4)
            if self.dropout_ratio >= 0:
                alpha = functions.dropout(alpha, ratio=self.dropout_ratio)
            raise ValueError("{} is invalid. Please use 'across' or 'within'"

        # before: (minibatch, atom, EDGE_TYPE, heads, out_dim)
        # after: (minibatch, EDGE_TYPE, heads, atom, out_dim)
        h = functions.transpose(h, (0, 2, 3, 1, 4))
        # (minibatch, EDGE_TYPE, heads, atom, out_dim)
        h_new = functions.matmul(alpha, h)
        # (minibatch, heads, atom, out_dim)
        h_new = functions.sum(h_new, axis=1)
        if self.concat_heads:
            # (heads, minibatch, atom, out_dim)
            h_new = functions.transpose(h_new, (1, 0, 2, 3))
            # (minibatch, atom, heads * out_dim)
            h_new = functions.concat(h_new, axis=2)
            # (minibatch, atom, out_dim)
            h_new = functions.mean(h_new, axis=1)
        return h_new
Esempio n. 59
 def merge_heads(self, x):
     x = F.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1, 3))
     new_x_shape = x.shape[:-2] + (x.shape[-2] * x.shape[-1], )
     return x.reshape(*new_x_shape)
Esempio n. 60
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"

import numpy as np
from chainer import Variable
from chainer import functions as F

x_data = np.array([5], dtype=np.float32)
x = Variable(x_data)
y = F.relu(x)

z = Variable(np.array([[10, 20], [30, 40]], dtype=np.float32))
zz = F.transpose(z)

x_data = np.array([3,4,5], dtype=np.float32)
x = Variable(x_data)
y = F.sum(F.exp(x)+F.sin(x))
