def setUp(self): if self.file_type == 'filename': fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.file = path elif self.file_type == 'bytesio': self.file = six.BytesIO() else: assert False child = link.Chain() with child.init_scope(): child.linear = links.Linear(2, 3) child.Wc = chainer.Parameter(shape=(2, 3)) self.parent = link.Chain() with self.parent.init_scope(): self.parent.child = child self.parent.Wp = chainer.Parameter(shape=(2, 3)) self.optimizer = optimizers.AdaDelta() self.optimizer.setup(self.parent) self.parent.cleargrads() self.optimizer.update() # init all states self.savez = numpy.savez_compressed if self.compress else numpy.savez
def test_deserialize_hierarchy(self): # Load a link child = link.Chain() with child.init_scope(): child.linear2 = links.Linear(2, 3) target = link.Chain() with target.init_scope(): target.linear = links.Linear(3, 2) target.child = child target_child_W = numpy.copy( target_child_b = numpy.copy( self.deserializer.load(target) # Check numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, target_child_W) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, target_child_b)
def setUp(self): if self.file_type == 'filename': fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.file = path elif self.file_type == 'bytesio': self.file = six.BytesIO() else: assert False # Create and save a link child = link.Chain() with child.init_scope(): child.linear = links.Linear(2, 3) parent = link.Chain() with parent.init_scope(): parent.linear = links.Linear(3, 2) parent.child = child npz.save_npz(self.file, parent) self.source = parent if self.file_type == 'bytesio': self.npzfile = numpy.load(self.file) self.deserializer = npz.NpzDeserializer(self.npzfile, strict=False)
def setUp(self): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.temp_file_path = path child = link.Chain(child_linear=links.Linear(2, 3)) parent = link.Chain( parent_linear=links.Linear(3, 2), child=child) npz.save_npz(path, parent, self.compress) self.source_child = child self.source_parent = parent
def setUp(self): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.temp_file_path = path child = link.Chain(linear=links.Linear(2, 3)) child.add_param('Wc', (2, 3)) self.parent = link.Chain(child=child) self.parent.add_param('Wp', (2, 3)) self.optimizer = optimizers.AdaDelta() self.optimizer.setup(self.parent)
def setUp(self): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.temp_file_path = path child = link.Chain(linear=links.Linear(2, 3)) parent = link.Chain(linear=links.Linear(3, 2), child=child) hdf5.save_hdf5(self.temp_file_path, parent) self.source = parent self.hdf5file = h5py.File(path, 'r') self.deserializer = hdf5.HDF5Deserializer(self.hdf5file, strict=False)
def setUp(self): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.temp_file_path = path child = link.Chain(linear=links.Linear(2, 3)) parent = link.Chain(linear=links.Linear(3, 2), child=child) npz.save_npz(self.temp_file_path, parent) self.source = parent self.npzfile = numpy.load(path) self.deserializer = npz.NpzDeserializer(self.npzfile, strict=False)
def setUp(self): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.temp_file_path = path child = link.Chain() with child.init_scope(): child.child_linear = links.Linear(2, 3) parent = link.Chain() with parent.init_scope(): parent.parent_linear = links.Linear(3, 2) parent.child = child npz.save_npz(path, parent, self.compress) self.source_child = child self.source_parent = parent
def test_deserialize_hierarchy(self): child = link.Chain(linear2=links.Linear(2, 3)) target = link.Chain(linear=links.Linear(3, 2), child=child) target_child_W = numpy.copy( target_child_b = numpy.copy( self.deserializer.load(target) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, target_child_W) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, target_child_b)
def test_load_with_path(self): target = link.Chain() with target.init_scope(): target.child_linear = links.Linear(2, 3) npz.load_npz(self.temp_file_path, target, 'child/') numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(,
def test_load_without_path(self): target = link.Chain() with target.init_scope(): target.parent_linear = links.Linear(3, 2) npz.load_npz(self.temp_file_path, target, path='') numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(,
def setUp(self): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.temp_file_path = path child = link.Chain(linear=links.Linear(2, 3)) child.add_param('Wc', (2, 3)) self.parent = link.Chain(child=child) self.parent.add_param('Wp', (2, 3)) self.optimizer = optimizers.AdaDelta() self.optimizer.setup(self.parent) self.parent.zerograds() self.optimizer.update() # init all states self.savez = numpy.savez_compressed if self.compress else numpy.savez
def setUp(self): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.temp_file_path = path child = link.Chain() with child.init_scope(): child.linear2 = links.Linear(2, 3) parent = link.Chain() with parent.init_scope(): parent.linear = links.Linear(3, 2) parent.child = child npz.save_npz(self.temp_file_path, parent) self.source = parent self.npzfile = numpy.load(path) self.deserializer = npz.NpzDeserializer(self.npzfile, ignore_names=self.ignore_names)
def test_load_npz_ignore_names(self): chain = link.Chain() with chain.init_scope(): chain.x = chainer.variable.Parameter(shape=()) chain.yy = chainer.variable.Parameter(shape=(2, 3)) npz.load_npz( self.temp_file_path, chain, ignore_names=self.ignore_names) self.assertEqual(, self.x) self.assertFalse(numpy.all( == self.yy))
def setUp(self): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.temp_file_path = path child = link.Chain() with child.init_scope(): child.linear = links.Linear(2, 3) child.Wc = chainer.Parameter(shape=(2, 3)) self.parent = link.Chain() with self.parent.init_scope(): self.parent.child = child self.parent.Wp = chainer.Parameter(shape=(2, 3)) self.optimizer = optimizers.AdaDelta() self.optimizer.setup(self.parent) self.parent.cleargrads() self.optimizer.update() # init states
def setUp(self): if self.file_type == 'filename': fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) self.file = path elif self.file_type == 'bytesio': self.file = six.BytesIO() else: assert False child = link.Chain() with child.init_scope(): child.child_linear = links.Linear(2, 3) parent = link.Chain() with parent.init_scope(): parent.parent_linear = links.Linear(3, 2) parent.child = child npz.save_npz(self.file, parent, self.compress) if self.file_type == 'bytesio': self.source_child = child self.source_parent = parent