def test_printer():
Voting Chainladder Example

This example demonstrates how you can can use the Voting Chainladder method.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import chainladder as cl

# Load the data
raa = cl.load_sample('raa')
cl_ult = cl.Chainladder().fit(raa).ultimate_  # Chainladder Ultimate
apriori = cl_ult * 0 + (float(cl_ult.sum()) / 10)  # Mean Chainladder Ultimate

# Load estimators to vote between
bcl = cl.Chainladder()
cc = cl.CapeCod()
estimators = [('bcl', bcl), ('cc', cc)]

# Fit VotingChainladder using CC after 1987 and a blend of BCL and CC otherwise
vot = cl.VotingChainladder(
    weights=lambda origin: (0, 1) if origin.year > 1987 else (0.5, 0.5)
    ), sample_weight=apriori)

# Plotting
bcl_ibnr =
cc_ibnr =, sample_weight=apriori).ibnr_.to_frame()
Esempio n. 3
def mack_p(data, average, est_sigma):
    return cl.Development(average=average,
Esempio n. 4
def test_concat():
    tri = cl.load_sample('clrd').groupby('LOB').sum()
    assert cl.concat([tri.loc['wkcomp'], tri.loc['comauto']], axis=0) == \
           tri.loc[['wkcomp', 'comauto']]
Clark Residual Plots

This example demonstrates how to recreate the normalized residual plots in
Clarks LDF Curve-Fitting paper (2003).
import chainladder as cl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Fit the basic model
genins = cl.load_sample('genins')
genins = cl.ClarkLDF().fit(genins)

# Grab Normalized Residuals as a DataFrame
norm_resid = genins.norm_resid_.melt(
    var_name='Development Age', value_name='Normalized Residual').dropna()

# Grab Fitted Incremental values as a DataFrame
incremental_fits = genins.incremental_fits_.melt(
    var_name='Development Age',
    value_name='Expected Incremental Loss').dropna()

# Plot the residuals vs Age and vs Expected Incrementals
fig, ((ax0, ax1)) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15, 5))
# Left plot
norm_resid.plot(x='Development Age',
                y='Normalized Residual',
Esempio n. 6
def test_basic_odp_cl():
    genins = cl.load_sample('genins')
    assert abs((cl.Chainladder().fit(genins).ultimate_ - cl.Chainladder().fit(
        cl.TweedieGLM().fit_transform(genins)).ultimate_) /
               genins.latest_diagonal).max() < 1e-2
Esempio n. 7
def test_json_subtri():
    assert cl.read_json(cl.Chainladder().fit_predict(cl.load_sample('raa')).to_json()).full_triangle_ == \
def test_valdev3():
    a = cl.load_sample('quarterly').grain(
    b = cl.load_sample('quarterly').grain('OYDY').values
    xp = cp.get_array_module(a)
    xp.testing.assert_array_equal(a, b)
def test_valdev7():
    tri = cl.load_sample('quarterly')
    xp = cp.get_array_module(tri.values)
    x = cl.Chainladder().fit(tri).full_expectation_
    assert xp.sum(x.dev_to_val().val_to_dev().values - x.values) < 1e-5
def test_grain_returns_valid_tri():
    tri = cl.load_sample('quarterly')
    assert tri.grain('OYDY').latest_diagonal == tri.latest_diagonal
def test_grain_increm_arg():
    tri = cl.load_sample('quarterly')['incurred']
    tri_i = tri.cum_to_incr()
        tri_i.grain('OYDY').incr_to_cum(), tri.grain('OYDY'))
def test_quantile_vs_median():
    clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')
    xp = cp.get_array_module(clrd.values)
def test_shift():
    x = cl.load_sample('quarterly').iloc[0, 0]
    xp = cp.get_array_module(x.values)
    xp.testing.assert_array_equal(x[x.valuation <= x.valuation_date].values,
def test_trend():
    assert abs((cl.load_sample('abc').trend(0.05).trend((1 / 1.05) - 1) -
                cl.load_sample('abc')).sum().sum()) < 1e-5
Esempio n. 15
def test_arithmetic_1():
    x = cl.load_sample("mortgage")
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(-(((x / x) + 0) * x), -(+x))
def test_reassignment():
    raa = cl.load_sample('clrd')
    raa['values'] = raa['CumPaidLoss']
    raa['values'] = raa['values'] + raa['CumPaidLoss']
Esempio n. 17
def test_arithmetic_2():
    x = cl.load_sample("mortgage")
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(1 - (x / x), 0 * x * 0)
def test_dropna():
    clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')
    assert clrd.shape == clrd.dropna().shape
    assert clrd[clrd['LOB'] ==
                'wkcomp'].iloc[-5]['CumPaidLoss'].dropna().shape == (1, 1, 2,
Esempio n. 19
def test_json_for_val():
    x = cl.load_sample('raa').dev_to_val().to_json()
    assert cl.read_json(x) == cl.load_sample('raa').dev_to_val()
Esempio n. 20
import chainladder as cl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import copy

tri = cl.load_sample("clrd")
qtr = cl.load_sample("quarterly")
raa = cl.load_sample("raa")
tri_gt = copy.deepcopy(tri)
qtr_gt = copy.deepcopy(qtr)
raa_gt = copy.deepcopy(raa)

# Test Triangle slicing
def test_slice_by_boolean():
    assert tri == tri_gt
    assert (
        tri[tri["LOB"] == "ppauto"].loc["Wolverine Mut Ins Co"]["CumPaidLoss"]
        == tri.loc["Wolverine Mut Ins Co"].loc["ppauto"]["CumPaidLoss"])

def test_slice_by_loc():
    assert tri == tri_gt
    assert tri.loc["Aegis Grp"].loc["comauto"].index.iloc[0, 0] == "comauto"

def test_slice_origin():
    assert raa == raa_gt
    assert raa[raa.origin > "1985"].shape == (1, 1, 5, 10)

Esempio n. 21
def test_json_df():
    x = cl.MunichAdjustment(paid_to_incurred=('paid',
    assert abs(cl.read_json(x.to_json()).lambda_ - x.lambda_).sum() < 1e-5
Esempio n. 22
def test_assign_existing_col():
    qtr = cl.load_sample("quarterly")
    before = qtr.shape
    qtr["paid"] = 1 / qtr["paid"]
    assert qtr.shape == before
Pandas-style slicing of Triangle

This example demonstrates the familiarity of the pandas API applied to a
:class:`Triangle` instance.

import chainladder as cl

# The base Triangle Class:

# Load data
clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')
# pandas-style Aggregations
clrd = clrd.groupby('LOB').sum()
# pandas-style value/column slicing
clrd = clrd['CumPaidLoss']
# pandas loc-style index slicing
clrd = clrd.loc['medmal']

# Plot
g = clrd.link_ratio.plot(marker='o',
                         title='Medical Malpractice Link Ratios').set(
                             ylabel='Link Ratio', xlabel='Accident Year')
Esempio n. 24
def test_arithmetic_across_keys():
    x = cl.load_sample("auto")
    xp = x.get_array_module()
    xp.testing.assert_array_equal((x.sum() - x.iloc[0]).values,
Value at Risk example

This example uses the `BootstrapODPSample` to simulate new triangles that
are then used to simulate an IBNR distribution from which we can do
Value at Risk percentile lookups.

import chainladder as cl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load triangle
triangle = cl.load_sample('genins')

# Create 1000 bootstrap samples of the triangle
resampled_triangles = cl.BootstrapODPSample(random_state=42).fit_transform(triangle)

# Create 1000 IBNR estimates
sim_ibnr = cl.Chainladder().fit(resampled_triangles).ibnr_.sum('origin')

# X - mu
sim_ibnr = (sim_ibnr - sim_ibnr.mean()).to_frame().sort_values()

# Plot data
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sim_ibnr.index = [item/1000 for item in range(1000)]
(sim_ibnr/1e6).loc[0.90:].plot(kind='area', alpha=0.5,
    title='Bootstrap VaR (90% and above)', color='red', ax=ax).set(
    xlabel='Percentile', xlim=(0.899, 1.0), ylabel='Value (Millions)');
Esempio n. 26
def test_printer():
Esempio n. 27

`DevelopmentConstant` takes a dictionary of development factors and stores them
in a development estimator.  This example demonstrates how a function can be
passed into `DevelopmentConstant` rather than a static dictionary of patterns.
The function should return development patterns for each element of the Triangle's
index. When passing a function to the estimator, it behaves as if calling the
pandas `apply` method on the Triangle's index.


import chainladder as cl
import pandas as pd

# Sample Data
agway = cl.load_sample('clrd').loc['Agway Ins Co', 'CumPaidLoss']

def paid_cdfs(x):
    """ A function that returns different CDFs depending on a specified LOB """
    cdfs = {
        [3.832, 1.874, 1.386, 1.181, 1.085, 1.043, 1.022, 1.013, 1.007, 1],
        [24.168, 4.127, 2.103, 1.528, 1.275, 1.161, 1.088, 1.047, 1.018, 1],
        [10.887, 3.416, 1.957, 1.433, 1.231, 1.119, 1.06, 1.031, 1.011, 1],
        [2.559, 1.417, 1.181, 1.084, 1.04, 1.019, 1.009, 1.004, 1.001, 1],
        [13.703, 5.613, 2.92, 1.765, 1.385, 1.177, 1.072, 1.034, 1.008, 1],
Esempio n. 28
def test_trend():
    assert (abs((cl.load_sample("abc").trend(0.05).trend((1 / 1.05) - 1) -
                 cl.load_sample("abc")).sum().sum()) < 1e-5)
Esempio n. 29
def test_full_slice():
    assert (cl.Development().fit_transform(
        cl.load_sample("GenIns")).ldf_ == cl.Development(
def test_off_cycle_val_date():
    assert cl.load_sample('quarterly').valuation_date.strftime(
        '%Y-%m-%d') == '2006-03-31'