def __init__(self, group=None, p=0, q=0, secparam=512): = group if group is not None else IntegerGroupQ(),, = p, q, 2

        if == 0 or == 0:

        self.p =
        self.q =

        self.x, self.g, =,
        self.z, self.h, =,

        self.y = (self.g ** self.x) % self.p

        hs1 ='sha256')

        msg = integer(Conversion.OS2IP(hs1.digest()))
        self.z = ((msg ** ((self.p - 1) / self.q)) % self.p)

        self.u = None
        self.d = None
        self.s1 = None
        self.s2 = None
Esempio n. 2
 def verify_blind(self, cp, blind_signature):
     # Convert to modular integer dictionary
     sig = SigConversion.convert_dict_modint(json.loads(blind_signature))
     cp_pubk = get_cp_pubkey(cp, self.timestamp, self.policy)
     verifier = BlindSignatureVerifier(cp_pubk)
     message = Conversion.OS2IP(self.pubk)
     return verifier.verify(sig, message)
Esempio n. 3
 def encrypt(self, pk, m, salt=None):
     octetlen = int(ceil(int(pk['N']).bit_length() / 8.0))
     EM = self.paddingscheme.encode(m, octetlen, "", salt)
     if debug: print("EM == >", EM)
     i = Conversion.OS2IP(EM)
     ip = integer(i) % pk['N']  #Convert to modular integer
     return (ip**pk['e']) % pk['N']
Esempio n. 4
 def setup_method(self, message=None):
     key = ECC.generate(curve='P-256')
     self.message = Conversion.OS2IP(key.public_key().export_key(
         format='DER')) if message is None else message
     challenge = self.signer.get_challenge()
     self.e = self.user.challenge_response(challenge, self.message)
     proofs = self.signer.get_proofs(self.e)
     self.sig = self.user.gen_signature(proofs)
Esempio n. 5
def hash_util(d: dict or list) -> int:
    Creates a SHA256 hash of dict or list. Merely a helper function.
    :param d: Input on which a hash needs to be generated.
    :return: (int) Hash of the input d.
    hash_tmp = SHA256Hash().new(json.dumps(d).encode())
    return Conversion.OS2IP(hash_tmp.digest())
 def hash_util(d: dict or list) -> int:
         assert type(d) == dict or type(d) == list
     except AssertionError:
         print(type(d), file=sys.stderr)
     hashable = json.dumps(d)
     hash_tmp = SHA256Hash().new(hashable.encode())
     return Conversion.OS2IP(hash_tmp.digest())
Esempio n. 7
    def encrypt(self, pk, m, salt=None):
        if ( == "SAEPEncryptionPadding"):
            EM = self.paddingscheme.encode(m, pk['n'], pk['s0'])
            m = self.redundancyscheme.encode(m)
            octetlen = int(ceil(int(pk['N']).bit_length() / 8.0))
            EM = self.paddingscheme.encode(m, octetlen, "", salt)

        if debug: print("EM == >", EM)
        i = Conversion.OS2IP(EM)
        ip = integer(i) % pk['N']  #Convert to modular integer

        return (ip**2) % pk['N']
Esempio n. 8
def test1(client, p, nonce, key_client, key_p):
    group_object = PairingGroup('SS512')
    shared_key = group_object.random(GT)
    crypter_a = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(
        extractor(bytesToObject(key_client, group_object)))
    crypter_b = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(
        extractor(bytesToObject(key_p, group_object)))
    package_b = crypter_b.encrypt(
        objectToBytes([shared_key, serialize_endpoint(client)], group_object))
    package_a = crypter_a.encrypt(
            Conversion.OS2IP(nonce), shared_key,
            serialize_endpoint(p), package_b
        ], group_object))
    return package_a
Esempio n. 9
    def hash(self, strID):
        '''Hash the identity string and break it up in to l bit pieces'''
        assert type(strID) == str, "invalid input type"
        hash = self.sha2(strID)
        val = Conversion.OS2IP(hash) #Convert to integer format
        bstr = bin(val)[2:]   #cut out the 0b header

        for i in range(self._length):  #z must be greater than or equal to 1
            binsubstr = bstr[self._bitsize*i : self._bitsize*(i+1)]
            intval = int(binsubstr, 2)
            intelement = self._group.init(ZR, intval)
        return v
Esempio n. 10
def stringToInt(strID, zz, ll):
    '''Hash the identity string and break it up in to l bit pieces'''
    h ='sha1')
    h.update(bytes(strID, 'utf-8'))
    _hash = Bytes(h.digest())
    val = Conversion.OS2IP(_hash) #Convert to integer format
    bstr = bin(val)[2:]   #cut out the 0b header

    for i in range(zz):  #z must be greater than or equal to 1
        binsubstr = bstr[ll*i : ll*(i+1)]
        intval = int(binsubstr, 2)
        intelement = group.init(ZR, intval)
    return v
Esempio n. 11
def strToId(pk, strID):
    hash = sha1(strID)
    val = Conversion.OS2IP(hash)
    bstr = bin(val)[2:]

    v = []

    for i in range(pk[listIndexNoOfN_StrToId]):
        binsubstr = bstr[pk[listIndexNoOfl_StrToId] *
                         i:pk[listIndexNoOfl_StrToId] * (i + 1)]
        intval = int(binsubstr, 2)
        intelement = groupObjBuiltInFuncs.init(ZR, intval)

    return v
Esempio n. 12
def gen_proof_handler(e: dict):
    key = KeyModel.query.get((current_user.timestamp, current_user.policy))
    signer = key.signer
    signer.d = current_user.d
    signer.u = current_user.u
    signer.s1 = current_user.s1
    signer.s2 = current_user.s2

    # Do the appropriate conversions so that we can serialize
    e = SigConversion.convert_dict_modint(e)
    proofs = SigConversion.convert_dict_strlist(signer.get_proofs(e))
    hash_tmp = SHA256Hash().new(json.dumps(proofs).encode())
    hash_proof = Conversion.OS2IP(hash_tmp.digest())

    resp = {'proof': proofs, 'hash': hash_proof}

    return resp
Esempio n. 13
 def verify(self, pk, M, S):
     modbits = int(pk['N']).bit_length()
     k = int(ceil(modbits / 8.0))
     emLen = int(ceil((modbits - 1) / 8.0))
     if len(S) != k:
         if debug: print("Sig is %s octets long, not %" % (len(S), k))
         return False
     s = Conversion.OS2IP(S)
     s = integer(s) % pk['N']  #Convert to modular integer
     m = (s**pk['e']) % pk['N']
     EM = Conversion.IP2OS(m, emLen)
     if debug:
         print("k     =>", k)
         print("emLen =>", emLen)
         print("s     =>", s)
         print("m       =>", m)
         print("em      =>", EM)
         print("S     =>", S)
     return self.paddingscheme.verify(M, EM, modbits - 1)
Esempio n. 14
    def sign(self, sk, M, salt=None):
        #apply encoding
        modbits = int(sk['N']).bit_length()
        k = int(ceil(modbits / 8.0))
        emLen = int(ceil((modbits - 1) / 8.0))

        em = self.paddingscheme.encode(M, modbits - 1, salt)
        m = Conversion.OS2IP(em)
        m = integer(m) % sk['N']  #ERRROR m is larger than N
        s = (m**sk['d']) % sk['N']
        S = Conversion.IP2OS(s, k)
        if debug:
            print("k     =>", k)
            print("emLen =>", emLen)
            print("m     =>", m)
            print("em    =>", em)
            print("s     =>", s)
            print("S     =>", S)
        return S
Esempio n. 15
    def sign(self, sk, M, salt=None):
        #apply encoding

        while True:
            octetlen = int(ceil(int(sk['N']).bit_length() / 8.0))
            em = self.paddingscheme.encode(M, octetlen, "", salt)

            m = Conversion.OS2IP(em)
            m = integer(m) % sk['N']  #ERRROR m is larger than N

            p = sk['p']
            q = sk['q']
            yp = sk['yp']
            yq = sk['yq']

            mp = (m**((p + 1) / 4)) % p
            mq = (m**((q + 1) / 4)) % q

            r1 = ((int(yp) * int(p) * int(mq)) +
                  ((int(yq) * int(q) * int(mp)))) % int(sk['N'])
            r2 = int(sk['N']) - int(r1)

            s1 = (int(yp) * int(p) * int(mq) -
                  int(yq) * int(q) * int(mp)) % int(sk['N'])
            s2 = int(sk['N']) - int(s1)

            if (((int((integer(r1)**2) % sk['N'] - m)) == 0)
                    or ((int((integer(r2)**2) % sk['N'] - m)) == 0)
                    or ((int((integer(s1)**2) % sk['N'] - m)) == 0)
                    or ((int((integer(s2)**2) % sk['N'] - m)) == 0)):

        S = {'s1': r1, 's2': r2, 's3': s1, 's4': s2}

        if debug:
            print("m     =>", m)
            print("em    =>", em)
            print("S     =>", S)

        return S
    def challenge_response(self, input, message):
        rnd = input.get('rnd')
        a = input.get('a')
        b1 = input.get('b1')
        b2 = input.get('b2')

        msg = integer(Conversion.OS2IP(SHA1(Conversion.IP2OS(rnd))))
        z1 = (msg**((self.p - 1) / self.q)) % self.p

        gamma =

        tau =

        t1 =
        t2 =
        t3 =
        t4 =
        t5 =

        zeta = self.z**gamma
        zeta1 = z1**gamma
        zeta2 = zeta / zeta1

        alpha = a * (self.g**t1) * (self.y**t2) % self.p
        beta1 = (b1**gamma) * (self.g**t3) * (zeta1**t4) % self.p
        beta2 = (b2**gamma) * (self.h**t5) * (zeta2**t4) % self.p
        eta = self.z**tau

        epsilon = integer(
            hash_int([zeta, zeta1, alpha, beta1, beta2, eta, message
                      ])) % self.q
        e = (epsilon - t2 - t4) % self.q

        self.__store__(self, ('z1', z1), ('zeta', zeta), ('zeta1', zeta1))
        self.__store__(self, ('zeta2', zeta2), ('alpha', alpha),
                       ('beta1', beta1), ('beta2', beta2))
        self.__store__(self, ('t1', t1), ('t2', t2), ('t3', t3), ('t4', t4),
                       ('t5', t5))
        self.__store__(self, ('gamma', gamma), ('tau', tau), ('eta', eta))

        return {'e': e}
    def get_challenge(self):
        rnd = randomBits(80)

        msg = integer(Conversion.OS2IP(SHA1(Conversion.IP2OS(rnd))))

        z1 = ((msg ** ((self.p - 1) / self.q)) % self.p)
        inv_z1 = (mulinv(z1, self.p)) % self.p

        z2 = (int(self.z) * int(inv_z1)) % self.p

        self.u =
        self.s1 =
        self.s2 =
        self.d =

        a = self.g ** self.u

        b1 = (self.g ** self.s1) * (z1 ** self.d)
        b2 = (self.h ** self.s2) * (z2 ** self.d)

        return {'rnd': rnd, 'a': a, 'b1': b1, 'b2': b2}
def gen_proofs_handler(policy, es):
    # Get policy from database and setup list
    policy = PolicyModel.query.get(policy)
    resp = list()

    # Iterate through the challenge responses received
    for x in es:
        # Retrieve KeyModel object
        timestamp = x.get('timestamp')
        key = policy.get_key(timestamp)

        # Retrieve SigVarsModel object so we can populate the signer with u and d
        sigvars = current_user.get_sigvar(timestamp, policy.policy)

        # Get policy pool
        pool = policy.get_pool(timestamp)
        if key and sigvars:
            signer = key.signer
            signer.d = sigvars.d
            signer.u = sigvars.u
            signer.s1 = sigvars.s1
            signer.s2 = sigvars.s2

            # Do the appropriate conversions so that we can serialize
            x['e'] = SigConversion.strlist2modint(x.get('e'))
            proofs = SigConversion.convert_dict_strlist(signer.get_proofs(x))
            hash_tmp = SHA256Hash().new(json.dumps(proofs).encode())
            hash_proof = Conversion.OS2IP(hash_tmp.digest())

            # Add proofs to the pool

            resp.append({'timestamp': timestamp, 'hash_proof': hash_proof})

    resp = {'policy': policy.policy, 'hash_proofs': resp}

    return resp
Esempio n. 19
def handle_challenge_util(signer_type: str,
                          signer_id: int,
                          resp: dict,
                          policy: int,
                          message: int = None):
    Utility function that takes care of type conversions and ultimately calls the signing function
    :param signer_type: Whether a blind signature is being requested from a CP or an AP.
    :param signer_id: The CP\\AP's participant ID
    :param resp: The CP\\AP response to the challenge request.
    :param policy: The policy for which the signature needs to be generated.
    :param message: The message that the blind signature needs to be generated on.
    :return: e: The challenge response that is used by the CP/AP's to generate the proofs.
    pubk = SigConversion.convert_dict_modint(resp.get('public_key'))
    challenge = SigConversion.convert_dict_modint(resp.get('challenge'))
    timestamp = resp.get('timestamp')

    # Generate signer and keymodel
    signer = UserBlindSignature(pubk)
    key_model = KeyModel(provider_type=signer_type,

    if message is None:
        message = Conversion.OS2IP(key_model.public_key)

    e = SigConversion.convert_dict_strlist(
        signer.challenge_response(challenge, message))
    e['timestamp'] = timestamp
    key_model.signer = signer

    return e
Esempio n. 20
lsk_A_prime = waters.sha2(alpha_bytes + beta_bytes + r_1_bytes)
lsk_A_prime = lsk_A_prime[0:16]

# hash e and r_2 together to get esk_A_prime
esk_A_prime = waters.sha2(e_bytes + r_2_bytes)
esk_A_prime = esk_A_prime[0:16]

# calculate r and w
prf1 = MYPRF(lsk_A_prime)
tmp1 = prf1._encrypt(e_bytes)
prf2 = MYPRF(esk_A_prime)
tmp2 = prf2._encrypt(r_1_bytes)
tmp1 = tmp1['CipherText']
tmp2 = tmp2['CipherText']
tmp = group_order_bits // 8
r_value = Conversion.OS2IP(tmp1[0:tmp], True) + Conversion.OS2IP(
    tmp2[0:tmp], True)
w_value = Conversion.OS2IP(tmp1[tmp:2 * tmp], True) + Conversion.OS2IP(
    tmp2[tmp:2 * tmp], True)
r_value = r_value % group_order
w_value = w_value % group_order

capital_W_value = (g**w_value) % N_square
capital_X_value = (g**r_value) % N_square
capital_W_bytes = Conversion.IP2OS(capital_W_value, bits // 8)
capital_X_bytes = Conversion.IP2OS(capital_X_value, bits // 8)

# send N, group_order, g, hp_1, hp_2, W, X, t to party B
N_bytes = Conversion.IP2OS(N, bits // 8)
g_bytes = Conversion.IP2OS(g, bits // 8)
group_order_bytes = Conversion.IP2OS(group_order, bits // 8)
def access_service_post():
    # Get nonce from service
    res = requests.get('http://{}/request'.format(
    service_y = res.get('y')

    # Setup parameters that are sent to the AP
    params = {

    # Request-certs CP_i
    res = requests.get('http://{}/request_certs'.format(
    if res.status_code == 500:
        flash("Error when requesting certs: " + res.json().get('message'),
        return render_template('service_authenticate.html')

    # Get data from response and find corresponding keymodel
    data = res.json()
    key_model = KeyModel.query.filter_by(

    # Validate that block has not been altered
    except Exception as e:
        flash("Error when validating block: " + str(e), "access_service_error")
        return render_template('service_authenticate.html')

    pubk = {'pubk': Conversion.OS2IP(key_model.public_key)}

    # Get the challenge from the AP in order to prove that the user owns a specific keypair
    res = requests.get('http://{}/prove_owner'.format(
    y = res.json().get('y')

    # Prove the user owns the private key corresponding to a set of proofs in the block
    # Proof consists of the signature of the private key on the nonce y and the blind signature on the public key
        (proof, proof_owner) = prove_owner(y, data, key_model.proof_hash)
        blind_signature = key_model.generate_blind_signature(

        proof_resp = json.dumps({

        # Post the proofs
        res ='http://{}/prove_owner'.format(

        # Receive access token for AP
        access_info = res.json()
        err = access_info
        headers = {'Authorization': "Bearer " + access_info.get('access')}

        # Request challenge from AP to issue blind signature
        challenge = requests.get('http://{}/init_sig'.format(

        # Handle challenge
            challenge['timestamp'] = params.get('timestamp')
            e = json.dumps(
                handle_challenge_ap(challenge, params.get('policy'),

            # Send Response
            proof_response ='http://{}/generate_proof'.format(
            proofs = proof_response.json()

            # Validate Response
            except Exception as e:
                flash("Error when validating proofs: " + str(e),
                return render_template('service_authenticate.html')

            # Get AP Keymodel
            ap_key_model = KeyModel.query.filter_by(p_id_=2000,

            # Build signature
            blind_signature = ap_key_model.generate_blind_signature(

            # Send signature on service_y to service
            resp_service = {

            # Get access to service
            res ='http://{}/response'.format(
            if res.status_code == 200:
                return render_template('thanks.html')
                message = res.json().get('message')
                flash("Response code was not 200: " + message,
                return render_template('service_authenticate.html')
        except Exception as e:
            flash("There was an error when handling the challenge: " + str(e),
            return render_template('service_authenticate.html')
    except Exception as e:
            "There was an error in the ownership proving stage. The blind signature likely failed to verify: "
            + str(e), "access_service_error")
        return render_template('service_authenticate.html')
 def sign(self, y:str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
     key = self.key_pair
     msg_hash =
     signer =, 'fips-186-3')
     signature = signer.sign(msg_hash)
     return Conversion.OS2IP(msg_hash.digest()), Conversion.OS2IP(signature)
Esempio n. 23
    def testPSSVector(self):
        # ==================================
        # Example 1: A 1024-bit RSA Key Pair
        # ==================================

        # ------------------------------
        # Components of the RSA Key Pair
        # ------------------------------

        # RSA modulus n:
        n = a2b_hex('\
        a2 ba 40 ee 07 e3 b2 bd 2f 02 ce 22 7f 36 a1 95 \
        02 44 86 e4 9c 19 cb 41 bb bd fb ba 98 b2 2b 0e \
        57 7c 2e ea ff a2 0d 88 3a 76 e6 5e 39 4c 69 d4 \
        b3 c0 5a 1e 8f ad da 27 ed b2 a4 2b c0 00 fe 88 \
        8b 9b 32 c2 2d 15 ad d0 cd 76 b3 e7 93 6e 19 95 \
        5b 22 0d d1 7d 4e a9 04 b1 ec 10 2b 2e 4d e7 75 \
        12 22 aa 99 15 10 24 c7 cb 41 cc 5e a2 1d 00 ee \
        b4 1f 7c 80 08 34 d2 c6 e0 6b ce 3b ce 7e a9 a5 '.replace(' ', ''))
        n = Conversion.OS2IP(n, True)

        # RSA public exponent e:
        e = a2b_hex('01 00 01'.replace(' ', ''))
        e = Conversion.OS2IP(e, True)

        # Prime p:
        p = a2b_hex('\
        d1 7f 65 5b f2 7c 8b 16 d3 54 62 c9 05 cc 04 a2 \
        6f 37 e2 a6 7f a9 c0 ce 0d ce d4 72 39 4a 0d f7 \
        43 fe 7f 92 9e 37 8e fd b3 68 ed df f4 53 cf 00 \
        7a f6 d9 48 e0 ad e7 57 37 1f 8a 71 1e 27 8f 6b '.replace(' ', ''))
        p = Conversion.OS2IP(p, True)

        # Prime q:
        q = a2b_hex('\
        c6 d9 2b 6f ee 74 14 d1 35 8c e1 54 6f b6 29 87 \
        53 0b 90 bd 15 e0 f1 49 63 a5 e2 63 5a db 69 34 \
        7e c0 c0 1b 2a b1 76 3f d8 ac 1a 59 2f b2 27 57 \
        46 3a 98 24 25 bb 97 a3 a4 37 c5 bf 86 d0 3f 2f'.replace(' ', ''))
        q = Conversion.OS2IP(q, True)

        phi_N = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
        e = e % phi_N

        d = e**-1

        # ---------------------------------
        # Step-by-step RSASSA-PSS Signature
        # ---------------------------------

        # Message to be signed:
        m = a2b_hex('\
        85 9e ef 2f d7 8a ca 00 30 8b dc 47 11 93 bf 55 \
        bf 9d 78 db 8f 8a 67 2b 48 46 34 f3 c9 c2 6e 64 \
        78 ae 10 26 0f e0 dd 8c 08 2e 53 a5 29 3a f2 17 \
        3c d5 0c 6d 5d 35 4f eb f7 8b 26 02 1c 25 c0 27 \
        12 e7 8c d4 69 4c 9f 46 97 77 e4 51 e7 f8 e9 e0 \
        4c d3 73 9c 6b bf ed ae 48 7f b5 56 44 e9 ca 74 \
        ff 77 a5 3c b7 29 80 2f 6e d4 a5 ff a8 ba 15 98 \
        90 fc '.replace(' ', ''))

        # mHash:
        mHash = a2b_hex('\
        37 b6 6a e0 44 58 43 35 3d 47 ec b0 b4 fd 14 c1 \
        10 e6 2d 6a'.replace(' ', ''))

        # salt:
        salt = a2b_hex('\
        e3 b5 d5 d0 02 c1 bc e5 0c 2b 65 ef 88 a1 88 d8 \
        3b ce 7e 61'.replace(' ', ''))

        # M':
        mPrime = a2b_hex('\
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 37 b6 6a e0 44 58 43 35 \
        3d 47 ec b0 b4 fd 14 c1 10 e6 2d 6a e3 b5 d5 d0 \
        02 c1 bc e5 0c 2b 65 ef 88 a1 88 d8 3b ce 7e 61'.replace(' ', ''))

        # H:
        H = a2b_hex('\
        df 1a 89 6f 9d 8b c8 16 d9 7c d7 a2 c4 3b ad 54 \
        6f be 8c fe'.replace(' ', ''))

        # DB:
        DB = a2b_hex('\
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
        00 00 00 00 00 00 01 e3 b5 d5 d0 02 c1 bc e5 0c \
        2b 65 ef 88 a1 88 d8 3b ce 7e 61'.replace(' ', ''))

        # dbMask:
        dbMask = a2b_hex('\
        66 e4 67 2e 83 6a d1 21 ba 24 4b ed 65 76 b8 67 \
        d9 a4 47 c2 8a 6e 66 a5 b8 7d ee 7f bc 7e 65 af \
        50 57 f8 6f ae 89 84 d9 ba 7f 96 9a d6 fe 02 a4 \
        d7 5f 74 45 fe fd d8 5b 6d 3a 47 7c 28 d2 4b a1 \
        e3 75 6f 79 2d d1 dc e8 ca 94 44 0e cb 52 79 ec \
        d3 18 3a 31 1f c8 97 39 a9 66 43 13 6e 8b 0f 46 \
        5e 87 a4 53 5c d4 c5 9b 10 02 8d'.replace(' ', ''))

        # maskedDB:
        maskedDB = a2b_hex('\
        66 e4 67 2e 83 6a d1 21 ba 24 4b ed 65 76 b8 67 \
        d9 a4 47 c2 8a 6e 66 a5 b8 7d ee 7f bc 7e 65 af \
        50 57 f8 6f ae 89 84 d9 ba 7f 96 9a d6 fe 02 a4 \
        d7 5f 74 45 fe fd d8 5b 6d 3a 47 7c 28 d2 4b a1 \
        e3 75 6f 79 2d d1 dc e8 ca 94 44 0e cb 52 79 ec \
        d3 18 3a 31 1f c8 96 da 1c b3 93 11 af 37 ea 4a \
        75 e2 4b db fd 5c 1d a0 de 7c ec'.replace(' ', ''))

        # Encoded message EM:
        EM = a2b_hex('\
        66 e4 67 2e 83 6a d1 21 ba 24 4b ed 65 76 b8 67 \
        d9 a4 47 c2 8a 6e 66 a5 b8 7d ee 7f bc 7e 65 af \
        50 57 f8 6f ae 89 84 d9 ba 7f 96 9a d6 fe 02 a4 \
        d7 5f 74 45 fe fd d8 5b 6d 3a 47 7c 28 d2 4b a1 \
        e3 75 6f 79 2d d1 dc e8 ca 94 44 0e cb 52 79 ec \
        d3 18 3a 31 1f c8 96 da 1c b3 93 11 af 37 ea 4a \
        75 e2 4b db fd 5c 1d a0 de 7c ec df 1a 89 6f 9d \
        8b c8 16 d9 7c d7 a2 c4 3b ad 54 6f be 8c fe bc'.replace(' ', ''))

        # Signature S, the RSA decryption of EM:
        S = a2b_hex('\
        8d aa 62 7d 3d e7 59 5d 63 05 6c 7e c6 59 e5 44 \
        06 f1 06 10 12 8b aa e8 21 c8 b2 a0 f3 93 6d 54 \
        dc 3b dc e4 66 89 f6 b7 95 1b b1 8e 84 05 42 76 \
        97 18 d5 71 5d 21 0d 85 ef bb 59 61 92 03 2c 42 \
        be 4c 29 97 2c 85 62 75 eb 6d 5a 45 f0 5f 51 87 \
        6f c6 74 3d ed dd 28 ca ec 9b b3 0e a9 9e 02 c3 \
        48 82 69 60 4f e4 97 f7 4c cd 7c 7f ca 16 71 89 \
        71 23 cb d3 0d ef 5d 54 a2 b5 53 6a d9 0a 74 7e'.replace(' ', ''))

        if debug:
            print("PSS Test Step by Step")
            print("mHash    = Hash(M)", mHash)
            print("salt     = random ", salt)
            print("M'       = Padding || mHash || salt", mPrime)
            print("H        = Hash(M')", H)
            print("DB       = Padding || salt", DB)
            print("dbMask   = MGF(H, length(DB))", dbMask)
            print("maskedDB = DB xor dbMask", maskedDB)
            print("EM       = maskedDB || H || 0xbc", EM)
            print("S        = RSA decryption of EM", S)

        rsa = RSA_Sig()
        sk = {'phi_N': phi_N, 'd': d, 'N': n}
        sig = rsa.sign(sk, m, salt)
        assert S == sig
Esempio n. 24
    element_size = bits // 8
    amount_expected = 7 * element_size + 20
    data_received = b''
    while len(data_received) < amount_expected:
        data_received += connection.recv(amount_expected)

    N_bytes = data_received[0:element_size]
    group_order_bytes = data_received[element_size:2 * element_size]
    g_bytes = data_received[2 * element_size:3 * element_size]
    hp_1_bytes = data_received[3 * element_size:4 * element_size]
    hp_2_bytes = data_received[4 * element_size:5 * element_size]
    capital_W_bytes = data_received[5 * element_size:6 * element_size]
    capital_X_bytes = data_received[6 * element_size:7 * element_size]
    t_bytes = data_received[7 * element_size:amount_expected]

    N_value = Conversion.OS2IP(N_bytes, True)
    group_order = Conversion.OS2IP(group_order_bytes, True)
    g_value = Conversion.OS2IP(g_bytes, True)
    hp_1_value = Conversion.OS2IP(hp_1_bytes, True)
    hp_2_value = Conversion.OS2IP(hp_2_bytes, True)
    capital_W_value = Conversion.OS2IP(capital_W_bytes, True)
    capital_X_value = Conversion.OS2IP(capital_X_bytes, True)
    t_value = Conversion.OS2IP(t_bytes, True)

    N_square = N_value**2
    g_value = g_value % N_square
    hp_1_value = hp_1_value % N_square
    hp_2_value = hp_2_value % N_square
    capital_X_value = capital_X_value % N_square
    capital_W_value = capital_W_value % N_square
Esempio n. 25
    def testRSAVector(self):
        # ==================================
        # Example 1: A 1024-bit RSA Key Pair
        # ==================================

        # ------------------------------
        # Components of the RSA Key Pair
        # ------------------------------

        # RSA modulus n:
        n = a2b_hex('\
        bb f8 2f 09 06 82 ce 9c 23 38 ac 2b 9d a8 71 f7 \
        36 8d 07 ee d4 10 43 a4 40 d6 b6 f0 74 54 f5 1f \
        b8 df ba af 03 5c 02 ab 61 ea 48 ce eb 6f cd 48 \
        76 ed 52 0d 60 e1 ec 46 19 71 9d 8a 5b 8b 80 7f \
        af b8 e0 a3 df c7 37 72 3e e6 b4 b7 d9 3a 25 84 \
        ee 6a 64 9d 06 09 53 74 88 34 b2 45 45 98 39 4e \
        e0 aa b1 2d 7b 61 a5 1f 52 7a 9a 41 f6 c1 68 7f \
        e2 53 72 98 ca 2a 8f 59 46 f8 e5 fd 09 1d bd cb '.replace(' ', ''))
        n = Conversion.OS2IP(n, True)

        # RSA public exponent e:
        e = a2b_hex('11')
        e = Conversion.OS2IP(e, True)

        # Prime p:
        p = a2b_hex('\
        ee cf ae 81 b1 b9 b3 c9 08 81 0b 10 a1 b5 60 01 \
        99 eb 9f 44 ae f4 fd a4 93 b8 1a 9e 3d 84 f6 32 \
        12 4e f0 23 6e 5d 1e 3b 7e 28 fa e7 aa 04 0a 2d \
        5b 25 21 76 45 9d 1f 39 75 41 ba 2a 58 fb 65 99 '.replace(' ', ''))
        p = Conversion.OS2IP(p, True)

        # Prime q:
        q = a2b_hex('\
        c9 7f b1 f0 27 f4 53 f6 34 12 33 ea aa d1 d9 35 \
        3f 6c 42 d0 88 66 b1 d0 5a 0f 20 35 02 8b 9d 86 \
        98 40 b4 16 66 b4 2e 92 ea 0d a3 b4 32 04 b5 cf \
        ce 33 52 52 4d 04 16 a5 a4 41 e7 00 af 46 15 03'.replace(' ', ''))
        q = Conversion.OS2IP(q, True)

        phi_N = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
        e = e % phi_N

        d = e**-1

        # ----------------------------------
        # Step-by-step RSAES-OAEP Encryption
        # ----------------------------------

        # Message to be encrypted:
        M = a2b_hex('\
        d4 36 e9 95 69 fd 32 a7 c8 a0 5b bc 90 d3 2c 49'.replace(' ', ''))

        lhash = a2b_hex('\
        da 39 a3 ee 5e 6b 4b 0d 32 55 bf ef 95 60 18 90 \
        af d8 07 09'.replace(' ', ''))

        # DB:
        db = a2b_hex('\
        da 39 a3 ee 5e 6b 4b 0d 32 55 bf ef 95 60 18 90 \
        af d8 07 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 d4 36 e9 95 69 \
        fd 32 a7 c8 a0 5b bc 90 d3 2c 49'.replace(' ', ''))

        # Seed:
        seed = a2b_hex('\
        aa fd 12 f6 59 ca e6 34 89 b4 79 e5 07 6d de c2 \
        f0 6c b5 8f '.replace(' ', ''))

        # dbMask:
        dbmask = a2b_hex('\
        06 e1 de b2 36 9a a5 a5 c7 07 d8 2c 8e 4e 93 24 \
        8a c7 83 de e0 b2 c0 46 26 f5 af f9 3e dc fb 25 \
        c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db 4c dc fe 4f f4 \
        77 28 b4 a1 b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a b4 8d 28 69 d5 \
        02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b e3 92 f9 82 fb 3e 87 d0 \
        95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4e af f4 9c 8c 3b \
        7c fc 95 1a 51 ec d1 dd e6 12 64'.replace(' ', ''))

        # maskedDB:
        maskeddb = a2b_hex('\
        dc d8 7d 5c 68 f1 ee a8 f5 52 67 c3 1b 2e 8b b4 \
        25 1f 84 d7 e0 b2 c0 46 26 f5 af f9 3e dc fb 25 \
        c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db 4c dc fe 4f f4 \
        77 28 b4 a1 b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a b4 8d 28 69 d5 \
        02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b e3 92 f9 82 fb 3e 87 d0 \
        95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4f 7b c2 75 19 52 \
        81 ce 32 d2 f1 b7 6d 4d 35 3e 2d '.replace(' ', ''))

        # seedMask:
        seedmask = a2b_hex('\
        41 87 0b 5a b0 29 e6 57 d9 57 50 b5 4c 28 3c 08 \
        72 5d be a9 '.replace(' ', ''))

        # maskedSeed:
        maskedseed = a2b_hex('\
        eb 7a 19 ac e9 e3 00 63 50 e3 29 50 4b 45 e2 ca \
        82 31 0b 26 '.replace(' ', ''))

        # EM = 00 || maskedSeed || maskedDB:
        em = a2b_hex('\
        00 eb 7a 19 ac e9 e3 00 63 50 e3 29 50 4b 45 e2 \
        ca 82 31 0b 26 dc d8 7d 5c 68 f1 ee a8 f5 52 67 \
        c3 1b 2e 8b b4 25 1f 84 d7 e0 b2 c0 46 26 f5 af \
        f9 3e dc fb 25 c9 c2 b3 ff 8a e1 0e 83 9a 2d db \
        4c dc fe 4f f4 77 28 b4 a1 b7 c1 36 2b aa d2 9a \
        b4 8d 28 69 d5 02 41 21 43 58 11 59 1b e3 92 f9 \
        82 fb 3e 87 d0 95 ae b4 04 48 db 97 2f 3a c1 4f \
        7b c2 75 19 52 81 ce 32 d2 f1 b7 6d 4d 35 3e 2d '.replace(' ', ''))

        # Encryption:
        enc = a2b_hex('\
        12 53 e0 4d c0 a5 39 7b b4 4a 7a b8 7e 9b f2 a0 \
        39 a3 3d 1e 99 6f c8 2a 94 cc d3 00 74 c9 5d f7 \
        63 72 20 17 06 9e 52 68 da 5d 1c 0b 4f 87 2c f6 \
        53 c1 1d f8 23 14 a6 79 68 df ea e2 8d ef 04 bb \
        6d 84 b1 c3 1d 65 4a 19 70 e5 78 3b d6 eb 96 a0 \
        24 c2 ca 2f 4a 90 fe 9f 2e f5 c9 c1 40 e5 bb 48 \
        da 95 36 ad 87 00 c8 4f c9 13 0a de a7 4e 55 8d \
        51 a7 4d df 85 d8 b5 0d e9 68 38 d6 06 3e 09 55 '.replace(' ', ''))

        rsa = RSA_Enc()
        pk = {'N': n, 'e': e}
        sk = {'phi_N': phi_N, 'd': d, 'N': n}

        c = rsa.encrypt(pk, M, seed)
        C = Conversion.IP2OS(c)

        if debug:
            print("RSA OEAP step by step")
            print("Label L  = empty string")
            print("lHash      = ", lhash)
            print("DB         = ", db)
            print("seed       = ", seed)
            print("dbMask     = ", dbmask)
            print("maskedDB   = ", maskeddb)
            print("seedMask   = ", seedmask)
            print("maskedSeed = ", maskedseed)
            print("EM         = ", em)

        assert C == enc
Esempio n. 26
 def testOS2IP(self):
     #9,202,000 = (0x)8c 69 50.
     i = Conversion.OS2IP(b'\x8c\x69\x50')
     self.assertEqual(i, 9202000)
Esempio n. 27
def sign(data, private_key):
    signer = RSA_Sig()
    sig = signer.sign(private_key[1], data)
    sig = Conversion.OS2IP(sig)
    serial_data_and_sig = objectToBytes([data, sig], IntegerGroup())
    return serial_data_and_sig
Esempio n. 28
    hp_2_bytes = data_received[element_size * 5 +
                               group_order_size:element_size * 6 +
    u_1_bytes = data_received[element_size * 6 +
                              group_order_size:element_size * 7 +
    u_2_bytes = data_received[element_size * 7 +
                              group_order_size:element_size * 8 +
    X_bytes = data_received[element_size * 8 +
                            group_order_size:element_size * 9 +
    t_bytes = data_received[element_size * 9 +

    group_p_value = Conversion.OS2IP(group_p_bytes, True)
    #group_q_value = Conversion.OS2IP(group_q_bytes, True)
    group_order = Conversion.OS2IP(group_order_bytes, True)
    #print('group.p = ', group_p_value)
    #print('group_order = ', group_order)
    g_value = Conversion.OS2IP(g_bytes, True)
    g_1_value = Conversion.OS2IP(g_1_bytes, True)
    g_2_value = Conversion.OS2IP(g_2_bytes, True)
    hp_1_value = Conversion.OS2IP(hp_1_bytes, True)
    hp_2_value = Conversion.OS2IP(hp_2_bytes, True)
    u_1_value = Conversion.OS2IP(u_1_bytes, True)
    u_2_value = Conversion.OS2IP(u_2_bytes, True)
    X_value = Conversion.OS2IP(X_bytes, True)
    t_value = Conversion.OS2IP(t_bytes, True)

    # group = IntegerGroup()
def hash_int(args):
    hash = SHA256Hash()
    for arg in args:
    return Conversion.OS2IP(hash.digest())
Esempio n. 30
lsk_A_prime = waters.sha2(tmp)
lsk_A_prime = lsk_A_prime[0:16] # get the first 128 bits
# hash e_bytes, r_2_bytes together to get esk_A_prime
tmp = e_bytes + r_2_bytes
esk_A_prime = waters.sha2(tmp)
esk_A_prime = esk_A_prime[0:16] # get the first 128 bits

# calculate r and x
prf1 = MYPRF(lsk_A_prime)
tmp1 = prf1._encrypt(e_bytes)
prf2 = MYPRF(esk_A_prime)
tmp2 = prf2._encrypt(r_1_bytes)
tmp1 = tmp1['CipherText']
tmp2 = tmp2['CipherText']
r_value = Conversion.OS2IP(tmp1[0:20], True) + Conversion.OS2IP(tmp2[0:20], True)
x_value = Conversion.OS2IP(tmp1[20:40], True) + Conversion.OS2IP(tmp2[20:40], True)
r_value = r_value % group_order
x_value = x_value % group_order

u_1_value = (g_1 ** r_value) % group.p
u_2_value = (g_2 ** r_value) % group.p
X_value = (g ** x_value) % group.p
# send group.p, group.q, g, g1, g2, hp1, hp2, u1, u2, X, t to party B
u_1_bytes = Conversion.IP2OS(u_1_value, 128)
u_2_bytes = Conversion.IP2OS(u_2_value, 128)
X_bytes = Conversion.IP2OS(X_value, 128)
to_send = group_p_bytes + group_q_bytes + g_bytes + g_1_bytes + g_2_bytes + hp_1_bytes + hp_2_bytes + u_1_bytes + u_2_bytes + X_bytes + t_bytes
# print('connecting to {} port {}'.format(*server_address))
# sock.connect(server_address)