Esempio n. 1
def text_reply(msg):
    content = msg['Text'].replace(NAME, '')
    from_user_id = msg['FromUserName']
    from_user_name = msg['User']['NickName']
    if DEBUG:
        print '[Private] ', from_user_name, '\t ---> ', content
    intercept_cmd = process_command(content, from_user_id, from_user_name)
    if not intercept_cmd:
        reply = auto_reply(content, from_user_id)
        chatcore.send(reply, from_user_id)
        if DEBUG:
            print '[Private] ', 'robot', '\t ===> ', reply, '[CMD]' if intercept_cmd else '[Auto]'
Esempio n. 2
def text_reply(msg):
    content = msg['Content'].replace('@', '')
    from_user_id = msg['FromUserName']
    from_user_name = msg['ActualNickName']
    isAtMe = msg['isAt'] or NAME.lower() in content or NAME in content
    if DEBUG:
        print '[Group] ', from_user_name, '\t ---> ', content, ' (AtMe)' if isAtMe else ''

    if isAtMe:
        content = content.replace(NAME, '').replace(NAME.lower(), '')
        intercept_cmd = process_command(content, from_user_id, from_user_name)
        if not intercept_cmd:
            reply_prefix = '' if from_user_name == 'unknown' else '@' + from_user_name + ' '
            reply = reply_prefix + auto_reply(content, from_user_id)
            chatcore.send(reply, from_user_id)
            if DEBUG:
                print '[Group] ', 'robot', '\t ===> ', reply, '[CMD]' if intercept_cmd else '[Auto]'
Esempio n. 3
def get_note(msg):
    note = msg['Text']
    print 'Note -->', note

    joined_names = get_note_name(note, 'joined')
    if get_note_name(note, 'joined'):
            u'欢迎欢迎 @' + get_note_name(note, 'joined')[0] +
            u' 加入群,有什么吩咐可以@我哦,嘻嘻~', msg['FromUserName'])
    elif get_note_name(note, 'to the group'):
            u'欢迎欢迎 @' + get_note_name(note, 'to the group')[0] +
            u' 加入群,有什么吩咐可以@我哦,嘻嘻~', msg['FromUserName'])
    elif get_note_name(note, 'has recalled'):
        print jsonify(msg)
            u'@' + get_note_name(note, 'has recalled')[0] + u' 你撤回了什么!!!',

    if any(s in msg['Text'] for s in (u'红包', u'转账', u'Red packet')):
        chatcore.send(u'@所有人, 有人发红包了,快抢~', msg['FromUserName'])
Esempio n. 4
def process_command(content, from_user_id, from_user_name):
    isAdmin = (from_user_name == ADMIN_NAME)
    content = content.lstrip()

    # Face emoji
    if re.match('\[\S+\]\Z', content):
        chatcore.send(content, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'打球' in content or u'篮球' in content or u'球场' in content or u'篮球场' in content:
        msg = u'走,一起去篮球场打篮球吧:\n' + getDate() + u"\n\n【人员如下】:\n"
        position = 0
        for member in getMembers():
            position = position + 1
            msg = msg + str(position) + ". " + member + "\n"
        msg = msg + u"\n你可以@我跟我说‘报名’就可以预约一起打篮球啦~"
        chatcore.send(msg, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'报名' in content or u'想来' in content:
        chatcore.send(addMember(from_user_name), from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'不报名' in content or u'不想来' in content:
        chatcore.send(u'好吧大佬', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'狗狗的图片' in content or u'狗狗图片' in content:
        i = random.randint(1, 5)
        img = 'dog' + str(i) + '.jpg'
        adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/dog/' + img
        send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        chatcore.send(u'我养的狗狗可爱么,嘻嘻ლ(^ω^ლ)[Shy]', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'猫咪' in content or u'猫咪图片' in content:
        i = random.randint(1, 10)
        img = 'cat' + str(i) + '.jpg'
        adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/cat/' + img
        chatcore.send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        chatcore.send(u'我养的猫咪可爱么,嘻嘻ლ(^ω^ლ)[Shy]', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'你的照片' in content or u'你的自拍' in content:
        i = random.randint(1, 10)
        img = 'myself' + str(i) + '.jpg'
        adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/myself/' + img
        chatcore.send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        chatcore.send(u'我不管,本宝宝最可爱,嘻嘻ლ(^ω^ლ)', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'二哈图片' in content or u'二哈照片' in content or u'二哈表情' in content:
        j = random.randint(0, 12)
        for i in range(j * 10 + 1, j * 10 + 11):
            img = 'erha(' + str(i) + ').jpg'
            adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/erha/' + img
            chatcore.send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'可爱表情包' in content:
        i = random.randint(1, 102)
        img = 'xiaorener(' + str(i) + ').jpg'
        adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/xiaorener/' + img
        chatcore.send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'一堆可爱的表情' in content:
        j = random.randint(0, 9)
        for i in range(j * 10 + 1, j * 10 + 11):
            img = 'xiaorener(' + str(i) + ').jpg'
            adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/xiaorener/' + img
            chatcore.send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'一打熊表情' in content:
        j = random.randint(0, 6)
        for i in range(j * 10 + 1, j * 10 + 11):
            img = 'xiongbenxiong(' + str(i) + ').jpg'
            adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/xiongbenxiong/' + img
            chatcore.send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'测试集' in content:
        for i in range(18):
            img = 'test' + str(i) + '.jpg'
            adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/gooddata/' + img
            chatcore.send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'熊本熊' in content:
        i = random.randint(1, 67)
        img = 'xiongbenxiong(' + str(i) + ').jpg'
        adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/xiongbenxiong/' + img
        chatcore.send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'。。。' in content or u'...' in content or u'…' in content or u'哦' in content or u'嗯' in content or u'额' in content:
        i = random.randint(1, 25)
        img = 'o(' + str(i) + ').jpg'
        adr = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wechatrobot-master/imagedata/o/' + img
        chatcore.send_image(adr, from_user_id)
        chatcore.send(u'这句我识别不了,所以没法接呢~嘻嘻[Hey]', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'我想买' in content or u'我要买' in content:
        send_image(img_spyder(content), from_user_id)
            u'这家店铺是在' + city_spyder(content) + u'的' + nick_spyder(content) +
            '\n\n' + u'价格是:' + price_spyder(content) + u'元\n\n' + u'运费是:' +
            fee_spyder(content) + u'元\n\n' + u'评论人数是:' +
            str(comment_spyder(content)), from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'谁最可爱' in content:
        chatcore.send(u'这个世界上当然是我最可爱啦', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'谁最漂亮' in content:
            u'我不知道,我只知道你 花容月貌 蕙心兰质 嫣然一笑 艳如桃李 涎玉沫珠 煦色韶光 沉鱼落雁 闭月羞花 国色天姿 回眸一笑 白媚众生 生不如死',
        return True

    if u'你觉得' in content:
        chatcore.send(u'我觉得你的美貌如沉鱼落雁 闭月羞花 国色天姿 回眸一笑 白媚众生 生不如死', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'你爸' in content:
        chatcore.send(u'我爸爸是风流倜傥的罗爸爸', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'加我加我' in content:
        chatcore.add_friend(from_user_id, verifyContent=u'嘻嘻,我可以添加你为好友吗?')
        chatcore.send(u'好的,我已经添加 ' + from_user_name + u' 为好友了', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'自我介绍' in content or u'打个招呼' in content or 'help' in content:
        chatcore.send(GROUP_HELP, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'Draw' in content or u'draw' in content:
        return True

    if u'小黄图' in content or u'小黄片' in content:
        for url in SEX_PIC_URL:
            send_image(url, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'[Alarm]' in content or u'提醒我' in content:
        time = content[content.index(u'提醒我') + 3:]
        chatcore.send(u'好的爸爸,已经帮你开启: ' + time, from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'头像' in content:
            chatcore.get_head_img(chatroomUserName=from_user_id), from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'群信息' in content or u'群成员' in content:
        reply = ''
        group_info = chatcore.update_chatroom(from_user_id)
        chat_room_owner_id = group_info['ChatRoomOwner']
        chatRoomOwnerName = ''
        memberList = group_info['MemberList']
        if group_info['NickName']:
            reply += u'群名称:' + group_info[
                'NickName'] + u'\n----------------\n群成员:(' + str(
                    len(memberList)) + ')\n'
        for member in memberList:
            if chat_room_owner_id == member['UserName']:
                chatRoomOwnerName = member['NickName']
            reply += member['NickName'] + u'\n'
        reply += u'----------------\n群主:' + chatRoomOwnerName
        chatcore.send(reply, from_user_id)
        return True

    ## Administrator command

    if u'妹子' in content:
        if isAdmin:
            data = scrapy_av()
            random_item = random.randrange(0, len(data) - 1)
            send_image('' + data[random_item][1],
            chatcore.send(u'这个妹子是:' + data[random_item][0], from_user_id)
            chatcore.send(u'这个指令爸爸说了不能给别人用哦~T_T', from_user_id)
        return True
# View friends list
    if u'Search' in content:
        if isAdmin:
            keyword = content[content.index(u'Search') + 6:]
            result = ''
            search_result = chatcore.search_friends(name=keyword)
            if isinstance(search_result, list):
                for item in search_result:
                    result += jsonify(item) + '\n'
            elif isinstance(search_result, dict):
                result += jsonify(search_result) + '\n'
            chatcore.send(u'没有搜索到结果' if result == '' else result, from_user_id)
            chatcore.send(u'这个指令爸爸说了不能给别人用哦~T_T', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'叫爸爸' in content or u'叫爸爸' in content:
        if isAdmin:
            chatcore.send(u'爸爸好~,爸爸有什么吩咐吗?', from_user_id)
            chatcore.send(u'这个指令爸爸说了不能给别人用哦~T_T', from_user_id)
        return True
#Group sends a message
    if u'GroupSend' in content:
        if isAdmin:
            friends = chatcore.get_friends()
            group_send(friends, content[content.index(u'GroupSend') + 9:])
            chatcore.send(u'已经给 ' + str(len(friends)) + u' 位好友发送了消息')
            chatcore.send(u'这个指令爸爸说了不能给别人用哦~T_T', from_user_id)
        return True

#check the detail information about user
    if u'Info' == content:
        if isAdmin:
            chatcore.send(jsonify(chatcore.search_friends()), from_user_id)
            chatcore.send(u'这个指令爸爸说了不能给别人用哦~T_T', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'Friends' in content:
        if isAdmin:
            friends = chatcore.get_friends()
            friend_result = u'共计获取到 ' + str(len(friends)) + u' 位好友信息\n\n'
            for friend in friends:
                gender = u'男' if friend['Sex'] == 1 else u'女'
                friend_result += friend['NickName'] + ' ---- ' + friend[
                    'Alias'] + ' ---- ' + gender + '\n'
            chatcore.send(friend_result, from_user_id)
            chatcore.send(u'这个指令爸爸说了不能给别人用哦~T_T', from_user_id)
        return True
    if u'每日福利' in content:
        if isAdmin:
            chatcore.send(u"嘻嘻~稍等", from_user_id)
            chatcore.send_video(u'assets/cat.mp4', from_user_id)
            chatcore.send(u'这个指令爸爸说了不能给别人用哦~T_T', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'开放权限' in content:
        if isAdmin:
            OPEN_AUTH = True
            chatcore.send(u"爸爸,权限已经开放啦~", from_user_id)
            chatcore.send(u'这个指令爸爸说了不能给别人用哦~T_T', from_user_id)
        return True

    if u'关闭权限' in content:
        if isAdmin:
            OPEN_AUTH = False
            chatcore.send(u"爸爸,权限已经关闭了~", from_user_id)
            chatcore.send(u'这个指令爸爸说了不能给别人用哦~T_T', from_user_id)
        return True

    return False
Esempio n. 5
def group_send(users, content):
    for user in users:
        chatcore.send(content, user['UserName'])