def ast(self,
            astree: AbstractSyntaxTree,
            iaddr: str,
            bytestring: str,
            xdata: InstrXData) -> List[ASTInstruction]:
        lhs = xdata.vars[0]
        rhs1 = str(xdata.xprs[0])
        rhs2 = xdata.xprs[1]
        rhs3 = xdata.xprs[3]

        if lhs == "SP" and rhs1 == "SP" and rhs2.is_constant:
            return []

        lhsast = XU.xvariable_to_ast_lval(lhs, astree)
        if rhs1 == "SP" and rhs3.is_stack_address:
            rhs3 = cast("XprCompound", rhs3)
            stackoffset = rhs3.stack_address_offset()
            rhslval = astree.mk_stack_variable_lval(stackoffset)
            rhsast: ASTExpr = astree.mk_address_of(rhslval)

        elif rhs1 == "PC" or str(rhs2) == "PC":
            if rhs3.is_int_constant:
                rhsval = cast("XprConstant", rhs3).intvalue
                rhsast = astree.mk_integer_constant(rhsval)
                rhsast = XU.xxpr_to_ast_expr(rhs3, astree)

            rhsast = XU.xxpr_to_ast_expr(rhs3, astree)

        result = astree.mk_assign(lhsast, rhsast)
        astree.add_instruction_span(, iaddr, bytestring)
        return [result]
Esempio n. 2
def xcompound_to_ast_expr(xc: X.XprCompound,
                          astree: AbstractSyntaxTree) -> AST.ASTExpr:
    """Convert a compound expression to an AST Expr node."""

    op = xc.operator
    operands = xc.operands

    if len(operands) == 1:
        op1 = xxpr_to_ast_expr(operands[0], astree)
        return astree.mk_unary_op(op, op1)

    elif len(operands) == 2:
        if xc.is_stack_address:
            stackoffset = xc.stack_address_offset()
            rhslval = astree.mk_stack_variable_lval(stackoffset)
            return astree.mk_address_of(rhslval)
            op1 = xxpr_to_ast_expr(operands[0], astree)
            op2 = xxpr_to_ast_expr(operands[1], astree)
            if op1.ctype is not None and op in ["plus", "minus"]:
                return xtyped_expr_to_ast_expr(op, op1, op2, astree)
                return astree.mk_binary_op(op, op1, op2)

        raise UF.CHBError("AST conversion of compound expression " + str(xc) +
                          " not yet supported")
Esempio n. 3
def stack_variable_to_ast_lval(offset: "VMemoryOffset",
                               astree: AbstractSyntaxTree) -> AST.ASTLval:
    """TODO: split up."""

    if offset.is_constant_value_offset:
        return astree.mk_stack_variable_lval(offset.offsetvalue())

    print("stack variable: " + str(offset))
    return astree.mk_variable_lval("stack: " + str(offset))