Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, screen):
     """Init Game with all needed attributes. """
     self.screen = screen
     self.gui = gui.Gui(self.screen)
     self.game_running = True
     self.game_move_number = 0
     self.game_board = check_board_state.create_board()
     self.game_arbiter = check_board_state.CheckBoardState(
         self.screen, self.game_board)
     self.played_moves = []
     self.player1 = players.HumanPlayer(constants.PLAYER1_NAME,
     self.player2 = players.AiPlayer(self.screen, self.game_board,
     self.player_on_move = self.player1
     self.game_mode = constants.STANDARD
     self.gui_board = [[
         gui.Square(self.screen) for i in range(constants.BOARD_SIZE)
     ] for j in range(constants.BOARD_SIZE)]
     self.gui_on_move = gui.OnMove(self.screen)
     self.button_new_game = gui.ButtonRightMenu(self.screen, 0,
     self.button_menu = gui.ButtonRightMenu(self.screen, 1, constants.MENU)
     self.button_white_stone = gui.ButtonChooseColor(self.screen, 0)
     self.button_black_stone = gui.ButtonChooseColor(self.screen, 1)
     self.button_ai_opponent = gui.ButtonChooseOpponent(self.screen, 0)
     self.button_ai_player = gui.ButtonChooseOpponent(self.screen, 1)
     self.button_standard_game_mode = gui.ButtonChooseMode(self.screen, 0)
     self.button_swap2_game_mode = gui.ButtonChooseMode(self.screen, 1)
     self.last_move = LastMove
Esempio n. 2
 def test_check_win(self):
     """Checking if method check_win() returns True if put five consecutive stones."""
     self.board[1][13] = constants.WHITE
     self.board[2][12] = constants.WHITE
     self.board[3][11] = constants.WHITE
     self.board[4][10] = constants.WHITE
     self.board[5][9] = constants.WHITE
     result = check_board_state.CheckBoardState(self.board).check_win()
Esempio n. 3
 def test_check_cols(self):
     """Checking if method check_cols() returns True if put five consecutive stones in col."""
     self.board[1][5] = constants.WHITE
     self.board[2][5] = constants.WHITE
     self.board[3][5] = constants.WHITE
     self.board[4][5] = constants.WHITE
     self.board[5][5] = constants.WHITE
     result = check_board_state.CheckBoardState(self.board).check_cols()
     self.assertTrue(result, True)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_check_rows(self):
     """Checking if method check_rows() returns True if put five consecutive stones in row."""
     self.board[5][1] = constants.BLACK
     self.board[5][2] = constants.BLACK
     self.board[5][3] = constants.BLACK
     self.board[5][4] = constants.BLACK
     self.board[5][5] = constants.BLACK
     result = check_board_state.CheckBoardState(self.board).check_rows()
     self.assertTrue(result, True)
Esempio n. 5
 def make_move(self, game_board, played_moves, black_color=True):
     """Method returns best move as tuple (i,j), first using forced_move() else mini_max()."""
     self.game_board = game_board
     self.played_moves_in_game = played_moves
     self.arbiter = check_board_state.CheckBoardState(
         self.screen, self.game_board)
     for i, j in self.played_moves_in_game:
         self.add_neighbours_squares(i, j, 0, self.played_moves_in_game)
     best_score = -math.inf
     if self.forced_move() is not False:
         i, j = self.forced_move()
         return i, j
     self.mini_max(self.game_board, 0, 0, True, -math.inf, math.inf)
     start_time = time.time()
     self.threatening_squares = self.arbiter.good_moves
     evaluated_min_max_set = sort_moves_by_evaluation(
         self.squares_with_neighbours_sorted[0], black_color)
     for i, j, score in self.threatening_squares:
         for item in evaluated_min_max_set:
             if i == item[0] and j == item[1]:
     print("All considered moves: ",
           self.threatening_squares + evaluated_min_max_set)
     evaluated_min_max_set = self.threatening_squares + evaluated_min_max_set
     for i, j, score in evaluated_min_max_set:
         if self.game_board[i][j] == constants.EMPTY and (
                 time.time() - start_time < MAX_MOVE_TIME_SECONDS):
             self.game_board[i][j] = constants.BLACK
             self.add_neighbours_squares(i, j, 1, self.played_moves_in_game)
             score = self.mini_max(self.game_board, 1, MAX_DEPTH, False)
             self.remove_neighbours_squares(i, j, 1)
             self.game_board[i][j] = constants.EMPTY
             print("At board[{}][{}]  evaluation={}".format(i, j, score))
             if score == BLACK_WIN:
                 best_move = i, j
             if score > best_score:
                 best_score = score
                 best_move = i, j
     print("Played move on  board[{}][{}] evaluation={}".format(
         best_move[0], best_move[1], best_score))
     return best_move
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, screen, board, stone_color, name="AI"):
     """Init with board from game module and all needed attributes to make ai optimal.
     arbiter:   Class which allows to check if game is finished
     squares_with_neighbours: Set contains all squares with neighbours , list index is
     depth during mini_max algorithm we also checked squares with neighbours
     squares_with_neighbours_sorted:Above set sorted by mini_max evaluation after one move
     self.played_moves_in_game: all moves played in game during adding new squares to
     squares_with_neighbours need to remove played moves from this set
     threatening_squares: from CheckBoardState moves to deal with open three stones situation.
     super().__init__(name, stone_color)
     self.screen = screen
     self.game_board = board
     self.arbiter = check_board_state.CheckBoardState(
         self.screen, self.game_board)
     self.squares_with_neighbours = [set() for i in range(MAX_DEPTH + 1)]
     self.squares_with_neighbours_sorted = [
         set() for i in range(MAX_DEPTH + 1)
     self.predicted_moves_in_mini_max = set()
     self.played_moves_in_game = PlayedMovesInGame
     self.threatening_squares = []
Esempio n. 7
 def test_check_draw(self):
     """Checking check_draw() returns True if fill board with one color (only 5 stones wins)."""
     self.board = [[constants.WHITE for i in range(constants.BOARD_SIZE)]
                   for j in range(constants.BOARD_SIZE)]
     result = check_board_state.CheckBoardState(self.board).check_draw()