Esempio n. 1
    def read_parameter_file(self, pfile):
        Reads all of the parameters from a parameter file. Versions 36 and
        later of the CHARMM force field files have an ATOMS section defining
        all of the atom types.  Older versions need to load this information
        from the RTF/TOP files.

        pfile : str
            Name of the CHARMM parameter file to read

        The atom types must all be loaded by the end of this routine.  Either
        supply a PAR file with atom definitions in them or read in a RTF/TOP
        file first. Failure to do so will result in a raised RuntimeError.
        conv = CharmmParameterSet._convert
        if isinstance(pfile, str):
            own_handle = True
            f = CharmmFile(pfile)
            own_handle = False
            f = pfile
        # What section are we parsing?
        section = None
        # The current cmap we are building (these span multiple lines)
        current_cmap = None
        current_cmap2 = None
        current_cmap_data = []
        current_cmap_res = 0
        nonbonded_types = dict()  # Holder
        parameterset = None
        read_first_nonbonded = False
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line:
                # This is a blank line
            if parameterset is None and line.strip().startswith('*>>'):
                parameterset = line.strip()[1:78]
            # Set section if this is a section header
            if line.startswith('ATOMS'):
                section = 'ATOMS'
            if line.startswith('BONDS'):
                section = 'BONDS'
            if line.startswith('ANGLES'):
                section = 'ANGLES'
            if line.startswith('DIHEDRALS'):
                section = 'DIHEDRALS'
            if line.startswith('IMPROPER'):
                section = 'IMPROPER'
            if line.startswith('CMAP'):
                section = 'CMAP'
            if line.startswith('NONBONDED'):
                read_first_nonbonded = False
                section = 'NONBONDED'
            if line.startswith('NBFIX'):
                section = 'NBFIX'
            if line.startswith('HBOND'):
                section = None
            # It seems like files? sections? can be terminated with 'END'
            if line.startswith('END'):  # should this be case-insensitive?
                section = None
            # If we have no section, skip
            if section is None: continue
            # Now handle each section specifically
            if section == 'ATOMS':
                if not line.startswith('MASS'): continue  # Should this happen?
                words = line.split()
                    idx = conv(words[1], int, 'atom type')
                    name = words[2]
                    mass = conv(words[3], float, 'atom mass')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse MASS section.')
                # The parameter file might or might not have an element name
                    elem = words[4]
                    if len(elem) == 2:
                        elem = elem[0] + elem[1].lower()
                    atomic_number = AtomicNum[elem]
                except (IndexError, KeyError):
                    # Figure it out from the mass
                    atomic_number = AtomicNum[element_by_mass(mass)]
                atype = AtomType(name=name,
                self.atom_types_str[] = atype
                self.atom_types_int[atype.number] = atype
                self.atom_types_tuple[(, atype.number)] = atype
            if section == 'BONDS':
                words = line.split()
                    type1 = words[0]
                    type2 = words[1]
                    k = conv(words[2], float, 'bond force constant')
                    req = conv(words[3], float, 'bond equilibrium dist')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse bonds.')
                key = (min(type1, type2), max(type1, type2))
                bond_type = BondType(k, req)
                self.bond_types[(type1, type2)] = bond_type
                self.bond_types[(type2, type1)] = bond_type
            if section == 'ANGLES':
                words = line.split()
                    type1 = words[0]
                    type2 = words[1]
                    type3 = words[2]
                    k = conv(words[3], float, 'angle force constant')
                    theteq = conv(words[4], float, 'angle equilibrium value')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse angles.')
                angle_type = AngleType(k, theteq * DEG_TO_RAD)
                self.angle_types[(type1, type2, type3)] = angle_type
                self.angle_types[(type3, type2, type1)] = angle_type
                # See if we have a urey-bradley
                    ubk = conv(words[5], float, 'Urey-Bradley force constant')
                    ubeq = conv(words[6], float, 'Urey-Bradley equil. value')
                    ubtype = BondType(ubk, ubeq)
                except IndexError:
                    ubtype = NoUreyBradley
                self.urey_bradley_types[(type1, type2, type3)] = ubtype
                self.urey_bradley_types[(type3, type2, type1)] = ubtype
            if section == 'DIHEDRALS':
                words = line.split()
                    type1 = words[0]
                    type2 = words[1]
                    type3 = words[2]
                    type4 = words[3]
                    k = conv(words[4], float, 'dihedral force constant')
                    n = conv(words[5], float, 'dihedral periodicity')
                    phase = conv(words[6], float, 'dihedral phase')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse dihedrals.')
                key = (type1, type2, type3, type4)
                # See if this is a second (or more) term of the dihedral group
                # that's already present.
                dihedral = DihedralType(k, n, phase * DEG_TO_RAD)
                if key in self.dihedral_types:
                    # See if the existing dihedral type list has a term with
                    # the same periodicity -- If so, replace it
                    replaced = False
                    for i, dtype in enumerate(self.dihedral_types[key]):
                        if dtype.per == dihedral.per:
                            # Replace. Warn if they are different
                            if dtype != dihedral:
                                warnings.warn('Replacing dihedral %r with %r' %
                                              (dtype, dihedral))
                            self.dihedral_types[key][i] = dihedral
                            replaced = True
                    if not replaced:
                    # Now do the other order
                    replaced = False
                    key = (type4, type3, type2, type1)
                    for i, dtype in enumerate(self.dihedral_types[key]):
                        if dtype.per == dihedral.per:
                            self.dihedral_types[key][i] = dihedral
                            replaced = True
                    if not replaced:
                else:  # key not present
                    dtl = DihedralTypeList()
                    self.dihedral_types[(type1, type2, type3, type4)] = dtl
                    self.dihedral_types[(type4, type3, type2, type1)] = dtl
            if section == 'IMPROPER':
                words = line.split()
                    type1 = words[0]
                    type2 = words[1]
                    type3 = words[2]
                    type4 = words[3]
                    k = conv(words[4], float, 'improper force constant')
                    theteq = conv(words[5], float, 'improper equil. value')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse dihedrals.')
                # If we have a 7th column, that is the real psi0 (and the 6th
                # is just a dummy 0)
                    tmp = conv(words[6], float, 'improper equil. value')
                    theteq = tmp
                except IndexError:
                    pass  # Do nothing
                # Improper types seem not to have the central atom defined in
                # the first place, so just have the key a fully sorted list. We
                # still depend on the PSF having properly ordered improper atoms
                key = tuple(sorted([type1, type2, type3, type4]))
                self.improper_types[key] = ImproperType(k, theteq * DEG_TO_RAD)
            if section == 'CMAP':
                # This is the most complicated part, since cmap parameters span
                # many lines. We won't do much error catching here.
                words = line.split()
                    holder = [float(w) for w in words]
                except ValueError:
                    # We assume this is a definition of a new CMAP, so
                    # terminate the last CMAP if applicable
                    if current_cmap is not None:
                        # We have a map to terminate
                        ty = CmapType(current_cmap_res, current_cmap_data)
                        self.cmap_types[current_cmap] = ty
                        self.cmap_types[current_cmap2] = ty
                        type1 = words[0]
                        type2 = words[1]
                        type3 = words[2]
                        type4 = words[3]
                        type5 = words[4]
                        type6 = words[5]
                        type7 = words[6]
                        type8 = words[7]
                        res = conv(words[8], int, 'CMAP resolution')
                    except IndexError:
                        raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse CMAP data.')
                    # order the torsions independently
                    k1 = [
                        type1, type2, type3, type4, type5, type6, type7, type8
                    k2 = [
                        type8, type7, type6, type5, type4, type3, type2, type1
                    current_cmap = tuple(min(k1, k2))
                    current_cmap2 = tuple(max(k1, k2))
                    current_cmap_res = res
                    current_cmap_data = []
            if section == 'NONBONDED':
                # Now get the nonbonded values
                words = line.split()
                    atype = words[0]
                    # 1st column is ignored
                    epsilon = conv(words[2], float, 'vdW epsilon term')
                    rmin = conv(words[3], float, 'vdW Rmin/2 term')
                except IndexError:
                    # If we haven't read our first nonbonded term yet, we may
                    # just be parsing the settings that should be used. So
                    # soldier on
                    if not read_first_nonbonded: continue
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse nonbonded terms.')
                except CharmmFileError, e:
                    if not read_first_nonbonded: continue
                    raise CharmmFileError(str(e))
                    # OK, we've read our first nonbonded section for sure now
                    read_first_nonbonded = True
                # See if we have 1-4 parameters
                    # 4th column is ignored
                    eps14 = conv(words[5], float, '1-4 vdW epsilon term')
                    rmin14 = conv(words[6], float, '1-4 vdW Rmin/2 term')
                except IndexError:
                    eps14 = rmin14 = None
                nonbonded_types[atype] = [epsilon, rmin, eps14, rmin14]
            if section == 'NBFIX':
                words = line.split()
                    at1 = words[0]
                    at2 = words[1]
                    emin = abs(conv(words[2], float, 'NBFIX Emin'))
                    rmin = conv(words[3], float, 'NBFIX Rmin')
                        emin14 = abs(conv(words[4], float, 'NBFIX Emin 1-4'))
                        rmin14 = conv(words[5], float, 'NBFIX Rmin 1-4')
                    except IndexError:
                        emin14 = rmin14 = None
                            at2, rmin, emin, rmin14, emin14)
                            at1, rmin, emin, rmin14, emin14)
                    except KeyError:
                        # Some stream files define NBFIX terms with an atom that
                        # is defined in another toppar file that does not
                        # necessarily have to be loaded. As a result, not every
                        # NBFIX found here will necessarily need to be applied.
                        # If we can't find a particular atom type, don't bother
                        # adding that nbfix and press on
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse NBFIX terms.')
                self.nbfix_types[(min(at1, at2), max(at1, at2))] = (emin, rmin)
Esempio n. 2
    def read_topology_file(self, tfile):
        Reads _only_ the atom type definitions from a topology file. This is
        unnecessary for versions 36 and later of the CHARMM force field.

        tfile : str
            Name of the CHARMM topology file to read
        conv = CharmmParameterSet._convert
        if isinstance(tfile, str):
            own_handle = True
            f = iter(CharmmFile(tfile))
            own_handle = False
            f = tfile
        hpatch = tpatch = None  # default Head and Tail patches
        residues = dict()
        patches = dict()
        hpatches = dict()
        tpatches = dict()
        line = next(f)
            while line:
                line = line.strip()
                if line[:4] == 'MASS':
                    words = line.split()
                        idx = conv(words[1], int, 'atom type')
                        name = words[2]
                        mass = conv(words[3], float, 'atom mass')
                    except IndexError:
                        raise CharmmFileError(
                            'Could not parse MASS section of '
                            '%s' % tfile)
                    # The parameter file might or might not have an element name
                        elem = words[4]
                        if len(elem) == 2:
                            elem = elem[0] + elem[1].lower()
                        atomic_number = AtomicNum[elem]
                    except (IndexError, KeyError):
                        # Figure it out from the mass
                        atomic_number = AtomicNum[element_by_mass(mass)]
                    atype = AtomType(name=name,
                    self.atom_types_str[] = atype
                    self.atom_types_int[atype.number] = atype
                    self.atom_types_tuple[(, atype.number)] = atype
                elif line[:4] == 'DECL':
                    pass  # Not really sure what this means
                elif line[:4] == 'DEFA':
                    words = line.split()
                    if len(words) < 5:
                        warnings.warn('DEFA line has %d tokens; expected 5' %
                        it = iter(words[1:5])
                        for tok, val in zip(it, it):
                            if val.upper() == 'NONE':
                                val = None
                            if tok.upper().startswith('FIRS'):
                                hpatch = val
                            elif tok.upper() == 'LAST':
                                tpatch = val
                                warnings.warn('DEFA patch %s unknown' % val)
                elif line[:4].upper() in ('RESI', 'PRES'):
                    restype = line[:4].upper()
                    # Get the residue definition
                    words = line.split()
                    resname = words[1]
                    # Assign default patches
                    hpatches[resname] = hpatch
                    tpatches[resname] = tpatch
                        charge = float(words[2])
                    except (IndexError, ValueError):
                        warnings.warn('No charge for %s' % resname)
                    if restype == 'RESI':
                        res = ResidueTemplate(resname)
                    elif restype == 'PRES':
                        res = PatchTemplate(resname)
                        assert False, 'restype != RESI or PRES'
                    line = next(f)
                    group = []
                    ictable = []
                    while line:
                        if line[:5].upper() == 'GROUP':
                            if group:
                            group = []
                        elif line[:4].upper() == 'ATOM':
                            words = line.split()
                            name, type, charge = words[1:4]
                            charge = float(charge)
                            atom = Atom(name=name, type=type, charge=charge)
                        elif line.strip() and line.split()[0].upper() in \
                                ('BOND', 'DOUBLE'):
                            words = line.split()[1:]
                            it = iter(words)
                            for a1, a2 in zip(it, it):
                                if a1.startswith('-'):
                                    res.head = res[a2]
                                if a2.startswith('-'):
                                    res.head = res[a1]
                                if a1.startswith('+'):
                                    res.tail = res[a2]
                                if a2.startswith('+'):
                                    res.tail = res[a1]
                                # Apparently PRES objects do not need to put +
                                # or - in front of atoms that belong to adjacent
                                # residues
                                if restype == 'PRES' and (a1 not in res
                                                          or a2 not in res):
                                res.add_bond(a1, a2)
                        elif line[:4].upper() == 'CMAP':
                        elif line[:5].upper() == 'DONOR':
                        elif line[:6].upper() == 'ACCEPT':
                        elif line[:2].upper() == 'IC':
                            w = line.split()[1:]
                            ictable.append((w[:4], [float(x) for x in w[4:]]))
                        elif line[:3].upper() == 'END':
                        elif line[:5].upper() == 'PATCH':
                            it = iter(line.split()[1:])
                            for tok, val in zip(it, it):
                                if val.upper() == 'NONE': val = None
                                if tok.upper().startswith('FIRS'):
                                    hpatches[resname] = val
                                elif tok.upper().startswith('LAST'):
                                    tpatches[resname] = val
                        elif line[:5].upper() == 'DELETE':
                        elif line[:4].upper() == 'IMPR':
                            it = iter(line.split()[1:])
                            for a1, a2, a3, a4 in zip(it, it, it, it):
                                if a2[0] == '-' or a3[0] == '-' or a4 == '-':
                                    res.head = res[a1]
                        elif line[:4].upper() in ('RESI', 'PRES', 'MASS'):
                            # Back up a line and bail
                        line = next(f)
                    if group: res.groups.append(group)
                    _fit_IC_table(res, ictable)
                    if restype == 'RESI':
                        residues[resname] = res
                    elif restype == 'PRES':
                        patches[resname] = res
                        assert False, 'restype != RESI or PRES'
                    # We parsed a line we need to look at. So don't update the
                    # iterator
                # Get the next line and cycle through
                line = next(f)
        except StopIteration:

        # Go through the patches and add the appropriate one
        for resname, res in residues.iteritems():
            if hpatches[resname] is not None:
                    res.first_patch = patches[hpatches[resname]]
                except KeyError:
                    warnings.warn('Patch %s not found' % hpatches[resname])
            if tpatches[resname] is not None:
                    res.last_patch = patches[tpatches[resname]]
                except KeyError:
                    warnings.warn('Patch %s not found' % tpatches[resname])
        # Now update the residues and patches with the ones we parsed here

        if own_handle: f.close()
Esempio n. 3
    def read_parameter_file(self, pfile, comments=None):
        Reads all of the parameters from a parameter file. Versions 36 and
        later of the CHARMM force field files have an ATOMS section defining
        all of the atom types.  Older versions need to load this information
        from the RTF/TOP files.

        pfile : str or list of lines
            Name of the CHARMM parameter file to read or list of lines to parse
            as a file
        comments : list of str, optional
            List of comments on each of the pfile lines (if pfile is a list of

        The atom types must all be loaded by the end of this routine.  Either
        supply a PAR file with atom definitions in them or read in a RTF/TOP
        file first. Failure to do so will result in a raised RuntimeError.
        conv = CharmmParameterSet._convert
        if isinstance(pfile, str):
            own_handle = True
            f = CharmmFile(pfile)
            own_handle = False
            f = pfile
            if not isinstance(f, CharmmFile) and comments is None:
                comments = _EmptyStringIterator()
        # What section are we parsing?
        section = None
        # The current cmap we are building (these span multiple lines)
        current_cmap = None
        current_cmap2 = None
        current_cmap_data = []
        current_cmap_res = 0
        nonbonded_types = dict() # Holder
        parameterset = None
        read_first_nonbonded = False
        for i, line in enumerate(f):
            line = line.strip()
                comment = f.comment
            except AttributeError:
                comment = comments[i]
            if not line:
                # This is a blank line
            if parameterset is None and line.strip().startswith('*>>'):
                parameterset = line.strip()[1:78]
            # Set section if this is a section header
            if line.startswith('ATOMS'):
                section = 'ATOMS'
            if line.startswith('BONDS'):
                section = 'BONDS'
            if line.startswith('ANGLES'):
                section = 'ANGLES'
            if line.startswith('DIHEDRALS'):
                section = 'DIHEDRALS'
            if line.startswith('IMPROPER'):
                section = 'IMPROPER'
            if line.startswith('CMAP'):
                section = 'CMAP'
            if line.startswith('NONBONDED'):
                read_first_nonbonded = False
                section = 'NONBONDED'
            if line.startswith('NBFIX'):
                section = 'NBFIX'
            if line.startswith('HBOND'):
                section = None
            # It seems like files? sections? can be terminated with 'END'
            if line.startswith('END'): # should this be case-insensitive?
                section = None
            # If we have no section, skip
            if section is None: continue
            # See if our comments define a penalty for this line
            pens = _penaltyre.findall(comment)
            if len(pens) == 1:
                penalty = float(pens[0])
                penalty = None
            # Now handle each section specifically
            if section == 'ATOMS':
                if not line.startswith('MASS'): continue # Should this happen?
                words = line.split()
                    idx = conv(words[1], int, 'atom type')
                    name = words[2]
                    mass = conv(words[3], float, 'atom mass')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse MASS section.')
                # The parameter file might or might not have an element name
                    elem = words[4]
                    if len(elem) == 2:
                        elem = elem[0] + elem[1].lower()
                    atomic_number = AtomicNum[elem]
                except (IndexError, KeyError):
                    # Figure it out from the mass
                    atomic_number = AtomicNum[element_by_mass(mass)]
                atype = AtomType(name=name, number=idx, mass=mass,
                self.atom_types_str[] = atype
                self.atom_types_int[atype.number] = atype
                self.atom_types_tuple[(, atype.number)] = atype
            if section == 'BONDS':
                words = line.split()
                    type1 = words[0]
                    type2 = words[1]
                    k = conv(words[2], float, 'bond force constant')
                    req = conv(words[3], float, 'bond equilibrium dist')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse bonds.')
                key = (min(type1, type2), max(type1, type2))
                bond_type = BondType(k, req)
                self.bond_types[(type1, type2)] = bond_type
                self.bond_types[(type2, type1)] = bond_type
                bond_type.penalty = penalty
            if section == 'ANGLES':
                words = line.split()
                    type1 = words[0]
                    type2 = words[1]
                    type3 = words[2]
                    k = conv(words[3], float, 'angle force constant')
                    theteq = conv(words[4], float, 'angle equilibrium value')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse angles.')
                angle_type = AngleType(k, theteq)
                self.angle_types[(type1, type2, type3)] = angle_type
                self.angle_types[(type3, type2, type1)] = angle_type
                # See if we have a urey-bradley
                    ubk = conv(words[5], float, 'Urey-Bradley force constant')
                    ubeq = conv(words[6], float, 'Urey-Bradley equil. value')
                    ubtype = BondType(ubk, ubeq)
                    ubtype.penalty = penalty
                except IndexError:
                    ubtype = NoUreyBradley
                self.urey_bradley_types[(type1, type2, type3)] = ubtype
                self.urey_bradley_types[(type3, type2, type1)] = ubtype
                angle_type.penalty = penalty
            if section == 'DIHEDRALS':
                words = line.split()
                    type1 = words[0]
                    type2 = words[1]
                    type3 = words[2]
                    type4 = words[3]
                    k = conv(words[4], float, 'dihedral force constant')
                    n = conv(words[5], float, 'dihedral periodicity')
                    phase = conv(words[6], float, 'dihedral phase')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse dihedrals.')
                key = (type1, type2, type3, type4)
                # See if this is a second (or more) term of the dihedral group
                # that's already present.
                dihedral = DihedralType(k, n, phase)
                dihedral.penalty = penalty
                if key in self.dihedral_types:
                    # See if the existing dihedral type list has a term with
                    # the same periodicity -- If so, replace it
                    replaced = False
                    for i, dtype in enumerate(self.dihedral_types[key]):
                        if dtype.per == dihedral.per:
                            # Replace. Warn if they are different
                            if dtype != dihedral:
                                warnings.warn('Replacing dihedral %r with %r' % 
                                              (dtype, dihedral))
                            self.dihedral_types[key][i] = dihedral
                            replaced = True
                    if not replaced:
                    # Now do the other order
                    replaced = False
                    key = (type4, type3, type2, type1)
                    for i, dtype in enumerate(self.dihedral_types[key]):
                        if dtype.per == dihedral.per:
                            self.dihedral_types[key][i] = dihedral
                            replaced = True
                    if not replaced:
                else: # key not present
                    dtl = DihedralTypeList()
                    self.dihedral_types[(type1,type2,type3,type4)] = dtl
                    self.dihedral_types[(type4,type3,type2,type1)] = dtl
            if section == 'IMPROPER':
                words = line.split()
                    type1 = words[0]
                    type2 = words[1]
                    type3 = words[2]
                    type4 = words[3]
                    k = conv(words[4], float, 'improper force constant')
                    theteq = conv(words[5], float, 'improper equil. value')
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse dihedrals.')
                # If we have a 7th column, that is the real psi0 (and the 6th
                # is just a dummy 0)
                    tmp = conv(words[6], float, 'improper equil. value')
                    theteq = tmp
                except IndexError:
                    pass # Do nothing
                # Improper types seem not to have the central atom defined in
                # the first place, so just have the key a fully sorted list. We
                # still depend on the PSF having properly ordered improper atoms
                key = tuple(sorted([type1, type2, type3, type4]))
                improp = ImproperType(k, theteq)
                self.improper_types[key] = improp
                improp.penalty = penalty
            if section == 'CMAP':
                # This is the most complicated part, since cmap parameters span
                # many lines. We won't do much error catching here.
                words = line.split()
                    holder = [float(w) for w in words]
                except ValueError:
                    # We assume this is a definition of a new CMAP, so
                    # terminate the last CMAP if applicable
                    if current_cmap is not None:
                        # We have a map to terminate
                        ty = CmapType(current_cmap_res, current_cmap_data)
                        self.cmap_types[current_cmap] = ty
                        self.cmap_types[current_cmap2] = ty
                        type1 = words[0]
                        type2 = words[1]
                        type3 = words[2]
                        type4 = words[3]
                        type5 = words[4]
                        type6 = words[5]
                        type7 = words[6]
                        type8 = words[7]
                        res = conv(words[8], int, 'CMAP resolution')
                    except IndexError:
                        raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse CMAP data.')
                    # order the torsions independently
                    k1 = [type1,type2,type3,type4,type5,type6,type7,type8]
                    k2 = [type8,type7,type6,type5,type4,type3,type2,type1]
                    current_cmap = tuple(min(k1, k2))
                    current_cmap2 = tuple(max(k1, k2))
                    current_cmap_res = res
                    current_cmap_data = []
            if section == 'NONBONDED':
                # Now get the nonbonded values
                words = line.split()
                    atype = words[0]
                    # 1st column is ignored
                    epsilon = conv(words[2], float, 'vdW epsilon term')
                    rmin = conv(words[3], float, 'vdW Rmin/2 term')
                except IndexError:
                    # If we haven't read our first nonbonded term yet, we may
                    # just be parsing the settings that should be used. So
                    # soldier on
                    if not read_first_nonbonded: continue
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse nonbonded terms.')
                except CharmmFileError as e:
                    if not read_first_nonbonded: continue
                    raise CharmmFileError(str(e))
                    # OK, we've read our first nonbonded section for sure now
                    read_first_nonbonded = True
                # See if we have 1-4 parameters
                    # 4th column is ignored
                    eps14 = conv(words[5], float, '1-4 vdW epsilon term')
                    rmin14 = conv(words[6], float, '1-4 vdW Rmin/2 term')
                except IndexError:
                    eps14 = rmin14 = None
                nonbonded_types[atype] = [epsilon, rmin, eps14, rmin14]
            if section == 'NBFIX':
                words = line.split()
                    at1 = words[0]
                    at2 = words[1]
                    emin = abs(conv(words[2], float, 'NBFIX Emin'))
                    rmin = conv(words[3], float, 'NBFIX Rmin')
                        emin14 = abs(conv(words[4], float, 'NBFIX Emin 1-4'))
                        rmin14 = conv(words[5], float, 'NBFIX Rmin 1-4')
                    except IndexError:
                        emin14 = rmin14 = None
                        self.atom_types_str[at1].add_nbfix(at2, rmin, emin,
                                                           rmin14, emin14)
                        self.atom_types_str[at2].add_nbfix(at1, rmin, emin,
                                                           rmin14, emin14)
                    except KeyError:
                        # Some stream files define NBFIX terms with an atom that
                        # is defined in another toppar file that does not
                        # necessarily have to be loaded. As a result, not every
                        # NBFIX found here will necessarily need to be applied.
                        # If we can't find a particular atom type, don't bother
                        # adding that nbfix and press on
                except IndexError:
                    raise CharmmFileError('Could not parse NBFIX terms.')
                self.nbfix_types[(min(at1, at2), max(at1, at2))] = (emin, rmin)
        # If we had any CMAP terms, then the last one will not have been added
        # yet. Add it here
        if current_cmap is not None:
            ty = CmapType(current_cmap_res, current_cmap_data)
            self.cmap_types[current_cmap] = ty
            self.cmap_types[current_cmap2] = ty
        # Now we're done. Load the nonbonded types into the relevant AtomType
        # instances. In order for this to work, all keys in nonbonded_types
        # must be in the self.atom_types_str dict. Raise a RuntimeError if this
        # is not satisfied
            for key in nonbonded_types:
        except KeyError:
            raise RuntimeError('Atom type %s not present in AtomType list' %
        if parameterset is not None: self.parametersets.append(parameterset)
        if own_handle: f.close()