Esempio n. 1
    def test_scale_up_scale_down(self):
        # Test a scale up and scale down. This test creates 2 Chronos nodes,
        # and adds 100 timers. It then scales up to 4 Chronos nodes, then
        # scales back down to the 2 new Chronos nodes. It then checks that
        # 100 timers pop.

        # Start initial nodes and add timers
        start_nodes(0, 2)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 100)

        # Scale up
        self.write_config_for_nodes([0,1], [2,3])
        start_nodes(2, 4)
        node_reload_config(0, 2)
        node_trigger_scaling(0, 4)

        # Scale down the initial nodes
        self.write_config_for_nodes([2,3], [], [0,1])
        node_reload_config(0, 4)
        node_trigger_scaling(0, 4)

        # Check that all the timers have popped
Esempio n. 2
    def test_gr_no_site_failure(self):
        # Test that a GR system works. This test creates 2 Chronos nodes in
        # different sites, adds 100 timers, then checks that 100 timers pop.

        # Start initial nodes and add timers
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([0], 'site1', ['site2='], 'true')
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([1], 'site2', ['site1='], 'true')
        start_nodes(0, 2)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 100)

        # Check that all the timers have popped (10 secs with a slight delay
        # for replication)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_deletes(self):
        # Test that Chronos replicates deletes from a client. This test creates 3 Chronos
        # nodes, adds 100 timers, then deletes the 100 timers again.
        # The test checks that we get 0 timer pops

        # Start initial nodes and add timers
        start_nodes(0, 3)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 100, "pop", 3)
        delete_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 100) 

        # Check that no timer pops are recieved
Esempio n. 4
    def test_no_gr(self):
        # Test that a system works correctly when GR is disabled. This test
        # creates 2 Chronos nodes in different sites, adds 25 timers to each,
        # then waits for them to pop, and checks 50 timers have popped.

        # Start initial noders and add timers.
        # GR is disabled through a shared config option.
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([0], 'site1', ['site2='], 'false')
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([1], 'site2', ['site1='], 'false')
        start_nodes(0, 2)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 25)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[1], 25, 50)

        # Check that all the timers have popped (after 10 secs with a slight
        # delay for replication).
Esempio n. 5
    def test_gr_deleted_timers(self):
        # Test that a GR system works. This test creates 2 Chronos nodes in
        # different sites, adds 100 timers from site 1, waits for replication,
        # then deletes them from site 2 and checks that no timers pop.

        # Start initial nodes and add timers
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([0], 'site1', ['site2='], 'true')
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([1], 'site2', ['site1='], 'true')
        start_nodes(0, 2)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 50)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[1], 50, 100)

        # Check that no timers pop (where we'd expect them to take a maximum
        # of 10 seconds plus 2 second site delay plus replication delay)
        delete_timers(chronos_nodes[1], 100)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_503_errors(self):
        # Test that Chronos replicas pop correctly. This test creates 3 Chronos
        # nodes and adds 100 timers that will get 503 errors on their first pop
        # and successes on subsequent pops.
        # We expect that the primary replica for each timer will get a 503
        # error, so the secondary replica will pop and succeed, which should
        # prevent the tertiary replica from popping.
        # The test checks that we get 100 successful pops and 100 failed pops.

        # Start initial nodes and add timers
        self.write_config_for_nodes([0, 1, 2])
        start_nodes(0, 3)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 100, "pop-with-errors", 3)

        # Check that all the timers have popped
Esempio n. 7
    def test_scale_down(self):
        # Test that scaling down works. This test creates 4 Chronos nodes,
        # adds 100 timers, scales down to 2 Chronos nodes, then checks that
        # 100 timers pop.

        # Start initial nodes and add timers
        start_nodes(0, 4)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 100)

        # Scale down
        self.write_config_for_nodes([0,1], [], [2,3])
        node_reload_config(0, 4)
        node_trigger_scaling(0, 4)
        kill_nodes(2, 4)

        # Check that all the timers have popped
Esempio n. 8
    def test_scale_up_and_kill(self):
        # Test that scaling up definitely moves timers. This test creates 1
        # Chronos node and adds 100 timers. It then scales up to 2 Chronos
        # nodes, then kills the first node. It then checks all 100 timers pop

        # Start initial nodes and add timers
        start_nodes(0, 1)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 100)

        # Scale up
        self.write_config_for_nodes([0], [1])
        start_nodes(1, 2)
        node_reload_config(0, 1)
        node_trigger_scaling(0, 2)

        # Now kill the first node
        kill_nodes(0, 1)

        # Check that all the timers have popped
Esempio n. 9
    def test_no_gr_site_failures(self):
        # Confirm that GR is disabled by checking that the timers on a site are
        # lost if that site goes down. This test creates 2 Chronos nodes in
        # different sites, adds 25 timers to each site, waits long enough for
        # them to be replicated (even though they shouldn't be), kills 1 site,
        # and then checks that only 25 timers pop.

        # Start initial nodes and add timers.
        # GR is disabled through a shared config option.
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([0], 'site1', ['site2=','site3=','site4='], 'false')
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([1], 'site2', ['site1=','site3=','site4='], 'false')
        start_nodes(0, 2)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 25)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[1], 25, 50)

        # Now kill the node in the second site, wait a sufficient time for any
        # existing timers to pop (10 seconds, plus 6 seconds delay for the site
        # failures, plus a slight delay for replication), and check that only
        # the timers set in the first site pop.
        kill_nodes(1, 2)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_gr_site_failures(self):
        # Test that timers still pop on site failure. This test creates 4
        # Chronos nodes in different sites, adds 25 timers to each site, waits
        # for these to be replicated, kills sites 1-3, then checks that
        # 100 timers pop.

        # Start initial nodes and add timers
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([0], 'site1', ['site2=','site3=','site4='], 'true')
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([1], 'site2', ['site1=','site3=','site4='], 'true')
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([2], 'site3', ['site1=','site2=','site4='], 'true')
        self.write_shared_config_for_nodes([3], 'site4', ['site1=','site2=','site3='], 'true')
        start_nodes(0, 4)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[0], 0, 25)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[1], 25, 50)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[2], 50, 75)
        create_timers(chronos_nodes[3], 75, 100)

        # Now kill all but a single site, and check that all timers pop within
        # expected delay (10 seconds, plus 6 seconds delay for the site
        # failures, plus a slight delay for replication)