def pixelLikelihoodRobustRegionCh(image, template, testMask, backgroundModel,
                                  layerPrior, variances):
    sigma = ch.sqrt(variances)
    mask = testMask
    if backgroundModel == 'FULL':
        mask = np.ones(image.shape[0:2])
    # mask = np.repeat(mask[..., np.newaxis], 3, 2)
    repPriors = ch.tile(layerPrior, image.shape[0:2])
    # sum = np.sum(np.log(layerPrior * scipy.stats.norm.pdf(image, location = template, scale=np.sqrt(variances) ) + (1 - repPriors)))
    # uniformProbs = np.ones(image.shape)

    imshape = image.shape
    from opendr.filters import filter_for
    from opendr.filters import GaussianKernel2D

    blur_mtx = filter_for(imshape[0],
                          imshape[2] if len(imshape) > 2 else 1,
                          kernel=GaussianKernel2D(3, 1))
    blurred_image = MatVecMult(blur_mtx, image).reshape(imshape)
    blurred_template = MatVecMult(blur_mtx, template).reshape(imshape)

    probs = ch.exp(-(blurred_image - template)**2 /
                   (2 * variances)) * (1. / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)))
    foregroundProbs = (probs[:, :, 0] * probs[:, :, 1] *
                       probs[:, :, 2]) * layerPrior + (1 - repPriors)
    return foregroundProbs * mask + (1 - mask)
Esempio n. 2
def pixelLikelihoodRobustCh(image, template, testMask, backgroundModel, layerPrior, variances):
    sigma = ch.sqrt(variances)
    mask = testMask
    if backgroundModel == 'FULL':
        mask = np.ones(image.shape[0:2])
    # mask = np.repeat(mask[..., np.newaxis], 3, 2)
    repPriors = ch.tile(layerPrior, image.shape[0:2])
    # sum = np.sum(np.log(layerPrior * scipy.stats.norm.pdf(image, location = template, scale=np.sqrt(variances) ) + (1 - repPriors)))
    # uniformProbs = np.ones(image.shape)

    probs = ch.exp( - (image - template)**2 / (2 * variances)) * (1./(sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)))
    foregroundProbs = (probs[:,:,0] * probs[:,:,1] * probs[:,:,2]) * layerPrior + (1 - repPriors)
    return foregroundProbs * mask + (1-mask)
Esempio n. 3
def layerPosteriorsRobustCh(image, template, testMask, backgroundModel, layerPrior, variances):

    sigma = ch.sqrt(variances)
    mask = testMask
    if backgroundModel == 'FULL':
        mask = np.ones(image.shape[0:2])
    # mask = np.repeat(mask[..., np.newaxis], 3, 2)
    repPriors = ch.tile(layerPrior, image.shape[0:2])
    probs = ch.exp( - (image - template)**2 / (2 * variances))  * (1/(sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)))
    foregroundProbs =  probs[:,:,0] * probs[:,:,1] * probs[:,:,2] * layerPrior
    backgroundProbs = np.ones(image.shape)
    outlierProbs = ch.Ch(1-repPriors)
    lik = pixelLikelihoodRobustCh(image, template, testMask, backgroundModel, layerPrior, variances)
    # prodlik =, axis=2)
    # return*mask, axis=2)/prodlik,*mask, axis=2)/prodlik

    return foregroundProbs*mask/lik, outlierProbs*mask/lik
Esempio n. 4
    def on_changed(self, which):
        if 'w' in which or 'A' in which:
            A = np.abs(self.A.tocoo())
            self.wmat = A.tocsc().dot(sp.diags([self.w], [0]))
            A9_data = np.tile( / 2., 9)
            A9_row = np.hstack([A.row * 9 + i for i in range(9)])
            A9_col = np.hstack([A.col * 9 + i for i in range(9)])
            self.A9 = sp.csc_matrix((A9_data, (A9_row, A9_col)),
                                    shape=(A.shape[0] * 9, A.shape[1] * 9))

            #wmatcoo = self.wmat.tocoo()
            #wmat3_data = np.tile(, 3)
            #wmat3_row = np.hstack([wmatcoo.row*3 + i for i in range(3)])
            #wmat3_col = np.hstack([wmatcoo.col*3 + i for i in range(3)])
            #self.wmat3 = sp.csc_matrix((wmat3_data, (wmat3_row, wmat3_col)),
            #                           shape=(wmatcoo.shape[0]*3,
            #                                  wmatcoo.shape[1]*3))

        if 'reg_e' in which or 'model_e' in which:
            T = np.einsum('ij,jk->ikj', self.model_e.T,
                          self.reg_e).reshape(9, -1)

        # compute rotation per vertex rv through SVD
        T_per_v = (, 3, 3)
        u_s_v = np.linalg.svd(T_per_v)
        col3 = np.asarray([1., 1., -1.])
        # negate third column of u if det is negative
        # The real rotation, according to Sorkine, would be,
        # because numpy returns usv instead of usv.T. However, we're applying
        #, so we need rot.T which is
        self.rv = np.asarray([
   if np.linalg.det( > 0  # > 0#
            else (u * col3).dot(v) for u, s, v in zip(*u_s_v)

        # average vertex rotations for each edge
        self.rf = MatVecMult(mtx=self.A9.T, vec=self.rv.ravel()).reshape(-1, 3)

        w3 = ch.tile(self.w, (3, 1)).T.ravel()
        self.err = (LoopProd(rot=self.rf, edge=self.model_e).ravel() -
                    self.reg_e.ravel()) * w3
Esempio n. 5
numPixels = win * 2 * win * 2
chInput = ch.Ch(colors)
numVars = chInput.size

recSoftmaxW = ch.Ch(np.random.uniform(0, 1, [nRecComps, numVars]) / numVars)

chRecLogistic = ch.exp(, chInput.reshape([numVars, 1])))
chRecSoftmax = chRecLogistic.ravel() / ch.sum(chRecLogistic)

chZRecComps = ch.zeros([numVars, nRecComps])

chZ = ch.zeros([numVars])

recMeans = ch.Ch(np.random.uniform(0, 1, [3, nRecComps]))
recCovars = 0.2
chRecLogLikelihoods = -0.5 * (chZ.reshape([numPixels, 3, 1]) - ch.tile(
    recMeans, [numPixels, 1, 1]))**2 - ch.log(
        (2 * recCovars) * (1 / (ch.sqrt(recCovars) * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))))

genZCovars = 0.2
chGenComponentsProbs = ch.Ch(gmm.weights_)
chCompMeans = ch.zeros([nComps, 3])

for comp in range(nComps):
    chCompMeans[comp, :] = gmm.means_[comp]

chPZComp = ch.exp(
    -(ch.tile(chZ.reshape([numPixels, 3, 1]), [1, 1, nComps]) -
      chCompMeans.reshape([1, 3, nComps]))**2 /
    (2 * genZCovars)) * (1 / (ch.sqrt(genZCovars) * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)))

chPZ =[1, nComps]),