''' Created on Mar 22, 2016 to test the simpleSplit function @author: thanuja ''' from chunk import Tile inputFileName = '/home/thanuja/projects/data/drosophilaLarva_ssTEM/isbiSegmentations/raw/test-volume0000.tif' outputDirectory = '/home/thanuja/projects/RESULTS/imageSlicer/20160407' # numberOfTiles = 4 save = True prefix = 't' imgFormat = 'png' tileWidth = 270 tileHeight = 270 overlap = 28 Tile.sliceImage(inputFileName, tileWidth, tileHeight,save, prefix, outputDirectory, imgFormat,overlap) if __name__ == '__main__': pass
''' Created on Apr 4, 2016 @author: thanuja ''' from chunk import Tile inputDirectory = '/home/thanuja/projects/RESULTS/imageSlicer/20160407' outputDirectory = '/home/thanuja/projects/RESULTS/imageSlicer/20160401_assembled' outputFileName = '07.png' imgFormat = 'png' overlap = 28 Tile.assembleTiles(outputFileName, outputDirectory, inputDirectory, imgFormat,overlap) if __name__ == '__main__': pass
''' Created on Mar 22, 2016 to test the simpleSplit function @author: thanuja ''' from chunk import Tile inputFileName = '/home/thanuja/projects/data/drosophilaLarva_ssTEM/isbiSegmentations/raw/test-volume0000.tif' outputDirectory = '/home/thanuja/projects/RESULTS/imageSlicer/20160407' # numberOfTiles = 4 save = True prefix = 't' imgFormat = 'png' tileWidth = 270 tileHeight = 270 overlap = 28 Tile.sliceImage(inputFileName, tileWidth, tileHeight, save, prefix, outputDirectory, imgFormat, overlap) if __name__ == '__main__': pass