Esempio n. 1
Base settings that exist solely to enable the creation of a SECRET_KEY
file, via a Django management command, before one has been created.

from cinch import cinch_settings

g = globals()
S = g.setdefault

SECRET_KEY = '12345'

# Include our sibling default settings
g.update(cinch_settings(g, 'default'))
Esempio n. 2
These are the default settings used by and the default wsgi
application instance when no DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable
is set. They provide the minimum configuration needed to create a
running server or invoke a Django shell. Generally, a
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable should be set. The author
suggests a postactivate hook in the project's virtual environment.

from cinch import cinch_settings

g = globals()
S = g.setdefault

S('ADMINS', ())
S('PROJECT_NAME', 'cinch')

# Include our sibling debug settings
g.update(cinch_settings(g, 'debug'))
Esempio n. 3
Base production settings for a project to include via execfile().

from cinch import cinch_settings

g = globals()
S = g.setdefault

# Debugging and development modes
S('DEBUG', False)

# Include our sibling debug settings
g.update(cinch_settings(g, 'base'))