def GetProcessRunStatus(dfExecStatus): CipherConfig.load('parameters.yaml') dbconn = CipherData.byConfig('NexusODS', 'oxyread') Sqlstr1 = 'SELECT DATEADD(hour, (DATEDIFF(hour, 0, GETUTCDATE())-1), 0) AS StartTime' df = dbconn.load(Sqlstr1) start_secs = (df['StartTime'].dt.hour*60 + df['StartTime'].dt.minute)*60 + df['StartTime'].dt.second Sqlstr1 = 'SELECT DATEADD(hour, DATEDIFF(hour, 0, GETUTCDATE()), 0) AS EndTime' df = dbconn.load(Sqlstr1) end_secs = (df['EndTime'].dt.hour*60 + df['EndTime'].dt.minute)*60 + df['EndTime'].dt.second Sqlstr1 = 'SELECT ApplicationName, TaskStartTime, TaskInterval from dbo.ExecutionSummaryConfig' df = dbconn.load(Sqlstr1) Execlist = dfExecStatus['ApplicationName'].tolist() Applist=[] for row in df.itertuples(): secs = (row[2].hour*60 + row[2].minute)*60 + row[2].second while(True): if(secs < int(end_secs)): if(secs >= int(start_secs)): for app in Execlist: if(app.lower() == row[1].lower()): Exists = True break if(Exists is False): Applist.append(row[1]) break secs+=row[3]*3600 else: break return Applist
def ComputeSummaryStatistics(AppName: str = None, PeriodinMonths: int = 1): CipherConfig.load('parameters.yaml') dbconn = CipherData.byConfig('NexusODS', 'oxyread') #Get average and maximum execution time over a user specified period SqlOptions = ['(CAST(AVG(CAST(DATEDIFF(SECOND, StartTime, EndTime) as decimal(12,2))/60) as decimal(12,2))) AS Avg_Exec_Time', \ '(CAST(MAX(CAST(DATEDIFF(SECOND, StartTime, EndTime) as decimal(12,2))/60) as decimal(12,2))) AS Max_Exec_Time'] Sqlstr3 = 'select A.ApplicationName,' Sqlstr5 = ' from dbo.ExecutionSummary A \ where A.StartTime > DATEADD(month, -1, GETUTCDATE())' SqlstrAvg = Sqlstr3 + str(SqlOptions[0]) + Sqlstr5 SqlstrMax = Sqlstr3 + str(SqlOptions[1]) + Sqlstr5 if AppName is not None: Sqlstrx = ' AND A.ApplicationName = ? GROUP BY A.ApplicationName' SqlstrAvg += Sqlstrx dfAvg = dbconn.load(SqlstrAvg, params=[AppName]) SqlstrMax += Sqlstrx dfMax = dbconn.load(SqlstrMax, params=[AppName]) else: Sqlstrx = ' GROUP BY A.ApplicationName ORDER BY A.ApplicationName' SqlstrAvg += Sqlstrx dfAvg = dbconn.load(SqlstrAvg) SqlstrMax += Sqlstrx dfMax = dbconn.load(SqlstrMax) dfAvg['Max_Exec_Time'] = dfMax['Max_Exec_Time'] return dfAvg
def SendNotification(EMail, PList, dt1, strlink): config = CipherConfig.load('parameters.yaml') Bus_settings = config['Notification']['AzureMessageBus'] MessageBody_settings = config['Notification']['MessageBody'] if Bus_settings['SharedAccessKeyValue'] != None and \ Bus_settings['ServiceNamespace'] != None: Address_list = [EMail] ServiceNameSpace = Bus_settings['ServiceNamespace'] sbs = ServiceBusService(ServiceNameSpace, shared_access_key_name = Bus_settings['SharedAccessKeyName'], shared_access_key_value = Bus_settings['SharedAccessKeyValue'] ) message = { 'EmailType' : 0, 'Subject' : 'Status on ' + dt1, 'FromAddress' : MessageBody_settings['FromAddress'], 'ReplyTo' : '', 'FromName' : MessageBody_settings['FromName'] + ' ' + CipherConfig.Country + '-' + CipherConfig.Environment, 'ToAddresses' : Address_list, 'Message' : 'Processes completed with Alert(s) in the last hour\n\n' + PList + strlink, 'CcAddresses': [], 'BccAddresses': [], 'Metadata': { "TaskName": "This is a test message"} } json = CipherData.toJson(message) msg = Message(json) sbs.send_queue_message(Bus_settings['QueueName'], msg) return
def main(): config = CipherConfig.load('parameters.yaml') websettings = config['WebServer'] # Retrieve records df = ExecutionSchedule.GetLastHourProcessData() #Output data in HTML format currenthr = dt ="%m-%d-%Y") dt1 = dt + '@' + str(currenthr) + ':00:00' dt2 = 'Status' + '_' + dt + '_' + str(currenthr) + '00.html' if currenthr < 10: dt1 = dt + '@' + '0' + str(currenthr) + ':00:00' dt2 = 'Status' + '_' + dt + '_' + '0' + str(currenthr) + '00.html' #Overwrite file everytime dt2 = 'ProcessRunStatus.html' strlink = '\nUse link for latest updates\n' + 'http://' + socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname()) + ':' + str( websettings['Port']) + '/ProcessStatus' s, Alist = HTMLFormat.GenerateHTML(df, dt1) with open('.\\processinsights\\static\\' + dt2, "w") as file: file.write(s) file.close() ExecutionSchedule.SendNotification(Alist, dt1, strlink) return
def main(): config = CipherConfig.load('parameters.yaml') websettings = config['WebServer'] # Retrieve records Emails, PList, df = ExecutionSchedule.GetLastHourProcessData() #Output data in HTML format currenthr = dt ="%m-%d-%Y") dt1 = dt + '@' + str(currenthr) + ':00:00' #dt2 = 'Status' + '_' + dt + '_' + str(currenthr) + '00.html' if currenthr < 10: dt1 = dt + '@' + '0' + str(currenthr) + ':00:00' #dt2 = 'Status' + '_' + dt + '_' + '0' + str(currenthr) + '00.html' dt2 = 'ProcessRunStatus.html' s, AList = HTMLFormat.GenerateHTML(df, dt1) with open('.\\processinsights\\static\\' + dt2, "w") as file: file.write(s) file.close() if len(Emails) > 0: siteurl = 'http://' + socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname()) + ':' + str(websettings['Port']) if websettings['Site'] != None: siteurl = 'http://' + str(websettings['Site']) + ':' + str( websettings['Port']) strlink = '\nUse link for latest updates\n' + siteurl + '/ProcessStatus' + '\n' strlink += '\nUse link to view planned and actual process scheduling summary\n' + siteurl for i in range(len(Emails)): if len(PList) > 0: Applist = '' for s in PList[i]: Applist += s + '\n' ExecutionSchedule.SendNotification(Emails[i], Applist, dt1, strlink) return
def YstExecutionSchedule(AppName: str = None, OutPath: str = './output', PlotData: bool = False, When: str = ''): CipherConfig.load('parameters.yaml') dbconn = CipherData.byConfig('NexusODS', 'oxyread') dfAvg = ComputeSummaryStatistics(AppName=AppName) StartDate ="%Y-%m-%d") #TIME_DIFFERENCE = -5 is_dst = time.localtime().tm_isdst TIME_DIFFERENCE = -1.0 * time.timezone if is_dst > 0: TIME_DIFFERENCE += 3600 lower_limit = -86400 - TIME_DIFFERENCE upper_limit = -TIME_DIFFERENCE if (len(When) != 0): StartDate = When When = '\'' + When + ' 00:00:00' + '\'' Sqlstrlimits = 'WHERE A.StartTime BETWEEN dateadd(ss,{lower_limit} , datediff(dd,0,{When})) AND \ dateadd(ss, {upper_limit}, datediff(dd,0,{When}))'.format( lower_limit=lower_limit, upper_limit=upper_limit, When=When) else: StartDate ="%Y-%m-%d") Sqlstrlimits = 'WHERE A.StartTime BETWEEN dateadd(ss,{lower_limit} ,datediff(dd,0,GETUTCDATE())) AND \ dateadd(ss, {upper_limit}, datediff(dd,0,GETUTCDATE()))'.format( lower_limit=lower_limit, upper_limit=upper_limit) Sqlstr1 = 'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT A.ApplicationName \ , \'HR\' + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR,A.StartTime) AS NVARCHAR) StartHr \ , A.RunStatus + \' : \' + CAST(A.RecordsAffected AS NVARCHAR) RunStatus \ FROM dbo.ExecutionSummary A ' Sqlstr1 += Sqlstrlimits SqlParameter = ' AND A.ApplicationName = ?' Sqlstr2 = ') SRC\ PIVOT ( \ MAX(RunStatus) FOR StartHr IN (HR0,HR1,HR2,HR3,HR4,HR5,HR6,HR7,HR8,HR9,HR10,HR11,HR12,HR13,HR14,HR15,HR16,HR17,HR18,HR19,HR20,HR21,HR22,HR23) \ ) PVT \ ORDER BY 1;' if AppName is not None: Sqlstr3 = Sqlstr1 + SqlParameter + Sqlstr2 df2 = dbconn.load(Sqlstr3, params=[AppName]) else: Sqlstr3 = Sqlstr1 + Sqlstr2 df2 = dbconn.load(Sqlstr3) actual_ecount = [0] * len(dfAvg.index) for rowA in dfAvg.itertuples(): bFound = False for row in df2.itertuples(): #Check if the Application exists in dfAvg if row[1] == rowA[1]: bFound = True for i in range(24): if row[i + 2] is not None: actual_ecount[rowA[0]] += 1 else: continue if bFound is True: break planned_time = [0] * len(dfAvg.index) planned_ecount = [0] * len(dfAvg.index) #Read planned tasks from JSON with open('./ScheduledTasks.json') as json_data: tasks_dict = json.load(json_data) for x in tasks_dict: if x['Environment'] == CipherConfig.Environment: for row in dfAvg.itertuples(): if x['ApplicationName'].lower() == row[1].lower(): planned_time[row[0]] = 60 * float(x['Interval']) planned_ecount[row[0]] = 24 / int(x['Interval']) break else: continue dfAvg['Planned_Exec_Time'] = planned_time #Col 4 dfAvg['Actual_Exec_Count'] = actual_ecount #Col 5 dfAvg['Planned_Exec_Count'] = planned_ecount #Col 6 #Detect if the actual count is less than planned cpunt bActual = ['False'] * len(dfAvg.index) for row in dfAvg.itertuples(): if row[5] < row[6]: bActual[row[0]] = 'True' dfAvg['Actual Count < Planned Count'] = bActual #Write data to CSV file if not os.path.exists(OutPath): os.mkdir(OutPath) FileName = OutPath + '/ExecSummary-' + CipherConfig.Environment + ' ' + StartDate + '.csv' CipherData.toCsv(os.path.abspath(FileName), dfAvg) fig1 = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar( name='Actual', x=dfAvg.ApplicationName, y=dfAvg.Actual_Exec_Count), go.Bar(name='Planned', x=dfAvg.ApplicationName, y=dfAvg.Planned_Exec_Count) ]) fig1.update_layout(title=CipherConfig.Environment + ' ' + StartDate, barmode='group') if PlotData is True: fname = './processinsights/static/ExecutionSummary' plotly.offline.plot(fig1, filename=fname, auto_open=False) is_dst = time.localtime().tm_isdst TIME_DIFFERENCE = -1.0 * time.timezone if is_dst > 0: TIME_DIFFERENCE += 3600 #Adjust time relative to UTC SqlAdjustTime = ' dateadd(ss,{TIME_DIFFERENCE}, A.StartTime) Start , \ dateadd(ss, {TIME_DIFFERENCE}, A.EndTime) Finish '.format( TIME_DIFFERENCE=TIME_DIFFERENCE) Sqlstr6 = 'SELECT A.ApplicationName Task\ , A.RunStatus + \' : \' + CAST(A.RecordsAffected AS NVARCHAR) RunStatus,' Sqlstr6 += SqlAdjustTime Sqlstr6 += ', CAST(CAST(DATEDIFF(SECOND, StartTime, EndTime) as decimal(12,2))/60 as decimal(12,2)) ExecTime \ FROM NexusODS.dbo.ExecutionSummary A ' Sqlstr6 += Sqlstrlimits #Sort the processes SqlstrSort = ' ORDER BY A.ApplicationName' Sqlstr6 += SqlstrSort if AppName is not None: Sqlstrx = ' AND A.ApplicationName = ?' Sqlstr6 += Sqlstrx dfExecSch = dbconn.load(Sqlstr6, params=[AppName]) else: dfExecSch = dbconn.load(Sqlstr6) dfExecSch_Save = dfExecSch.copy() dfExecSch['Start_Time'] = dfExecSch['Start'].apply( lambda x: x.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")) dfExecSch['Finish_Time'] = dfExecSch['Finish'].apply( lambda x: x.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")) dfExecSch.drop('Start', axis=1, inplace=True) dfExecSch.drop('Finish', axis=1, inplace=True) if not os.path.exists(OutPath): os.mkdir(OutPath) FileName = OutPath + '/YstExecSchedule-' + CipherConfig.Environment + ' ' + StartDate + '.csv' CipherData.toCsv(os.path.abspath(os.path.abspath(FileName)), dfExecSch) hover = ['Exec Time/Max Time(min)='] * len(dfExecSch_Save.index) for row in dfExecSch_Save.itertuples(): hover[row[0]] += str(row[5]) + '/NA' for row1 in dfAvg.itertuples(): if row[1].lower() == row1[1].lower(): hover[row[0]] = hover[row[0]][:-2] hover[row[0]] += str(row1[3]) break else: continue dfExecSch_Save['Description'] = hover #Create dictionary for Gantt chart dfExecSch_Save.drop('RunStatus', axis=1, inplace=True) dfExecSch_Save.drop('ExecTime', axis=1, inplace=True) fig1 = ff.create_gantt(dfExecSch_Save, height=1000, width=2000, bar_width=0.2, showgrid_x=True, showgrid_y=True, group_tasks=True) fig1.update_layout(title=CipherConfig.Environment + ' ' + StartDate) if PlotData is True: fname = './processinsights/static/ExecutionSchedule' plotly.offline.plot(fig1, filename=fname, auto_open=False) return
def GetLastHourProcessData(): CipherConfig.load('parameters.yaml') dbconn = CipherData.byConfig('NexusODS', 'oxyread') Sqlstr1 = 'SELECT A.ApplicationName, \ convert(varchar, DATEADD(HOUR, -5, A.StartTime), 108) AS StartTime, \ convert(varchar, DATEADD(HOUR, -5, A.EndTime), 108) AS EndTime, \ CAST((CAST(DATEDIFF(SECOND, A.StartTime, A.EndTime) as decimal(12,2))/60) as decimal(12,2)) AS ActualExecTime, \ B.AvgExecTime, \ B.ExecTimeTolerPct, \ B.MinAllowableTime, \ A.RecordsAffected, \ B.AvgExecCount, \ B.ExecCountTolerPct, \ B.MinAllowableCount, \ A.RunStatus, \ B.ReportBadStatus' Sqlstr2 = ' FROM dbo.ExecutionSummary A, dbo.ExecutionSummaryConfig B \ WHERE A.ApplicationName = B.ApplicationName AND \ A.EndTime BETWEEN DATEADD(hour, (DATEDIFF(hour, 0, GETUTCDATE())-1), 0) AND DATEADD(hour, DATEDIFF(hour, 0, GETUTCDATE()), 0) \ ORDER BY A.ApplicationName' Sqlstr3 = Sqlstr1 + Sqlstr2 dfExecSch = dbconn.load(Sqlstr3) #Detect Alerts in the dataset #index=0,ApplicationName=1,StartTime=2,EndTime=3,ActualExecTime=4,AvgExecTime=5,ExecTimeTolerPct=6,MinAllowableTime=7,RecordsAffected=8,AvgExecCount=9, #ExecCountTolerPct=10,MinAllowableCount=11,RunStatus=12,ReportBadStatus=13,TimeStatus=14,CountStatus=15,ExecStatus=16,RaiseAlert=17 TimeStatus = [''] * len(dfExecSch.index) CountStatus = [''] * len(dfExecSch.index) ExecStatus = [''] * len(dfExecSch.index) RaiseAlert = [False] * len(dfExecSch.index) for row in dfExecSch.itertuples(): if row[4] > row[7]: val = 100 * (row[4] - row[5]) / row[5] if val > row[6]: TimeStatus[row[0]] = 'HI' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True elif val < -row[6]: TimeStatus[row[0]] = 'LO' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True if row[8] > row[11]: val = 100 * (row[8] - row[9]) / row[9] if val > row[10]: CountStatus[row[0]] = 'HI' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True elif val < -row[10]: CountStatus[row[0]] = 'LO' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True if row[12].lower() != 'Good'.lower() and row[13] == 1: ExecStatus[row[0]] = 'ERROR' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True dfExecSch['TimeStatus'] = TimeStatus dfExecSch['CountStatus'] = CountStatus dfExecSch['ExecStatus'] = ExecStatus dfExecSch['Alert'] = RaiseAlert #Sort the rows new_order = [0] * len(dfExecSch.index) ix = 0 for row in dfExecSch.itertuples(): if row[17] is True: new_order[ix] = row[0] new_order[row[0]] = ix ix = ix + 1 dfExecSch['new'] = new_order dfExecSch_sorted = dfExecSch.sort_values('new').drop('new', axis=1) dfExecSch_sorted.drop(['ExecTimeTolerPct','MinAllowableTime','ExecCountTolerPct', \ 'MinAllowableCount','ReportBadStatus'], axis=1,inplace=True) dfExecSch_sorted.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return dfExecSch_sorted
def GetLastHourProcessData(): CipherConfig.load('parameters.yaml') dbconn = CipherData.byConfig('NexusODS', 'oxyread') TIME_DIFFERENCE = -1.0*time.timezone if time.localtime().tm_isdst > 0: TIME_DIFFERENCE+=3600 Sqlstr1 = 'SELECT A.ApplicationName, \ convert(varchar, DATEADD(HOUR, -5, A.StartTime), 108) AS StartTime, \ convert(varchar, DATEADD(HOUR, -5, A.EndTime), 108) AS EndTime, \ CAST((CAST(DATEDIFF(SECOND, A.StartTime, A.EndTime) as decimal(12,2))/60) as decimal(12,2)) AS ActualExecTime, \ B.AvgExecTime, \ B.ExecTimeTolerPct, \ B.MinAllowableTime, \ A.RecordsAffected, \ B.AvgExecCount, \ B.ExecCountTolerPct, \ B.MinAllowableCount, \ A.RunStatus, \ B.ReportBadStatus, \ B.SendMailTo' Sqlstr2 = ' FROM dbo.ExecutionSummary A, dbo.ExecutionSummaryConfig B \ WHERE A.ApplicationName = B.ApplicationName AND \ A.EndTime BETWEEN DATEADD(hour, (DATEDIFF(hour, 0, GETUTCDATE())-1), 0) AND DATEADD(hour, DATEDIFF(hour, 0, GETUTCDATE()), 0) \ ORDER BY A.ApplicationName' Sqlstr3 = Sqlstr1 + Sqlstr2 dfExecSch = dbconn.load(Sqlstr3) #Detect Alerts in the dataset #index=0,ApplicationName=1,StartTime=2,EndTime=3,ActualExecTime=4,AvgExecTime=5,ExecTimeTolerPct=6,MinAllowableTime=7,RecordsAffected=8,AvgExecCount=9, #ExecCountTolerPct=10,MinAllowableCount=11,RunStatus=12,ReportBadStatus=13, SendMailTo=14,TimeStatus=15,CountStatus=16,ExecStatus=17,Alert=18 TimeStatus = ['']*len(dfExecSch.index) CountStatus = ['']*len(dfExecSch.index) ExecStatus = ['']*len(dfExecSch.index) RaiseAlert=[False]*len(dfExecSch.index) for row in dfExecSch.itertuples(): if row.ActualExecTime > row.MinAllowableTime: val = 100*(row.ActualExecTime-row.AvgExecTime)/row.AvgExecTime if val > row.ExecTimeTolerPct: TimeStatus[row[0]] = 'HI' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True elif val < -row.ExecTimeTolerPct: TimeStatus[row[0]] = 'LO' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True if row.RecordsAffected > row.MinAllowableCount: val = 100*(row.RecordsAffected-row.AvgExecCount)/row.AvgExecCount if val > row.ExecCountTolerPct: CountStatus[row[0]] = 'HI' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True elif val < -row.ExecCountTolerPct: CountStatus[row[0]] = 'LO' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True if row.RunStatus.lower() != 'Good'.lower() and row.ReportBadStatus == 1: ExecStatus[row[0]]='ERROR' RaiseAlert[row[0]] = True dfExecSch['TimeStatus']=TimeStatus dfExecSch['CountStatus']=CountStatus dfExecSch['ExecStatus']=ExecStatus dfExecSch['Alert']=RaiseAlert 'Create list of mail addresses' EMails = [] for row in dfExecSch.itertuples(): if row.SendMailTo is not None: lst = row.SendMailTo.split(';') for s in lst: bFound = False for sm in EMails: if s.lower() == sm.lower(): bFound = True break if(bFound is False): EMails.append(s) PList = [] for sm in EMails: lst = [] for row in dfExecSch.itertuples(): if row.SendMailTo is not None: if sm in row.SendMailTo and row.Alert is True: lst.append(row[1]) if len(lst) > 0: PList.append(lst) #Sort the rows new_order = list(range(len(dfExecSch.index))) ix=0 for row in dfExecSch.itertuples(): if row.Alert is True: tmp = new_order[row[0]] new_order[row[0]] = ix new_order[new_order.index(ix)]=tmp ix = ix + 1 dfExecSch['new']=new_order dfExecSch_sorted = dfExecSch.sort_values('new').drop('new', axis=1) dfExecSch_sorted.drop(['ExecTimeTolerPct','MinAllowableTime','ExecCountTolerPct', \ 'MinAllowableCount','ReportBadStatus','SendMailTo'], axis=1,inplace=True) dfExecSch_sorted.reset_index(drop=True, inplace = True) return EMails, PList, dfExecSch_sorted
from ciphercommon.config import CipherConfig from processinsights.ProcessAPI import createapp app = createapp() if __name__ == '__main__': config = CipherConfig.load('parameters.yaml') websettings = config['WebServer']'', port=websettings['Port'])