Esempio n. 1
    def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
        Performs Octal decoding
        str_converted = []
        octal_seq = ctext.split(" ")
        if len(octal_seq) == 1:
            # Concatted octal must be formed of octal triplets
            if len(ctext) % 3 != 0:
                return None
            octal_seq = [ctext[i : i + 3] for i in range(0, len(ctext), 3)]
            logger.trace(f"Trying chunked octal {octal_seq}")
            for octal_char in octal_seq:
                if len(octal_char) > 3:
                    logger.trace("Octal subseq too long")
                    return None
                n = int(octal_char, 8)
                if (
                    n < 0
                ):  # n cannot be greater than 255, as we checked that with the earlier length check
                    logger.trace(f"Non octal char {octal_char}")
                    return None

            return bytes(str_converted)
        # Catch bad octal chars
        except ValueError:
            return None
Esempio n. 2
 def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
     result = ""
     switch_to_digit_map = 0
     if"^[01]{5}$", ctext.split()[0]):
         for i in ctext.split():
             if i == "11011":
                 switch_to_digit_map = 1
             if i == "11111":
                 switch_to_digit_map = 0
             if switch_to_digit_map == 1:
                 result += self.BAUDOT_DICT["+" + i]
             if switch_to_digit_map == 0:
                 result += self.BAUDOT_DICT[i]
         return result
         return None
Esempio n. 3
    def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
            output = ""
            combinations = ctext.split(" ")
            for fragment in combinations:
                output += self.TABLE.get(fragment)
            return output

        except Exception as e:
            return None
Esempio n. 4
    def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
        logger.trace("Attempting Morse code decoder")

        char_boundary = word_boundary = None

        char_boundary = word_boundary = None
        char_priority = word_priority = 0
        # Custom loop allows early break
        for i in ctext:
            i_priority = self.BOUNDARIES.get(i)
            if i_priority is None:
                if i in self.ALLOWED:
                logger.trace(f"Non-morse char '{i}' found")
                return None

            if i_priority <= char_priority or i == char_boundary or i == word_boundary:
            # Default to having a char boundary over a word boundary
            if (i_priority > word_priority and word_boundary is None
                    and char_boundary is not None):
                word_priority = i_priority
                word_boundary = i
            char_priority = i_priority
            char_boundary = i

            f"Char boundary is unicode {ord(char_boundary)}, and word boundary is unicode {ord(word_boundary) if word_boundary is not None else None}"

        result = ""

        for word in ctext.split(word_boundary) if word_boundary else [ctext]:
            logger.trace(f"Attempting to decode word {word}")
            for char in word.split(char_boundary):
                char = char.translate(self.PURGE)
                if len(char) == 0:
                    m = self.MORSE_CODE_DICT_INV[char]
                except KeyError:
                    logger.trace(f"Invalid codeword '{char}' found")
                    return None
                result = result + m
            # after every word add a space
            result = result + " "
        if len(result) == 0:
            logger.trace("Morse code failed to match")
            return None
        # Remove trailing space
        result = result[:-1]
        logger.debug(f"Morse code successful, returning {result}")
        return result.strip().upper()
Esempio n. 5
 def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
     Performs Tap code decoding
         result = ""
         combinations = ctext.split(" ")
         for fragment in combinations:
             result += self.TABLE.get(fragment)
         return result
     except Exception:
         return None
Esempio n. 6
    def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
        """Write the code that decodes here
        ctext -> the input to the function
        returns string

        ret = ""
        switch_to_digit_map = 0
        if type(ctext) == str:
            if"^[01]{5}$", ctext.split()[0]):
                for i in ctext.split():
                    if i == "11011":
                        switch_to_digit_map = 1
                    if i == "11111":
                        switch_to_digit_map = 0
                    if switch_to_digit_map == 1:
                        ret += self.BAUDOT_DICT["+" + i]
                    if switch_to_digit_map == 0:
                        ret += self.BAUDOT_DICT[i]
                return ret
            return None
Esempio n. 7
    def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
        Performs DNA decoding
        logger.trace("Attempting DNA decoder")
        ctext_decoded = ""
        ctext = re.sub(r"[,;:\-\s]", "", ctext)
        ctext = " ".join(ctext[i:i + 3] for i in range(0, len(ctext), 3))
        ctext_split = ctext.split(" ")
        dna_keys = self.DNA_DICT.keys()

        for i in ctext_split:
            if i in dna_keys:
                ctext_decoded += self.DNA_DICT[i]
                return None
        logger.debug(f"DNA successful, returning '{ctext_decoded}'")
        return ctext_decoded
Esempio n. 8
    def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
        Performs DTMF decoding
        logging.debug("Attempting DTMF decoder")
        ctext_decoded = ""
        ctext = re.sub(r"[,;:\-\/\s]", "", ctext)
        ctext = " ".join(ctext[i:i + 7] for i in range(0, len(ctext), 7))
        ctext_split = ctext.split(" ")
        dtmf_keys = self.DTMF_DICT.keys()

        for i in ctext_split:
            if i in dtmf_keys:
                ctext_decoded += self.DTMF_DICT[i]
                return None"DTMF successful, returning '{ctext_decoded}'")
        return ctext_decoded
Esempio n. 9
    def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
            ctext = re.sub(r"[^\S \n]", " ", ctext, flags=re.UNICODE)
            ctext = ctext.replace("\n", " ")

            existing_split = self.try_split(ctext.split(" "))
            if existing_split is not None:
                return existing_split

            # Now we try our own grouping

            # Remove final bit of whitespace
            ctext = ctext.replace(" ", "")
            # Split into bytes, and test
            return self.try_split([ctext[i : i + 8] for i in range(0, len(ctext), 8)])
        # Catch bad octal chars
        except ValueError:
            return None
Esempio n. 10
    def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
        Performs Braille decoding
        logger.trace("Attempting Braille")
        ctext_decoded = ""
        braille_matches = 0
        for symbol in self.BRAILLE_DICT_INV.values():
            if symbol in ctext:
                braille_matches += 1
        if braille_matches == 0:
            logger.trace("Failed to decode Braille due to invalid characters")
            return None

        for pattern, value in self.BRAILLE_DICT.items():
            ctext = re.sub(pattern, value, ctext)

        wordArr = []
        for word in ctext.split(" "):
            # If two commas are in front of a word, uppercase the word and remove the comma
            if word[:2].find(",,") != -1:
                wordArr.append(word.replace(",,", "").upper())

        result = []
        for word in wordArr:
            # If one comma is in front of a word, capitalize the word and remove the comma
            if word[0].find(",") != -1:
                result.append(word.replace(",", "").capitalize())
        ctext_decoded = " ".join(result)
        logger.debug(f"Braille successful, returning '{ctext_decoded}'")
        return ctext_decoded