def _check_threshold_non_max_suppression(self, probs, threshold, radius):
        Check the non maximum supression with threshold.
            Karim proposed a precise procedure which is standard for this: sort the outputs
        (for different locations in the same image) in decreasing order of probability (keeping
        only those above a threshold). Traverse that list from highest face probability down.
        For each entry, remove the entries below that correspond to locations that are too
        close spatially (corresponding to more than 50% overlap of the bounding boxes).
        assert self.img_shape is not None
        assert radius < self.img_shape[0]

        batch_size = probs.shape[0]
        processed_probs = []

        for i in xrange(batch_size):
            dop = np.copy(self.data_predictor_positions)
            #Make the predictions a column vector
            preds = np.reshape(probs[i], (probs[i].shape[0], 1))
            pred_pos = np.hstack((dop, preds))
            pred_pos = pred_pos[pred_pos[:, 1].argsort()]
            sorted_preds = pred_pos[:, 1]

            new_preds = np.zeros(preds.shape)

            for j in xrange(self.preds_size):
                #preds_view = preds.reshape(self.output_map_shp[:2])
                if sorted_preds[j] < threshold:
                    new_preds[pred_pos[j, 0]] = 0
                    #Remove the spatially close entries, hence check the, check the neighbours
                    #within radius neighbourhood.

                    #The problem is that the spatially close outputs might be corresponding to the same face.
                    r = j % self.output_map_shp[1]

                    c = j - r * self.output_map_shp[1]
                    iterator = circle_around(r, c)

                    #Move on the grid in a circular fashion
                    for loc in iterator:
                        if loc[0] == radius:
                        y, x = loc[1]
                        n = y * self.output_map_shp[0] + self.output_map_shp[1]
                        if (loc[1][0] >= 0 and loc[1][0] <= self.img_shape[0]
                                and loc[1][1] <= self.img_shape[1]
                                and loc[1][1] >= 0):
                            if (new_preds[pred_pos[n, 0]] <
                                    new_preds[pred_pos[j, 0]]):
                                new_preds[pred_pos[n, 0]] = 0
            processed_probs = np.asarray(processed_probs)
        return processed_probs
    def _check_threshold_non_max_suppression(self, probs, threshold, radius):
        Check the non maximum supression with threshold.
            Karim proposed a precise procedure which is standard for this: sort the outputs
        (for different locations in the same image) in decreasing order of probability (keeping
        only those above a threshold). Traverse that list from highest face probability down.
        For each entry, remove the entries below that correspond to locations that are too
        close spatially (corresponding to more than 50% overlap of the bounding boxes).
        assert self.img_shape is not None
        assert radius < self.img_shape[0]

        batch_size = probs.shape[0]
        processed_probs = []

        for i in xrange(batch_size):
            dop = np.copy(self.data_predictor_positions)
            #Make the predictions a column vector
            preds = np.reshape(probs[i], (probs[i].shape[0], 1))
            pred_pos = np.hstack((dop, preds))
            pred_pos = pred_pos[pred_pos[: , 1].argsort()]
            sorted_preds = pred_pos[: , 1]

            new_preds = np.zeros(preds.shape)

            for j in xrange(self.preds_size):
                #preds_view = preds.reshape(self.output_map_shp[:2])
                if sorted_preds[j] < threshold:
                    new_preds[pred_pos[j , 0]] = 0
                    #Remove the spatially close entries, hence check the, check the neighbours
                    #within radius neighbourhood.

                    #The problem is that the spatially close outputs might be corresponding to the same face.
                    r = j % self.output_map_shp[1]

                    c = j - r * self.output_map_shp[1]
                    iterator = circle_around(r, c)

                    #Move on the grid in a circular fashion
                    for loc in iterator:
                        if loc[0] == radius:
                        y, x = loc[1]
                        n = y * self.output_map_shp[0] + self.output_map_shp[1]
                        if (loc[1][0] >= 0 and loc[1][0] <= self.img_shape[0] and loc[1][1] <= self.img_shape[1] and loc[1][1] >= 0):
                            if (new_preds[pred_pos[n, 0]] < new_preds[pred_pos[j, 0]]):
                                new_preds[pred_pos[n, 0]] = 0
            processed_probs = np.asarray(processed_probs)
        return processed_probs
Esempio n. 3
    def _check_threshold_non_max_suppression(self, probs, threshold, radius):
        assert self.img_shape is not None
        assert radius < self.img_shape[0]

        batch_size = self.output_map_shp[-1]
        processed_probs = []

        for i in xrange(batch_size):
            dop = np.copy(self.data_predictor_positions)
            preds = np.reshape(probs[i], (probs[i].shape[0], 1))
            pred_pos = np.vstack((dop, preds))
            pred_pos = pred_pos[pred_pos[:, 1].argsort()]
            sorted_preds = pred_pos[:, 1]

            border = 0
            new_preds = np.zeros()
            for j in xrange(self.preds_size):
                preds_view = preds.reshape(self.output_map_shp[:2])

                if sorted_preds[j] < threshold:
                    new_preds[pred_pos[j, 0]] = 0
                    #Remove the spatially close entries, hence check the, check the neighbours
                    #within radius neighbourhood.
                    #The problem is that the spatially close outputs might be
                    #corresponding to the same face.
                    r = j % self.output_map_shp[1]

                    c = j - r * self.output_map_shp[1]
                    iterator = circle_around(r, c)

                    #Move on the grid in a circular fashion
                    for loc in iterator:
                        if loc[0] == radius:
                        y, x = loc[1]
                        n = y * self.output_map_shp[0] + self.output_map_shp[1]
                        if (loc[1][0] >= 0 and loc[1][0] <= self.img_shape[0]
                                and loc[1][1] <= self.img_shape[1]
                                and loc[1][1] >= 0):
                            if new_preds[pred_pos[n,
                                                  0]] < new_preds[pred_pos[j,
                                new_preds[pred_pos[n, 0]] = 0
            processed_probs = new_preds
        return new_preds
Esempio n. 4
    def _check_threshold_non_max_suppression(self, probs, threshold, radius):
        assert self.img_shape is not None
        assert radius < self.img_shape[0]

        batch_size = self.output_map_shp[-1]
        processed_probs = []

        for i in xrange(batch_size):
            dop = np.copy(self.data_predictor_positions)
            preds = np.reshape(probs[i], (probs[i].shape[0], 1))
            pred_pos = np.vstack((dop, preds))
            pred_pos = pred_pos[pred_pos[:,1].argsort()]
            sorted_preds = pred_pos[:, 1]

            border = 0
            new_preds = np.zeros()
            for j in xrange(self.preds_size):
                preds_view = preds.reshape(self.output_map_shp[:2])

                if sorted_preds[j] < threshold:
                    new_preds[pred_pos[j,0]] = 0
                    #Remove the spatially close entries, hence check the, check the neighbours
                    #within radius neighbourhood.
                    #The problem is that the spatially close outputs might be
                    #corresponding to the same face.
                    r = j % self.output_map_shp[1]

                    c = j - r*self.output_map_shp[1]
                    iterator = circle_around(r, c)

                    #Move on the grid in a circular fashion
                    for loc in iterator:
                        if loc[0] == radius:
                        y, x = loc[1]
                        n = y * self.output_map_shp[0] + self.output_map_shp[1]
                        if (loc[1][0] >= 0 and loc[1][0] <= self.img_shape[0] and
                                loc[1][1] <= self.img_shape[1] and loc[1][1] >= 0):
                            if new_preds[pred_pos[n, 0]] < new_preds[pred_pos[j, 0]]:
                                new_preds[pred_pos[n, 0]] = 0
            processed_probs = new_preds
        return new_preds