Esempio n. 1
def test_qelib_inc():
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    lexer.input('include "";')
    token = lexer.token()
    assert token is not None
    assert token.type == "QELIBINC"
    assert token.value == 'include "";'
Esempio n. 2
def test_natural_numbers(number: str):
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    token = lexer.token()
    assert token is not None
    assert token.type == "NATURAL_NUMBER"
    assert token.value == int(number)
Esempio n. 3
def test_supported_format():
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    lexer.input("OPENQASM 2.0;")
    token = lexer.token()
    assert token is not None
    assert token.type == "FORMAT_SPEC"
    assert token.value == '2.0'
Esempio n. 4
def test_valid_ids(identifier: str):
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    token = lexer.token()

    assert token is not None
    assert token.type == "ID"
    assert token.value == identifier
Esempio n. 5
def test_numbers(number: str):
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    token = lexer.token()

    assert token is not None
    assert token.type == "NUMBER"
    assert token.value == float(number)
Esempio n. 6
def test_measurement():
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    lexer.input("measure q -> c;")
    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "MEASURE"
    assert token.value == 'measure'

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "ID"
    assert token.value == 'q'

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "ARROW"
    assert token.value == '->'

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "ID"
    assert token.value == 'c'

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == ";"
    assert token.value == ';'
Esempio n. 7
def test_creg():
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    lexer.input('creg [8];')
    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "CREG"
    assert token.value == "creg"

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "["
    assert token.value == "["

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "NATURAL_NUMBER"
    assert token.value == 8

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "]"
    assert token.value == "]"

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == ";"
    assert token.value == ";"
Esempio n. 8
def test_qreg():
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    lexer.input('qreg [5];')
    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "QREG"
    assert token.value == "qreg"

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "["
    assert token.value == "["

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "NATURAL_NUMBER"
    assert token.value == 5

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "]"
    assert token.value == "]"

    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == ";"
    assert token.value == ";"
Esempio n. 9
class QasmParser:
    """Parser for QASM strings.


        qasm = "OPENQASM 2.0; qreg q1[2]; CX q1[0], q1[1];"
        parsedQasm = QasmParser().parse(qasm)
    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, debug=False, write_tables=False)
        self.circuit = Circuit()
        self.qregs = {}  # type: Dict[str,int]
        self.cregs = {}  # type: Dict[str,int]
        self.qelibinc = False
        self.lexer = QasmLexer()
        self.supported_format = False
        self.parsedQasm = None  # type: Optional[Qasm]
        self.qubits = {}  # type: Dict[str,ops.Qid]
        self.functions = {
            'sin': np.sin,
            'cos': np.cos,
            'tan': np.tan,
            'exp': np.exp,
            'ln': np.log,
            'sqrt': np.sqrt,
            'acos': np.arccos,
            'atan': np.arctan,
            'asin': np.arcsin

        self.binary_operators = {
            '+': operator.add,
            '-': operator.sub,
            '*': operator.mul,
            '/': operator.truediv,
            '^': operator.pow

    basic_gates = {
            # QasmUGate expects half turns and
            # changes the order of arguments
            cirq_gate=(lambda params: QasmUGate(*[p / np.pi for p in params])))
    }  # type: Dict[str, QasmGateStatement]

    tokens = QasmLexer.tokens
    start = 'start'

    precedence = (
        ('left', '+', '-'),
        ('left', '*', '/'),
        ('right', '^'),

    def p_start(self, p):
        """start : qasm"""
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_qasm_format_only(self, p):
        """qasm : format"""
        self.supported_format = True
        p[0] = Qasm(self.supported_format, self.qelibinc, self.qregs,
                    self.cregs, self.circuit)

    def p_qasm_no_format_specified_error(self, p):
        """qasm : QELIBINC
                | circuit """
        if self.supported_format is False:
            raise QasmException("Missing 'OPENQASM 2.0;' statement")

    def p_qasm_include(self, p):
        """qasm : qasm QELIBINC"""
        self.qelibinc = True
        p[0] = Qasm(self.supported_format, self.qelibinc, self.qregs,
                    self.cregs, self.circuit)

    def p_qasm_circuit(self, p):
        """qasm : qasm circuit"""
        p[0] = Qasm(self.supported_format, self.qelibinc, self.qregs,
                    self.cregs, p[2])

    def p_format(self, p):
        """format : FORMAT_SPEC"""
        if p[1] != "2.0":
            raise QasmException(
                "Unsupported OpenQASM version: {}, "
                "only 2.0 is supported currently by Cirq".format(p[1]))

    # circuit : new_reg circuit
    #         | gate_op circuit
    #         | measurement circuit
    #         | empty

    def p_circuit_reg(self, p):
        """circuit : new_reg circuit"""
        p[0] = self.circuit

    def p_circuit_gate_or_measurement(self, p):
        """circuit : gate_op circuit
                   | measurement circuit"""
        self.circuit.insert(0, p[1])
        p[0] = self.circuit

    def p_circuit_empty(self, p):
        """circuit : empty"""
        p[0] = self.circuit

    # qreg and creg

    def p_new_reg(self, p):
        """new_reg : QREG ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' ';'
                    | CREG ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' ';'"""
        name, length = p[2], p[4]
        if name in self.qregs.keys() or name in self.cregs.keys():
            raise QasmException("{} is already defined "
                                "at line {}".format(name, p.lineno(2)))
        if length == 0:
            raise QasmException("Illegal, zero-length register '{}' "
                                "at line {}".format(name, p.lineno(4)))
        if p[1] == "qreg":
            self.qregs[name] = length
            self.cregs[name] = length
        p[0] = (name, length)

    # gate operations
    # gate_op : ID qargs
    #         | ID () qargs
    #         | ID ( params ) qargs

    def p_gate_op_no_params(self, p):
        """gate_op :  ID qargs
                   | ID '(' ')' qargs"""
        self._resolve_gate_operation(args=p[4] if p[2] == '(' else p[2],

    def p_gate_op_with_params(self, p):
        """gate_op :  ID '(' params ')' qargs"""
        self._resolve_gate_operation(args=p[5], gate=p[1], p=p, params=p[3])

    def _resolve_gate_operation(self, args: List[List[ops.Qid]], gate: str,
                                p: Any, params: List[float]):
        if gate not in self.basic_gates.keys():
            raise QasmException('Unknown gate "{}" at line {}, '
                                'maybe you forgot to include '
                                'the standard'.format(
                                    gate, p.lineno(1)))
        p[0] = self.basic_gates[gate].on(args=args,

    # params : parameter ',' params
    #        | parameter

    def p_params_multiple(self, p):
        """params : expr ',' params"""
        p[3].insert(0, p[1])
        p[0] = p[3]

    def p_params_single(self, p):
        """params : expr """
        p[0] = [p[1]]

    # expr : term
    #            | func '(' expression ')' """
    #            | binary_op
    #            | unary_op

    def p_expr_term(self, p):
        """expr : term"""
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_expr_parens(self, p):
        """expr : '(' expr ')'"""
        p[0] = p[2]

    def p_expr_function_call(self, p):
        """expr : ID '(' expr ')'"""
        func = p[1]
        if func not in self.functions.keys():
            raise QasmException(
                "Function not recognized: '{}' at line {}".format(
                    func, p.lineno(1)))
        p[0] = self.functions[func](p[3])

    def p_expr_unary(self, p):
        """expr : '-' expr
                | '+' expr """
        if p[1] == '-':
            p[0] = -p[2]
            p[0] = p[2]

    def p_expr_binary(self, p):
        """expr : expr '*' expr
                | expr '/' expr
                | expr '+' expr
                | expr '-' expr
                | expr '^' expr
        p[0] = self.binary_operators[p[2]](p[1], p[3])

    def p_term(self, p):
        """term : NUMBER
                | NATURAL_NUMBER
                | PI """
        p[0] = p[1]

    # qargs : qarg ',' qargs
    #      | qarg ';'

    def p_args_multiple(self, p):
        """qargs : qarg ',' qargs"""
        p[3].insert(0, p[1])
        p[0] = p[3]

    def p_args_single(self, p):
        """qargs : qarg ';'"""
        p[0] = [p[1]]

    # qarg : ID
    #     | ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']'

    def p_quantum_arg_register(self, p):
        """qarg : ID """
        reg = p[1]
        if reg not in self.qregs.keys():
            raise QasmException('Undefined quantum register "{}" '
                                'at line {}'.format(reg, p.lineno(1)))
        qubits = []
        for idx in range(self.qregs[reg]):
            arg_name = self.make_name(idx, reg)
            if arg_name not in self.qubits.keys():
                self.qubits[arg_name] = NamedQubit(arg_name)
        p[0] = qubits

    # carg : ID
    #     | ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']'

    def p_classical_arg_register(self, p):
        """carg : ID """
        reg = p[1]
        if reg not in self.cregs.keys():
            raise QasmException('Undefined classical register "{}" '
                                'at line {}'.format(reg, p.lineno(1)))

        p[0] = [self.make_name(idx, reg) for idx in range(self.cregs[reg])]

    def make_name(self, idx, reg):
        return str(reg) + "_" + str(idx)

    def p_quantum_arg_bit(self, p):
        """qarg : ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' """
        reg = p[1]
        idx = p[3]
        arg_name = self.make_name(idx, reg)
        if reg not in self.qregs.keys():
            raise QasmException('Undefined quantum register "{}" '
                                'at line {}'.format(reg, p.lineno(1)))
        size = self.qregs[reg]
        if idx >= size:
            raise QasmException('Out of bounds qubit index {} '
                                'on register {} of size {} '
                                'at line {}'.format(idx, reg, size,
        if arg_name not in self.qubits.keys():
            self.qubits[arg_name] = NamedQubit(arg_name)
        p[0] = [self.qubits[arg_name]]

    def p_classical_arg_bit(self, p):
        """carg : ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' """
        reg = p[1]
        idx = p[3]
        arg_name = self.make_name(idx, reg)
        if reg not in self.cregs.keys():
            raise QasmException('Undefined classical register "{}" '
                                'at line {}'.format(reg, p.lineno(1)))

        size = self.cregs[reg]
        if idx >= size:
            raise QasmException('Out of bounds bit index {} '
                                'on classical register {} of size {} '
                                'at line {}'.format(idx, reg, size,
        p[0] = [arg_name]

    # measurement operations
    # measurement : MEASURE qarg ARROW carg

    def p_measurement(self, p):
        """measurement : MEASURE qarg ARROW carg ';'"""
        qreg = p[2]
        creg = p[4]

        if len(qreg) != len(creg):
            raise QasmException(
                'mismatched register sizes {} -> {} for measurement '
                'at line {}'.format(len(qreg), len(creg), p.lineno(1)))

        p[0] = [
            ops.MeasurementGate(num_qubits=1, key=creg[i]).on(qreg[i])
            for i in range(len(qreg))

    def p_error(self, p):
        if p is None:
            raise QasmException('Unexpected end of file')

        raise QasmException("""Syntax error: '{}'
at line {}, column {}""".format(p.value, self.debug_context(p), p.lineno,

    def find_column(self, p):
        line_start = self.qasm.rfind('\n', 0, p.lexpos) + 1
        return (p.lexpos - line_start) + 1

    def p_empty(self, p):
        """empty :"""

    def parse(self, qasm: str) -> Qasm:
        if self.parsedQasm is None:
            self.qasm = qasm
            self.parsedQasm = self.parser.parse(lexer=self.lexer)
        return self.parsedQasm

    def debug_context(self, p):
        debug_start = max(self.qasm.rfind('\n', 0, p.lexpos) + 1, p.lexpos - 5)
        debug_end = min(self.qasm.find('\n', p.lexpos, p.lexpos + 5),
                        p.lexpos + 5)

        return "..." + self.qasm[debug_start:debug_end] + "\n" + (
            " " * (3 + p.lexpos - debug_start)) + "^"
Esempio n. 10
class QasmParser:
    """Parser for QASM strings.


        qasm = "OPENQASM 2.0; qreg q1[2]; CX q1[0], q1[1];"
        parsedQasm = QasmParser().parse(qasm)

    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, debug=False, write_tables=False)
        self.circuit = Circuit()
        self.qregs: Dict[str, int] = {}
        self.cregs: Dict[str, int] = {}
        self.qelibinc = False
        self.lexer = QasmLexer()
        self.supported_format = False
        self.parsedQasm: Optional[Qasm] = None
        self.qubits: Dict[str, ops.Qid] = {}
        self.functions = {
            'sin': np.sin,
            'cos': np.cos,
            'tan': np.tan,
            'exp': np.exp,
            'ln': np.log,
            'sqrt': np.sqrt,
            'acos': np.arccos,
            'atan': np.arctan,
            'asin': np.arcsin,

        self.binary_operators = {
            '+': operator.add,
            '-': operator.sub,
            '*': operator.mul,
            '/': operator.truediv,
            '^': operator.pow,

    basic_gates: Dict[str, QasmGateStatement] = {
        'CX': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='CX', cirq_gate=CX, num_params=0, num_args=2),
        'U': QasmGateStatement(
            # QasmUGate expects half turns
            cirq_gate=(lambda params: QasmUGate(*[p / np.pi for p in params])),

    qelib_gates = {
        'rx': QasmGateStatement(
            qasm_gate='rx', cirq_gate=(lambda params: ops.rx(params[0])), num_params=1, num_args=1
        'sx': QasmGateStatement(
            qasm_gate='sx', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.XPowGate(exponent=0.5)
        'sxdg': QasmGateStatement(
            qasm_gate='sxdg', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.XPowGate(exponent=-0.5)
        'ry': QasmGateStatement(
            qasm_gate='ry', cirq_gate=(lambda params: ops.ry(params[0])), num_params=1, num_args=1
        'rz': QasmGateStatement(
            qasm_gate='rz', cirq_gate=(lambda params: ops.rz(params[0])), num_params=1, num_args=1
        'id': QasmGateStatement(
            qasm_gate='id', cirq_gate=ops.IdentityGate(1), num_params=0, num_args=1
        'u1': QasmGateStatement(
            cirq_gate=(lambda params: QasmUGate(0, 0, params[0] / np.pi)),
        'u2': QasmGateStatement(
            cirq_gate=(lambda params: QasmUGate(0.5, params[0] / np.pi, params[1] / np.pi)),
        'u3': QasmGateStatement(
            cirq_gate=(lambda params: QasmUGate(*[p / np.pi for p in params])),
        'r': QasmGateStatement(
                lambda params: QasmUGate(
                    params[0] / np.pi, (params[1] / np.pi) - 0.5, (-params[1] / np.pi) + 0.5
        'x': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='x', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.X),
        'y': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='y', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.Y),
        'z': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='z', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.Z),
        'h': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='h', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.H),
        's': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='s', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.S),
        't': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='t', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.T),
        'cx': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='cx', cirq_gate=CX, num_params=0, num_args=2),
        'cy': QasmGateStatement(
            qasm_gate='cy', cirq_gate=ops.ControlledGate(ops.Y), num_params=0, num_args=2
        'cz': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='cz', cirq_gate=ops.CZ, num_params=0, num_args=2),
        'ch': QasmGateStatement(
            qasm_gate='ch', cirq_gate=ops.ControlledGate(ops.H), num_params=0, num_args=2
        'swap': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='swap', cirq_gate=ops.SWAP, num_params=0, num_args=2),
        'cswap': QasmGateStatement(
            qasm_gate='cswap', num_params=0, num_args=3, cirq_gate=ops.CSWAP
        'ccx': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='ccx', num_params=0, num_args=3, cirq_gate=ops.CCX),
        'sdg': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='sdg', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.S**-1),
        'tdg': QasmGateStatement(qasm_gate='tdg', num_params=0, num_args=1, cirq_gate=ops.T**-1),

    all_gates = {**basic_gates, **qelib_gates}

    tokens = QasmLexer.tokens
    start = 'start'

    precedence = (('left', '+', '-'), ('left', '*', '/'), ('right', '^'))

    def p_start(self, p):
        """start : qasm"""
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_qasm_format_only(self, p):
        """qasm : format"""
        self.supported_format = True
        p[0] = Qasm(self.supported_format, self.qelibinc, self.qregs, self.cregs, self.circuit)

    def p_qasm_no_format_specified_error(self, p):
        """qasm : QELIBINC
        | circuit"""
        if self.supported_format is False:
            raise QasmException("Missing 'OPENQASM 2.0;' statement")

    def p_qasm_include(self, p):
        """qasm : qasm QELIBINC"""
        self.qelibinc = True
        p[0] = Qasm(self.supported_format, self.qelibinc, self.qregs, self.cregs, self.circuit)

    def p_qasm_circuit(self, p):
        """qasm : qasm circuit"""
        p[0] = Qasm(self.supported_format, self.qelibinc, self.qregs, self.cregs, p[2])

    def p_format(self, p):
        """format : FORMAT_SPEC"""
        if p[1] != "2.0":
            raise QasmException(
                "Unsupported OpenQASM version: {}, "
                "only 2.0 is supported currently by Cirq".format(p[1])

    # circuit : new_reg circuit
    #         | gate_op circuit
    #         | measurement circuit
    #         | if circuit
    #         | empty

    def p_circuit_reg(self, p):
        """circuit : new_reg circuit"""
        p[0] = self.circuit

    def p_circuit_gate_or_measurement_or_if(self, p):
        """circuit :  circuit gate_op
        |  circuit measurement
        |  circuit if"""
        p[0] = self.circuit

    def p_circuit_empty(self, p):
        """circuit : empty"""
        p[0] = self.circuit

    # qreg and creg

    def p_new_reg(self, p):
        """new_reg : QREG ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' ';'
        | CREG ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' ';'"""
        name, length = p[2], p[4]
        if name in self.qregs.keys() or name in self.cregs.keys():
            raise QasmException(f"{name} is already defined at line {p.lineno(2)}")
        if length == 0:
            raise QasmException(f"Illegal, zero-length register '{name}' at line {p.lineno(4)}")
        if p[1] == "qreg":
            self.qregs[name] = length
            self.cregs[name] = length
        p[0] = (name, length)

    # gate operations
    # gate_op : ID qargs
    #         | ID ( params ) qargs

    def p_gate_op_no_params(self, p):
        """gate_op :  ID qargs"""
        self._resolve_gate_operation(p[2], gate=p[1], p=p, params=[])

    def p_gate_op_with_params(self, p):
        """gate_op :  ID '(' params ')' qargs"""
        self._resolve_gate_operation(args=p[5], gate=p[1], p=p, params=p[3])

    def _resolve_gate_operation(
        self, args: List[List[ops.Qid]], gate: str, p: Any, params: List[float]
        gate_set = self.basic_gates if not self.qelibinc else self.all_gates
        if gate not in gate_set.keys():
            msg = 'Unknown gate "{}" at line {}{}'.format(
                ", did you forget to include" if not self.qelibinc else "",
            raise QasmException(msg)
        p[0] = gate_set[gate].on(args=args, params=params, lineno=p.lineno(1))

    # params : parameter ',' params
    #        | parameter

    def p_params_multiple(self, p):
        """params : expr ',' params"""
        p[3].insert(0, p[1])
        p[0] = p[3]

    def p_params_single(self, p):
        """params : expr"""
        p[0] = [p[1]]

    # expr : term
    #            | func '(' expression ')' """
    #            | binary_op
    #            | unary_op

    def p_expr_term(self, p):
        """expr : term"""
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_expr_parens(self, p):
        """expr : '(' expr ')'"""
        p[0] = p[2]

    def p_expr_function_call(self, p):
        """expr : ID '(' expr ')'"""
        func = p[1]
        if func not in self.functions.keys():
            raise QasmException(f"Function not recognized: '{func}' at line {p.lineno(1)}")
        p[0] = self.functions[func](p[3])

    def p_expr_unary(self, p):
        """expr : '-' expr
        | '+' expr"""
        if p[1] == '-':
            p[0] = -p[2]
            p[0] = p[2]

    def p_expr_binary(self, p):
        """expr : expr '*' expr
        | expr '/' expr
        | expr '+' expr
        | expr '-' expr
        | expr '^' expr
        p[0] = self.binary_operators[p[2]](p[1], p[3])

    def p_term(self, p):
        """term : NUMBER
        | PI"""
        p[0] = p[1]

    # qargs : qarg ',' qargs
    #      | qarg ';'

    def p_args_multiple(self, p):
        """qargs : qarg ',' qargs"""
        p[3].insert(0, p[1])
        p[0] = p[3]

    def p_args_single(self, p):
        """qargs : qarg ';'"""
        p[0] = [p[1]]

    # qarg : ID
    #     | ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']'

    def p_quantum_arg_register(self, p):
        """qarg : ID"""
        reg = p[1]
        if reg not in self.qregs.keys():
            raise QasmException(f'Undefined quantum register "{reg}" at line {p.lineno(1)}')
        qubits = []
        for idx in range(self.qregs[reg]):
            arg_name = self.make_name(idx, reg)
            if arg_name not in self.qubits.keys():
                self.qubits[arg_name] = NamedQubit(arg_name)
        p[0] = qubits

    # carg : ID
    #     | ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']'

    def p_classical_arg_register(self, p):
        """carg : ID"""
        reg = p[1]
        if reg not in self.cregs.keys():
            raise QasmException(f'Undefined classical register "{reg}" at line {p.lineno(1)}')

        p[0] = [self.make_name(idx, reg) for idx in range(self.cregs[reg])]

    def make_name(self, idx, reg):
        return str(reg) + "_" + str(idx)

    def p_quantum_arg_bit(self, p):
        """qarg : ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']'"""
        reg = p[1]
        idx = p[3]
        arg_name = self.make_name(idx, reg)
        if reg not in self.qregs.keys():
            raise QasmException(f'Undefined quantum register "{reg}" at line {p.lineno(1)}')
        size = self.qregs[reg]
        if idx >= size:
            raise QasmException(
                'Out of bounds qubit index {} '
                'on register {} of size {} '
                'at line {}'.format(idx, reg, size, p.lineno(1))
        if arg_name not in self.qubits.keys():
            self.qubits[arg_name] = NamedQubit(arg_name)
        p[0] = [self.qubits[arg_name]]

    def p_classical_arg_bit(self, p):
        """carg : ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']'"""
        reg = p[1]
        idx = p[3]
        arg_name = self.make_name(idx, reg)
        if reg not in self.cregs.keys():
            raise QasmException(f'Undefined classical register "{reg}" at line {p.lineno(1)}')

        size = self.cregs[reg]
        if idx >= size:
            raise QasmException(
                'Out of bounds bit index {} '
                'on classical register {} of size {} '
                'at line {}'.format(idx, reg, size, p.lineno(1))
        p[0] = [arg_name]

    # measurement operations
    # measurement : MEASURE qarg ARROW carg

    def p_measurement(self, p):
        """measurement : MEASURE qarg ARROW carg ';'"""
        qreg = p[2]
        creg = p[4]

        if len(qreg) != len(creg):
            raise QasmException(
                'mismatched register sizes {} -> {} for measurement '
                'at line {}'.format(len(qreg), len(creg), p.lineno(1))

        p[0] = [
            ops.MeasurementGate(num_qubits=1, key=creg[i]).on(qreg[i]) for i in range(len(qreg))

    # if operations
    # if : IF '(' carg EQ NATURAL_NUMBER ')' ID qargs

    def p_if(self, p):
        """if : IF '(' carg EQ NATURAL_NUMBER ')' gate_op"""
        # We have to split the register into bits (since that's what measurement does above),
        # and create one condition per bit, checking against that part of the binary value.
        conditions = []
        for i, key in enumerate(p[3]):
            v = (p[5] >> i) & 1
            conditions.append(sympy.Eq(sympy.Symbol(key), v))
        p[0] = [
            ops.ClassicallyControlledOperation(conditions=conditions, sub_operation=tuple(p[7])[0])

    def p_error(self, p):
        if p is None:
            raise QasmException('Unexpected end of file')

        raise QasmException(
            f"""Syntax error: '{p.value}'
at line {p.lineno}, column {self.find_column(p)}"""

    def find_column(self, p):
        line_start = self.qasm.rfind('\n', 0, p.lexpos) + 1
        return (p.lexpos - line_start) + 1

    def p_empty(self, p):
        """empty :"""

    def parse(self, qasm: str) -> Qasm:
        if self.parsedQasm is None:
            self.qasm = qasm
            self.parsedQasm = self.parser.parse(lexer=self.lexer)
        return self.parsedQasm

    def debug_context(self, p):
        debug_start = max(self.qasm.rfind('\n', 0, p.lexpos) + 1, p.lexpos - 5)
        debug_end = min(self.qasm.find('\n', p.lexpos, p.lexpos + 5), p.lexpos + 5)

        return (
            + self.qasm[debug_start:debug_end]
            + "\n"
            + (" " * (3 + p.lexpos - debug_start))
            + "^"
Esempio n. 11
def test_empty_circuit():
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    assert lexer.token() is None
Esempio n. 12
def test_error():
    lexer = QasmLexer()

    with pytest.raises(QasmException, match="Illegal character 'θ' at line 1"):
Esempio n. 13
def test_pi():
    lexer = QasmLexer()
    token = lexer.token()
    assert token.type == "PI"
    assert token.value == np.pi
Esempio n. 14
class QasmParser(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, debug=False, write_tables=False)
        self.circuit = Circuit()
        self.qregs = {}  # type: Dict[str,int]
        self.cregs = {}  # type: Dict[str,int]
        self.qelibinc = False
        self.lexer = QasmLexer()
        self.supported_format = False
        self.parsedQasm = None  # type: Optional[Qasm]

    tokens = QasmLexer.tokens
    start = 'start'

    def p_start(self, p):
        """start : qasm"""
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_qasm_format_only(self, p):
        """qasm : format"""
        self.supported_format = True
        p[0] = Qasm(self.supported_format, self.qelibinc, self.qregs,
                    self.cregs, self.circuit)

    def p_qasm_no_format_specified_error(self, p):
        """qasm : QELIBINC
                | circuit """
        if self.supported_format is False:
            raise QasmException("Missing 'OPENQASM 2.0;' statement")

    def p_qasm_include(self, p):
        """qasm : qasm QELIBINC"""
        self.qelibinc = True
        p[0] = Qasm(self.supported_format, self.qelibinc, self.qregs,
                    self.cregs, self.circuit)

    def p_qasm_circuit(self, p):
        """qasm : qasm circuit"""
        p[0] = Qasm(self.supported_format, self.qelibinc, self.qregs,
                    self.cregs, p[2])

    def p_format(self, p):
        """format : FORMAT_SPEC"""
        if p[1] != "2.0":
            raise QasmException(
                "Unsupported OpenQASM version: {}, "
                "only 2.0 is supported currently by Cirq".format(p[1]))

    # circuit : new_reg circuit\
    #         | empty

    def p_circuit_reg(self, p):
        """circuit : new_reg circuit"""
        p[0] = self.circuit

    def p_circuit_empty(self, p):
        """circuit : empty"""
        p[0] = self.circuit

    # qreg and creg

    def p_new_reg(self, p):
        """new_reg : QREG ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' ';'
                    | CREG ID '[' NATURAL_NUMBER ']' ';'"""
        name, length = p[2], p[4]
        if name in self.qregs.keys() or name in self.cregs.keys():
            raise QasmException("{} is already defined "
                                "at line {}".format(name, p.lineno(2)))
        if p[1] == "qreg":
            self.qregs[name] = length
            self.cregs[name] = length
        p[0] = (name, length)

    def p_error(self, p):
        if p is None:
            raise QasmException('Unexpected end of file')

        raise QasmException("""Syntax error: '{}'
at line {}, column {}""".format(p.value, self.debug_context(p), p.lineno,

    def find_column(self, p):
        line_start = self.qasm.rfind('\n', 0, p.lexpos) + 1
        return (p.lexpos - line_start) + 1

    def p_empty(self, p):
        """empty :"""

    def parse(self, qasm: str) -> Qasm:
        if self.parsedQasm is None:
            self.qasm = qasm
            self.parsedQasm = self.parser.parse(lexer=self.lexer)
        return self.parsedQasm

    def debug_context(self, p):
        debug_start = max(self.qasm.rfind('\n', 0, p.lexpos) + 1, p.lexpos - 5)
        debug_end = min(self.qasm.find('\n', p.lexpos, p.lexpos + 5),
                        p.lexpos + 5)

        return "..." + self.qasm[debug_start:debug_end] + "\n" + (
            " " * (3 + p.lexpos - debug_start)) + "^"