Esempio n. 1
def single_point_results_in_single_value_in_cell_with_pressure_with_cube_with_pressure(con, kernel):
    sample_cube = make_square_5x3_2d_cube_with_pressure()
    data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point(0.5, 0.5, 1.2, pressure=1.0)
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
    out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=kernel)[0]
    expected_result = numpy.array([[[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9]],

                                   [[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9]],

                                   [[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, 1.2, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9]],

                                   [[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9]],

                                   [[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                    [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9]]])
    assert_arrays_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 2
def list_moments(constraint, kernel):
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator()
    sample = make_square_5x3_2d_cube()
    data1 = make_regular_2d_ungridded_data(10, -10, 10, 6, -5, 5)
    data2 = make_regular_2d_ungridded_data(10, -10, 10, 6, -5, 5)
    data2.metadata._name = 'snow' *= 2
    output = col.collocate(sample, UngriddedDataList([data1, data2]), constraint, kernel)
    assert len(output) == 6
    assert output[0].var_name == 'rain'
    assert output[1].var_name == 'rain_std_dev'
    assert output[2].var_name == 'rain_num_points'
    assert output[3].var_name == 'snow'
    assert output[4].var_name == 'snow_std_dev'
    assert output[5].var_name == 'snow_num_points'
    expected_data1 = numpy.array([[4.5, 6.5, 8.5],
                                  [16.5, 18.5, 20.5],
                                  [28.5, 30.5, 32.5],
                                  [40.5, 42.5, 44.5],
                                  [52.5, 54.5, 56.5]])
    expected_data2 = 2 * expected_data1
    expected_stddev1 = numpy.ones((5, 3)) * 3.5118845842842465
    expected_stddev2 = expected_stddev1 * 2
    expected_num = numpy.ones((5, 3)) * 4
    assert numpy.array_equal(output[0].data, expected_data1)
    assert numpy.allclose(output[1].data, expected_stddev1)
    assert numpy.array_equal(output[2].data, expected_num)
    assert numpy.array_equal(output[3].data, expected_data2)
    assert numpy.allclose(output[4].data, expected_stddev2)
    assert numpy.array_equal(output[5].data, expected_num)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_data_with_no_standard_name(self):
        sample_cube = make_mock_cube()
        data_points = make_dummy_1d_ungridded_data()

        col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
        con = CubeCellConstraint()

        out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_points, constraint=con, kernel=SlowMean())[0]
Esempio n. 4
def point_on_180_is_included_in_lower_bound(con, kernel):
    sample_cube = make_square_NxM_2d_cube_with_time(start_lon=-135, end_lon=135, lon_point_count=4)
    data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point(0, 180.0, 1.2)
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
    out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=kernel)[0]
    expected_result = numpy.array([[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [1.2, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9]])
    assert_arrays_almost_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 5
def two_points_in_a_cell_results_in_mean_value_in_cell(con, kernel):
    sample_cube = make_mock_cube()
    data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_two_points_with_different_values(0.5, 0.5, 1.2, 1.4)
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
    out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=kernel)[0]
    expected_result = numpy.array([[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, 1.3, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9]])
    assert_arrays_almost_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 6
def single_point_outside_grid_and_one_inside_excludes_outside_using_binned_only(con, kernel):
    sample_cube = make_mock_cube()
    data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point([0.5, 99], [0.5, 99], [1.2, 5])
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
    out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=kernel)[0]
    expected_result = numpy.array([[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, 1.2, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9]])
    assert_arrays_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 7
def point_on_a_lat_lon_boundary_appears_in_highest_cell(con, kernel):
    sample_cube = make_mock_cube()
    data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point(2.5, 2.5, 1.2)
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
    out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=kernel)[0]
    expected_result = numpy.array([[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, 1.2],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9]])
    assert_arrays_almost_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 8
def single_point_on_grid_corner_is_counted_once(con, kernel):
    sample_cube = make_mock_cube()
    data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point(10, 5, 1.2)
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
    out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=kernel)[0]
    expected_result = numpy.array([[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, 1.2]])
    assert_arrays_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 9
def single_masked_point_results_in_single_value_in_cell_using_kernel_and_con(con, kernel):
    sample_cube = make_mock_cube()
    data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point(0.5, 0.5, 1.2, mask=True)
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
    out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=kernel)[0]
    expected_result = numpy.array([[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9]])
    assert_arrays_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 10
def multiple_points_inside_grid_and_outside(con, kernel):
    sample_cube = make_mock_cube()
    data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point([0.5, 99, 0.6, 3.0, -9], [0.5, 99, 0.6, 0.5, -3],
                                                        [1.2, 5, 3.4, 5, 8])
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
    out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=kernel)[0]
    expected_result = numpy.array([[8, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, 2.3, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, 5, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9]])
    assert_arrays_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_gridded_gridded_bin_when_sample_has_dimension_data_doesnt(self):
        # JASCIS-204
        from cis.data_io.gridded_data import make_from_cube
        sample = make_from_cube(make_mock_cube(time_dim_length=7, dim_order=['lat', 'lon', 'time']))
        data = make_from_cube(make_mock_cube(lat_dim_length=11, lon_dim_length=13,
                                             time_dim_length=0, dim_order=['time', 'lon', 'lat']))

        col = GeneralGriddedCollocator()
        constraint = BinningCubeCellConstraint()
        kernel = mean()
        out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample, data=data, constraint=constraint, kernel=kernel)
        assert out_cube[0].shape == (5, 3)
Esempio n. 12
    def aggregate_ungridded(self, kernel):
        Performs aggregation for ungridded data by first generating a new grid, converting it into a cube, then
        collocating using the appropriate kernel and a cube cell constraint
        new_cube_coords = []
        new_cube_shape = []

        i = 0

        for coord in
            grid, guessed_axis = self.get_grid(coord)
            if grid is None:
                new_coord = self._make_fully_collapsed_coord(coord)
            if grid is not None and isnan(
                # Issue a warning and then still collapse fully
                logging.warning('Coordinate ' + guessed_axis + ' was given without a grid. No need to specify '
                                'coordinates for complete collapse, all coordinates without a grid specified are '
                                'automatically collapsed for ungridded aggregation.')
                new_coord = self._make_fully_collapsed_coord(coord)
            if grid is not None and not isnan(
                new_coord = self._make_partially_collapsed_coord(coord, grid, guessed_axis)
            new_cube_coords.append((new_coord, i))
            i += 1

        if len(self._grid) != 0:
            raise CoordinateNotFoundError('No coordinate found that matches {}. Please check the coordinate '

        dummy_data = numpy.reshape(numpy.arange(int( + 1.0, tuple(new_cube_shape))
        aggregation_cube = iris.cube.Cube(dummy_data, dim_coords_and_dims=new_cube_coords)

        collocator = GeneralGriddedCollocator()
        constraint = BinnedCubeCellOnlyConstraint()
        aggregated_cube = collocator.collocate(aggregation_cube,, constraint, kernel)

        # We need to rename any variables which clash with coordinate names otherwise they will not output correctly, we
        # prepend it with 'aggregated_' to make it clear which variable has been aggregated (the original coordinate
        # value will not have been.)
        for idx, d in enumerate(aggregated_cube):
            if d.var_name in [coord.var_name for coord in aggregation_cube.coords()]:
                new_name = "aggregated_" + d.var_name
                aggregated_cube[idx].var_name = new_name
                logging.warning("Variable {} clashes with a coordinate variable name and has been renamed to: {}"
                                .format(d.var_name, new_name))

        return aggregated_cube
Esempio n. 13
def can_collocate_list_of_data(constraint, kernel):
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator()
    sample = make_square_5x3_2d_cube()
    data1 = make_regular_2d_ungridded_data(10, -10, 10, 6, -5, 5, 0)
    data2 = make_regular_2d_ungridded_data(10, -10, 10, 6, -5, 5, 10)
    output = col.collocate(sample, UngriddedDataList([data1, data2]), constraint, kernel)
    assert len(output) == 2
    expected_data2 = numpy.array([[14.5, 16.5, 18.5],
                                  [26.5, 28.5, 30.5],
                                  [38.5, 40.5, 42.5],
                                  [50.5, 52.5, 54.5],
                                  [62.5, 64.5, 66.5]])
    expected_data1 = expected_data2 - 10
    assert_arrays_equal(output[0].data, expected_data1)
    assert_arrays_equal(output[1].data, expected_data2)
Esempio n. 14
    def test_fill_value_for_cube_cell_constraint_default_fill_value(self):
        sample_cube = make_mock_cube()
        data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point(99, 99, 0.0)

        col = GeneralGriddedCollocator()
        con = CubeCellConstraint()

        out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=SlowMean())[0]

        expected_result = numpy.array([[float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')],
                                       [float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')],
                                       [float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')],
                                       [float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')],
                                       [float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')]])

        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 15
    def test_fill_value_for_cube_cell_constraint(self):
        sample_cube = make_mock_cube()
        data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point(99, 99, 0.0)

        col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9)
        con = CubeCellConstraint()

        out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=SlowMean())[0]

        expected_result = numpy.array([[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                       [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                       [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                       [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                       [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9]])

        assert numpy.array_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 16
def single_point_results_in_single_value_in_masked_cell_using_kernel_and_con_missing_for_masked_false(con, kernel):
    mask = [[False, False, False],
            [False, False, False],
            [False, True, False],
            [False, False, False],
            [False, False, False]]
    sample_cube = make_mock_cube(mask=mask)
    data_point = make_dummy_ungridded_data_single_point(0.5, 0.5, 1.2)
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator(fill_value=-999.9, missing_data_for_missing_sample=False)
    out_cube = col.collocate(points=sample_cube, data=data_point, constraint=con, kernel=kernel)[0]
    expected_result = numpy.array([[-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, 1.2, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9],
                                   [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9]])
    assert_arrays_equal(, expected_result)
Esempio n. 17
def single_moments(constraint, kernel):
    col = GeneralGriddedCollocator()
    sample = make_square_5x3_2d_cube()
    data = make_regular_2d_ungridded_data(10, -9.9, 9.9, 6, -4.9, 4.9, 10)
    output = col.collocate(sample, data, constraint, kernel)
    expected_data = numpy.array([[14.5, 16.5, 18.5],
                                 [26.5, 28.5, 30.5],
                                 [38.5, 40.5, 42.5],
                                 [50.5, 52.5, 54.5],
                                 [62.5, 64.5, 66.5]])
    expected_stddev = numpy.ones((5, 3)) * 3.5118845842842465
    expected_num = numpy.ones((5, 3)) * 4
    assert len(output) == 3
    assert isinstance(output, GriddedDataList)
    assert output[0].var_name == 'rain'
    assert output[1].var_name == 'rain_std_dev'
    assert output[2].var_name == 'rain_num_points'
    assert_arrays_equal(output[0].data, expected_data)
    assert numpy.allclose(output[1].data, expected_stddev)
    assert numpy.array_equal(output[2].data, expected_num)