Esempio n. 1
start_year = current_year

for i in range(1, len(stations_dict["1"].data_list)):
    line = ""
    current_day += 1

    if current_day <= end_day:
        datecode = str(current_year) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
        #print datecode
        current_day = 1
        current_year += 1
        end_day = cj.get_days_in_year(current_year)
        datecode = str(current_year) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
        #print end_day

    for sta_nr in station_nr:
        rec = cj.trailing_zeros(5, stations_dict[str(sta_nr)].data_list[i], 1)
        line += rec

    line = datecode + line + "\n"
    pcp_string += line

end_year = current_year
IDAL = end_day

cj.write_to(variables.path +"\\cio_config.tmp~", str(start_year) + "\n" + str(end_year) + "\n" + str((end_year - start_year) + 1) + \
    "\n" + str(IDAF) + "\n" + str(IDAL) + "\n\n" + str(len(stations_list)))

cj.write_to(variables.DefaultSimDir + "TxtInOut\\pcp1.pcp", pcp_string)
Esempio n. 2
    # Building String
    rte_file = " .rte file Subbasin: " + SubBasin + " " + DateAndTime + " " + SWAT_Vers + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CHW2, 3) + "    | CHW2 : Main channel width [m]" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CHD, 3) + "    | CHD : Main channel depth [m]" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_S2, 5) + "    | CH_S2 : Main channel slope [m/m]" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_L2, 3) + "    | CH_L2 : Main channel length [km]" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_N2, 3) + "    | CH_N2 : Manning's nvalue for main channel" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_K2, 3) + "    | CH_K2 : Effective hydraulic conductivity [mm/hr]" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_COV1, 3) + "    | CH_COV1: Channel erodibility factor" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_COV2, 3) + "    | CH_COV2 : Channel cover factor" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_WDR, 3) + "    | CH_WDR : Channel width:depth ratio [m/m]" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, ALPHA_BNK, 3) + "    | ALPHA_BNK : Baseflow alpha factor for bank storage [days]" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, ICANAL, 2) + "    | ICANAL : Code for irrigation canal" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_ONCO, 2) + "    | CH_ONCO : Organic nitrogen concentration in the channel [ppm]" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_OPCO, 2) + "    | CH_OPCO : Organic phosphorus concentration in the channel [ppm]" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_SIDE, 2) + "    | CH_SIDE : Change in horizontal distance per unit vertical distance" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_BNK_BD, 2) + "    | CH_BNK_BD : Bulk density of channel bank sediment (g/cc)" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_BED_BD, 2) + "    | CH_BED_BD : Bulk density of channel bed sediment (g/cc)" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_BNK_KD, 2) + "    | CH_BNK_KD : Erodibility of channel bank sediment by jet test (cm3/N-s)" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_BED_KD, 2) + "    | CH_BED_KD : Erodibility of channel bed sediment by jet test (cm3/N-s)" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_BNK_D50, 2) + "    | CH_BNK_D50 : D50 Median particle size diameter of channel bank sediment (micro-m)" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_BED_D50, 2) + "    | CH_BED_D50 : D50 Median particle size diameter of channel bed sediment (micro-m)" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_BNK_TC, 2) + "    | CH_BNK_TC : Critical shear stress of channel bank (N/m2)" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_BED_TC, 2) + "    | CH_BED_TC : Critical shear stress of channel bed (N/m2)" + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO1, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO2, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO3, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO4, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO5, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO6, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO7, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO8, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO9, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO10, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO11, 2) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, CH_ERODMO12, 2) + \
        "\n" + cj.trailing_spaces(14, CH_EQN, 0) + "    | CH_EQN : Sediment routing methods\n"

    fileName = cj.get_filename(int(SubBasin), int(0), "rte")
    cj.write_to(variables.DefaultSimDir + "TxtInOut\\" + fileName, rte_file)
    #print fileName
Esempio n. 3
# get database data
pj_db = mdt.mdb_with_ops("{rt}model/{nm}/{nm}.mdb".format(rt=root,
rf_db = mdt.mdb_with_ops("{rt}model/{nm}/QSWATRef2012.mdb".format(rt=root,


land_lu_string = "LANDUSE_ID,SWAT_CODE\n"
for row in pj_db.columns:
    land_lu_string += "{code},{lu_c}\n".format(code=row[0], lu_c=row[1])
    "{rt}Data/tables/{fn}.csv".format(rt=root, fn=land_use_lookup),

soil_string = "SOIL_ID,SNAM\n"
for row in pj_db.columns:
    soil_string += "{code},{so_c}\n".format(code=row[0], so_c=row[1])
    "{rt}Data/tables/{fn}.csv".format(rt=root, fn=soil_lookup), soil_string)

wgen_string = ','.join(rf_db.col_names) + "\n"
for row_ in rf_db.columns:
    str_row = [str(x) for x in row_]
    wgen_string += ','.join(str_row) + "\n"
    second_confluence_string = "add            5" + cj.trailing_spaces(6, str(reach_dictionary[str(later_reach)].order_number - 2), 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, later_reach, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(reach_dictionary[str(later_reach)].receives_from[0])].order_number, 0) + \
        "\nadd            5" + cj.trailing_spaces(6, str(reach_dictionary[str(later_reach)].order_number - 1), 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(later_reach)].order_number - 2, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(reach_dictionary[str(later_reach)].receives_from[1])].order_number, 0) + \
        "\nroute          2" + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(later_reach)].order_number, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, later_reach, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, str(reach_dictionary[str(later_reach)].order_number - 1), 0) + \
        "\n          " + cj.trailing_zeros(5, later_reach, 0) + "0000.rte" + cj.trailing_zeros(5, later_reach, 0) + "0000.swq" + "\n" + second_confluence_string

# for the last confluence
last_confluence_string = "add            5" + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(end_reach)].order_number - 2, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, end_reach, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(reach_dictionary[str(end_reach)].receives_from[0])].order_number, 0) + \
    "\nadd            5" + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(end_reach)].order_number - 1, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(end_reach)].order_number - 2, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(reach_dictionary[str(end_reach)].receives_from[1])].order_number, 0) + \
    "\nroute          2" + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(end_reach)].order_number, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, end_reach, 0) + cj.trailing_spaces(6, reach_dictionary[str(end_reach)].order_number - 1, 0) + \
    "\n          " + cj.trailing_zeros(5, end_reach, 0) + "0000.rte" + cj.trailing_zeros(5, end_reach, 0) + "0000.swq"

# here we get the whole string and save to file
fig_string = fig_string + first_confluence_string + second_confluence_string + last_confluence_string + fig_bottom

fileName = "fig.fig"
cj.write_to(variables.DefaultSimDir + "TxtInOut\\" + fileName, fig_string)

# Here we also generate the ATM file, I do not know which fields in the BSN table contain these.

now =

DateAndTime = str(now.month) + "/" + str( + "/" + \
    str(now.year) + " " + str(now.time()).split(".")[0]
SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

ATM = "Watershed atmospheric deposition file      .atm file " + DateAndTime + " " + SWAT_Vers + \

# Get projection info for the project file
proj4, is_proj = cj.get_proj4_from(current_root + "/" + project_name +
                                   "/Source/crop/" + namelist.Land_Use)

if not is_proj:
    print("\t\t! Warning: makesure your land use map is projected.")

xmin, ymax, xmax, ymin = cj.get_extents(current_root + "/" + project_name +
epsg_code, srs_id, prj_name = cj.get_auth(current_root + "/" + project_name +
soil_epsg_code, soil_srs_id, soil_prj_name = cj.get_auth(
    os.path.join(current_root, project_name, "Source", "crop",

cj.write_to("epsg_code.tmp~", "{0}".format(epsg_code))

projlist = proj4.split(" ")

proj4_dic = {}
for item in projlist:
    if (item == '+no_defs') or (item == ''):
        proj4_dic[item.split("=")[0]] = item.split("=")[1]

## Here we replace the text inside the project file
project_file_list = cj.read_from(root + "/workflow_lib/template.qgs")
project_file_string = ""
for line in project_file_list:
    project_file_string += line
Esempio n. 6
for i in range(1, len(stations_dict["1"].data_list)):
    line = ""
    current_day += 1

    if current_day <= end_day:
        datecode = str(current_tear) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
        #print datecode
        current_day = 1
        current_tear += 1
        end_day = cj.get_days_in_year(current_tear)
        datecode = str(current_tear) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
        #print end_day

    for sta_nr in station_nr:
        rec = (
            "000.0" if cj.trailing_zeros(
                5, stations_dict[str(sta_nr)].data_list[i].split(",")[0], 1)
            == "-00.0" else cj.trailing_zeros(
                5, stations_dict[str(sta_nr)].data_list[i].split(",")[0], 1)
        ) + ("000.0" if cj.trailing_zeros(
            5, stations_dict[str(sta_nr)].data_list[i].split(",")[1], 1)
             == "-00.0" else cj.trailing_zeros(
                 5, stations_dict[str(sta_nr)].data_list[i].split(",")[1], 1))
        line += rec

    line = datecode + line + "\n"
    tmp_string += line

cj.write_to(variables.DefaultSimDir + "TxtInOut\\tmp1.tmp", tmp_string)
       0.227   7.500  14.000   0.000   3.290   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
       0.000        0.0
 19 CWT5 Municipal wastewater w/lagoon and constructed wetland                   2
       0.227   1.700   9.500   0.000   1.980   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
       0.000        0.0
 20 BFL1 Waterloo biofilter (plastic media)                                      2
       0.227  28.500  18.500  58.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
       0.000        0.0
 21 BFL2 Waterloo biofilter (plastic media)                                      2
       0.227  16.000   5.000   0.000  10.200   5.700   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
       0.000   190000.0
 22 BFL3 Peat biofilter                                                          2
       0.227   4.500   6.500   2.500   1.000  20.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
       0.450      945.0
 23 TXF1 Recirulating textile filter                                             2
       0.227  27.500  16.000  26.500   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
       0.000    50790.0
 24 TXF2 Foam or textile filter effluent                                         2
       0.227  10.000   7.500  45.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
       0.000      505.0
 25 GFL1 Septic, recirculating gravel filter, UV disinfection                    2
       0.227  25.000   4.900   0.400   0.000  12.200   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
       0.000        7.3
 26 FSPT Texas A&M reference                                                     3
       0.227 250.000 700.000  40.000  25.000   0.000   0.000  25.000  12.000  10.000
       2.000 10000000.0

fileName = "septwq.dat"
cj.write_to(variables.DefaultSimDir + "TxtInOut\\" + fileName, septwq)
#print fileName
Esempio n. 8
    wnd_string = "Input File wnd.wnd          " + DateAndTime + " " + SWAT_Vers + "\n"

    current_tear = int(stations_dict["1"].data_list[0][0:4])
    end_day = cj.get_days_in_year(current_tear)
    current_day = 0

    for i in range(1, len(stations_dict["1"].data_list)):
        line = ""
        current_day += 1

        if current_day <= end_day:
            datecode = str(current_tear) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
            #print datecode
            current_day = 1
            current_tear += 1
            end_day = cj.get_days_in_year(current_tear)
            datecode = str(current_tear) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
            #print end_day

        for sta_nr in station_nr:
            rec = cj.trailing_zeros(8, stations_dict[str(sta_nr)].data_list[i],
            line += rec

        line = datecode + line + "\n"
        wnd_string += line

    cj.write_to(variables.DefaultSimDir + "TxtInOut\\wnd.wnd", wnd_string)
Esempio n. 9
    hmd_string = "Input File hmd.hmd          " + DateAndTime + " " + SWAT_Vers + "\n"

    current_tear = int(stations_dict["1"].data_list[0][0:4])
    end_day = cj.get_days_in_year(current_tear)
    current_day = 0

    for i in range(1, len(stations_dict["1"].data_list)):
        line = ""
        current_day += 1

        if current_day <= end_day:
            datecode = str(current_tear) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
            #print datecode
            current_day = 1
            current_tear += 1
            end_day = cj.get_days_in_year(current_tear)
            datecode = str(current_tear) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
            #print end_day

        for sta_nr in station_nr:
            rec = cj.trailing_zeros(8, stations_dict[str(sta_nr)].data_list[i],
            line += rec

        line = datecode + line + "\n"
        hmd_string += line

    cj.write_to(variables.DefaultSimDir + "TxtInOut\\hmd.hmd", hmd_string)
Esempio n. 10
    SWAT_Vers = "QSWAT Workflow v1.5.2"

    slr_string = "Input File slr.slr          " + DateAndTime + " " + SWAT_Vers + "\n"

    current_tear = int(stations_dict["1"].data_list[0][0:4])
    end_day = cj.get_days_in_year(current_tear)
    current_day = 0

    for i in range(1, len(stations_dict["1"].data_list)):
        line = ""
        current_day += 1

        if current_day <= end_day:
            datecode = str(current_tear) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
            #print datecode
            current_day = 1
            current_tear += 1
            end_day = cj.get_days_in_year(current_tear)
            datecode = str(current_tear) + cj.trailing_zeros(3, current_day, 0)
            #print end_day

        for sta_nr in station_nr:
            rec = cj.trailing_zeros(8, stations_dict[str(sta_nr)].data_list[i], 3)
            line += rec

        line = datecode + line + "\n"
        slr_string += line

    cj.write_to(variables.DefaultSimDir + "TxtInOut\\slr.slr", slr_string)
Esempio n. 11
import os, osr
import sys
# import init_file as variables
from shutil import copyfile
import cj_function_lib as cj
import namelist

# cwd = variables.path + "\\"
cwd = sys.argv[1] + "/model/"
path = os.path.dirname(cj.__file__)

cj.write_to(path + "/", "pth = '{0}'\n".format(cwd.replace("\\", "/")))

root = path.replace("workflow_lib", "")
import namelist

ProjList = cj.list_files_from(cwd, "qgs")

if len(ProjList)==0:
    print("Error: No project File Prepared")
ProjName = namelist.Project_Name

ProjDir = cwd + ProjName + "\\"
DefaultSimDir = ProjDir + "Scenarios\\default\\"

ProjMDB = ProjDir + ProjName + ".mdb"