Esempio n. 1
    def rebase_groundtruth(task, fullres, force=False):
        Inplace / lazy modification of groundtruth labels


        # Remap the original three labels to [0, 1, 2]
        orig_labels = [2, 6, 65]
        mapping = np.full(max(orig_labels) + 1, fill_value=-1)
        mapping[orig_labels] = np.arange(len(orig_labels))

        datadir = ub.ensuredir((task.workdir, 'data'))
        dpath = ub.ensuredir((datadir, 'gt', 'full'))

        new_gt_paths = []
        for ix in ub.ProgIter(range(len(fullres.paths['gt'])), label='rebase'):
            path = fullres.paths['gt'][ix]
            name = fullres.dump_im_names[ix]
            out_dpath = join(dpath, name)
            # Hacky cache
            if force or not exists(out_dpath):
                in_data = imutil.imread(path)
                out_data = mapping[in_data]
                imutil.imwrite(out_dpath, out_data)
        fullres.paths['gt'] = new_gt_paths
        return fullres
Esempio n. 2
 def _lowres_proc(tag, out_dpath, in_paths, out_names, interpolation):
     pip install tifffile
     _iter = zip(in_paths, out_names)
     prog = ub.ProgIter(_iter,
                        label='lowres ' + tag)
     for in_path, out_name in prog:
         out_path = join(out_dpath, out_name)
         if not exists(out_path):
             in_data = imutil.imread(in_path)
             out_data = cv2.resize(in_data,
             imutil.imwrite(out_path, out_data)
         yield out_path
Esempio n. 3
def np_loader(fpath, colorspace=None):
    im_in = imutil.imread(fpath)
    if colorspace is not None:
        cv_255 = im_in  # Assume we read a (bgr) byte image
        cv_01 = cv_255.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
        n_channels = imutil.get_num_channels(cv_01)
        if n_channels == 1:
            input_space = 'GRAY'
        elif n_channels == 3:
            input_space = 'BGR'
        elif n_channels == 4:
            input_space = 'BGRA'
            raise NotImplementedError()
        output_space = colorspace.upper()
        if output_space == 'L':
            output_space = 'GRAY'
        im_out = imutil.convert_colorspace(cv_01,
        im_out = im_in
    return im_out
Esempio n. 4
    def restitch(task, output_dpath, part_paths, blend=None):
        # Group parts by base id
        if len(part_paths) == 0:
            return []

        def stitch_tiles(rc_locs, tiles):
            Recombine parts back into an entire image
            (TODO: blending / averaging to remove boundry effects)
            shapes = [t.shape[0:2] for t in tiles]
            n_channels = 1 if len(tiles[0].shape) == 2 else tiles[0].shape[2]
            bboxes = np.array([
                (r, c, r + h, c + w)
                for ((r, c), (h, w)) in zip(rc_locs, shapes)
            stiched_shape = tuple(bboxes.T[2:4].max(axis=1))
            if n_channels > 1:
                stiched_shape = stiched_shape + (n_channels,)
            stiched = np.zeros(stiched_shape)
            for bbox, tile in zip(bboxes, tiles):
                r1, c1, r2, c2 = bbox
                stiched[r1:r2, c1:c2] = tile
            return stiched

        def stitch_tiles_ave(rc_locs, tiles, weighted=False):
            Recombine parts back into an entire image

                >>> rc_locs = [(0, 0), (0, 5), (0, 10)]
                >>> tiles = [np.ones((1, 7, 3)) + i for i in range(len(rc_locs))]
                >>> tiles = [np.ones((1, 7)) + i for i in range(len(rc_locs))]
            shapes = [t.shape[0:2] for t in tiles]
            n_channels = 1 if len(tiles[0].shape) == 2 else tiles[0].shape[2]
            bboxes = np.array([
                (r, c, r + h, c + w)
                for ((r, c), (h, w)) in zip(rc_locs, shapes)
            stiched_wh = tuple(bboxes.T[2:4].max(axis=1))
            stiched_shape = stiched_wh
            if n_channels > 1:
                stiched_shape = stiched_wh + (n_channels,)
            sums = np.zeros(stiched_shape)
            nums = np.zeros(stiched_wh)

            if weighted:
                # assume all shapes are the same
                h, w = shapes[0]
                weight = np.ones((h, w) )
                # Weight borders less than center
                # should really use receptive fields for this calculation
                # but this should be fine.
                weight[:h // 4]  = .25
                weight[-h // 4:] = .25
                weight[:w // 4]  = .25
                weight[-w // 4:] = .25
                weight3c = weight
                if n_channels > 1:
                    weight3c = weight[:, :, None]
                weight3c = weight = 1

            # Assume we are not in log-space here, so the weighted average
            # formula does not need any exponentiation.
            for bbox, tile in zip(bboxes, tiles):
                r1, c1, r2, c2 = bbox
                sums[r1:r2, c1:c2] += (tile * weight3c)
                nums[r1:r2, c1:c2] += weight

            if len(sums.shape) == 2:
                stiched = sums / nums
                stiched = sums / nums[:, :, None]
            return stiched

        def stitch_tiles_vote(rc_locs, tiles):
            Recombine parts back into an entire image
            (TODO: blending / averaging to remove boundry effects)
            shapes = [t.shape[0:2] for t in tiles]
            n_channels = 1 if len(tiles[0].shape) == 2 else tiles[0].shape[2]
            assert n_channels == 1
            bboxes = np.array([
                (r, c, r + h, c + w)
                for ((r, c), (h, w)) in zip(rc_locs, shapes)
            stiched_shape = tuple(bboxes.T[2:4].max(axis=1))
            n_classes = len(task.classnames)
            votes = np.zeros((n_classes,) + stiched_shape)
            for bbox, tile in zip(bboxes, tiles):
                r1, c1, r2, c2 = bbox
                for i in range(n_classes):
                    votes[i, r1:r2, c1:c2][tile == i] += 1
            stiched = votes.argmax(axis=0)
            return stiched

        def _extract_part_grid(paths):
            # hack to use filenames to extract upper left locations of tiles in
            # the larger image.
            rc_locs = [[int(x) for x in basename(p).split('.')[0].split('_')[-2:]]
                       for p in paths]
            return rc_locs

        ext = splitext(part_paths[0])[1]
        is_image = ext not in ['.npy', '.h5']

        groupid = [basename(p).split('_part')[0] for p in part_paths]
        new_paths = []
        groups = list(ub.group_items(part_paths, groupid).items())

        for tileid, paths in ub.ProgIter(groups, label='restitching'):
            # Read all parts belonging to an original group
            if is_image:
                tiles = [imutil.imread(p) for p in paths]
                tiles = [util.read_arr(p) for p in paths]
                if tiles[0].shape[0] < 10:
                    # hack
                    tiles = [t.transpose(1, 2, 0) for t in tiles]
            # try:
            # except OSError:
            # Find their relative positions and restitch them
            rc_locs = _extract_part_grid(paths)
            if blend == 'vote':
                stiched = stitch_tiles_vote(rc_locs, tiles)
            elif blend == 'ave':
                stiched = stitch_tiles_ave(rc_locs, tiles, weighted=False)
            elif blend == 'avew':
                stiched = stitch_tiles_ave(rc_locs, tiles, weighted=True)
            elif blend is None:
                stiched = stitch_tiles(rc_locs, tiles)
                raise KeyError(blend)

            # Write them to disk.
            if is_image:
                fpath = join(output_dpath, tileid + '.png')
                imutil.imwrite(fpath, stiched)
                fpath = join(output_dpath, tileid + '.npy')
                util.write_arr(fpath, stiched)

        return new_paths
Esempio n. 5
    def create_boundary_groundtruth(task, fullres, force=False):
        # Hack: transform task into boundary mode

        NON_BUILDING = task.classname_to_id['non-building']
        INNER_INSTANCE = task.classname_to_id['inner_building']
        OUTER_INSTANCE = task.classname_to_id['outer_building']
        UNKNOWN = task.classname_to_id['uncertain']

        def instance_boundary(gti_data, gtl_data):
                gti_data = np.array([
                  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2],
                  [0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2],
                  [0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2],
                  [0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0],
                  [0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 4, 0, 0],
                  [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                ], dtype=np.uint8)

                kernel = np.ones((2, 2))
                cv2.erode(im, kernel)
            out_data = np.full(gti_data.shape, dtype=np.uint8,

            # 5x5 erosion is equivalent to two iterations of a 3x3 erosion
            kernel = np.ones((3, 3))
            for label, submask, rc_off, rc_sl in instance_submasks(gti_data):
                pad = 1
                border = cv2.copyMakeBorder(submask, pad, pad, pad, pad,
                                            cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0)
                inner = cv2.erode(border, kernel, iterations=2)[1:-1, 1:-1]
                outer = submask - inner
                newmask = ((inner * INNER_INSTANCE) | (outer * OUTER_INSTANCE))
                out_data[rc_sl] = newmask

            # Map old unknown value to the a new one
            is_unknown = gtl_data == 65
            out_data[is_unknown] = UNKNOWN
            return out_data

        # Augment the groundtruth so the network must also predict instance
        # boundaries
        datadir = ub.ensuredir((task.workdir, 'data'))
        dpath = ub.ensuredir((datadir, 'gtb', 'full'))

        new_gt_paths = []
        for ix in ub.ProgIter(range(len(fullres.paths['gti'])), label='boundary'):
            path = fullres.paths['gti'][ix]
            name = fullres.dump_im_names[ix]
            out_dpath = join(dpath, name)
            if force or not exists(out_dpath):
                gtl_data = imutil.imread(fullres.paths['gt'][ix])
                gti_data = imutil.imread(path)
                out_data = instance_boundary(gti_data, gtl_data)
                imutil.imwrite(out_dpath, out_data)

        fullres.paths['gt'] = new_gt_paths
        return fullres
Esempio n. 6
def dump_task_inference(task, inputs, load_path):

        task = get_task('urban_mapper_3d')
        (train, test), = task.xval_splits()
        inputs = test

        eval_dataset = SSegInputsWrapper(inputs, task, colorspace='RGB')
        eval_dataset.with_gt = False

        load_path = 'solver_4214-yxalqwdk_unet_vgg_nttxoagf_a=1,n_ch=5,'

    eval_dataset = SSegInputsWrapper(inputs, task, colorspace='RGB')
    eval_dataset.with_gt = False

    if True:
        # TODO: make model metadata know about this
        eval_dataset.center_inputs = eval_dataset._original_urban_mapper_normalizer(

    eval_dpath = ub.ensuredir(
        (task.workdir, 'eval', 'input_' + eval_dataset.input_id))
    subdir = list(ub.take(os.path.splitext(load_path)[0].split('/'), [-3, -1]))
    # base output dump path on the training id string
    test_dump_dpath = ub.ensuredir((eval_dpath, '/'.join(subdir)))
    print('test_dump_dpath = {!r}'.format(test_dump_dpath))

    datasets = {'eval': eval_dataset}

    # TODO n_classes and n_channels should be saved as model metadata
    n_classes = datasets['eval'].n_classes
    n_channels = datasets['eval'].n_channels

    xpu = xpu_device.XPU.from_argv()
    print('Loading snapshot onto {}'.format(xpu))
    snapshot = torch.load(load_path, map_location=xpu.map_location())
    # Infer which model this belongs to
    if snapshot['model_class_name'] == 'UNet':
        model = models.UNet(in_channels=n_channels, n_classes=n_classes)
    elif snapshot['model_class_name'] == 'SegNet':
        model = models.SegNet(in_channels=n_channels, n_classes=n_classes)

    model = xpu.move(model)

    print('Preparing to predict {} on {}'.format(model.__class__.__name__,

    for ix in ub.ProgIter(range(len(eval_dataset)), label='dumping'):
        inputs_ = eval_dataset[ix][None, :]

        inputs_ = xpu.move(inputs_)
        inputs_ = torch.autograd.Variable(inputs_)

        output_tensor = model(inputs_)
        log_prob_tensor = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(output_tensor,
        log_probs =

        # Just reload rgb data without trying to go through the reverse
        # transform
        img = imutil.imread(eval_dataset.inputs.im_paths[ix])

        # ut.save_cPkl('crf_testdata.pkl', {
        #     'log_probs': log_probs,
        #     'img': img,
        # })

        from clab import filters

        posterior = filters.crf_posterior(img, log_probs)
        # output =[0]

        pred = log_probs.argmax(axis=0)
        pred_crf = posterior.argmax(axis=0)

        fname = eval_dataset.inputs.dump_im_names[ix]
        fname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + '.png'

        # pred =[0]
        blend_pred = task.colorize(pred, img)
        blend_pred_crf = task.colorize(pred_crf, img)
        # color_pred = task.colorize(pred)

        output_dict = {
            'log_probs': log_probs,
            'blend_pred': blend_pred,
            # 'color_pred': color_pred,
            'blend_pred_crf': blend_pred_crf,
            'pred_crf': pred_crf,
            'pred': pred,

        if eval_dataset.with_gt:
            true = imutil.imread(eval_dataset.inputs.gt_paths[ix])
            blend_true = task.colorize(true, img, alpha=.5)
            # color_true = task.colorize(true, alpha=.5)
            output_dict['true'] = true
            output_dict['blend_true'] = blend_true
            # output_dict['color_true'] = color_true

        for key, img in output_dict.items():
            dpath = join(test_dump_dpath, key)
            fpath = join(dpath, fname)
            if key == 'log_probs':
                np.savez(fpath.replace('.png', ''), img)
                imutil.imwrite(fpath, img)

    return test_dump_dpath
Esempio n. 7
    def make_parts(prep, fullres, scale=1, clear=False):
        Slices the fullres images into smaller parts that fit into the network
        but are at the original resolution (or higher).

        >>> from clab.tasks.urban_mapper_3d import *
        >>> task = UrbanMapper3D(root='~/remote/aretha/data/UrbanMapper3D', workdir='~/data/work/urban_mapper')
        >>> task.prepare_fullres_inputs()
        >>> fullres = task.fullres
        >>> datadir = ub.ensuredir((task.workdir, 'data'))
        >>> prep = Preprocessor(datadir)
        >>> scale = 1
        >>> clear = False
        >>> lowres = prep.make_parts(fullres, scale)
        part_config = prep.part_config
        hashid = hashutil.hash_data(ub.repr2(part_config), hashlen=8)
        shapestr = '_'.join(list(map(str, prep.input_shape)))
        mode = 'part-scale{}-{}-{}'.format(scale, shapestr, hashid)

        parts, flag = prep._mode_new_input(mode, fullres, clear=clear)
        if flag:
            return parts

        input_shape = prep.input_shape
        overlap = part_config['overlap']
        keepbound = part_config['keepbound']

        records = list(fullres.iter_records())
        for record in ub.ProgIter(records, label='make ' + mode):
            dump_fname = basename(record['dump_fname'])

            im_shape = np.array(['im']).size[::-1])
            im_shape = tuple(np.floor(im_shape * scale).astype(

            # Consolodate all channels that belong to this record
            in_paths = record.get('aux').copy()
            for k in ['im', 'gt']:
                if k in record:
                    in_paths[k] = record[k]

            # Read the images for this record and resize if necessary
            in_images = {k: imutil.imread(v)
                         for k, v in in_paths.items()}  # 9% of the time
            if scale != 1.0:
                for k in in_images.keys():
                    interp = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 if k == 'im' else cv2.INTER_NEAREST
                    in_images[k] = imutil.imscale(in_images[k], scale,

            sl_gen = imutil.image_slices(im_shape, input_shape, overlap,
            for idx, rc_slice in enumerate(sl_gen):
                rsl, csl = rc_slice
                suffix = '_part{:0=4d}_{:0=3d}_{:0=3d}'.format(
                    idx, rsl.start, csl.start)
                fname = ub.augpath(dump_fname, suffix=suffix)

                for k, in_data in in_images.items():
                    out_data = in_data[rc_slice]
                    out_fpath = join(parts.dirs[k], fname)
                    imutil.imwrite(out_fpath, out_data)  # 84% of the time

        return parts