Esempio n. 1
    def get_default_value_by_type(type_, state=None):
        Java specify defaults values for primitive and reference types. This
        method returns the default value for a given type.

        :param str type_:   Name of type.
        :return:            Default value for this type.
        if type_ in ['byte', 'char', 'short', 'int', 'boolean']:
            return BVS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), 32)
        elif type_ == "long":
            return BVS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), 64)
        elif type_ == 'float':
            return FPS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), FSORT_FLOAT)
        elif type_ == 'double':
            return FPS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), FSORT_DOUBLE)
        elif state is not None:
            if type_ == 'java.lang.String':
                return SimSootValue_StringRef.new_string(state, StringS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), 1000))
            if type_.endswith('[][]'):
                raise NotImplementedError
                # multiarray = SimSootExpr_NewMultiArray.new_array(self.state, element_type, size)
                # multiarray.add_default_value_generator(lambda s: SimSootExpr_NewMultiArray._generate_inner_array(s, element_type, sizes))
                # return  multiarray
            elif type_.endswith('[]'):
                array = SimSootExpr_NewArray.new_array(state, type_[:-2], BVV(2, 32))
                return array
                return SimSootValue_ThisRef.new_object(state, type_, symbolic=True, init_object=False)
            # not a primitive type
            # => treat it as a reference
            return SootNullConstant()
Esempio n. 2
 def _get_default_symbolic_value_by_type(type_, state):
     if type_ in ['byte', 'char', 'short', 'int', 'boolean']:
         return BVS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), 32)
     if type_ == "long":
         return BVS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), 64)
     if type_ == 'float':
         return FPS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), FSORT_FLOAT)
     if type_ == 'double':
         return FPS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), FSORT_DOUBLE)
     if type_ == 'java.lang.String':
         return SimSootValue_StringRef.new_string(
             state, StringS('default_value_{}'.format(type_), 1000))
     if type_.endswith('[][]'):
         raise NotImplementedError
         # multiarray = SimSootExpr_NewMultiArray.new_array(self.state, element_type, size)
         # multiarray.add_default_value_generator(lambda s: SimSootExpr_NewMultiArray._generate_inner_array(s, element_type, sizes))
         # return  multiarray
     if type_.endswith('[]'):
         array = SimSootExpr_NewArray.new_array(state, type_[:-2],
                                                BVV(2, 32))
         return array
     return SimSootValue_ThisRef.new_object(state,
Esempio n. 3
def make_pickles():
    p = angr.Project(os.path.join(tests_location, 'i386', 'fauxware'))

    fs = {
        '/dev/stdin': SimFile('/dev/stdin'),
        '/dev/stdout': SimFile('/dev/stdout'),
        '/dev/stderr': SimFile('/dev/stderr'),
        #'/dev/urandom': SimFile('/dev/urandom', 0),

    MEM_SIZE = 1024
    mem_bvv = {}
    for f in fs:
        mem = BVS(f, MEM_SIZE * 8)
        mem_bvv[f] = mem
        # debug_wait()

    f = open("pickletest_good", "wb")
    #fname =
    pickle.dump(mem_bvv, f, -1)

    # If you do not have a state you cannot write
    entry_state = p.factory.entry_state(fs=fs) #pylint:disable=unused-variable
    for f in fs:
        mem = mem_bvv[f]
        fs[f].write(0, mem, MEM_SIZE)

    f = open("pickletest_bad", "wb")
    #fname =
    pickle.dump(mem_bvv, f, -1)
Esempio n. 4
def make_pickles():
    p = angr.Project("/bin/bash")

    fs = {
        '/dev/stdin': SimFile('/dev/stdin', 0),
        '/dev/stdout': SimFile('/dev/stdout', 0),
        '/dev/stderr': SimFile('/dev/stderr', 0),
        #'/dev/urandom': SimFile('/dev/urandom', 0),

    MEM_SIZE = 1024
    mem_bvv = {}
    for f in fs:
        mem = BVS(f, MEM_SIZE * 8)
        mem_bvv[f] = mem
        # debug_wait()

    f = open("/tmp/pickletest_good", "w")
    #fname =
    pickle.dump(mem_bvv, f)

    # If you do not have a state you cannot write
    entry_state = p.factory.entry_state(fs=fs)  #pylint:disable=unused-variable
    for f in fs:
        mem = mem_bvv[f]
        fs[f].write(mem, MEM_SIZE)

    f = open("/tmp/pickletest_bad", "w")
    #fname =
    pickle.dump(mem_bvv, f)
Esempio n. 5
def solve():
    Function Solve:
    1. Create the angr project
    2. Remove Lazy Solves
    3. Set up command line arguments
    4. Explore
    5. Print flag from found path

	Python v2.7.12
	angr v7.7.9.8.post1
    Pylint score: 10/10
    Runtime: ~6 seconds

    # Create the angr project
    proj = Project('./challenge', load_options={"auto_load_libs": False})
    initial_state = proj.factory.entry_state()

    # Discard lazy solves to speed up angr

    # Program wants 31 command line arguments
    # The first argument is the program: ./challenge
    # The rest or the arguments are each one byte of the flag
    argument_list = ['./challenge']
    for i in range(0, 30):
        argument_list.append(BVS("argv{}".format(i), 8))

    # Pass arguments to program
    initial_state = proj.factory.entry_state(args=argument_list)

    # Create the path group
    path_group = proj.factory.simgr(initial_state)

    # Address of call to sym.success__ in main.
    successAddress = 0x400c70

    # Find a path to the desired address

    # Get first found path
    found = path_group.found[0]

    # For every argument find the value used in the path
    flag = ""
    for arg in argument_list[1:]:
        flag +=, cast_to=str)

    # Print the result
    print flag
Esempio n. 6
    def state_entry(self, args=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        Create an entry state.

        :param args: List of SootArgument values (optional).
        state = self.state_blank(**kwargs)
        # for the Java main method `public static main(String[] args)`,
        # we add symbolic cmdline arguments
        if not args and == 'main' and \
                        state.addr.method.params[0] == 'java.lang.String[]':
            cmd_line_args = SimSootExpr_NewArray.new_array(
                state, "java.lang.String", BVS('argc', 32))
            args = [SootArgument(cmd_line_args, "java.lang.String[]")]
            # for referencing the Java array, we need to know the array reference
            # => saves it in the globals dict
            state.globals['cmd_line_args'] = cmd_line_args
        # setup arguments
        SimEngineSoot.setup_arguments(state, args)
        return state
Esempio n. 7

def nop_hook(s):

## hook mtspr instructions
#proj.hook(0x77c, hook, length=4)
#proj.hook(0x784, hook, length=4)
# hook external functions
proj.hook(BASE + 0x9C8, nop_hook, length=4)  # 0x68f0c
#proj.hook(0x1a0, nop_hook, length=4) # 0x68f0c

s = proj.factory.blank_state(addr=START)
mem_location = BVS('mem_199400_location', 8), mem_location)

s.inspect.b('mem_read', when=angr.BP_BEFORE, action=mem_read_hook)
s.inspect.b('mem_write', when=angr.BP_BEFORE, action=mem_write_hook)

simgr = proj.factory.simgr(s)
#r = simgr.explore(find=0x674)
#r = simgr.explore(find=0x16c)
#number of path to search
r = simgr.explore(find=END, num_find=4)

for save in r.found:
    #added later for syscall vals
Esempio n. 8
def get_jni_function_params(proj, func_addr, jenv_ptr):
    constraints = []
    record = Record.RECORDS.get(func_addr)
    if record is None:
        raise RecordNotFoundError('Relevant JNI function record not found!')
    # for user's JNI function, the first 2 parameters are hidden from Java side
    # and the first one will always be the JNIEnv pointer.
    params = [jenv_ptr]
    # Some parameters need to be cooperated with state update, this dict will
    # be returned for this purpose.
    state_updates = dict()
    jclass = JavaClass(record.cls)
    if record.static_method:
        jclass.init = True
    # The second hidden parameter is either a jclass or jobject of the current
    # Java class where the native method lives. If it is a static method in
    # Java side, it will be a jclass otherwise a jobject.
    ref = proj.loader.extern_object.allocate()
    obj_symbol = BVS("param_#0", proj.arch.bits)
    constraints.append(obj_symbol == ref)
    state_updates.update({ref: jclass})
    state_updates.update({ref: jclass})
    # prepare for the none hidden parameters
    plist = None
    if record.signature is not None:
        plist, has_obj = parse_params_from_sig(record.signature)
    # if no object references passed via parameters, we let Angr to use default
    # setups. Since it will not affect our analysis.
    if plist is not None and has_obj:
        symbol_values = {
            'Z': BVS('boolean_value', proj.arch.bits),
            '[Z': BVS('boolean_array', proj.arch.bits),
            'B': BVS('byte_value', proj.arch.bits),
            '[B': BVS('byte_array', proj.arch.bits),
            'C': BVS('char_value', proj.arch.bits),
            '[C': BVS('char_array', proj.arch.bits),
            'S': BVS('short_value', proj.arch.bits),
            '[S': BVS('short_array', proj.arch.bits),
            'I': BVS('int_value', proj.arch.bits),
            '[I': BVS('int_array', proj.arch.bits),
            'J': BVS('long_value', proj.arch.bits),
            '[J': BVS('long_array', proj.arch.bits),
            'F': BVS('float_value', proj.arch.bits),
            '[F': BVS('float_array', proj.arch.bits),
            'D': BVS('double_value', proj.arch.bits),
            '[D': BVS('double_array', proj.arch.bits),
        param_nb = 0
        for p in plist:
            param = symbol_values.get(p)
            if param is None:
                cls_name = p.lstrip('[').replace('/', '.')
                jclass = None
                if cls_name == 'java.lang.Class':
                    desc = 'object of java.lang.Class passed as parameter to ' +\
                            'JNI function which makes it not possible to get ' +\
                            'the class name'
                    jclass = JavaClass(None, desc=desc)
                    jclass = JavaClass(cls_name, init=True)
                if p.startswith('['):
                    jclass.is_array = True
                ref = proj.loader.extern_object.allocate()
                obj_symbol = BVS("param_#%i" % (param_nb + 1), proj.arch.bits)
                constraints.append(obj_symbol == ref)
                state_updates.update({ref: jclass})
                param = obj_symbol
            param_nb += 1
    return params, state_updates, constraints