Esempio n. 1
        def opti(x):
            i = 0
            aux = [0, 0, 0, 0]
            # Beta
            if type(self.beta_r) == list:
                aux[0] = x[i]
                i += 1
                aux[0] = self.beta_r
            # Sigma
            if type(self.sigma_r) == list:
                aux[1] = x[i]
                i += 1
                aux[1] = self.sigma_r
            # Gamma
            if type(self.gamma_r) == list:
                aux[2] = x[i]
                i += 1
                aux[2] = self.gamma_r
            # Mu
            if type(self.mu_r) == list:
                aux[3] = x[i]
                i += 1
                aux[3] = self.mu_r

            model = SEIR(self.P, self.eta, self.alpha, self.S0, self.E0,
                         self.I0, self.R0, aux[0], aux[1], aux[2], aux[3])
            model.integr(self.t0, self.T, self.h, True)

            return (objective_funct(Ir, tr, model.I, model.t, 'fro'))
Esempio n. 2
        def opti(x):
            i = 0
            aux = [0, 0, 0, 0]
            # Beta
            if type(self.beta_r) == list:
                aux[0] = x[i]
                i += 1
                aux[0] = self.beta_r
            # Sigma
            if type(self.sigma_r) == list:
                aux[1] = x[i]
                i += 1
                aux[1] = self.sigma_r
            # Gamma
            if type(self.gamma_r) == list:
                aux[2] = x[i]
                i += 1
                aux[2] = self.gamma_r
            # Mu
            if type(self.mu_r) == list:
                aux[3] = x[i]
                i += 1
                aux[3] = self.mu_r
            ie = 0
            ie = i

            def eta(t):
                eta = np.ones(self.P.shape[0])
                for j in range(self.P.shape[0]):
                    eta[j] = x[ie + j]
                return (eta)

            self.eta = eta

            ia = 0
            ia = ie + self.P.shape[0]

            def alpha(t):
                alpha = np.zeros([self.P.shape[0], self.P.shape[0]])
                for j in range(self.P.shape[0]):
                    for k in range(self.P.shape[0]):
                        alpha[j][k] = x[j + ia] * x[k + ia]
                return (alpha)

            self.alpha = alpha

            model = SEIR(self.P, eta, alpha, self.S0, self.E0, self.I0,
                         self.R0, aux[0], aux[1], aux[2], aux[3])
            model.integr(self.t0, self.T, self.h, True)
            self.eta = eta
            self.alpha = alpha

            return (objective_funct(Ir, tr, model.I, model.t, 'fro'))
Esempio n. 3
    def refineRW(self, I_r, tr, r0, Npoints, steps, err, obj_func='IN'):
        # Refine using Montecarlo - Markov Chain
        mesh = self.mesh(Npoints)

        if obj_func == 'IN':
            objective_function = self.objective_funct_I_Norm
        elif obj_func == 'IR':
            objective_function = self.objective_funct_I_rate

        results = []
        for i in range(Npoints):
            # print("Mesh point number "+str(i))
            aux = self.LocMinRW(I_r, tr, mesh[i][0], mesh[i][1], mesh[i][2],
                                mesh[i][3], r0, steps, err, objective_function)
            # print("Error: "+str(aux[-1]))
        self.paramsRW = np.array(results)
        optindex = np.where(
            self.paramsRW[:, 4] == np.amin(self.paramsRW[:, 4]))[0][0]
        self.optimalRW = self.paramsRW[optindex, :]
        self.errorRW = self.optimalRW[-1]
        # should define an exit protocol
        self.SEIR = SEIR(self.P, self.eta, self.alpha, self.S0, self.E0,
                         self.I0, self.R0, self.optimalRW[0],
                         self.optimalRW[1], self.optimalRW[2],
        return self.optimalRW
Esempio n. 4
    def refineMH(self, I_r, tr, r0, Npoints, steps, err, obj_func='IN'):

        if obj_func == 'IN':
            objective_function = self.objective_funct_I_Norm
        elif obj_func == 'IR':
            objective_function = self.objective_funct_I_rate
        # find the optimal parameter using metropolis-hastings
        # desnity of phase space parameter for the optimizacion of calculeted infected vs. real infected
        mesh = self.mesh(Npoints)
        # tr=np.arange(I_r.shape[1])
        results = []
        for i in range(Npoints):
            aux = self.met_hast(I_r, tr, mesh[i][0], mesh[i][1], mesh[i][2],
                                mesh[i][3], r0, steps, err, objective_function)

        self.paramsMH = np.array(results)
        optindex = np.where(
            self.paramsMH[:, 4] == np.amin(self.paramsMH[:, 4]))[0][0]
        self.optimalMH = self.paramsMH[optindex, :]
        self.errorMH = self.optimalMH[-1]
        # should define an exit protocol
        self.SEIR = SEIR(self.P, self.eta, self.alpha, self.S0, self.E0,
                         self.I0, self.R0, self.optimalMH[0],
                         self.optimalMH[1], self.optimalMH[2],
        return self.optimalMH
Esempio n. 5
#     error.append(objective_funct(Ir,tr,test.I,test.t,'fro'))

# print(error)
# outfile = "/home/sropert/sigmaerror4.csv"

# #Gamma
# for i in range(len(gamma)):
#     test = SEIR(P,eta,alpha,S0,E0,I0,R0,betaopt, sigmaopt, gamma[i],muopt)
#     test.integr(min(tr),max(tr),0.1,True)
#     error.append(objective_funct(Ir,tr,test.I,test.t,'fro'))

# print(error)
# outfile = "/home/sropert/gammaerror4.csv"
for i in range(len(mu)):
    test = SEIR(P,eta,alpha,S0,E0,I0,R0,betaopt, sigmaopt, gammaopt,mu[i])

outfile = "/home/sropert/muerror4.csv"

np.savetxt(outfile, error, delimiter=",") 

#error 1:
#mu = np.arange(1.8,2.2,0.002)

#error 2:
#mu = np.arange(1.98,2.02,0.0002)
Esempio n. 6
    def LocMinRW(self, I_r, tr, beta_i, sigma_i, gamma_i, mu_i, r0, steps, err,
        #print("Build SEIR")
        x = SEIR(self.P, self.eta, self.alpha, self.S0, self.E0, self.I0,
                 self.R0, beta_i, gamma_i, sigma_i, mu_i)
        if x.scikitsimport:
            x.integr(self.t0, self.T, self.h, True)
            x.integr_RK4(self.t0, self.T, self.h, True)
        e_0 = objective_funct(I_r, tr, x.I, x.t, 2)
        e_o = e_0
        params = [[beta_i, sigma_i, gamma_i, mu_i, e_o]]
        i = 0
        k = 0
        while i < steps:
            [b_p, s_p, g_p,
             m_p] = self.transition_model(x.beta, x.sigma, x.gamma,, r0)
            x_new = SEIR(self.P, self.eta, self.alpha, self.S0, self.E0,
                         self.I0, self.R0, b_p, s_p, g_p, m_p)
            if x_new.scikitsimport:
                x_new.integr(self.t0, self.T, self.h, True)
                x_new.integr_RK4(self.t0, self.T, self.h, True)
            e_n = objective_funct(I_r, tr, x_new.I, x_new.t, 2)

            # Acceptance
            if (e_n / e_o < 1):
                x = x_new
                e_o = e_n
                params.append([b_p, s_p, g_p, m_p, e_n])
                i += 1
                k = 0
                print(b_p, s_p, g_p, m_p)
                print(e_o, e_n)
                # print("time: "+str(end-start))
                # print("Step "+str(i))
            if (e_n < err):
            k += 1
            if k >= 100:
        # Dejo los params historicos por si hay que debuggear esta parte
        return params[-1]
def simulate_multi(state,
    # params = beta sigma gamma mu
    # Movility function shape
    if movfunct == 'sawtooth':

        def f(t):
            return signal.sawtooth(t)
    elif movfunct == 'square':

        def f(t):
            return signal.square(t)

    if qp <= 0:

        def e_fun(t):
            return (1)

    elif tci is None:

        def e_fun(t):
            return ((1 - mov) / 2 * (f(np.pi / qp * t - np.pi)) +
                    (1 + mov) / 2)

        def e_fun(t):
            if t < tci:
                return (1)
                return ((1 - mov) / 2 * (f(np.pi / qp * t - np.pi)) +
                        (1 + mov) / 2)

    #Endpoint encuesta SECTR, no funcional aún
    #    endpoint=""
    #    r = requests.get(endpoint) #, params = {"w":"774508"})
    #    mydict = r.json()
    #    OD=pd.DataFrame(mydict)

    #Endpoint encuensta ENE
    #    endpoint=""
    #    r = requests.get(endpoint) #, params = {"w":"774508"})
    #    mydict = r.json()
    #    info=pd.DataFrame(mydict)

    # Data csv encuenstra Sectra (funcional)
    path = "../Data/"
    OD = pd.read_csv(path + "Movilidad_diaria_comuna.csv", index_col=0)
    P = OD.filter(comunas)
    P = P.loc[comunas].to_numpy()

    endpoint = "" + state + "&&comuna="
    r = requests.get(endpoint)  #, params = {"w":"774508"})
    mydict = r.json()
    info = pd.DataFrame(mydict)

    comunas = info[info.description.isin(comunas)]

    init_dates = []
    for i in comunas.cut:
        endpoint = "" + state + "&comuna=" + i
        r = requests.get(endpoint)  #, params = {"w":"774508"})
        mydict = r.json()
        data = pd.DataFrame(mydict)
        data = data[ != 0]
        init_dates.append(dt.datetime.strptime(data.labels.iloc[0], '%d/%m'))

    init_date = max(init_dates).strftime('%d/%m')

    Ic = []
    for i in comunas.cut:
        endpoint = "" + state + "&comuna=" + i
        r = requests.get(endpoint)  #, params = {"w":"774508"})
        mydict = r.json()
        data = pd.DataFrame(mydict)
        init_i = data[data.labels == init_date].index
        if len(init_i) != 0:
            init_i = data[data.labels == init_date].index[0]
            if len(Ic) == 0:
                Ic = data[['labels', 'data']][init_i:].set_index('labels')
                Ic.rename(columns={'data': i}, inplace=True)
                Ic = Ic.join(data[['labels',
                Ic.rename(columns={'data': i}, inplace=True)
            init_i = 0
            if len(Ic) == 0:
                Ic = data[['labels', 'data']][init_i:].set_index('labels')
                Ic.rename(columns={'data': i}, inplace=True)
                Ic = Ic.join(data[['labels',
                Ic.rename(columns={'data': i}, inplace=True)

    Ic = Ic.fillna(0)

    for i in (Ic.columns):
        for j in range(max(Ic.count()) - 1):
            if Ic[i].iloc[j + 1] < Ic[i].iloc[j]:
                Ic[i].iloc[j + 1] = Ic[i].iloc[j]

    tr = np.zeros(int(max(Ic.count())))
    for i in range(1, int(max(Ic.count())), 1):
        diff = dt.datetime.strptime(Ic.index[i],
                                    '%d/%m') - dt.datetime.strptime(
                                        Ic.index[i - 1], '%d/%m')
        tr[i] = diff.days + tr[i - 1]

    Cn = np.zeros(Ic.shape)
    for i in range(Ic.shape[1]):
        Cn[0][i] = Ic.iloc[0][i]
        for j in range(1, Ic.shape[0], 1):
            Cn[j][i] = Ic.iloc[j][i] - Ic.iloc[j - 1][i]

    Ir = np.zeros(Ic.shape)
    for i in range(Ic.shape[1]):
        Ir[np.where(tr - 14 <= 0)[0], i] = Ic.iloc[np.where(tr - 14 <= 0)[0],
        for j in np.where(tr - 14 > 0)[0]:
            ind = np.where(tr - tr[j] + 14 < 0)[0]
            Ir[j, i] = Ic.iloc[j, i] - sum(Cn[0:ind[-1], i])

    So = comunas.numPopulation.to_numpy()
    Ro = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    Ir = Ic.transpose().to_numpy()
    Io = Ir[:, 0]
    Eo = 2 * Io

    S0 = So - Eo - Io
    E0 = Eo
    I0 = Io
    R0 = Ro

    h = 0.01

    ia = 3 + P.shape[0]

    def alpha(t):
        alpha = np.zeros([P.shape[0], P.shape[0]])
        for j in range(P.shape[0]):
            for k in range(P.shape[0]):
                alpha[j][k] = e_fun(t) * params[j + ia] * params[k + ia]
        return (alpha)

    def eta(t):
        eta = np.ones(P.shape[0])
        for j in range(P.shape[0]):
            eta[j] = e_fun(t) * params[3 + j]
        return (eta)

    sim = SEIR(P, eta, alpha, S0, E0, I0, R0, params[0], params[1], params[2],
    sim.integr(min(tr), tsim, h, True)

    return ({
        'S': sim.S,
        'E': sim.E,
        'I': sim.I,
        'R': sim.R,
        'tout': sim.t,
        'init_date': init_date