Esempio n. 1
    def add_gender(self, name, cap):
        # Update Memory
        self._players.update({name: []})
        self._j_data['settings'].update({name + "_cap": cap})

        # Update Files
        File.add_gender(, name, cap)
    def toggle_file_saving(self, menu_ref):
        # Update State
        self._file_saving = not self._file_saving

        # Update File Settings
        File.update_file_saving(self.season().name(),, self.file_saving())

        # Update Round Data within 'seasons.json'
        # Update Menu item
        if(menu_ref != None):
            Builder.add_menu(menu_ref, "{0} Saving".format("Disable" if self.file_saving() else "Enable"), "{0}_{1}".format(menu_ref, "fs"))

        # Skip over monitor_input halt
        return "SKIP"
Esempio n. 3
    def advanced(out, *files):
        matrix, min_d, min_m = File._make_matrix(files)
        matrix = list(zip(*matrix))
        data = File._advanced_matrix(matrix, min_d)
        out_data = list()

        for values in data:
            temp_dict = dict()
            for i, value in enumerate(values):
                if i < min_d:
                    temp_dict["D{}".format(i + 1)] = value
                    temp_dict["MS{}".format(i + 1 - min_d)] = value

        with open(out, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump({"fields": out_data}, outfile)
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    data = File("../f_libraries_of_the_world.txt")

    # Create libraries
    for lib in data.libraries:  
        l = Library(lib["days"], lib["numBooks"], lib["dailyScan"], lib["books"], lib["index"])

    # Creates list of max Score  for each library
    # maxScoreBooty = LIBRARIES.sort(key=lambda x: x.)
    maxScores = []
    for lib in LIBRARIES:
        maxScores.append([lib.maxTime(), lib])
        sorted(maxScores, key=itemgetter(0))
    daysLeft = int(data.meta["days"])
    numberOfLibs = 0
    libIndexes = []
    books = []
    for key, value in enumerate(maxScores):
        if value[1].signUpTime < daysLeft:
            numberOfLibs += 1
            daysLeft -= value[1].signUpTime
           # books[key] = value[1].books[:daily * daysLeft ]


    # Num of libs, libraries, books
    data.saveAnswer(numberOfLibs, libIndexes, books)
Esempio n. 5
class LMM:
    lmm = []
    obj_file = File()
    matrix_a = obj_file.matrix_a

    def compare(self, x, y):
        Z = []
        # U - верх, RL, D - низ, С - середина
        UL = (x - 1, y - 1)
        UC = (x - 1, y)
        UR = (x - 1, y + 1)
        LC = (x, y - 1)
        RC = (x, y + 1)
        DL = (x + 1, y - 1)
        DC = (x + 1, y)
        DR = (x + 1, y + 1)
        Z_ = [UL, UC, UR, LC, RC, DL, DC, DR]
        for z in Z_:
                x_, y_ = z
                if x_ >= 0 and y_ >= 0:
            except IndexError:
        return Z

    def show_lmm(self, matrix_a):
        for n in range(len(matrix_a)):
            for m in range(len(matrix_a[0])):
                if matrix_a[n][m] < min(, m)):
                    self.lmm.append([matrix_a[n][m], n, m])

        self.lmm.insert(0, ['Local\nnumber', 'coordinate\nx', 'coordinate\ny'])
        table = SingleTable(self.lmm)
        table.inner_row_border = True
        for i in range(len(matrix_a)):
            table.justify_columns[i] = 'center'
Esempio n. 6
from terminaltables import AsciiTable
from colorclass import Color

# ================================== [Functions] ================================
def cls():
    if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
        os.system(['clear'][ == os.sys.platform])
    elif platform == "win32":
        os.system(['cls'][ == os.sys.platform])

# ===============================================================================

# ================================== [Variables] ================================
obj_file = File()
# ===============================================================================

while True:
    menu = [['1', 'Show information about gold'],
            ['2', 'Show information about gold quality'], ['3', 'Add column'],
            ['4', 'Add line'], ['5', 'Delete line'], ['6', 'Delete column'],
            ['7', 'Find average for each quality'],
            ['8', 'Write to a new file all the gold that has quality 1 and 2'],
            ['9', 'Show information about gold'],
            ['10', 'Find the maximum amount of gold that the robot can mine'],
            ['11', 'Find local minimums in the matrix'],
            ['0', 'Close program']]
    table = AsciiTable(menu)
    table.title = Color('{blue}Menu{/blue}')
    table.inner_row_border = True
 def save_rounds(self):
     return File.update_tournament_rounds(self.season().name(),, self._rounds_raw)
 def advanced(out, *files):
     matrix, min_d, min_m = CSV._make_matrix(files)
     matrix = list(zip(*matrix))
     out_data = File._advanced_matrix(matrix, min_d)
     # записываем файл
     CSV._write_to_file(out, out_data, min_d, min_m, name_m="MS")
 def advanced(out, *files):
     matrix, min_d, min_m = XML._make_matrix(files)
     matrix = list(zip(*matrix))
     matrix = File._advanced_matrix(matrix, min_d)
     XML._write_to_file(out, matrix, min_d, min_m, name_m="MS")