class Background(EntityBase): # Initializer def __init__(self, screen, x, y): # Super initializer super(Background, self).__init__(x, y) # Input class instance self.input = Input(self) # Properties self.img = pygame.transform.rotozoom( pygame.image.load("imgs\grass2.png"), 0, 10) self.screen = screen self.speed = 0 # Traits self.traits = {"goTrait": goTrait(self.screen, self, self.speed)} # Update method def update(self): # Call update on goTrait class instance self.traits["goTrait"].update() # Check for input on input instance self.input.checkForInput() # Draw sprite self.draw() # Draw method def draw(self): # Blit self.img self.screen.blit(self.img, (self.rect[0], self.rect[1]))
class Object(EntityBase): # Initializer def __init__(self, screen, x, y, color): # Super initializer super(Object, self).__init__(x, y) # Input class instance self.input = Input(self) self.screen = screen self.color = color self.speed = 0 # Traits self.traits = {"goTrait": goTrait(self.screen, self, self.speed)} # Update method def update(self): # Calls update on goTrait instance self.traits["goTrait"].update() self.input.checkForInput() self.draw() # Draw method def draw(self): # Draw red circle self.screen, pygame.color.Color(self.color), [int(self.rect[0]), int(self.rect[1])], 12)
class Player(EntityBase): # Initializer def __init__(self, speed, screen, x, y): # Super initializer super(Player, self).__init__(x, y) # Properties # Input class instance self.input = Input(self) self.screen = screen self.speed = speed # Traits self.traits = {"goTrait": goTrait(self.screen, self, self.speed)} # Update method def update(self): # Call update on goTrait self.traits["goTrait"].update() # Check for input on input self.input.checkForInput() # Draw sprite self.draw() # Draw method def draw(self): # Draw blue circle self.screen, pygame.color.Color("#8080FF"), [int(self.rect[0]), int(self.rect[1])], 12)
def main(): pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) max_frame_rate = 60 level = Level(screen) dashboard = Dashboard("./img/font.png", 8, screen) mario = Mario(0, 0, level, screen, dashboard) input = Input(mario) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while (not mario.restart): pygame.display.set_caption("{:.2f} FPS".format(clock.get_fps())) level.drawLevel( dashboard.update() input.checkForInput() mario.update() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(max_frame_rate) mario.sound.shutdown() main()
class Mario(EntityBase): def __init__(self, x, y, level, screen, dashboard, sound, gravity=0.75): super(Mario, self).__init__(x, y, gravity) self.spriteCollection = Sprites().spriteCollection = Camera(self.rect, self) self.sound = sound self.input = Input(self) self.inAir = False self.inJump = False self.animation = Animation( [ self.spriteCollection["mario_run1"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_run2"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_run3"].image, ], self.spriteCollection["mario_idle"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_jump"].image, ) self.traits = { "jumpTrait": jumpTrait(self), "goTrait": goTrait(self.animation, screen,, self), "bounceTrait": bounceTrait(self), } self.levelObj = level self.collision = Collider(self, level) self.screen = screen self.EntityCollider = EntityCollider(self) self.dashboard = dashboard self.restart = False self.pause = False self.pauseObj = Pause(screen, self, dashboard) def update(self): self.updateTraits() self.moveMario() self.applyGravity() self.checkEntityCollision() self.input.checkForInput() def moveMario(self): self.rect.y += self.vel.y self.collision.checkY() self.rect.x += self.vel.x self.collision.checkX() def checkEntityCollision(self): for ent in self.levelObj.entityList: collisionState = self.EntityCollider.check(ent) if collisionState.isColliding: if ent.type == "Item": self._onCollisionWithItem(ent) elif ent.type == "Block": self._onCollisionWithBlock(ent) elif ent.type == "Mob": self._onCollisionWithMob(ent, collisionState) def _onCollisionWithItem(self, item): self.levelObj.entityList.remove(item) self.dashboard.points += 100 self.dashboard.coins += 1 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.coin) def _onCollisionWithBlock(self, block): if not block.triggered: self.dashboard.coins += 1 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.bump) block.triggered = True def _onCollisionWithMob(self, mob, collisionState): if collisionState.isTop and (mob.alive or mob.alive == "shellBouncing"): self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = self.bounce() self.killEntity(mob) elif collisionState.isTop and mob.alive == "sleeping": self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = mob.timer = 0 self.bounce() mob.alive = False elif collisionState.isColliding and mob.alive == "sleeping": if mob.rect.x < self.rect.x: mob.leftrightTrait.direction = -1 mob.rect.x += -5 else: mob.rect.x += 5 mob.leftrightTrait.direction = 1 mob.alive = "shellBouncing" elif collisionState.isColliding and mob.alive: self.gameOver() def bounce(self): self.traits["bounceTrait"].jump = True def killEntity(self, ent): if ent.__class__.__name__ != "Koopa": ent.alive = False else: ent.timer = 0 ent.alive = "sleeping" self.dashboard.points += 100 def gameOver(self): srf = pygame.Surface((640, 480)) srf.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255), pygame.RLEACCEL) srf.set_alpha(128) self.sound.music_channel.stop() for i in range(500, 20, -2): srf.fill((0, 0, 0)) srf, (255, 255, 255), (int( + self.rect.x) + 16, self.rect.y + 16), i, ) self.screen.blit(srf, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() self.input.checkForInput() while self.sound.music_channel.get_busy(): pygame.display.update() self.input.checkForInput() self.restart = True def getPos(self): return + self.rect.x, self.rect.y def setPos(self, x, y): self.rect.x = x self.rect.y = y
class Mario(EntityBase): def __init__(self, x, y, level, screen, dashboard, sound, gravity=1.25): super(Mario, self).__init__(x, y, gravity) self.spriteCollection = Sprites().spriteCollection = Camera(self.rect, self) self.sound = sound self.input = Input(self) self.animation = Animation([ self.spriteCollection["mario_run1"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_run2"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_run3"].image ], self.spriteCollection["mario_idle"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_jump"].image) self.traits = { "jumpTrait": jumpTrait(self), "goTrait": goTrait(self.animation, screen,, self), "bounceTrait": bounceTrait(self) } self.levelObj = level self.collision = Collider(self, level) self.screen = screen self.EntityCollider = EntityCollider(self) self.dashboard = dashboard self.restart = False def update(self): self.updateTraits() self.moveMario() self.applyGravity() self.checkEntityCollision() self.input.checkForInput() def moveMario(self): self.rect.y += self.vel.y self.collision.checkY() self.rect.x += self.vel.x self.collision.checkX() def checkEntityCollision(self): for ent in self.levelObj.entityList: collisionState = self.EntityCollider.check(ent) if collisionState.isColliding: if (ent.type == "Item"): self._onCollisionWithItem(ent) elif (ent.type == "Block"): self._onCollisionWithBlock(ent) elif (ent.type == "Mob"): self._onCollisionWithMob(ent, collisionState) def _onCollisionWithItem(self, item): self.levelObj.entityList.remove(item) self.dashboard.points += 100 self.dashboard.coins += 1 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.coin) def _onCollisionWithBlock(self, block): if (not block.triggered): self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.bump) block.triggered = True def _onCollisionWithMob(self, mob, collisionState): if collisionState.isTop and (mob.alive is True or mob.alive == "shellBouncing"): self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = self.bounce() self.killEntity(mob) elif collisionState.isTop and mob.alive == "sleeping": self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = mob.timer = 0 self.bounce() mob.alive = False elif collisionState.isTop and mob.alive == "sleeping": if (mob.rect.x < self.rect.x): mob.leftrightTrait.direction = -1 else: mob.leftrightTrait.direction = 1 mob.alive = "shellBouncing" elif collisionState.isColliding and mob.alive == True: self.gameOver() def bounce(self): self.traits['bounceTrait'].jump = True def killEntity(self, ent): if ent.__class__.__name__ != "Koopa": ent.alive = False else: ent.timer = 0 ent.alive = "sleeping" self.dashboard.points += -1000 def gameOver(self): srf = pygame.Surface((640, 480)) srf.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255), pygame.RLEACCEL) srf.set_alpha(128) self.sound.music_channel.stop() # for i in range(500, 20, -2): # srf.fill((0, 0, 0)) # # srf, (255, 255, 255), (int( # + self.rect.x) + 2, self.rect.y + 2), i) # self.screen.blit(srf, (0, 0)) # pygame.display.update() # self.input.checkForInput() # while(self.sound.music_channel.get_busy()): # pygame.display.update() # self.input.checkForInput() self.restart = True def getPos(self): return ( + self.rect.x, self.rect.y) def doRandomMove(self): moves = ['moveLeft', 'moveRight', 'jump', 'doNothing'] random_move = random.choice(moves) if random_move == 'moveLeft': self.traits['goTrait'].direction = -1 elif random_move == 'moveRight': self.traits['goTrait'].direction = 1 elif random_move == 'jump': self.traits['jumpTrait'].start() elif random_move == 'doNothing': self.traits['goTrait'].direction = 0
class Mario(EntityBase): def __init__(self, x, y, level, screen, dashboard, sound, gravity=0.8): super(Mario, self).__init__(x, y, gravity) = Camera(self.rect, self) self.sound = sound self.input = Input(self) self.inAir = False self.inJump = False self.powerUpState = 0 self.invincibilityFrames = 0 self.traits = { "jumpTrait": JumpTrait(self), "goTrait": GoTrait(smallAnimation, screen,, self), "bounceTrait": bounceTrait(self), } self.levelObj = level self.collision = Collider(self, level) self.screen = screen self.EntityCollider = EntityCollider(self) self.dashboard = dashboard self.restart = False self.pause = False self.pauseObj = Pause(screen, self, dashboard) def update(self): if self.invincibilityFrames > 0: self.invincibilityFrames -= 1 self.updateTraits() self.moveMario() self.applyGravity() self.checkEntityCollision() self.input.checkForInput() def moveMario(self): self.rect.y += self.vel.y self.collision.checkY() self.rect.x += self.vel.x self.collision.checkX() def checkEntityCollision(self): for ent in self.levelObj.entityList: collisionState = self.EntityCollider.check(ent) if collisionState.isColliding: if ent.type == "Item": self._onCollisionWithItem(ent) elif ent.type == "Block": self._onCollisionWithBlock(ent) elif ent.type == "Mob": self._onCollisionWithMob(ent, collisionState) def _onCollisionWithItem(self, item): self.levelObj.entityList.remove(item) self.dashboard.points += 100 self.dashboard.coins += 1 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.coin) def _onCollisionWithBlock(self, block): if not block.triggered: self.dashboard.coins += 1 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.bump) block.triggered = True def _onCollisionWithMob(self, mob, collisionState): if isinstance(mob, RedMushroom) and mob.alive: self.powerup(1) self.killEntity(mob) self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.powerup) elif collisionState.isTop and (mob.alive or mob.bouncing): self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = self.bounce() self.killEntity(mob) elif collisionState.isTop and mob.alive and not self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = mob.timer = 0 self.bounce() mob.alive = False elif collisionState.isColliding and mob.alive and not and not mob.bouncing: mob.bouncing = True if mob.rect.x < self.rect.x: mob.leftrightTrait.direction = -1 mob.rect.x += -5 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.kick) else: mob.rect.x += 5 mob.leftrightTrait.direction = 1 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.kick) elif collisionState.isColliding and mob.alive and not self.invincibilityFrames: if self.powerUpState == 0: self.gameOver() elif self.powerUpState == 1: self.powerUpState = 0 self.traits['goTrait'].updateAnimation(smallAnimation) x, y = self.rect.x, self.rect.y self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y + 32, 32, 32) self.invincibilityFrames = 60 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.pipe) def bounce(self): self.traits["bounceTrait"].jump = True def killEntity(self, ent): if ent.__class__.__name__ != "Koopa": ent.alive = False else: ent.timer = 0 ent.leftrightTrait.speed = 1 ent.alive = True = False ent.bouncing = False self.dashboard.points += 100 def gameOver(self): srf = pygame.Surface((640, 480)) srf.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255), pygame.RLEACCEL) srf.set_alpha(128) self.sound.music_channel.stop() for i in range(500, 20, -2): srf.fill((0, 0, 0)) srf, (255, 255, 255), (int( + self.rect.x) + 16, self.rect.y + 16), i, ) self.screen.blit(srf, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() self.input.checkForInput() while self.sound.music_channel.get_busy(): pygame.display.update() self.input.checkForInput() self.restart = True def getPos(self): return + self.rect.x, self.rect.y def setPos(self, x, y): self.rect.x = x self.rect.y = y def powerup(self, powerupID): if self.powerUpState == 0: if powerupID == 1: self.powerUpState = 1 self.traits['goTrait'].updateAnimation(bigAnimation) self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.rect.x, self.rect.y-32, 32, 64) self.invincibilityFrames = 20
class Mario(EntityBase): def __init__(self, x, y, level, screen, dashboard, sound, gravity=0.75): super(Mario, self).__init__(x, y, gravity) self.x = x self.spriteCollection = Sprites().spriteCollection self.CT = CollisionTester() = Camera(self.rect, self) self.sound = sound self.level = level self.OI = Input(self) self.closest_mob = None self.closest_object = None self.output =0 self.inAir = False self.brain = Model().share_memory() = 0 self.animation = Animation( [ self.spriteCollection["mario_run1"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_run2"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_run3"].image, ], self.spriteCollection["mario_idle"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_jump"].image, ) self.traits = { "jumpTrait": jumpTrait(self), "goTrait": goTrait(self.animation, screen,, self), "bounceTrait": bounceTrait(self), } self.levelObj = level self.collision = Collider(self, level) self.screen = screen self.EntityCollider = EntityCollider(self) self.dashboard = dashboard self.restart = False self.pause = False self.pauseObj = Pause(screen, self, dashboard) def getInputs(self): map = [] input = [] for x in range(60): map.append(self.CT.test(x, 11, self.level, self)) if map[x] == 3: map[x] = 0 for x in range(int(self.rect.x/32), int(self.rect.x/32) + 8): input.append(map[x]) return torch.FloatTensor(input) def update(self): self.updateTraits() self.moveMario() self.applyGravity() self.checkEntityCollision() self.output = self.brain.forward(self.getInputs()) #print(self.output) self.OI.checkForInput(self.output) def moveMario(self): self.rect.y += self.vel.y self.collision.checkY() self.rect.x += self.vel.x self.collision.checkX() def checkEntityCollision(self): for ent in self.levelObj.entityList: collisionState = self.EntityCollider.check(ent) if collisionState.isColliding: if ent.type == "Item": self._onCollisionWithItem(ent) elif ent.type == "Block": self._onCollisionWithBlock(ent) elif ent.type == "Mob": self._onCollisionWithMob(ent, collisionState) def _onCollisionWithItem(self, item): self.levelObj.entityList.remove(item) self.dashboard.points += 100 self.dashboard.coins += 1 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.coin) def _onCollisionWithBlock(self, block): if not block.triggered: self.dashboard.coins += 1 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.bump) block.triggered = True def _onCollisionWithMob(self, mob, collisionState): if collisionState.isTop and (mob.alive or mob.alive == "shellBouncing"): self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = self.bounce() self.killEntity(mob) elif collisionState.isTop and mob.alive == "sleeping": self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = mob.timer = 0 self.bounce() mob.alive = False elif collisionState.isColliding and mob.alive == "sleeping": if mob.rect.x < self.rect.x: mob.leftrightTrait.direction = -1 mob.rect.x += -5 else: mob.rect.x += 5 mob.leftrightTrait.direction = 1 mob.alive = "shellBouncing" elif collisionState.isColliding and mob.alive: self.gameOver() def bounce(self): self.traits["bounceTrait"].jump = True def killEntity(self, ent): if ent.__class__.__name__ != "Koopa": ent.alive = False else: ent.timer = 0 ent.alive = "sleeping" self.dashboard.points += 100 def gameOver(self): self.restart = True def getPos(self): return + self.rect.x, self.rect.y def setPos(self,x,y): self.rect.x = x self.rect.y = y
class Mario(EntityBase): def __init__(self, x, y, level, screen, dashboard, sound, gravity=1.25): super(Mario, self).__init__(x, y, gravity) self.spriteCollection = Sprites().spriteCollection = Camera(self.rect, self) self.sound = sound self.input = Input(self) self.animation = Animation([ self.spriteCollection["mario_run1"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_run2"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_run3"].image ], self.spriteCollection["mario_idle"].image, self.spriteCollection["mario_jump"].image) self.traits = { "jumpTrait": jumpTrait(self), "goTrait": goTrait(self.animation, screen,, self), "bounceTrait": bounceTrait(self) } self.levelObj = level self.collision = Collider(self, level) self.screen = screen self.EntityCollider = EntityCollider(self) self.dashboard = dashboard self.restart = False def update(self): self.updateTraits() self.moveMario() self.applyGravity() self.checkEntityCollision() self.input.checkForInput() def moveMario(self): self.rect.y += self.vel.y self.collision.checkY() self.rect.x += self.vel.x self.collision.checkX() def checkEntityCollision(self): for ent in self.levelObj.entityList: collission = self.EntityCollider.check(ent) if (collission != False): if (ent.type == "Item"): self.levelObj.entityList.remove(ent) self.dashboard.points += 100 self.dashboard.coins += 1 self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.coin) elif (ent.type == "Block"): if (not ent.triggered): self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.bump) ent.triggered = True elif (ent.type == "Mob"): if collission == "top" and (ent.alive == True or ent.alive == "shellBouncing"): self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = self.bounce() self.killEntity(ent) elif collission == "top" and ent.alive == "sleeping": self.sound.play_sfx(self.sound.stomp) self.rect.bottom = ent.timer = 0 self.bounce() ent.alive = False elif collission and ent.alive == "sleeping": if (ent.rect.x < self.rect.x): ent.leftrightTrait.direction = -1 else: ent.leftrightTrait.direction = 1 ent.alive = "shellBouncing" elif collission and ent.alive == True: self.gameOver() def bounce(self): self.traits['bounceTrait'].jump = True def killEntity(self, ent): if ent.__class__.__name__ != "Koopa": ent.alive = False else: ent.timer = 0 ent.alive = "sleeping" self.dashboard.points += 100 def gameOver(self): srf = pygame.Surface((640, 480)) srf.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255), pygame.RLEACCEL) srf.set_alpha(128) self.sound.music_channel.stop() for i in range(500, 20, -2): srf.fill((0, 0, 0)) srf, (255, 255, 255), (int( + self.rect.x) + 16, self.rect.y + 16), i) self.screen.blit(srf, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() self.input.checkForInput() while (self.sound.music_channel.get_busy()): pygame.display.update() self.input.checkForInput() self.restart = True def getPos(self): return ( + self.rect.x, self.rect.y)