Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, argv):
     ''' sys.argv is array of parameters 
     sys.argv[1]: file with simulation resources, a.k.a. model file, library file, output folder 
     sys.argv[2]: file with configuration of the simulator compiler
     sys.argv[3]: file containing the name of outputs of the model to be saved in h5 and plotted
     ''' Loading simulations resources. Parameters related to models to be simulated and libraries'''
     self.sources= simsource.CompilerResources([sys.argv[1],'r'])
     ''' Loading configuration values for the simulator solver '''
     self.config= simconfig.SimulationConfigDY(sys.argv[2])
     ''' Loading output variables of the model, their values will be stored in h5 and plotted '''
     self.outputs= OutputModelVar(sys.argv[3])
Esempio n. 2
class SimulationDY():
    def __init__(self, argv):
        ''' sys.argv is array of parameters 
        sys.argv[1]: file with simulation resources, a.k.a. model file, library file, output folder 
        sys.argv[2]: file with configuration of the simulator compiler
        sys.argv[3]: file containing the name of outputs of the model to be saved in h5 and plotted
        ''' Loading simulations resources. Parameters related to models to be simulated and libraries'''
        self.sources= simsource.CompilerResources([sys.argv[1],'r'])
        ''' Loading configuration values for the simulator solver '''
        self.config= simconfig.SimulationConfigDY(sys.argv[2])
        ''' Loading output variables of the model, their values will be stored in h5 and plotted '''
        self.outputs= OutputModelVar(sys.argv[3])
    def loadSources(self):
        self.moPath= self.sources.get_modelPath()
        self.moFile= self.sources.get_modelFile()
        self.libPath= self.sources.get_libraryPath()
        self.libFile= self.sources.get_libraryFile()
        self.moModel= self.sources.get_modelName()
        self.outPath= self.sources.get_outputPath()
        print self.outputs.get_varList()
        print self.outputs.get_varNames()
        print '1'
        self.simOptions= self.config.setSimOptions()
    def simulate(self):
        ''' TODO: LOG all command dymola '''
#         tic= timeit.default_timer()
        ''' add library path to MODELICAPATH, to recognize folder where library is available '''
        os.environ["MODELICAPATH"] = self.libPath
        ''' Change path to model folder '''
        s= SimulatorDY([self.moModel, self.moFile, self.moPath, self.outPath])
    #     s.showGUI(True)
    #     s.exitSimulator(False)
    #     s.addParameters({'vf1': 0.2, 'pm1': 0.02})
        ''' setTimeOut kill the process if it does not finish in specific time'''
    #     s.printModelAndTime()
#         toc= timeit.default_timer()
#         print 'Simulation time ', toc- tic
    def saveOutputs(self):
        resultmat= self.moModel.split('.')[-1]
        resultmat+= '.mat'
        h5Name=  self.moModel+ '_&'+ 'dymola'+ '.h5'
        resulth5= self.outPath+ '/'+ h5Name
        h5pmu= OutputH5Stream([self.outPath, resulth5, resultmat], 'dymola')
        ''' TODO: Saving variables thinking with measurements from PMU, form v/i, anglev/anglev ''' 
        for compo, signal_names in self.outputs.get_varList():
            l_signals= signal_names.split(',')
            h5pmu.set_senyalRect(compo, l_signals[0], l_signals[1])
            h5pmu.save_h5Names(compo, l_signals) 
            h5pmu.save_h5Values(compo, 'null') 
        ''' object h5 file with result data'''
        return h5pmu
    def plotOutputs(self, _h5data):
        count= 0
        for i, meas in enumerate(self.outputs.get_varNames()):
            print '[%d] %s' % (i, meas)
            indexMapping[count]= i
            count+= 1
            value= raw_input("Select which variable do you want to plot: ")
            lindex = value.split()
        except ValueError:
            print "Mal! Mal! Mal! Verdadera mal! Por no decir borchenoso!" 
        values= []
        for idx in lindex:  
            idx= int(idx)
        for meas in values: 
            lasenyal= _h5data.get_senyal(meas) 
            plt.plot(lasenyal.get_sampleTime(), lasenyal.get_signalReal())
        plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
        plt.grid(b=True, which='both')
Esempio n. 3
class Simulation():
    def __init__(self, argv):
        '''TODO: LOG parameters '''
        ''' sys.argv is array of parameters 
        sys.argv[1]: file with simulation resources, a.k.a. model file, library file, output folder,
        sys.argv[2]: file with configuration of the simulator compiler
        sys.argv[3]: file containing the name of outputs of the model to be saved in h5 and plotted
        ''' Loading simulations resources. Parameters related to models to be simulated and libraries'''
        self.sources= simsource.SimulationResources([sys.argv[1],'r'])
        ''' Loading configuration values for the simulator solver '''
        self.config= simconfig.SimulationConfigJM(sys.argv[2])
        ''' Loading output variables of the model, their values will be stored in h5 and plotted '''
        self.outputs= OutputModelVar(sys.argv[3])
    def loadSources(self):
        ''' TODO: LOG sources files and models '''
        self.moPath= self.sources.get_modelPath()
        self.moFile= self.sources.get_modelFile()
        self.libPath= self.sources.get_libraryPath()
        self.libFile= self.sources.get_libraryFile()
        self.moModel= self.sources.get_modelName()
        self.outPath= self.sources.get_outputPath()
        ''' TODO: LOG configuration '''
    def simulate(self):
        ''' TODO: LOG all command omc '''
        tic= timeit.default_timer()
        # Simulation process with JModelica
        absolutePath= self.moPath + self.moFile
        '''build the fmu block from the modelica model '''
        fmu_name= compile_fmu(self.moModel, absolutePath,
                               compiler_options = {'extra_lib_dirs':self.libPath})
        ''' Load the model '''
        model_fmu= load_fmu(fmu_name)
        ''' Load the list of options for the JModelica compiler '''
        opts = model_fmu.simulate_options()
        opts['solver']= self.config.getSolver()
        opts['ncp']= self.config.getNcp()
    #     for key,value in simOpt.getOptions().items():
    #         print key,value
    #         opts[key] = value
        print opts
        result = model_fmu.simulate(start_time= self.config.getStartTime(), 
                                    final_time= self.config.getStopTime(), 
        toc= timeit.default_timer()
        print 'Simulation time ', toc- tic
        '''TODO: study the units of elapsed time '''
        return result
    def saveOutputs(self, _resultfile):
        ''' build file path with outputpath, using the ModelicaRes to read the .mat file '''
        resultmat= self.outPath+ '/'+ _resultfile
        h5Name=  self.moModel+ '_&'+ 'jmodelica'+ '.h5'
        resulth5= self.outPath+ '/'+ h5Name
        # create .h5 for writing
        h5pmu= OutputH5Stream([self.outPath,resulth5,resultmat], 'omc')
        '''This loop to store output signals, for analysis and plotting, into memory'''
        for meas, var in self.outputs.get_varList():
            modelSignal= var.split(',')
            nameComponent= meas.split('.')[0]
#             nameMeasurement= meas.split('.')[1]
            if len(modelSignal)> 1:
                h5pmu.set_senyalRect(meas, modelSignal[0], modelSignal[1])
                h5pmu.set_senyalRect(meas, modelSignal[0], [])
        h5pmu.save_h5Names(nameComponent, meas) 
        h5pmu.save_h5Values(nameComponent, meas) 
        ''' object h5 file with result data'''
        return h5pmu
    def plotOutputs(self, _h5data):
        count= 0
        for i, meas in enumerate(self.outputs.get_varNames()):
            print '[%d] %s' % (i, meas)
            indexMapping[count]= i
            count+= 1
            value= raw_input("Select which variable do you want to plot: ")
            lindex = value.split()
        except ValueError:
            print "Mal! Mal! Mal! Verdadera mal! Por no decir borchenoso!" 
        values= []
        for idx in lindex:  
            idx= int(idx)
        for meas in values: 
            lasenyal= _h5data.get_senyal(meas) 
            plt.plot(lasenyal.get_sampleTime(), lasenyal.get_signalReal())
        plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
        plt.grid(b=True, which='both')