def test_play_game(self): b = Bot('test', 100) c = Cards() b.hand = [c.matrix[0], c.matrix[9]] assert b.play_game() == False b.hand = [c.matrix[0], c.matrix[5]] assert b.play_game() == True
def main(): """ main method of blackjack game """ os.system('clear') or None print("Welcome to BlackJack -_- \n") name = input("First, What is your name? ") balance = int(input("How many money have you today? ")) player = RealPlayer(name, balance) bot = input("Could you choose a name for a bot? ") computer = Bot(bot, balance) os.system('clear') or None computer.welcome_message() input("\nSo let's play? ") os.system('clear') or None del balance, bot, name card = Cards() dealer = Dealer() deck = Deck() bj = BlackJack() game = False while not game: global hand_repr_player global hand_repr_bot player.hand = [] computer.hand = [] game_deck = deck.shuffle_deck(deck.create_deck(card)) os.system('clear') or None bj.check_balance(game, player) bj.check_balance(game, computer) if game == True: break os.system('clear') or None bets =, computer) ask_player = False while not ask_player: if len(player.hand) == 0: print("You don't have any card in your hand") else: hand_repr_player = card.show_card(player.hand) [[print(x) for x in c] for c in hand_repr_player] i = input('Would you like one more card? ') i = i.upper() if i == 'Y': player.hand.append(game_deck.pop()) ask_player = False else: ask_player = True os.system('clear') or None bot_player = False while not bot_player: i = computer.play_game() if i is True: computer.hand.append(game_deck.pop()) else: bot_player = True result = dealer.check_winner(player.hand, computer.hand) bj.check_result(player, computer, bets, result) player.show_info() for c in hand_repr_player: for x in c: print(x) print("\n") computer.show_info() hand_repr_bot = card.show_card(computer.hand) for c in hand_repr_bot: for x in c: print(x) print("\n") choice = input("Do you wanna play again (Y/N): ") choice = choice.upper() game = bj.check_play_again(choice)