Esempio n. 1
    def thumbnail_set_video_name(self, update, context):
        This method represents the 1° step of the thumbnail conversation. It asks the user to insert a
        valid name for the video (the filename have to be from 5 to 254 characters of length).

        notifier = Notifier(update, self.BOT)

        # Get last message sent by the user
        msg = update.message.text.strip()

        print("[Thumbnail] User {} select a message: {}".format(

        if 4 < len(msg) < 255:
            notifier.notify_success("'{}' is a valid video name".format(msg))

                "Please, list all the models present in the video (names separated with '{}' ).\
                (Example: Sasha Grey;Mia Khalifa;...".format(self.CONFIG["thumbnailArgumentDivider"])

            return self.SET_MODEL
            # Invalid name detected
            notifier.notify_error("Invalid name, please try again")
            return self.SET_VIDEO_NAME
Esempio n. 2
    def check_filename(self, update, context):
        This method represents the 2° step of the download conversation. It asks the user to insert a
        valid filename for the video (the filename have to be from 5 to 254 characters of length).
        This step can be skipped if the config file the "automaticFilename" flag is set True or if
        the "noDownloadWizard" flag is set at True.

        # Create unique notifier for this user (every update -> different notifier)
        notifier = Notifier(update, self.BOT)

        # Get last message sent by the user
        filename = update.message.text

        if 4 < len(filename) < 255:
            # Check with regex if it's a valid filename
            update.message.reply_text("Shitty name but is okay..")

            # Save filename
            self.DOWNLOAD_REQUEST.filename = filename

            # Pass to another step
            return self.START_DOWNLOAD
                "This name is not valid! The name have a minimum 4 characters and a maximum of 254 characters"

            # Ask again
            return self.SET_FILE_NAME
Esempio n. 3
    def download(self, update, context):
        This method handles the '/download' command. It start a conversation (3 steps)
        with the user to determine the URL of the video resource to download and
        the filename (if set in the config file)

        print("[Bot] Received download command from", self.get_user_id(update))

        # Create unique notifier for this user (every update -> different notifier)
        notifier = Notifier(update, self.BOT)

        if not self.get_user_id(update) in self.DOWNLOAD_PROCESSES:

            if self.CONFIG["noDownloadWizard"]:
                # For fast downloading change automatic filename to true
                self.CONFIG["automaticFilename"] = True
                notifier.notify_information("If you wanna abort the download process just type: '/cancel'")
                # Start the download wizard
                notifier.notify_information("Oh hello! I'm here to guide you inside the downloading wizard!.\
                                          PS: you can exit this wizard any time you want, you have just to type '/cancel'")

            # Go to the first step
            notifier.notify_custom("1️", "Send me a video url")

            return self.SET_DOWNLOAD_URL
            notifier.notify_error("You are downloading already a resource."
                                  "Multiple download are currently disabled. Ask the developer for extra information.")
Esempio n. 4
    def thumbnail_set_url(self, update, context):
        This method represents the 4° and last step of the thumbnail conversation.
        It asks the user to insert a valid (well-formatted) and reachable via HTTP GET request URL.
        The URL will be validated by the UrlChecker class.

        notifier = Notifier(update, self.BOT)
        checker = UrlChecker()

        # Get last message sent by the user
        url = update.message.text.strip()

        if checker.check_format(url):
            # Url valid (well-formatted & reachable)
            notifier.notify_success("The URL is well-formatted.")

            if checker.check_exists(url):
                notifier.notify_success("The link is also reachable via HTTP GET requests")
                notifier.notify_warning("The link is not reachable or its response is not valid")


            print("[Thumbnail] User {} selected a url for the caption: {}".format(

            # Send image with caption
            notifier.notify_information("Generating image with caption...")

                "Message generated successfully. "
                "If you don't like it you can type '/thumbnail' again."

            # End conversation
            return ConversationHandler.END
            # Error detected by checker, retry again with another URL
                "The url is not well-formatted or is not reachable via HTTP GET requests... Check the URL and try again"

            # Restart to 'set URL' step
            return self.SET_URL
Esempio n. 5
    def check_download_url(self, update, context):
        This method represents the 1° step of the download conversation. It asks the user to insert the video URL. It will check if the URL is formatted well (validator-like) and if
        the site is reachable (HTTP GET Request with Reponse Code 200)

        # Create unique notifier for this user (every update -> different notifier)
        notifier = Notifier(update, self.BOT)

        # Get last message sent by the user
        url = update.message.text

        # Check url
        if UrlChecker.full_check(url):

            # Save url
            self.DOWNLOAD_REQUEST.url = url

            if self.CONFIG["noDownloadWizard"]:
                print("[NoWizard] Skip to downloading")

                # Download file
                self._download_file(self.DOWNLOAD_REQUEST, update)

                # End conversation
                return ConversationHandler.END
                notifier.notify_success("The url is well-formatted and the website is reachable.")

                # Check if automaticFilename is enabled or not in the config
                if not self.CONFIG["automaticFilename"]:

                    # Ask for the filename
                    notifier.notify_custom("2️⃣", "Send me a filename")

                    return self.SET_FILE_NAME

                    # Go to the download confirmation
                    return self.START_DOWNLOAD
            # Ask again
            notifier.notify_error("The url is not valid or the website is not reachable.")
            return self.SET_DOWNLOAD_URL