class Clearpath: def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('clearpath_base') self.port = rospy.get_param('~port', '') self.cmd_fill = rospy.get_param('~cmd_fill', True) if self.port != '': # Serial port rospy.loginfo("Using port %s", self.port) self.horizon = Horizon(transport = transports.Serial, transport_args = { 'port': self.port }) else: # Not specified. Autodetect. rospy.loginfo("Using port autodetection") self.horizon = Horizon(transport = transports.Serial.autodetect) announce_pub = rospy.Publisher('/clearpath/announce/robots', String, latch=True) announce_pub.publish(rospy.get_namespace()); self.freq_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_freq', Float32, latch=True) self.cmd_sub = rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", Twist, self.cmd_vel_handler) self.cmd_msg = Twist() self.cmd_time = self.cmd_event = Event() def run(self): previous_error = False cmd_timeout = False # Reconnection loop. while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if previous_error: rospy.sleep(RECONNECT_TIMEOUT) try: if self.horizon.opened: self.horizon.close() self.unsub_all() rospy.loginfo("Connection successful on %s", self.horizon) previous_error = False # Fetch and publish robot information. self.horizon.acks(True); platform_name = self.horizon.request_platform_name(subscription=0) platform_info = self.horizon.request_platform_info(subscription=0) firmware_info = self.horizon.request_firmware_info(subscription=0) robot_msg = data.pkg_robot_info(platform_name, platform_info, firmware_info) robot_pub = rospy.Publisher('robot', ClearpathRobot, latch=True) robot_pub.publish(robot_msg); self.do_subscriptions() self.horizon.acks(False); while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.cmd_event.wait(CMD_TIME_MAX) if ( - self.cmd_time).to_sec() > CMD_TIME_MAX: # Timed out waiting on command message. Send zeros instead to # keep connection alive. self.cmd_msg = Twist() if not cmd_timeout: rospy.loginfo("User commands timed out.") cmd_timeout = True else: if cmd_timeout: rospy.loginfo("Receiving user commands.") cmd_timeout = False self.cmd_event.clear() try: if not cmd_timeout or self.cmd_fill: self.cmd_vel(self.cmd_msg.linear.x, self.cmd_msg.angular.z) rospy.sleep(CMD_TIME_MIN) except: rospy.logerr("Problem issuing command to platform. Attempting reconnection.") break if ( - self.data_time).to_sec() > DATA_TIMEOUT: rospy.logerr("Problem receiving data from platform. Attempting reconnection.") break except utils.TransportError: if not previous_error: rospy.logerr("Connection error on %s. Will retry every second.", self.port if self.port != '' else '/dev/ttyUSB* or /dev/ttyS*') previous_error = True self.horizon.close() def cmd_vel_handler(self, msg): """ Received command from ROS. Signal the main thread to send it to robot. """ last_cmd_time = self.cmd_time self.cmd_msg = msg self.cmd_time = self.cmd_event.set() self.freq_pub.publish((last_cmd_time - self.cmd_time).to_sec()) def cmd_vel(self, linear_velocity, angular_velocity): rospy.logerror('Base class contains no command model. Use or') raise NotImplementedError() def unsub_all(self): for topic, cls in data.msgs.items(): subscribe_func = getattr(self.horizon, 'request_' + topic) try: subscribe_func(0xffff) except: pass def do_subscriptions(self): self.publishers = {} for topic, frequency in rospy.get_param('~data', {}).items(): if not topic in self.publishers: self.publishers[topic] = rospy.Publisher('data/' + topic, data.msgs[topic], latch=True) subscribe_func = getattr(self.horizon, 'request_' + topic) subscribe_func(frequency) rospy.loginfo("Successfully returning data: request_%s", topic) self.horizon.add_handler(self._receive) self.data_time = def _receive(self, name, payload, timestamp): self.data_time = try: pkg_func = getattr(data, 'pkg_' + name) except AttributeError: rospy.loginfo("Unhandled Clearpath message of type: %s", name) else: msg = pkg_func(payload) msg.header.stamp = if name in self.publishers: self.publishers[name].publish(msg) else: rospy.loginfo("Unsubscribed Clearpath message of type: %s", name)
class Clearpath: def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('clearpath_base') self.port = rospy.get_param('~port', '') self.cmd_fill = rospy.get_param('~cmd_fill', True) if self.port != '': # Serial port rospy.loginfo("Using port %s", self.port) self.horizon = Horizon(transport=transports.Serial, transport_args={'port': self.port}) else: # Not specified. Autodetect. rospy.loginfo("Using port autodetection") self.horizon = Horizon(transport=transports.Serial.autodetect) announce_pub = rospy.Publisher('/clearpath/announce/robots', String, latch=True) announce_pub.publish(rospy.get_namespace()) self.freq_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_freq', Float32, latch=True) self.cmd_sub = rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", Twist, self.cmd_vel_handler) self.cmd_msg = Twist() self.cmd_time = self.cmd_event = Event() def run(self): previous_error = False cmd_timeout = False # Reconnection loop. while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if previous_error: rospy.sleep(RECONNECT_TIMEOUT) try: if self.horizon.opened: self.horizon.close() self.unsub_all() rospy.loginfo("Connection successful on %s", self.horizon) previous_error = False # Fetch and publish robot information. self.horizon.acks(True) platform_name = self.horizon.request_platform_name( subscription=0) platform_info = self.horizon.request_platform_info( subscription=0) firmware_info = self.horizon.request_firmware_info( subscription=0) robot_msg = data.pkg_robot_info(platform_name, platform_info, firmware_info) robot_pub = rospy.Publisher('robot', ClearpathRobot, latch=True) robot_pub.publish(robot_msg) self.do_subscriptions() self.horizon.acks(False) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.cmd_event.wait(CMD_TIME_MAX) if ( - self.cmd_time).to_sec() > CMD_TIME_MAX: # Timed out waiting on command message. Send zeros instead to # keep connection alive. self.cmd_msg = Twist() if not cmd_timeout: rospy.loginfo("User commands timed out.") cmd_timeout = True else: if cmd_timeout: rospy.loginfo("Receiving user commands.") cmd_timeout = False self.cmd_event.clear() try: if not cmd_timeout or self.cmd_fill: self.cmd_vel(self.cmd_msg.linear.x, self.cmd_msg.angular.z) rospy.sleep(CMD_TIME_MIN) except: rospy.logerr( "Problem issuing command to platform. Attempting reconnection." ) break if ( - self.data_time).to_sec() > DATA_TIMEOUT: rospy.logerr( "Problem receiving data from platform. Attempting reconnection." ) break except utils.TransportError: if not previous_error: rospy.logerr( "Connection error on %s. Will retry every second.", self.port if self.port != '' else '/dev/ttyUSB* or /dev/ttyS*') previous_error = True self.horizon.close() def cmd_vel_handler(self, msg): """ Received command from ROS. Signal the main thread to send it to robot. """ last_cmd_time = self.cmd_time self.cmd_msg = msg self.cmd_time = self.cmd_event.set() self.freq_pub.publish((last_cmd_time - self.cmd_time).to_sec()) def cmd_vel(self, linear_velocity, angular_velocity): rospy.logerror( 'Base class contains no command model. Use or' ) raise NotImplementedError() def unsub_all(self): for topic, cls in data.msgs.items(): subscribe_func = getattr(self.horizon, 'request_' + topic) try: subscribe_func(0xffff) except: pass def do_subscriptions(self): self.publishers = {} for topic, frequency in rospy.get_param('~data', {}).items(): if not topic in self.publishers: self.publishers[topic] = rospy.Publisher('data/' + topic, data.msgs[topic], latch=True) subscribe_func = getattr(self.horizon, 'request_' + topic) subscribe_func(frequency) rospy.loginfo("Successfully returning data: request_%s", topic) self.horizon.add_handler(self._receive) self.data_time = def _receive(self, name, payload, timestamp): self.data_time = try: pkg_func = getattr(data, 'pkg_' + name) except AttributeError: rospy.loginfo("Unhandled Clearpath message of type: %s", name) else: msg = pkg_func(payload) msg.header.stamp = if name in self.publishers: self.publishers[name].publish(msg) else: rospy.loginfo("Unsubscribed Clearpath message of type: %s", name)
- taken from original example of Clearpath Robotics """ from clearpath.horizon import Horizon from clearpath.horizon.transports import Serial import time horizon = Horizon(transport=Serial, transport_args={'port':'/dev/ttyUSB1'}) #horizon = Horizon() def status_handler(code, payload, timestamp): print(payload.print_format()) #horizon.add_handler(status_handler, request = 'system_status') #horizon.request_system_status(subscription = 1) for i in range(1, 3): left_percent = right_percent = i * 10 horizon.set_differential_output(left_percent, right_percent) time.sleep(0.5) while True: horizon.set_differential_output(30, 33) time.sleep(0.5) time.sleep(1) horizon.close()