Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, master, config, task_id):
        # Get the task and make sure its container was launched by the UCR.
        # Since task's containers are launched by the UCR by default, we want
        # to allow most tasks to pass through unchecked. The only exception is
        # when a task has an explicit container specified and it is not of type
        # "MESOS". Having a type of "MESOS" implies that it was launched by the
        # UCR -- all other types imply it was not.
            tasks = get_tasks(master, config, query={'task_id': task_id})
        except Exception as exception:
            raise CLIException("Unable to get task with ID {task_id}"
                               " from leading master '{master}': {error}"
                               .format(task_id=task_id, master=master,

        running_tasks = [t for t in tasks if t["state"] == "TASK_RUNNING"]
        matching_tasks = [t for t in running_tasks if t["id"] == task_id]

        if not matching_tasks:
            raise CLIException("Unable to find running task '{task_id}'"
                               " from leading master '{master}'"
                               .format(task_id=task_id, master=master))

        if len(matching_tasks) > 1:
            raise CLIException("More than one task matching id '{id}'"

        task_obj = matching_tasks[0]

        if "container" in task_obj:
            if "type" in task_obj["container"]:
                if task_obj["container"]["type"] != "MESOS":
                    raise CLIException(
                        "This command is only supported for tasks"
                        " launched by the Universal Container Runtime (UCR).")

        # Get the scheme of the agent
        scheme = "https://" if config.agent_ssl() else "http://"

        # Get the URL to the agent running the task.
        agent_addr = util.sanitize_address(
            scheme + get_agent_address(task_obj["slave_id"], master, config))
        self.agent_url = mesos.http.simple_urljoin(agent_addr, "api/v1")
        # Get the agent's task path by checking the `state` endpoint.
            self.container_id = get_container_id(task_obj)
        except CLIException as exception:
            raise CLIException("Could not get container ID of task '{id}'"
                               " from agent '{addr}': {error}"
                               .format(id=task_id, addr=agent_addr,

        # Set up a recordio encoder and decoder
        # for any incoming and outgoing messages.
        self.encoder = recordio.Encoder(
            lambda s: bytes(json.dumps(s, ensure_ascii=False), "UTF-8"))
        self.decoder = recordio.Decoder(
            lambda s: json.loads(s.decode("UTF-8")))

        # Set up queues to send messages between threads used for
        # reading/writing to STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR and threads
        # sending/receiving data over the network.
        self.input_queue = Queue()
        self.output_queue = Queue()

        # Set up an event to block attaching
        # input until attaching output is complete.
        self.attach_input_event = threading.Event()

        # Set up an event to block printing the output
        # until an attach input event has successfully
        # been established.
        self.print_output_event = threading.Event()

        # Set up an event to block the main thread
        # from exiting until signaled to do so.
        self.exit_event = threading.Event()

        # Use a class variable to store exceptions thrown on
        # other threads and raise them on the main thread before
        # exiting.
        self.exception = None

        # Default values for the TaskIO.
        self.cmd = None
        self.args = None
        self.interactive = False
        self.tty = False
        self.output_thread_entry_point = None
        self.config = config

        # Allow an exit sequence to be used to break the CLIs attachment to
        # the remote task. Depending on the call, this may be disabled, or
        # the exit sequence to be used may be overwritten.
        self.supports_exit_sequence = False
        self.exit_sequence = b'\x10\x11'  # Ctrl-p, Ctrl-q
        self.exit_sequence_detected = False
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, master, task_id):
        # Get the task and make sure its container was launched by the UCR.
        # Since task's containers are launched by the UCR by default, we want
        # to allow most tasks to pass through unchecked. The only exception is
        # when a task has an explicit container specified and it is not of type
        # "MESOS". Having a type of "MESOS" implies that it was launched by the
        # UCR -- all other types imply it was not.
            tasks = get_tasks(master)
        except Exception as exception:
            raise CLIException("Unable to get tasks from leading"
                               " master '{master}': {error}"
                               .format(master=master, error=exception))

        running_tasks = [t for t in tasks if t["state"] == "TASK_RUNNING"]
        matching_tasks = [t for t in running_tasks if t["id"] == task_id]

        if not matching_tasks:
            raise CLIException("Unable to find running task '{task_id}'"
                               " from leading master '{master}'"
                               .format(task_id=task_id, master=master))

        if len(matching_tasks) > 1:
            raise CLIException("More than one task matching id '{id}'"

        task_obj = matching_tasks[0]

        if "container" in task_obj:
            if "type" in task_obj["container"]:
                if task_obj["container"]["type"] != "MESOS":
                    raise CLIException(
                        "This command is only supported for tasks"
                        " launched by the Universal Container Runtime (UCR).")

        # Get the URL to the agent running the task.
        agent_addr = util.sanitize_address(
            get_agent_address(task_obj["slave_id"], master))
        self.agent_url = mesos.http.simple_urljoin(agent_addr, "api/v1")

        # Get the agent's task path by checking the `state` endpoint.
            self.container_id = get_container_id(task_obj)
        except CLIException as exception:
            raise CLIException("Could not get container ID of task '{id}'"
                               " from agent '{addr}': {error}"
                               .format(id=task_id, addr=agent_addr,

        # Set up a recordio encoder and decoder
        # for any incoming and outgoing messages.
        self.encoder = recordio.Encoder(
            lambda s: bytes(json.dumps(s, ensure_ascii=False), "UTF-8"))
        self.decoder = recordio.Decoder(
            lambda s: json.loads(s.decode("UTF-8")))

        # Set up queues to send messages between threads used for
        # reading/writing to STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR and threads
        # sending/receiving data over the network.
        self.input_queue = Queue()
        self.output_queue = Queue()

        # Set up an event to block attaching
        # input until attaching output is complete.
        self.attach_input_event = threading.Event()

        # Set up an event to block printing the output
        # until an attach input event has successfully
        # been established.
        self.print_output_event = threading.Event()

        # Set up an event to block the main thread
        # from exiting until signaled to do so.
        self.exit_event = threading.Event()

        # Use a class variable to store exceptions thrown on
        # other threads and raise them on the main thread before
        # exiting.
        self.exception = None

        # Default values for the TaskIO.
        self.cmd = None
        self.args = None
        self.interactive = False
        self.tty = False
        self.output_thread_entry_point = None

        # Allow an exit sequence to be used to break the CLIs attachment to
        # the remote task. Depending on the call, this may be disabled, or
        # the exit sequence to be used may be overwritten.
        self.supports_exit_sequence = False
        self.exit_sequence = b'\x10\x11'  # Ctrl-p, Ctrl-q
        self.exit_sequence_detected = False