Esempio n. 1
def main():

    load_client_config() #config contains all the constants for the game

    # make sure that 2 clients running on the same machine log into 2 separate files
    clientid = str(current_thread().ident)
    clogger = config_logger(clientid)
    clogger.debug('Client started')
    em = ClientEventManager()
    # These components are shared with bots. Their config is given to them.
    fps = config_get_fps() 
    clock = CClockController(em, fps) #main loop is in there
    hostport = config_get_hostport()
    nick = config_get_nick()
    n = NetworkController(em, hostport, nick)
    g = Game(em)
    # These components are specific to human clients. 
    # They can grab the client config themselves. 
    kb = InputController(em)
    mv = MasterView(em)
    clogger.debug('Client stopped')
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    load_bot_config() # bot-specific config (e.g. logger)
    tid = current_thread().ident
    logger = config_logger(str(tid))
    logger.debug('Client started')
    evManager = ClientEventManager()

    clock = CClockController(evManager, config_get_fps()) #the main loop is in there
    g = Game(evManager)
    n = NetworkController(evManager, config_get_hostport(), config_get_nick())
    ic = BotInputController(evManager, g) # simulate inputs    
    logger.debug('Client stopped')