def post(self, sender, text): self.subscribers_lock.acquire() try: for client in self.subscribers: client.send_message(message.ChatMessage(, sender, text)) finally: self.subscribers_lock.release()
def derp(): slack_event = json.loads( if "challenge" in slack_event: return make_response(slack_event["challenge"], 200, {"content_type": "application/json" }) if verification_token != slack_event.get("token"): message = "Invalid Slack verification token: %s \npyBot has: \ %s\n\n" % (slack_event["token"], verification_token.verification) make_response(message, 403, {"X-Slack-No-Retry": 1}) if "event" in slack_event: event = slack_event['event'] if "text" in event.keys() and event['text'].startswith('!last'): number = 1 split = event['text'].split(" ") if len(split) > 1: number = int(split[1]) last = list(fetch())[:number] for message in entries_to_messages(last): send_message(message) return make_response("OK", 200, {}) return make_response("[NO EVENT IN SLACK REQUEST] These are not the droids\ you're looking for.", 404, {"X-Slack-No-Retry": 1})
def process_raw_readings(self): processed_pitch = self.moving_rms( self.raw_pitches ) processed_volume = self.moving_rms( self.raw_volumes ) self.pitches.append(processed_pitch) self.pitches.append(processed_volume) print("Pitch {:.2f}, Volume {:.2f}".format(processed_pitch, processed_volume)) send_message(processed_pitch, processed_volume)
def BuzzGeoFindNeighboursRequest(client, lat, lon, cursor, offset): request = test_pb2.BuzzGeoFindNeighboursRequest() request.requestId = "99" request.latitude = lat request.longitude = lon request.cursor_pos = cursor request.offset = offset"GeoFindNeighboursRequest:%s", request) client.send_message(21, request)
def BuzzGeoReport(client, lat, log, id): request = test_pb2.BuzzGeoReport() request.requestId = "99" = lat = log = id"GeoReportRequest:%s",request) print request client.send_message(20, request)
def help_message(channel, command, help): """ Post a formatted help message to the given channel :param channel: channel to post into :param command: command pattern :param help: descriptive text :return: """ if help: send_message(channel, " - ".join([command, help]))
def BuzzGeo(client, lat, lon, id): request = test_pb2.BuzzGeoReport() request.requestId = "99" = lat = lon = id msg = client.send_message(20, request) response = test_pb2.BuzzGeoReportResponse.FromString(msg) print response
def start_play(threadname, headset): uuid = headset.uuid files = headset.todayplaylist paths = [os.path.join("data", uuid, file) for file in files] for path in paths: cmd = " ".join(["ffplay", path]) start = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) end = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) basename = os.path.basename(path) resourceid = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] msg = { "businessCode": 807, "data": [{"headsetCourseResourceId":resourceid, "startTime":start,\ "endTime":end, "playProgress":100}] } send_message(headset, msg) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('提示', '今天任务已完成')
def BuzzGeoFindNeighbours(client, lat, lon, cursor, offset): request = test_pb2.BuzzGeoFindNeighboursRequest() request.requestId = "99" request.latitude = lat request.longitude = lon request.cursor_pos = cursor request.offset = offset msg = client.send_message(21, request) response = test_pb2.BuzzGeoFindNeighboursRequestResponse.FromString(msg) print response
def send(self): # Creates the log file name global username message = self.ids['message'].text log_message = "[" + username + "]" + message + "\n" global receiver global client # Send a signal to the client to send messages to the server, with the necessary args client.send_message([receiver], message) self.ids['message'].text = "" if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "\\logs\\" elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/logs/" filename = dir_path + username + ";" + receiver # When a message is sent, write in log log = open(filename, 'a') log.write(log_message) log.close() global client
def send_message(self, address, message, context=None): if context: self.request_context[message.request_id] = context client.sendonly_message(address, message) else: return client.send_message(address, message)
cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, bottom - 35), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX cv2.putText(frame, name, (left + 6, bottom - 6), font, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), 1) # client.send_message(b"UNLOCK",IP,PORT) # print("Found Face") name_list.append(name) if len(name_list) >= 8: if all_same(name_list[-8:]): print("Found Face") client.send_message(b"UNLOCK", IP, PORT) name_list = [] # print(rgb_small_frame) # gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Display the resulting frame cv2.imshow('Face Detector', frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def post_new_entries(): global new_entries existing_entries = new_entries[:] new_entries = fetch() for msg in get_new_entries(existing_entries, new_entries): send_message(msg)