Esempio n. 1
    def test_up_down(self, rng):  # noqa: F811
        from clifford.dpga import up, down

        for i in range(10 if numba.config.DISABLE_JIT else 1000):
            p = rng.standard_normal(3)
            dpga_pnt = up(p)
            pnt_down = down(np.random.rand() * dpga_pnt)
            np.testing.assert_allclose(pnt_down, p)
    def test_up_down(self):
        from clifford.dpga import up, down

        rng = np.random.RandomState()  # can pass a seed here later
        for i in range(10 if numba.config.DISABLE_JIT else 1000):
            p = rng.standard_normal(3)
            dpga_pnt = up(p)
            pnt_down = down(np.random.rand() * dpga_pnt)
            np.testing.assert_allclose(pnt_down, p)
    def test_rotate(self):
        from clifford.dpga import w0, w1, w2, w3, w1s, w2s, w3s
        from clifford.dpga import up, down

        rng = np.random.RandomState()  # can pass a seed here later
        for i in range(10 if numba.config.DISABLE_JIT else 100):
            mvec = rng.standard_normal(3)
            nvec = rng.standard_normal(3)
            m = mvec[0] * w1 + mvec[1] * w2 + mvec[2] * w3
            n = nvec[0] * w1 + nvec[1] * w2 + nvec[2] * w3
            ms = mvec[0] * w1s + mvec[1] * w2s + mvec[2] * w3s
            ns = nvec[0] * w1s + nvec[1] * w2s + nvec[2] * w3s
            biv = 2 * ((ms ^ n) - (ns ^ m))
            Rt = np.e**(-biv)

            # Rotor should be unit
            np.testing.assert_allclose((Rt * ~Rt).value, (1 + 0 * w1).value,

            # The origin should be unaffected by rotation
            np.testing.assert_allclose((Rt * w0 * ~Rt).value,

            # Vectors orthogonal to the rotation should be unaffected by rotation
            vorthog = np.cross(mvec, nvec)
            uporthog = up(vorthog)
            np.testing.assert_allclose((Rt * uporthog * ~Rt).value,

            # Points should maintain their distance from the origin
            pnt_vec = rng.standard_normal(3)
            l = np.linalg.norm(pnt_vec)
            pnt = up(pnt_vec)
            lres = np.linalg.norm(down(Rt * pnt * ~Rt))
            np.testing.assert_allclose(l, lres, atol=1E-6)
    def test_line(self):
        from clifford.dpga import w0, w1, w2, w3, w0s
        from clifford.dpga import e12, e13, e23, e1b2b, e1b3b, e2b3b
        from clifford.dpga import up, down

        rng = np.random.RandomState()  # can pass a seed here later
        for i in range(5 if numba.config.DISABLE_JIT else 100):
            p1vec = rng.standard_normal(3)
            p2vec = rng.standard_normal(3)
            p1 = up(p1vec)
            p2 = up(p2vec)
            line_direc = p2vec - p1vec

            # Plucker line is the outer product of two points or the outer product
            # of a point and a free vector
            line = p1 ^ p2
            free_direc = line_direc[0] * w1 + line_direc[1] * w2 + line_direc[
                2] * w3
            line_alt = p1 ^ free_direc
            assert line_alt == line

            # The line should be the outer product null space
            lamb = rng.standard_normal()
            assert up(lamb * p1vec + (1 - lamb) * p2vec) ^ line == 0

            # Lines can be transformed with rotors
            tvec = p1vec
            wt = tvec[0] * w1 + tvec[1] * w2 + tvec[2] * w3
            Raxis = 1 - w0s * wt
            assert (~Raxis * line * Raxis) ^ w0 == 0

            # Lines are invariant to screw transformations about their axis
            axis = p1vec - p2vec
            rotation_biv = axis[0] * (e23 - e2b3b) + axis[1] * (
                e1b3b - e13) + axis[2] * (e12 - e1b2b)
            Rr = np.e**(-rng.standard_normal() * rotation_biv)
            Rt = 1 - w0s * rng.standard_normal() * (
                axis[0] * w1 + axis[1] * w2 + axis[2] * w3)
                (Raxis * Rr * Rt * (~Raxis * line * Raxis) * ~Rt * ~Rr *

            # A bivector line is invariant under its own exponential
            Rline = np.e**line
            assert Rline * line * ~Rline == line

            # The exponential of a line is a rotation about the line
            line_origin = (~Raxis * line * Raxis)
            RLineOrigin = np.e**line_origin
            random_pnt = up(rng.standard_normal(3))
                down(RLineOrigin * random_pnt * ~RLineOrigin)),
                down(RLineOrigin * (random_pnt + free_direc) * ~RLineOrigin),
                down(RLineOrigin * random_pnt * ~RLineOrigin) + line_direc,
            np.testing.assert_allclose((Rline * ~Rline).value,
                                       (1 + 0 * w1).value,