def setUp(self): """ define a default Person object """ ID = "fam_ID" = Family(ID)
def test_load_trio(self): ''' test that load_trio() works correctly ''' def make_vcf(person): # make a VCF, where one line would pass the default filtering vcf = make_vcf_header() vcf.append(make_vcf_line(pos=1, extra='HGNC=TEST;MAX_AF=0.0001')) vcf.append(make_vcf_line(pos=2, extra='HGNC=ATRX;MAX_AF=0.0001')) path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "{}.vcf.gz".format(person)) self.write_gzipped_vcf(path, vcf) return path child_path = make_vcf('child') mother_path = make_vcf('mother') father_path = make_vcf('father') family = Family('fam_id') family.add_child('sample', 'mother_id', 'father_id', 'female', '2', child_path) family.add_mother('mother_id', '0', '0', 'female', '1', mother_path) family.add_father('father_id', '0', '0', 'male', '1', father_path) family.set_child() # define the parameters and values for the SNV class args = {'chrom': "1", 'position': 2, 'id': ".", 'ref': "G", 'alts': "T", 'filter': "PASS", 'info': "CQ=missense_variant;HGNC=ATRX;MAX_AF=0.0001", 'format': "DP:GT", 'sample': "50:0/1", 'gender': "female", 'mnv_code': None} dad_args = copy.deepcopy(args) dad_args['gender'] = 'male' self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.load_trio(family), [TrioGenotypes(chrom="1", pos=2, child=SNV(**args), mother=SNV(**args), father=SNV(**dad_args)) ])
def create_family(self, child_gender, mom_aff, dad_aff): """ create a default family, with optional gender and parental statuses """ fam = Family("test") fam.add_child("child", "child_vcf", "2", child_gender) fam.add_mother("mother", "mother_vcf", mom_aff, "2") fam.add_father("father", "father_vcf", dad_aff, "1") fam.set_child() return fam
def create_family(self, child_gender, mom_aff, dad_aff): """ create a default family, with optional gender and parental statuses """ fam = Family('test') fam.add_child('child', 'mother', 'father', child_gender, '2', 'child_vcf') fam.add_mother('mother', '0', '0', 'female', mom_aff, 'mother_vcf') fam.add_father('father', '0', '0', 'male', dad_aff, 'father_vcf') fam.set_child() return fam
def test_load_trio(self): ''' test that load_trio() works correctly ''' def make_vcf(person): # make a VCF, where one line would pass the default filtering vcf = make_vcf_header() vcf.append(make_vcf_line(pos=1, extra='HGNC=TEST;MAX_AF=0.0001')) vcf.append(make_vcf_line(pos=2, extra='HGNC=ATRX;MAX_AF=0.0001')) path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "{}.vcf.gz".format(person)) write_gzipped_vcf(path, vcf) return path child_path = make_vcf('child') mother_path = make_vcf('mother') father_path = make_vcf('father') family = Family('fam_id') family.add_child('sample', 'mother_id', 'father_id', 'female', '2', child_path) family.add_mother('mother_id', '0', '0', 'female', '1', mother_path) family.add_father('father_id', '0', '0', 'male', '1', father_path) family.set_child() sum_x_lr2_proband = 0 # define the parameters and values for the SNV class args = { 'chrom': "1", 'position': 2, 'id': ".", 'ref': "G", 'alts': "T", 'filter': "PASS", 'info': "CQ=missense_variant;HGNC=ATRX;MAX_AF=0.0001", 'format': "DP:GT:AD", 'sample': "50:0/1:10,10", 'gender': "female", 'mnv_code': None, 'qual': '1000' } dad_args = copy.deepcopy(args) dad_args['gender'] = 'male' self.assertEqual(load_trio(family, sum_x_lr2_proband), [ TrioGenotypes(chrom="1", pos=2, child=SNV(**args), mother=SNV(**args), father=SNV(**dad_args)) ])
def test_get_vcf_provenance(self): """ test that get_vcf_provenance() works correctly """ path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "temp.vcf") gz_path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "temp.vcf.gz") date_path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "temp.process.2014-02-20.vcf") family = Family('famid') family.add_child('child_id', 'mother', 'father', 'f', '2', path) family.add_mother('mom_id', '0', '0', 'female', '1', gz_path) family.add_father('dad_id', '0', '0', 'male', '1', date_path) family.set_child() vcf = make_minimal_vcf() vcf_string = "".join(vcf) if IS_PYTHON3: vcf_string = vcf_string.encode("utf-8") ungzipped_hash = hashlib.sha1(vcf_string).hexdigest() header = vcf[:4] write_temp_vcf(path, vcf) # check that the file defs return correctly (checksum, basename, date) = get_vcf_provenance(family.child) self.assertEqual(checksum, ungzipped_hash) self.assertEqual(basename, "temp.vcf") self.assertEqual(date, "2014-01-01") # now write a gzip file, and check that we get the correct hash write_gzipped_vcf(gz_path, vcf) handle = open(gz_path, "rb") gzipped_hash = hashlib.sha1( handle.close() (checksum, basename, date) = get_vcf_provenance(family.mother) self.assertEqual(checksum, gzipped_hash) # check that when a fileDate isn't available in the VCF, we can pick # the date from the path vcf.pop(1) write_temp_vcf(date_path, vcf) (checksum, basename, date) = get_vcf_provenance(family.father) self.assertEqual(date, "2014-02-20") # and check we get null values if the family member is not present family.father = None provenance = get_vcf_provenance(family.father) self.assertEqual(provenance, ('NA', 'NA', 'NA'))
def test_debug_option(self): """ test whether we can set up the class with the debug option """ known = {} pops = None sum_x_lr2 = {} vcf = make_minimal_vcf() path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "temp.vcf.gz") write_gzipped_vcf(path, vcf) fam = Family( 'fam', children=[Person('fam', 'child', '0', '0', 'f', '2', path)]) # if the debug info isn't available, then the SNV object doesn't use the # debug filter function variants = load_variants(fam, 1.0, pops, known, set(), sum_x_lr2) self.assertNotEqual(SNV.passes_filters, SNV.passes_filters_with_debug) # if the debug info is passed in, check that the debug filter function # got set correctly variants = load_variants(fam, 1.0, pops, known, set(), sum_x_lr2, "1", "10000") self.assertEqual(SNV.passes_filters, SNV.passes_filters_with_debug)
def test_is_compound_pair_proband_only(self): """ check that is_compound_pair() includes proband-only pairs """ fam = Family("test") fam.add_child("child", 'dad_id', 'mom_id', 'F', '2', "child_vcf") fam.set_child() # set some variants, so we can alter them later var1 = self.create_variant(chrom="1", position="150", sex="F", cq="stop_gained") var2 = self.create_variant(chrom="1", position="160", sex="F", cq="stop_gained") inh = Autosomal([var1, var2], fam, self.known_gene, "TEST") # check that a proband-only passes, regardless of the parental genotypes self.assertTrue(inh.is_compound_pair(var1, var2))
def test_load_variants(self): ''' test that load_variants() works correctly. Mainly checks variables are set correctly. ''' vcf = make_minimal_vcf() path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "temp.vcf.gz") write_gzipped_vcf(path, vcf) sum_x_lr2 = {} parents = True fam = Family( 'fam', children=[Person('fam', 'child', '0', '0', 'f', '2', path)]) variants = load_variants(fam, 0.9, ['AFR_AF'], self.known_genes, set(), sum_x_lr2, parents) self.assertEqual(SNV.known_genes, self.known_genes) self.assertEqual(CNV.known_genes, self.known_genes) self.assertEqual(Info.populations, ['AFR_AF']) self.assertEqual(Info.last_base, set()) # and check that the variants = load_variants(fam, 0.9, [], None, set([('1', 100)]), sum_x_lr2, parents) self.assertIsNone(SNV.known_genes, self.known_genes) self.assertIsNone(CNV.known_genes, self.known_genes) self.assertEqual(Info.populations, []) self.assertEqual(Info.last_base, set([('1', 100)]))
def test_find_variants(self): """ test that find_variants() works correctly """ # define the trio, so that we can know whether the parents are affected. # The child also needs to be included and set, so that we can get the # child ID for logging purposes. family = Family("famID") family.add_child("child_id", 'dad_id', 'mom_id', 'f', '2', "/vcf/path") family.add_father("dad_id", '0', '0', 'm', '1', "/vcf/path") family.add_mother("mom_id", '0', '0', 'f', '1', "/vcf/path") family.set_child() # create variants that cover various scenarios snv1 = create_variant("F", "missense_variant|missense_variant", "TEST1|TEST2") snv2 = create_variant("F", "missense_variant|synonymous_variant", "OTHER1|OTHER2") snv3 = create_variant("F", "missense_variant", "") snv4 = create_variant("F", "missense_variant", "TESTX", chrom="X") self.finder.known_genes = {"TEST1": {"inh": ["Monoallelic"]}, "OTHER1": {"inh": ["Monoallelic"]}, "OTHER2": {"inh": ["Monoallelic"]}, "TESTX": {"inh": ["X-linked dominant"]}} # check the simplest case, a variant in a known gene self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv1], "TEST1", family), [(snv1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["TEST1"])]) # check that a gene not in a known gene does not pass self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv1], "TEST2", family), []) # check a variant where the gene is known, but the consequence for that # gene is not functional, does not pass self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv2], "OTHER2", family), []) # check that intergenic variants (which lack HGNC symbols) do not pass self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv3], None, family), []) # check that a variant on chrX passes through the allosomal instance self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv4], "TESTX", family), [(snv4, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["TESTX"])]) # remove the known genes, so that the variants in unknown genes pass self.finder.known_genes = None self.assertEqual(sorted(self.finder.find_variants([snv1], "TEST2", family)), [(snv1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["TEST2"]), (snv1, ["single_variant"], ["Mosaic"], ["TEST2"])]) # but variants without gene symbols still are excluded self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv3], None, family), [])
def setUp(self): """ define a default VcfInfo object """ family = Family("FamID") family.add_child("child_id", "/child/path", "2", "M") family.add_mother("mom_id", "/mother/path", "1", "F") family.add_father("dad_id", "/father/path", "2", "M") family.set_child() variants = [] snv = self.create_var("1", True) cnv = self.create_var("1", False) variants.append((snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])) variants.append((cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])) self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(variants, family)
def test_filter_de_novos(self): """ check that filter_de_novos() works correctly """ # make a family without parents family = Family("fam_id") child_gender = "female" family.add_child("child_id", "child_vcf_path", "2", child_gender) = family # set up an autosomal variant line = ["1", "100", ".", "T", "G", "1000", "PASS", ".", "GT", "0/1"] gender = "M" child_var = SNV(*line[:6]) child_var.add_info(line[7]) child_var.add_format(line[8], line[9]) child_var.set_gender(child_gender) child_var.set_genotype() # combine the variant into a list of TrioGenotypes child_vars = [child_var] mother_vars = [] father_vars = [] trio_variants = self.vcf_loader.combine_trio_variants( child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars) # check that vars without parents get passed through automatically self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9), trio_variants) # now add parents to the family family.add_mother("mother_id", "mother_vcf_path", "1", "female") family.add_father("father_id", "father_vcf_path", "1", "male") # re-generate the variants list now that parents have been included trio_variants = self.vcf_loader.combine_trio_variants( child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars) # check that vars with parents, and that appear to be de novo are # filtered out self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9), []) # check that vars with parents, but which are not de novo, are retained mother_vars = child_vars trio_variants = self.vcf_loader.combine_trio_variants( child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars) self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9), trio_variants)
def setUp(self): """ define a default variant object """ Info.populations = ['AFR_AF'] family = Family('test') family.add_child('child', 'mother', 'father', 'male', '2', 'child_vcf') family.add_mother('mother', '0', '0', 'female', '1', 'mother_vcf') family.add_father('father', '0', '0', 'male', '2', 'father_vcf') family.set_child() self.variants = [] snv = self.create_var("1", True) cnv = self.create_var("1", False) self.variants.append( (snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])) self.variants.append( (cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])) self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(family)
def test_filter_de_novos(self): """ check that filter_de_novos() works correctly """ # make a family without parents family = Family("fam_id") child_gender = "female" family.add_child('child_id', 'mother_id', 'father_id', child_gender, '2', 'child_path') # set up an autosomal variant gender = "M" args = [ "1", "100", ".", "T", "G", "1000", "PASS", ".", "GT", "0/1", gender ] child_var = SNV(*args) # combine the variant into a list of TrioGenotypes child_vars = [child_var] mother_vars = [] father_vars = [] trio_variants = combine_trio_variants(family, child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars) # check that vars without parents get passed through automatically self.assertEqual(filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9), trio_variants) # now add parents to the family family.add_mother("mother_id", '0', '0', 'female', '1', "mother_vcf_path") family.add_father("father_id", '0', '0', 'male', '1', "father_vcf_path") family = family # re-generate the variants list now that parents have been included trio_variants = combine_trio_variants(family, child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars) # check that vars with parents, and that appear to be de novo are # filtered out self.assertEqual(filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9), []) # check that vars with parents, but which are not de novo, are retained mother_vars = child_vars trio_variants = combine_trio_variants(family, child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars) self.assertEqual(filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9), trio_variants)
def setUp(self): """ define a default variant object """ Info.populations = ['AFR_AF'] family = Family('test') family.add_child('child', 'mother', 'father', 'male', '2', 'child_vcf') family.add_mother('mother', '0', '0', 'female', '1', 'mother_vcf') family.add_father('father', '0', '0', 'male', '2', 'father_vcf') family.set_child() self.variants = [] snv = self.create_var("1", True) cnv = self.create_var("1", False) self.variants.append((snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])) self.variants.append((cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])) self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(family)
def get_families(args): """ loads a list of Family objects for multiple families, or a single trio """ if args.ped is None: fam_id = 'blank_family_ID' family = Family(fam_id) family.add_child('child', args.mother, args.father, args.gender, '2', args.child) if args.mother is not None: family.add_mother('mother', '0', '0', '2', args.mom_aff, args.mother) if args.father is not None: family.add_father('father', '0', '0', '1', args.dad_aff, args.father) families = [family] else: families = load_families(args.ped) return families
def test_filter_de_novos(self): """ check that filter_de_novos() works correctly """ # make a family without parents family = Family("fam_id") child_gender = "female" family.add_child('child_id', 'mother_id', 'father_id', child_gender, '2', 'child_path') = family # set up an autosomal variant gender = "M" args = ["1", "100", ".", "T", "G", "PASS", ".", "GT", "0/1", gender] child_var = SNV(*args) # combine the variant into a list of TrioGenotypes child_vars = [child_var] mother_vars = [] father_vars = [] trio_variants = self.vcf_loader.combine_trio_variants(family, child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars) # check that vars without parents get passed through automatically self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9), trio_variants) # now add parents to the family family.add_mother("mother_id", '0', '0', 'female', '1', "mother_vcf_path") family.add_father("father_id", '0', '0', 'male', '1', "father_vcf_path") = family # re-generate the variants list now that parents have been included trio_variants = self.vcf_loader.combine_trio_variants(family, child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars) # check that vars with parents, and that appear to be de novo are # filtered out self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9), []) # check that vars with parents, but which are not de novo, are retained mother_vars = child_vars trio_variants = self.vcf_loader.combine_trio_variants(family, child_vars, mother_vars, father_vars) self.assertEqual(self.vcf_loader.filter_de_novos(trio_variants, 0.9), trio_variants)
def test_load_families(self): """ check that load_families works correctly """ # construct a temporary family that will have the same sample IDs etc # as for the one loaded from the ped file. family = Family("fam_ID") family.add_child("proband", 'dad', 'mom', 'F', '2', "/path/to/proband_vcf.gz") family.add_mother("mom", '0', '0', 'F', '1', "/path/to/mom_vcf.gz") family.add_father("dad", '0', '0', 'M', '1', "/path/to/dad_vcf.gz") # load the ped file, and check that the load_families function returns # the expected Family object self.assertEqual(load_families(self.path), [family]) # add an extra family, with multiple sibs self.tempfile.write( "fam_ID2 proband2 dad2 mom2 F 2 /path/to/proband2_vcf.gz\n") self.tempfile.write( "fam_ID2 dad2 0 0 M 1 /path/to/dad2_vcf.gz\n") self.tempfile.write( "fam_ID2 mom2 0 0 F 1 /path/to/mom2_vcf.gz\n") self.tempfile.write( "fam_ID2 sib dad2 mom2 F 2 /path/to/sib_vcf.gz\n") self.tempfile.flush() # construct a temporary family that will have the same sample IDs etc # as for the one loaded from the ped file. fam2 = Family("fam_ID2") fam2.add_child("proband2", 'dad2', 'mom2', 'F', '2', "/path/to/proband2_vcf.gz") fam2.add_child("sib", 'dad2', 'mom2', 'F', '2', "/path/to/sib_vcf.gz") fam2.add_mother("mom2", '0', '0', 'F', '1', "/path/to/mom2_vcf.gz") fam2.add_father("dad2", '0', '0', 'M', '1', "/path/to/dad2_vcf.gz") # load the ped file, and check that the load_families function returns # the expected Families objects self.assertEqual(sorted(load_families(self.path)), sorted([family, fam2]))
class TestFamily(unittest.TestCase): """ """ def setUp(self): """ define a default Person object """ ID = "fam_ID" = Family(ID) def test__iter__(self): ''' test that __iter__() works correctly ''' family_id, person_id, mom_id, dad_id = 'fam_ID', 'child', 'dad', 'mom', path, status, sex = 'child.vcf', '2', 'M' child = Person(family_id, person_id, dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path), dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path) # check the Family iterates by getting a list of the Family object members = list( self.assertEqual(members, [child, None, None]) def test_add_father(self): """ test that add_father() works correctly """ person_id = "parent_ID" path = "/home/parent.vcf" status = "1" sex = "1" dad_id = "0" mom_id = "0" # check that adding a male father doesn't raise an error, dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path) # check that adding a father for a second time is fine, but adding # a different father raises an error, dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path) with self.assertRaises(ValueError):"different_ID", dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path) # check that adding a female father raises an error self.setUp() sex = "2" with self.assertRaises(ValueError):, dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path) def test_add_mother(self): """ test that add_mother() works correctly """ person_id = "parent_ID" path = "/home/parent.vcf" status = "1" sex = "2" dad_id = "0" mom_id = "0" # check that adding a female mother doesn't raise an error, dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path) # check that adding a mother for a second time is fine, but adding # a different mother raises an error, dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path) with self.assertRaises(ValueError):"different_ID", dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path) # check that adding a male mother raises an error self.setUp() sex = "1" with self.assertRaises(ValueError):, dad_id, mom_id, sex, status, path) def test_add_child(self): """ check that add_child() works correctly """ # check that we can add one child"child1", 'dad', 'mom', 'male', '2', "/home/child1.vcf") self.assertEqual(len(, 1) # check that adding multiple children works correctly"child2", 'dad', 'mom', 'female', '2', "/home/child2.vcf")"child3", 'dad', 'mom', 'male', '2', "/home/child3.vcf") self.assertEqual(len(, 3) def test_set_child(self): """ test that set_child() works correctly """ # add one child"child1", 'dad', 'mom', 'male', '2', "/home/child1.vcf") # check that the child can be set correctly self.assertEqual(,[0]) # add more children"child2", 'dad', 'mom', 'male', '2', "/home/child2.vcf")"child3", 'dad', 'mom', 'female', '2', "/home/child3.vcf") # check that the child can be set correctly with multiple children self.assertIn(, def test_set_child_examined(self): """ test that set_child_examined() works correctly """ # add one child"child1", 'dad', 'mom', 'male', '2', "/home/child1.vcf") # check that the child can be set correctly, and can be set as having # been examined self.assertTrue([0].is_analysed()) self.assertIsNone( # add another child, and check that when we set the child, we now pick # up this child since the other one has previously been examined"child2", 'dad', 'mom', 'female', '2', "/home/child2.vcf") self.assertEqual(,[1]) # make sure that set_child_examined() doesn't default to None if we # have children left to analyse"child3", 'dad', 'mom', 'female', '2', "/home/child3.vcf") self.assertIsNotNone( # and set child = None once we have analysed all the children self.assertIsNone(
def test_load_families(self): """ check that load_families works correctly """ # construct a temporary family that will have the same sample IDs etc # as for the one loaded from the ped file. family = Family("fam_ID") family.add_child("proband", 'dad', 'mom', 'F', '2', "/path/to/proband_vcf.gz") family.add_mother("mom", '0', '0', 'F', '1', "/path/to/mom_vcf.gz") family.add_father("dad", '0', '0', 'M', '1', "/path/to/dad_vcf.gz") # load the ped file, and check that the load_families function returns # the expected Family object self.assertEqual(load_families(self.path), [family]) # add an extra family, with multiple sibs self.tempfile.write("fam_ID2 proband2 dad2 mom2 F 2 /path/to/proband2_vcf.gz\n") self.tempfile.write("fam_ID2 dad2 0 0 M 1 /path/to/dad2_vcf.gz\n") self.tempfile.write("fam_ID2 mom2 0 0 F 1 /path/to/mom2_vcf.gz\n") self.tempfile.write("fam_ID2 sib dad2 mom2 F 2 /path/to/sib_vcf.gz\n") self.tempfile.flush() # construct a temporary family that will have the same sample IDs etc # as for the one loaded from the ped file. fam2 = Family("fam_ID2") fam2.add_child("proband2", 'dad2', 'mom2', 'F', '2', "/path/to/proband2_vcf.gz") fam2.add_child("sib", 'dad2', 'mom2', 'F', '2', "/path/to/sib_vcf.gz") fam2.add_mother("mom2", '0', '0', 'F', '1', "/path/to/mom2_vcf.gz") fam2.add_father("dad2", '0', '0', 'M', '1', "/path/to/dad2_vcf.gz") # load the ped file, and check that the load_families function returns # the expected Families objects self.assertEqual(sorted(load_families(self.path)), sorted([family, fam2]))
class TestFamily(unittest.TestCase): """ """ def setUp(self): """ define a default Person object """ ID = "fam_ID" = Family(ID) def test_add_father(self): """ test that add_father() works correctly """ ID = "parent_ID" path = "/home/parent.vcf" affected = "1" gender = "1" # check that adding a male father doesn't raise an error, path, affected, gender) # check that adding a father for a second time is fine, but adding # a different father raises an error, path, affected, gender) with self.assertRaises(ValueError):"different_ID", path, affected, gender) # check that adding a female father raises an error self.setUp() gender = "2" with self.assertRaises(ValueError):, path, affected, gender) def test_add_mother(self): """ test that add_mother() works correctly """ ID = "parent_ID" path = "/home/parent.vcf" affected = "1" gender = "2" # check that adding a female mother doesn't raise an error, path, affected, gender) # check that adding a mother for a second time is fine, but adding # a different mother raises an error, path, affected, gender) with self.assertRaises(ValueError):"different_ID", path, affected, gender) # check that adding a male mother raises an error self.setUp() gender = "1" with self.assertRaises(ValueError):, path, affected, gender) def test_add_child(self): """ check that add_child() works correctly """ # check that we can add one child"child1", "/home/child1.vcf", "2", "1") self.assertEqual(len(, 1) # check that adding multiple children works correctly"child2", "/home/child2.vcf", "2", "2")"child3", "/home/child3.vcf", "2", "1") self.assertEqual(len(, 3) def test_set_child(self): """ test that set_child() works correctly """ # add one child"child1", "/home/child1.vcf", "2", "1") # check that the child can be set correctly self.assertEqual(,[0]) # add more children"child2", "/home/child2.vcf", "2", "1")"child3", "/home/child3.vcf", "2", "2") # check that the child can be set correctly with multiple children self.assertIn(, def test_set_child_examined(self): """ test that set_child_examined() works correctly """ # add one child"child1", "/home/child1.vcf", "2", "1") # check that the child can be set correctly, and can be set as having # been examined self.assertTrue([0].is_analysed()) self.assertIsNone( # add another child, and check that when we set the child, we now pick # up this child since the other one has previously been examined"child2", "/home/child2.vcf", "2", "2") self.assertEqual(,[1]) # make sure that set_child_examined() doesn't default to None if we # have children left to analyse"child3", "/home/child3.vcf", "2", "2") self.assertIsNotNone( # and set child = None once we have analysed all the children self.assertIsNone(
def test_analyse_trio(self): ''' test that analyse_trio() works correctly ''' # construct the VCFs for the trio members paths = {} for member in ['child', 'mom', 'dad']: vcf = make_vcf_header() geno, pp_dnm = '0/0', '' if member == 'child': geno, pp_dnm = '0/1', ';DENOVO-SNP;PP_DNM=1' vcf.append( make_vcf_line(genotype=geno, extra='HGNC=ARID1B' + pp_dnm)) # write the VCF data to a file handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.temp_dir, delete=False, suffix='.vcf') for x in vcf: handle.write(x.encode('utf8')) handle.flush() paths[member] = # create a Family object, so we can load the data from the trio's VCFs fam_id = 'fam01' child = Person(fam_id, 'child', 'dad', 'mom', 'female', '2', paths['child']) mom = Person(fam_id, 'mom', '0', '0', 'female', '1', paths['mom']) dad = Person(fam_id, 'dad', '0', '0', 'male', '1', paths['dad']) family = Family(fam_id, [child], mom, dad) self.assertEqual(self.finder.analyse_trio(family), [(TrioGenotypes( chrom="1", pos=1, child=SNV( chrom="1", position=1, id=".", ref="G", alts="T", qual='1000', filter="PASS", info="CQ=missense_variant;DENOVO-SNP;HGNC=ARID1B;PP_DNM=1", format="DP:GT", sample="50:0/1", gender="female", mnv_code=None), mother=SNV(chrom="1", position=1, id=".", ref="G", alts="T", qual='1000', filter="PASS", info="CQ=missense_variant;HGNC=ARID1B", format="DP:GT", sample="50:0/0", gender="female", mnv_code=None), father=SNV(chrom="1", position=1, id=".", ref="G", alts="T", qual='1000', filter="PASS", info="CQ=missense_variant;HGNC=ARID1B", format="DP:GT", sample="50:0/0", gender="male", mnv_code=None)), ['single_variant'], [ 'Monoallelic', 'Mosaic' ], ['ARID1B'])])
def test_find_variants(self): """ test that find_variants() works correctly """ # define the trio, so that we can know whether the parents are affected. # The child also needs to be included and set, so that we can get the # child ID for logging purposes. family = Family("famID") family.add_child("child_id", 'dad_id', 'mom_id', 'f', '2', "/vcf/path") family.add_father("dad_id", '0', '0', 'm', '1', "/vcf/path") family.add_mother("mom_id", '0', '0', 'f', '1', "/vcf/path") family.set_child() # create variants that cover various scenarios snv1 = create_variant("F", "missense_variant|missense_variant", "TEST1|TEST2") snv2 = create_variant("F", "missense_variant|synonymous_variant", "OTHER1|OTHER2") snv3 = create_variant("F", "missense_variant", "") snv4 = create_variant("F", "missense_variant", "TESTX", chrom="X") self.finder.known_genes = { "TEST1": { "inh": ["Monoallelic"] }, "OTHER1": { "inh": ["Monoallelic"] }, "OTHER2": { "inh": ["Monoallelic"] }, "TESTX": { "inh": ["X-linked dominant"] } } # check the simplest case, a variant in a known gene self.assertEqual( self.finder.find_variants([snv1], "TEST1", family), [(snv1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["TEST1"])]) # check that a gene not in a known gene does not pass self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv1], "TEST2", family), []) # check a variant where the gene is known, but the consequence for that # gene is not functional, does not pass self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv2], "OTHER2", family), []) # check that intergenic variants (which lack HGNC symbols) do not pass self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv3], None, family), []) # check that a variant on chrX passes through the allosomal instance self.assertEqual( self.finder.find_variants([snv4], "TESTX", family), [(snv4, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["TESTX"])]) # remove the known genes, so that the variants in unknown genes pass self.finder.known_genes = None self.assertEqual( sorted(self.finder.find_variants([snv1], "TEST2", family)), [(snv1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["TEST2"]), (snv1, ["single_variant"], ["Mosaic"], ["TEST2"])]) # but variants without gene symbols still are excluded self.assertEqual(self.finder.find_variants([snv3], None, family), [])