Esempio n. 1
def register():
  Sending a GET request returns the register.html page.
  Sending a POST request validates, then registers the user.
  If successful, the user is immediately brought to the sticky note page.
  if request.method == 'GET':
    return render_template('register.html')
    username = request.form['username']
    password = request.form['password']
    confirmation = request.form['confirmPassword']
    if not confirmed_password_valid(password, confirmation):
      return fail_registration(
          "Your password and confirmation didn't match up.")
    if len(password) == 0:
      return fail_registration("Passwords can not be blank.")
    if ' ' in password:
      return fail_registration("Passwords can not have spaces")
    with closing( as user_shelf:
      users = Users(user_shelf)
      if not users.is_valid_user(username):
        flash("Username %s is not valid." % (username))
        flash("Either it's taken, it has a space, or it's blank")
        return render_template('register.html')
      users.register_user(username, password)
      session['username'] = username
    return redirect(url_for('notes'))
Esempio n. 2
def login():
  Sending a GET request gets the login form page.
  Sending a POST request tries to logs in the user.
  if request.method == 'GET':
    return render_template('login.html')
    username = request.form['username']
    password = request.form['password']
    with closing( as user_shelf:
      users = Users(user_shelf)
      if users.login_is_valid(username, password):
        session['username'] = username
        return redirect(url_for('notes'))
    flash('Login failed. Maybe you made a typo?')
    return render_template('login.html')
Esempio n. 3
def notes_storage():
  Sending a GET request to this URL retrieves the notes associated with
  the user logged in (checked via the session).
  Sending a POST request updates the shelf with the provided new values.

  JavaScript calls this function to save/load notes.
  if 'username' not in session:

  with closing( as user_shelf:
    users = Users(user_shelf)
    if request.method == 'GET':
      return users.stickies_for_user(session['username'])
      data = request.form['noteSet']
      users.save_stickies_for_user(session['username'], data)
      return 'Post successful'
Esempio n. 4
    Image.fromarray(dilated[key]).convert('L').save(key[:-4] + '_dl5.bmp')

# Repeat for erode opened and closed, using different operators
eroded = {}
for key in bmp:
    eroded[key] = erode(bmp[key], se3)
    Image.fromarray(eroded[key]).convert('L').save(key[:-4] + '_er3.bmp')

opened = {}
for key in bmp:
    opened[key] = opening(bmp[key], se3)
    Image.fromarray(opened[key]).convert('L').save(key[:-4] + '_op3.bmp')

closed = {}
for key in bmp:
    closed[key] = closing(bmp[key], se5)
    Image.fromarray(closed[key]).convert('L').save(key[:-4] + '_cl5.bmp')

# For outlined, start with the dilated image, or you wont get a good outline of anything.
outlined = {}
for key in dilated:
    outlined[key] = boundary(dilated[key], se3)
    Image.fromarray(outlined[key]).convert('L').save(key[:-4] + '_bd3.bmp')

# To arbitrarily process the image to what I think looks best
# Dilate, then close, open, and erode the image.
arb = {}
for key in bmp:
    arb[key] = dilate(bmp[key], se3)
    arb[key] = closing(arb[key], se5)
    arb[key] = opening(arb[key], se5)