Esempio n. 1
 def get_anti_entropy_timeout(self):
     Creates the anti-entropy timeout.
     In the future this could be random timeout not fixed.
     self.timeout = Timer(self.env, self.ae_delay, self.gossip)
     return self.timeout.start()
Esempio n. 2
    def gossip(self):
        Randomly select a neighbor and exchange information about the state
        of the latest entries in the log since the last anti-entropy delay.

        # Gossip to one node at each location
        for location in self.locations:
            # Don't gossip to nodes in self!
            if location == self.location: continue

            # Select a random target to gossip to
            target = random.choice(list(self.remotes(location)))

            # Log the gossip that's happening
            self.sim.logger.debug("{} gossiping {} entries to {}".format(
                self, len(self.ae_cache), target))

            entries = tuple([
                Write(, self, version) for version in self.ae_cache

            # Send all the values in the cache.
            self.send(target, Gossip(entries, len(self.ae_cache), -1))

        # Empty the cache on gossip
        self.ae_cache = []

        # Reset the anti-entropy timer
        self.ae_timer = Timer(self.env, self.ae_delay, self.gossip)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, simulation, **kwargs):
        ## Initialize the replica
        super(RaftReplica, self).__init__(simulation, **kwargs)

        ## Initialize Raft Specific settings
        self.state       = State.FOLLOWER
        self.currentTerm = 0
        self.votedFor    = None
        self.log         = MultiObjectWriteLog()
        self.cache       = {}

        ## Policies
        self.read_policy = ReadPolicy.get(kwargs.get('read_policy', READ_POLICY))
        self.aggregate_writes = kwargs.get('aggregate_writes', AGGREGATE_WRITES)

        ## Timers for work
        eto = kwargs.get('election_timeout', ELECTION_TIMEOUT)
        hbt = kwargs.get('heartbeat_interval', HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL)

        self.timeout     = ElectionTimer.fromReplica(self, eto)
        self.heartbeat   = Timer(self.env, hbt, self.on_heartbeat_timeout)

        ## Leader state
        self.nextIndex   = None
        self.matchIndex  = None
Esempio n. 4
 def handle_session(self):
     Starts a session timer if one isn't running, otherwise resets the
     currently running session timer on an additional access.
     if not self.session:
         self.session = Timer(
             self.env, self.session_timeout,
         self.session = self.session.reset()
Esempio n. 5
 def run(self):
     We have to check in at every heartbeat interval. If we own a tag then
     send a heartbeat message, otherwise just keep quiescing.
     while True:
         if self.state == State.OWNER:
             self.heartbeat = Timer(self.env, self.heartbeat_interval,
             yield self.heartbeat.start()
             yield self.env.timeout(self.heartbeat_interval)
Esempio n. 6
    def on_state_change(self):
        Does the same stuff as super, but also - if leader; starts the anti
        entropy interval to do gossiping.
        super(FloatedRaftReplica, self).on_state_change()

        if self.state in (State.FOLLOWER, State.CANDIDATE):
            if hasattr(self, 'ae_timer') and self.ae_timer is not None:
                # Cancel the anti-entropy timer.
                self.ae_timer = None
        elif self.state == State.LEADER:
            self.ae_timer = Timer(self.env, self.ae_delay, self.gossip)
        elif self.state == State.READY:
            # This happens on the call to super, just ignore for now.
            raise SimulationException(
                "Unknown Floating Raft State: {!r} set on {}".format(
                    self.state, self))
Esempio n. 7
    def read(self, name, **kwargs):
        When a tag replica performs a read it has to decide whether or not to
        read locally or to make a remote read across the cluster.

        Convert the read into an access, then check if we own the object.
        If we do, then return the latest commit.
        If we don't and no one else does either, attempt to acquire the tag.
        If we don't and someone else does then either drop, wait, or remote.

        Current implementation: #2, MR, no remote access.
        If someone else owns tag, reads are dropped.

        TODO: Remote vs Local Reads
        # Create the read event using super.
        access = super(TagReplica, self).read(name, **kwargs)

        # Record the number of attempts for the access
        if access.is_local_to(self): access.attempts += 1

        # Increase the session on access.

        # Are we the owner of this tag?
        if self.owns(
            # TODO: Change to last commit!
            version = self.log[].lastVersion

            # If the version is None, bail since we haven't read anything
            if version is None: return access.drop(empty=True)

            # Update the version, complete the read, and log the access
            access.update(version, completed=True)

            # Return, we're done reading!
            return access

        # Is there a different owner for the tag?
        owner = self.find_owner(
        if owner is not None:
            # Right now just drop the read on its face.
  "ownership conflict: dropped {} at {}".format(
                access, self))
            return access.drop()

        # We're going to acquire the tag!
            # Log the access from this particular replica.

            # We're going to have some read latency, retry the read.
            retry = Timer(self.env, self.heartbeat_interval,

            if access.attempts <= 1 and self.state != State.TAGGING:
                # Request the ownership of the tag

        return access
Esempio n. 8
    def write(self, name, **kwargs):
        When a replica performs a write it needs to decide if it can write to
        the tag locally, can acquire a tag for this object, or if it has to do
        something else like drop, wait, or remote write.

        If the access is local:

            - if the replica owns the tag, append and complete
            - if someone else owns the tag then drop, wait, or remote
            - if no one owns the tag, then attempt to acquire it

        If access is remote:

            - if we own the tag, then append but do not complete (at local)
            - if someone else owns the tag, log and forward to owner
            - if no one owns the tag then respond false
        # Create the read event using super.
        access = super(TagReplica, self).write(name, **kwargs)

        # Increase the session on access.

        # Determine if the write is local or remote
        if access.is_local_to(self):
            # Record the number of attempts for the access
            access.attempts += 1

            # Fetch the latest version from the log.
            latest = self.log[].lastVersion

            # Perform the write
            if latest is None:
                version = namespace(
                version = latest.nextv(self)

            # Update the access with the latest version

            # If there is no version, raise an exception
            if access.version is None:
                raise AccessError(
                    "Attempting a remote write on {} without a version!".

            # Save the version variable for use below.
            version = access.version

        # Log the access at this replica

        # Are we the owner of this tag?
        if self.owns(
            # Perform the append entries
            self.log[name].append(version, self.epoch)
            # Update the version to track visibility latency

            # Complete the access if it was local
            if access.is_local_to(self): access.complete()

            # Now do AppendEntries
            # Also interrupt the heartbeat since we just sent AppendEntries
            if not settings.simulation.aggregate_writes:
                if self.heartbeat: self.heartbeat.stop()

            return access

        # Is there a different owner for the tag?
        owner = self.find_owner(name)
        if owner is not None:
            # Right now just drop the write on its face.
  "ownership conflict: dropped {} at {}".format(
                access, self))
            return access.drop()

        # We're going to acquire the tag!
            # We're going to have some write latency, retry the write.
            retry = Timer(self.env, self.heartbeat_interval,
                          lambda: self.write(access)).start()

            # Request the ownership of the tag

        return access