Esempio n. 1
def clear_rules(vif):
        delcmd = "/sbin/ebtables -t nat -L PREROUTING | grep " + vif
        delcmds = pluginlib.do_cmd(['/bin/bash', '-c', delcmd]).split('\n')
        for cmd in delcmds:
                cmd = '/sbin/ebtables -t nat -D PREROUTING ' + cmd
                pluginlib.do_cmd(['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd])
Esempio n. 2
def clear_rules(vif):
        delcmd = "/sbin/ebtables -t nat -L PREROUTING | grep " + vif
        delcmds = pluginlib.do_cmd(['/bin/bash', '-c', delcmd]).split('\n')
        for cmd in delcmds:
                cmd = '/sbin/ebtables -t nat -D PREROUTING ' + cmd
                pluginlib.do_cmd(['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd])
Esempio n. 3
def setup_ovs_bridge(bridge, key, cs_host_id):

    res = lib.check_switch()
    if res != "SUCCESS":
        #return "FAILURE:%s" % res
        return 'false'

    logging.debug("About to manually create the bridge:%s" % bridge)
    #set gre_key to bridge
    res = lib.do_cmd([
        lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge,
        "other_config:gre_key=%s" % key

    # enable stp
    lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "Bridge", bridge, "stp_enable=true"])

    logging.debug("Bridge has been manually created:%s" % res)
    if res:
        #        result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
        result = 'false'
        # Verify the bridge actually exists, with the gre_key properly set
        res = lib.do_cmd(
            [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "bridge", bridge, "other_config:gre_key"])
        if key in str(res):
            #            result = "SUCCESS:%s" % bridge
            result = 'true'
            #            result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
            result = 'false'

            lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge,
        #get list of hosts using this bridge
        conf_hosts = lib.do_cmd([
            lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "bridge", bridge,
        #add cs_host_id to list of hosts using this bridge
        conf_hosts = cs_host_id + (conf_hosts and ',%s' % eval(conf_hosts)
                                   or '')
            lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge,
            "other_config:ovs-host-setup=%s" % conf_hosts

    logging.debug("Setup_ovs_bridge completed with result:%s" % result)
    return result
Esempio n. 4
def main(command, vif_raw):
    if command not in ('online', 'offline'):

    vif_name, dom_id, vif_index = vif_raw.split('-')
    # validate vif and dom-id
    this_vif = "%s%s.%s" % (vif_name, dom_id, vif_index)
    # Make sure the networking stack is not linux bridge!
    net_stack = pluginlib.do_cmd(['cat', '/etc/xensource/network.conf'])
    if net_stack.lower() == "bridge":
        if command == 'offline':
        # Nothing to do here!

    bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'iface-to-br', this_vif])

    # find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
    xs_nw_uuid = pluginlib.do_cmd(
        [pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
         "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])
    result = pluginlib.do_cmd([
        pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-param-get",
        "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid, "param-name=other-config",
        "param-key=is-ovs-tun-network", "--minimal"

    if result != 'True':

    vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
    if vlan != '0':
        # We need the REAL bridge name
        bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd(
            [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-parent', bridge])

    vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd(
        [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'list-ports', bridge])
    vifs = vsctl_output.split('\n')
    vif_ofports = []
    for vif in vifs:
        vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd(
            [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get', 'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
        if this_vif == vif:
            this_vif_ofport = vif_ofport
        if vif.startswith('vif'):

    if command == 'offline':
        clear_flows(bridge, this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)

    if command == 'online':
        apply_flows(bridge, this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)
Esempio n. 5
def main(command, vif_raw):
    if command not in ('online', 'offline'):

    vif_name, dom_id, vif_index = vif_raw.split('-')
    # validate vif and dom-id
    this_vif = "%s%s.%s" % (vif_name, dom_id, vif_index)
    # Make sure the networking stack is not linux bridge!
    net_stack = pluginlib.do_cmd(['cat', '/etc/xensource/network.conf'])
    if net_stack.lower() == "bridge":
        if command == 'offline':
        # Nothing to do here!

    bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'iface-to-br', this_vif])
	# find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
    xs_nw_uuid = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
								   "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])
    result = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
						       "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
						       "param-key=is-ovs-tun-network", "--minimal"])

    if result != 'True':
    vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
    if vlan != '0':
            # We need the REAL bridge name
            bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                       'br-to-parent', bridge])

    vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                     'list-ports', bridge])
    vifs = vsctl_output.split('\n')
    vif_ofports = []
    for vif in vifs:
    	vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get',
                                       'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
    	if this_vif == vif:
    		this_vif_ofport = vif_ofport
        if vif.startswith('vif'): 

    if command == 'offline':
        clear_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)

    if command == 'online':
        apply_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)
Esempio n. 6
def main(command, vif_raw):
    if command not in ('online', 'offline'):
    # TODO (very important)
    # Quit immediately if networking is NOT being managed by the OVS tunnel manager
    vif_name, dom_id, vif_index = vif_raw.split('-')
    # validate vif and dom-id
    vif = "%s%s.%s" % (vif_name, dom_id, vif_index)

    bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'iface-to-br', vif])
    # find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
    xs_nw_uuid = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
						           "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])
    result = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
						 	   "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
						 	   "param-key=is-ovs-tun-network", "--minimal"])

    if result != 'True':

    vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
    if vlan != '0':
            # We need the REAL bridge name
            bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-parent', bridge])
    vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get', 'Interface',
                                   vif, 'ofport'])

    if command == 'offline':
        clear_flows(bridge, vif_ofport)

    if command == 'online':
        apply_flows(bridge,  vif_ofport)
Esempio n. 7
def setup_ovs_bridge(bridge, key, cs_host_id):

    res = lib.check_switch()
    if res != "SUCCESS":
        #return "FAILURE:%s" % res
	return 'false'

    logging.debug("About to manually create the bridge:%s" % bridge)
    #set gre_key to bridge
    res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge,
                                     "other_config:gre_key=%s" % key])

    # enable stp
    lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "Bridge", bridge, "stp_enable=true"])

    logging.debug("Bridge has been manually created:%s" % res)
    if res:
#        result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
	result = 'false'
        # Verify the bridge actually exists, with the gre_key properly set
        res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "bridge",
                                          bridge, "other_config:gre_key"])
        if key in res:
#            result = "SUCCESS:%s" % bridge
            result = 'true'
#            result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
            result = 'false'

	lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge, "other_config:is-ovs-tun-network=True"])
	#get list of hosts using this bridge
        conf_hosts = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get","bridge", bridge,"other_config:ovs-host-setup"])
	#add cs_host_id to list of hosts using this bridge
        conf_hosts = cs_host_id + (conf_hosts and ',%s' % conf_hosts or '')
        lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge,
                   "other_config:ovs-host-setup=%s" % conf_hosts])

    logging.debug("Setup_ovs_bridge completed with result:%s" % result)
    return result
Esempio n. 8
def destroy_ovs_bridge(bridge):

    res = lib.check_switch()
    if res != "SUCCESS":
        #        return res
        return 'false'

    res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "del-br", bridge])
    logging.debug("Bridge has been manually removed:%s" % res)
    if res:
        #        result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
        result = 'false'
        #        result = "SUCCESS:%s" % bridge
        result = 'true'

    logging.debug("Destroy_ovs_bridge completed with result:%s" % result)
    return result
Esempio n. 9
def destroy_ovs_bridge(bridge):

    res = lib.check_switch()
    if res != "SUCCESS":
#        return res
        return 'false'

    res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "del-br", bridge])
    logging.debug("Bridge has been manually removed:%s" % res)
    if res:
#        result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
        result = 'false'
#        result = "SUCCESS:%s" % bridge
        result = 'true'

    logging.debug("Destroy_ovs_bridge completed with result:%s" % result)
    return result
Esempio n. 10
def setup_ovs_bridge_for_distributed_routing(bridge, cs_host_id):

    res = lib.check_switch()
    if res != "SUCCESS":
        return "FAILURE:%s" % res

    logging.debug("About to manually create the bridge:%s" % bridge)
    res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "--", "--may-exist", "add-br", bridge])
    logging.debug("Bridge has been manually created:%s" % res)

    # Non empty result means something went wrong
    if res:
        result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
        # Verify the bridge actually exists
        res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "list", "bridge", bridge])

        res = lib.do_cmd(
            [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge, "other_config:is-ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network=True"]
        conf_hosts = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "bridge", bridge, "other:ovs-host-setup"])
        conf_hosts = cs_host_id + (conf_hosts and ",%s" % conf_hosts or "")
        lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge, "other_config:ovs-host-setup=%s" % conf_hosts])

        # add a default flow rule to send broadcast and multi-cast packets to L2 flooding table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, dl_dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", table=0, actions="resubmit(,2)")
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, nw_dst="", table=0, actions="resubmit(,2)")

        # add a default flow rule to send uni-cast traffic to L2 lookup table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=0, actions="resubmit(,1)")

        # add a default rule to send unknown mac address to L2 flooding table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=1, actions="resubmit(,2)")

        # add a default rule in L2 flood table to drop packet
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=2, actions="drop")

        # add a default rule in egress table to forward packet to L3 lookup table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=3, actions="resubmit(,4)")

        # add a default rule in L3 lookup table to forward packet to L2 lookup table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=4, actions="resubmit(,1)")

        # add a default rule in ingress table to drop in bound packets
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=5, actions="drop")

        result = "SUCCESS: successfully setup bridge with flow rules"

        logging.debug("Setup_ovs_bridge completed with result:%s" % result)

    return result
Esempio n. 11
def setup_ovs_bridge_for_distributed_routing(bridge, cs_host_id):

    res = lib.check_switch()
    if res != "SUCCESS":
        return "FAILURE:%s" % res

    logging.debug("About to manually create the bridge:%s" % bridge)
    res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "--", "--may-exist", "add-br", bridge])
    logging.debug("Bridge has been manually created:%s" % res)

    # Non empty result means something went wrong
    if res:
        result = "FAILURE:%s" % res
        # Verify the bridge actually exists
        res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "list", "bridge", bridge])

        res = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge, "other_config:is-ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network=True"])
        conf_hosts = lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get","bridge", bridge,"other:ovs-host-setup"])
        conf_hosts = cs_host_id + (conf_hosts and ',%s' % conf_hosts or '')
        lib.do_cmd([lib.VSCTL_PATH, "set", "bridge", bridge,
                   "other_config:ovs-host-setup=%s" % conf_hosts])

        # add a default flow rule to send broadcast and multi-cast packets to L2 flooding table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, dl_dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', table=0, actions='resubmit(,2)')
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, nw_dst='', table=0, actions='resubmit(,2)')

        # add a default flow rule to send uni-cast traffic to L2 lookup table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=0, actions='resubmit(,1)')

        # add a default rule to send unknown mac address to L2 flooding table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=1, actions='resubmit(,2)')

        # add a default rule in L2 flood table to drop packet
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=2, actions='drop')

        # add a default rule in egress table to forward packet to L3 lookup table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=3, actions='resubmit(,4)')

        # add a default rule in L3 lookup table to forward packet to L2 lookup table
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=4, actions='resubmit(,1)')

        # add a default rule in ingress table to drop in bound packets
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=0, table=5, actions='drop')

        result = "SUCCESS: successfully setup bridge with flow rules"

        logging.debug("Setup_ovs_bridge completed with result:%s" % result)

    return result
Esempio n. 12
def main(command, vif_raw):
    if command not in ('online', 'offline'):
    # TODO (very important)
    # Quit immediately if networking is NOT being managed by the OVS tunnel manager
    vif_name, dom_id, vif_index = vif_raw.split('-')
    # validate vif and dom-id
    this_vif = "%s%s.%s" % (vif_name, dom_id, vif_index)

    bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'iface-to-br', this_vif])
	# find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
    xs_nw_uuid = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
								   "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])
    result = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
						       "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
						       "param-key=is-ovs-tun-network", "--minimal"])

    if result != 'True':
    vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
    if vlan != '0':
            # We need the REAL bridge name
            bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                       'br-to-parent', bridge])
    # For the OVS version shipped with XS56FP1 we need to retrieve
    # the ofport number for all interfaces
    vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                     'list-ports', bridge])
    vifs = vsctl_output.split('\n')
    vif_ofports = []
    for vif in vifs:
    	vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get',
                                       'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
    	if this_vif == vif:
    		this_vif_ofport = vif_ofport 

    if command == 'offline':
        clear_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)

    if command == 'online':
        apply_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)
Esempio n. 13
def create_tunnel(bridge, remote_ip, key, src_host, dst_host):

    logging.debug("Entering create_tunnel")

    res = lib.check_switch()
    if res != "SUCCESS":
        logging.debug("Openvswitch running: NO")
        #        return "FAILURE:%s" % res
        return 'false'

    # We need to keep the name below 14 characters
    # src and target are enough - consider a fixed length hash
    name = "t%s-%s-%s" % (key, src_host, dst_host)

    # Verify the bridge to be created
    # NOTE: Timeout should not be necessary anymore
    wait = [
        lib.VSCTL_PATH, "--timeout=30", "wait-until", "bridge", bridge, "--",
        "get", "bridge", bridge, "name"
    res = lib.do_cmd(wait)
    if bridge not in res:
        logging.debug("WARNING:Can't find bridge %s for creating " +
                      "tunnel!" % bridge)
        #        return "FAILURE:NO_BRIDGE"
        return 'false'

    logging.debug("bridge %s for creating tunnel - VERIFIED" % bridge)
    tunnel_setup = False
    drop_flow_setup = False
        # Create a port and configure the tunnel interface for it
        add_tunnel = [
            lib.VSCTL_PATH, "add-port", bridge, name, "--", "set", "interface",
            name, "type=gre",
            "options:key=%s" % key,
            "options:remote_ip=%s" % remote_ip
        tunnel_setup = True
        # verify port
        verify_port = [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "port", name, "interfaces"]
        res = lib.do_cmd(verify_port)
        # Expecting python-style list as output
        iface_list = []
        if len(res) > 2:
            iface_list = res.strip()[1:-1].split(',')
        if len(iface_list) != 1:
            logging.debug("WARNING: Unexpected output while verifying " +
                          "port %s on bridge %s" % (name, bridge))
            #            return "FAILURE:VERIFY_PORT_FAILED"
            return 'false'

        # verify interface
        iface_uuid = iface_list[0]
        verify_interface_key = [
            lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface", iface_uuid, "options:key"
        verify_interface_ip = [
            lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface", iface_uuid, "options:remote_ip"

        key_validation = lib.do_cmd(verify_interface_key)
        ip_validation = lib.do_cmd(verify_interface_ip)

        if not key in key_validation or not remote_ip in ip_validation:
            logging.debug("WARNING: Unexpected output while verifying " +
                          "interface %s on bridge %s" % (name, bridge))
            #            return "FAILURE:VERIFY_INTERFACE_FAILED"
            return 'false'

        logging.debug("Tunnel interface validated:%s" % verify_interface_ip)
        cmd_tun_ofport = [
            lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface", iface_uuid, "ofport"
        tun_ofport = lib.do_cmd(cmd_tun_ofport)
        # Ensure no trailing LF
        if tun_ofport.endswith('\n'):
            tun_ofport = tun_ofport[:-1]
        # add flow entryies for dropping broadcast coming in from gre tunnel
        drop_flow_setup = True
        logging.debug("Broadcast drop rules added")
        #        return "SUCCESS:%s" % name
        return 'true'
        logging.debug("An unexpected error occured. Rolling back")
        if tunnel_setup:
            logging.debug("Deleting GRE interface")
            # Destroy GRE port and interface
            lib.del_port(bridge, name)
        if drop_flow_setup:
            # Delete flows
            logging.debug("Deleting flow entries from GRE interface")
            lib.del_flows(bridge, in_port=tun_ofport)
        # This will not cancel the original exception
Esempio n. 14
def get_field_of_interface(iface_name, field):
    get_iface_cmd = [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface", iface_name, field]
    res = lib.do_cmd(get_iface_cmd)
    return res
Esempio n. 15
def main(command, vif_raw):
    if command not in ('online', 'offline'):

    vif_name, dom_id, vif_index = vif_raw.split('-')
    # validate vif and dom-id
    this_vif = "%s%s.%s" % (vif_name, dom_id, vif_index)
    # Make sure the networking stack is not linux bridge!
    net_stack = pluginlib.do_cmd(['cat', '/etc/xensource/network.conf'])
    if net_stack.lower() == "bridge":
        if command == 'offline':
        # Nothing to do here!

    bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'iface-to-br', this_vif])
    # find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
    xs_nw_uuid = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
								   "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])
    ovs_tunnel_network = False
        ovs_tunnel_network = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
						       "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
						       "param-key=is-ovs-tun-network", "--minimal"])

    ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network = False
        ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH,"network-param-get",
						       "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid,
						       "param-key=is-ovs-vpc-distributed-vr-network", "--minimal"])

    if ovs_tunnel_network == 'True':
        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
        if vlan != '0':
                # We need the REAL bridge name
                bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                           'br-to-parent', bridge])
        vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                         'list-ports', bridge])
        vifs = vsctl_output.split('\n')
        vif_ofports = []
        for vif in vifs:
            vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get',
                                           'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
            if this_vif == vif:
                this_vif_ofport = vif_ofport
            if vif.startswith('vif'):

        if command == 'offline':
            clear_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)

        if command == 'online':
            apply_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)

    # handle case where brdige is setup for VPC and VPC is enabled for distributed routing
    if ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network == 'True':
        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
        if vlan != '0':
                # We need the REAL bridge name
                bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                           'br-to-parent', bridge])
        vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                         'list-ports', bridge])
        vif_network_id = pluginlib.get_network_id_for_vif(this_vif)
        vnet_vif_ofports = []
        vnet_tunnelif_ofports = []
        vnet_all_ofports = []

        ports = vsctl_output.split('\n')
        for port in ports:
            if_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get', 'Interface', port, 'ofport'])
            if port.startswith('vif'):
                # check VIF is in same network as that of plugged vif
                if vif_network_id != pluginlib.get_network_id_for_vif(port):

            if port.startswith('t'):
                # check tunnel port is in same network as that of plugged vif
                if vif_network_id != pluginlib.get_network_id_for_tunnel_port(port)[1:-1]:

        if command == 'online':
            for port in vnet_all_ofports:
                pluginlib.clear_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port)

            # for a packet arrived from tunnel port, flood only on VIF ports
            for port in vnet_tunnelif_ofports:
                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port, vnet_vif_ofports)

            # for a packet arrived from VIF port send on all VIF and tunnel port excluding the port
            # on which packet arrived
            for port in vnet_vif_ofports:
                vnet_all_ofports_copy = copy.copy(vnet_all_ofports)
                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port, vnet_all_ofports_copy)

            #learn that MAC is reachable through the VIF port
            mac = pluginlib.get_macaddress_of_vif(this_vif)
            this_vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get', 'Interface', this_vif, 'ofport'])
            pluginlib.add_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac, this_vif_ofport)

        if command == 'offline':
            for port in vnet_all_ofports:
                pluginlib.clear_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port)

            # for a packet arrived from tunnel port, flood only on VIF ports
            for port in vnet_tunnelif_ofports:
                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port, vnet_vif_ofports)

            # for a packet from VIF port send on all VIF's and tunnel ports excluding the port on which packet arrived
            for port in vnet_vif_ofports:
                vnet_all_ofports_copy = copy.copy(vnet_all_ofports)
                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port, vnet_all_ofports_copy)

            #un-learn that MAC is reachable through the VIF port
            mac = pluginlib.get_macaddress_of_vif(this_vif)
            pluginlib.delete_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac)

Esempio n. 16
def main(command, vif_raw):
    if command not in ('online', 'offline'):

    vif_name, dom_id, vif_index = vif_raw.split('-')
    # validate vif and dom-id
    this_vif = "%s%s.%s" % (vif_name, dom_id, vif_index)
    # Make sure the networking stack is not linux bridge!
    net_stack = pluginlib.do_cmd(['cat', '/etc/xensource/network.conf'])
    if net_stack.lower() == "bridge":
        if command == 'offline':
        # Nothing to do here!

    bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'iface-to-br', this_vif])

    # find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
    xs_nw_uuid = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
								   "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])

    ovs_tunnel_network = pluginlib.is_regular_tunnel_network(xs_nw_uuid)

    # handle case where network is reguar tunnel network
    if ovs_tunnel_network == 'True':
        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
        if vlan != '0':
                # We need the REAL bridge name
                bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                           'br-to-parent', bridge])
        vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                         'list-ports', bridge])
        vifs = vsctl_output.split('\n')
        vif_ofports = []
        vif_other_ofports = []
        for vif in vifs:
            vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get',
                                           'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
            if this_vif == vif:
                this_vif_ofport = vif_ofport
            if vif.startswith('vif'):

        if command == 'offline':
            vif_other_ofports = copy.copy(vif_ofports)
            clear_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_other_ofports)

        if command == 'online':
            apply_flows(bridge,  this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)

    # handle case where bridge is setup for VPC which is enabled for distributed routing
    ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network = pluginlib.is_vpc_network_with_distributed_routing(xs_nw_uuid)
    if ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network == 'True':
        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
        if vlan != '0':
                # We need the REAL bridge name
                bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                           'br-to-parent', bridge])
        vif_network_id = pluginlib.get_network_id_for_vif(this_vif)
        pluginlib.update_flooding_rules_on_port_plug_unplug(bridge, this_vif, command, vif_network_id)

Esempio n. 17
def main(command, vif_raw):
    if command not in ('online', 'offline'):

    vif_name, dom_id, vif_index = vif_raw.split('-')
    # validate vif and dom-id
    this_vif = "%s%s.%s" % (vif_name, dom_id, vif_index)
    # Make sure the networking stack is not linux bridge!
    net_stack = pluginlib.do_cmd(['cat', '/etc/xensource/network.conf'])
    if net_stack.lower() == "bridge":
        if command == 'offline':
        # Nothing to do here!

    bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'iface-to-br', this_vif])

    # find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
    xs_nw_uuid = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
                                   "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])

    ovs_tunnel_network = pluginlib.is_regular_tunnel_network(xs_nw_uuid)

    # handle case where network is reguar tunnel network
    if ovs_tunnel_network == 'True':
        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
        if vlan != '0':
            # We need the REAL bridge name
            bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                       'br-to-parent', bridge])
        vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                         'list-ports', bridge])
        vifs = vsctl_output.split('\n')
        vif_ofports = []
        vif_other_ofports = []
        for vif in vifs:
            vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get',
                                           'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
            if this_vif == vif:
                this_vif_ofport = vif_ofport
            if vif.startswith('vif'):

        if command == 'offline':
            vif_other_ofports = copy.copy(vif_ofports)
            clear_flows(bridge, this_vif_ofport, vif_other_ofports)

        if command == 'online':
            apply_flows(bridge, this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)

    # handle case where bridge is setup for VPC which is enabled for distributed routing
    ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network = pluginlib.is_vpc_network_with_distributed_routing(xs_nw_uuid)
    if ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network == 'True':
        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
        if vlan != '0':
            # We need the REAL bridge name
            bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH,
                                       'br-to-parent', bridge])
        vif_network_id = pluginlib.get_network_id_for_vif(this_vif)
        pluginlib.update_flooding_rules_on_port_plug_unplug(bridge, this_vif, command, vif_network_id)

Esempio n. 18
def main(command, vif_raw):
    if command not in ('online', 'offline'):

    vif_name, dom_id, vif_index = vif_raw.split('-')
    # validate vif and dom-id
    this_vif = "%s%s.%s" % (vif_name, dom_id, vif_index)
    # Make sure the networking stack is not linux bridge!
    net_stack = pluginlib.do_cmd(['cat', '/etc/xensource/network.conf'])
    if net_stack.lower() == "bridge":
        if command == 'offline':
        # Nothing to do here!

    bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'iface-to-br', this_vif])

    # find xs network for this bridge, verify is used for ovs tunnel network
    xs_nw_uuid = pluginlib.do_cmd(
        [pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-list",
         "bridge=%s" % bridge, "--minimal"])
    ovs_tunnel_network = False
        ovs_tunnel_network = pluginlib.do_cmd([
            pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-param-get",
            "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid, "param-name=other-config",
            "param-key=is-ovs-tun-network", "--minimal"

    ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network = False
        ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network = pluginlib.do_cmd([
            pluginlib.XE_PATH, "network-param-get",
            "uuid=%s" % xs_nw_uuid, "param-name=other-config",
            "param-key=is-ovs-vpc-distributed-vr-network", "--minimal"

    if ovs_tunnel_network == 'True':
        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
        if vlan != '0':
            # We need the REAL bridge name
            bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd(
                [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-parent', bridge])
        vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd(
            [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'list-ports', bridge])
        vifs = vsctl_output.split('\n')
        vif_ofports = []
        for vif in vifs:
            vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd(
                [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get', 'Interface', vif, 'ofport'])
            if this_vif == vif:
                this_vif_ofport = vif_ofport
            if vif.startswith('vif'):

        if command == 'offline':
            clear_flows(bridge, this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)

        if command == 'online':
            apply_flows(bridge, this_vif_ofport, vif_ofports)

    # handle case where bridge is setup for VPC which is enabled for distributed routing
    if ovs_vpc_distributed_vr_network == 'True':
        vlan = pluginlib.do_cmd([pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-vlan', bridge])
        if vlan != '0':
            # We need the REAL bridge name
            bridge = pluginlib.do_cmd(
                [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'br-to-parent', bridge])
        vsctl_output = pluginlib.do_cmd(
            [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'list-ports', bridge])
        vif_network_id = pluginlib.get_network_id_for_vif(this_vif)
        vnet_vif_ofports = []
        vnet_tunnelif_ofports = []
        vnet_all_ofports = []

        ports = vsctl_output.split('\n')
        for port in ports:
            if_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd(
                [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get', 'Interface', port, 'ofport'])
            if port.startswith('vif'):
                # check VIF is in same network as that of plugged vif
                if vif_network_id != pluginlib.get_network_id_for_vif(port):

            if port.startswith('t'):
                # check tunnel port is in same network as that of plugged vif
                if vif_network_id != pluginlib.get_network_id_for_tunnel_port(

        if command == 'online':
            for port in vnet_all_ofports:
                pluginlib.clear_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port)

            # for a packet arrived from tunnel port, flood only on VIF ports
            for port in vnet_tunnelif_ofports:
                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port,

            # for a packet arrived from VIF port send on all VIF and tunnel port excluding the port
            # on which packet arrived
            for port in vnet_vif_ofports:
                vnet_all_ofports_copy = copy.copy(vnet_all_ofports)
                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port,

            #learn that MAC is reachable through the VIF port
            mac = pluginlib.get_macaddress_of_vif(this_vif)
            this_vif_ofport = pluginlib.do_cmd(
                [pluginlib.VSCTL_PATH, 'get', 'Interface', this_vif, 'ofport'])
            pluginlib.add_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac, this_vif_ofport)

        if command == 'offline':
            for port in vnet_all_ofports:
                pluginlib.clear_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port)

            # for a packet arrived from tunnel port, flood only on VIF ports
            for port in vnet_tunnelif_ofports:
                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port,

            # for a packet from VIF port send on all VIF's and tunnel ports excluding the port on which packet arrived
            for port in vnet_vif_ofports:
                vnet_all_ofports_copy = copy.copy(vnet_all_ofports)
                pluginlib.add_flooding_rules_for_port(bridge, port,

            #un-learn that MAC is reachable through the VIF port
            mac = pluginlib.get_macaddress_of_vif(this_vif)
            pluginlib.delete_mac_lookup_table_entry(bridge, mac)

Esempio n. 19
def create_tunnel(bridge, remote_ip, key, src_host, dst_host):

    logging.debug("Entering create_tunnel")

    res = lib.check_switch()
    if res != "SUCCESS":
        logging.debug("Openvswitch running: NO")
#        return "FAILURE:%s" % res
        return 'false'

    # We need to keep the name below 14 characters
    # src and target are enough - consider a fixed length hash
    name = "t%s-%s-%s" % (key, src_host, dst_host)

    # Verify the bridge to be created
    # NOTE: Timeout should not be necessary anymore
    wait = [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "--timeout=30", "wait-until", "bridge",
                    bridge, "--", "get", "bridge", bridge, "name"]
    res = lib.do_cmd(wait)
    if bridge not in res:
        logging.debug("WARNING:Can't find bridge %s for creating " +
                                  "tunnel!" % bridge)
#        return "FAILURE:NO_BRIDGE"
        return 'false'

    logging.debug("bridge %s for creating tunnel - VERIFIED" % bridge)
    tunnel_setup = False
    drop_flow_setup = False
        # Create a port and configure the tunnel interface for it
        add_tunnel = [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "add-port", bridge,
                                  name, "--", "set", "interface",
                                  name, "type=gre", "options:key=%s" % key,
                                  "options:remote_ip=%s" % remote_ip]
        tunnel_setup = True
        # verify port
        verify_port = [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "port", name, "interfaces"]
        res = lib.do_cmd(verify_port)
        # Expecting python-style list as output
        iface_list = []
        if len(res) > 2:
            iface_list = res.strip()[1:-1].split(',')
        if len(iface_list) != 1:
            logging.debug("WARNING: Unexpected output while verifying " +
                                      "port %s on bridge %s" % (name, bridge))
#            return "FAILURE:VERIFY_PORT_FAILED"
            return 'false'

        # verify interface
        iface_uuid = iface_list[0]
        verify_interface_key = [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface",
                                iface_uuid, "options:key"]
        verify_interface_ip = [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface",
                               iface_uuid, "options:remote_ip"]

        key_validation = lib.do_cmd(verify_interface_key)
        ip_validation = lib.do_cmd(verify_interface_ip)

        if not key in key_validation or not remote_ip in ip_validation:
            logging.debug("WARNING: Unexpected output while verifying " +
                          "interface %s on bridge %s" % (name, bridge))
            return 'false'

        logging.debug("Tunnel interface validated:%s" % verify_interface_ip)
        cmd_tun_ofport = [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface",
                                          iface_uuid, "ofport"]
        tun_ofport = lib.do_cmd(cmd_tun_ofport)
        # Ensure no trailing LF
        if tun_ofport.endswith('\n'):
            tun_ofport = tun_ofport[:-1]
        # add flow entryies for dropping broadcast coming in from gre tunnel
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, in_port=tun_ofport,
                         dl_dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', actions='drop')
        lib.add_flow(bridge, priority=1000, in_port=tun_ofport,
                     nw_dst='', actions='drop')
        drop_flow_setup = True
        logging.debug("Broadcast drop rules added")
#        return "SUCCESS:%s" % name
        return 'true'
        logging.debug("An unexpected error occured. Rolling back")
        if tunnel_setup:
            logging.debug("Deleting GRE interface")
            # Destroy GRE port and interface
            lib.del_port(bridge, name)
        if drop_flow_setup:
            # Delete flows
            logging.debug("Deleting flow entries from GRE interface")
            lib.del_flows(bridge, in_port=tun_ofport)
        # This will not cancel the original exception
Esempio n. 20
def get_field_of_interface(iface_name, field):
    get_iface_cmd = [lib.VSCTL_PATH, "get", "interface", iface_name, field]
    res = lib.do_cmd(get_iface_cmd)
    return res