def slotBlade(self, dynamicData): self.blade = BladeControl(dynamicData) self.blade.exec_()
class TopoBCenterLevel(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, data): super(TopoBCenterLevel, self).__init__() self.font = QtGui.QFont() self.initUI(data) def slotBlade(self, dynamicData): self.blade = BladeControl(dynamicData) self.blade.exec_() def slotAMM(self): self.AMM = AMMControl() self.AMM.exec_() def slotSwitch(self): self.Switch = SwitchControl() self.Switch.exec_() def slotBCPanel(self): self.bcControl = BladeCenterPanel() self.bcControl.exec_() def slotRtop(self): self.Rtop = RtopPanel() self.Rtop.exec_() def slotMediaTray(self, bladeAssign): self.trayAssignment = ClusterMediaTray(bladeAssign) self.trayAssignment.exec_() def makeActionButton(self, name, tooltip, sizeX, sizeY): button = QtGui.QPushButton(name) button.setToolTip(tooltip) button.setMinimumSize(sizeX, sizeY) self.font.setBold(True) button.setFont(self.font) color = button.palette() color.setColor(button.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(0, 102, 187)) color.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) button.setPalette(color) return button def makeHardwareButton(self, label, state, sizeX, sizeY, drillDownData, statusInfoArray): button = QtGui.QPushButton(label) button.setMinimumSize(sizeX, sizeY) self.font.setBold(True) button.setFont(self.font) # Make Tooltip to display status of hardware button # checkIfLast - check if last element being added to the string; removes the '\n' from last line statusString = '' checkIfLast = 0 for i in statusInfoArray: if checkIfLast != len(statusInfoArray) - 1: statusString += i + '\n' else: statusString += i checkIfLast += 1 button.setToolTip(statusString) buttonsColor = button.palette() if state == 0: #HARDWARE UP AND GOOD STATE buttonsColor.setColor(button.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(0, 102, 0)) buttonsColor.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) elif state == 1: #HARDWARE DOWN OR BAD STATE buttonsColor.setColor(button.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(221, 0, 0)) buttonsColor.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) elif state == 2: #HARDWARE HAS NON-CRITICAL ISSUES buttonsColor.setColor(button.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(255, 221, 68)) buttonsColor.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) elif state == 3: #NO HARDWARE PRESENT STATE button.setEnabled(False) button.setPalette(buttonsColor) # What are we connecting the button to? if ('ADVANCED\nMANAGEMENT\nMODULE' == label): button.clicked.connect(self.slotAMM) elif ('SWITCH\nMODULE\n001' == label): button.clicked.connect(self.slotSwitch) elif ('SWITCH\nMODULE\n002' == label): button.clicked.connect(self.slotSwitch) # The media tray is a special case and the drillDown data passed for its call # is meant to set a parameter to the first blade in the bladecenter as default # for the media tray assignment, this will need to be swapped for the actual assignment of # the media tray, when the backend in implemented elif ('MEDIA\nTRAY' == label): button.clicked.connect( lambda: self.slotMediaTray(drillDownData[0][0])) else: button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.slotBlade(drillDownData)) return button def initUI(self, data): # This will be used to to set the window's layout self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() topBarLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() topLeftLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() topRightLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() topLeftFrame = QtGui.QFrame() topRightFrame = QtGui.QFrame() topLeftFrame.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.StyledPanel) topRightFrame.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.backButton = self.makeActionButton('BACK', 'Return to high-level view', 158, 60) self.bladeRebootButton = self.makeActionButton( 'REBOOT\nERROR BLADES', 'Perform automated shutdown\nand boot up procedures\nto all blades with errors\nin this blade center', 156, 60) self.bcPanelButton = self.makeActionButton( 'BLADE CENTER\nPANEL', 'Open information panel\nfor the blade center', 158, 60) self.rtopButton = self.makeActionButton( 'RTOP', 'Launch blade, LCCA,\nand management node\nmonitor utility', 158, 60) self.bcPanelButton.clicked.connect(self.slotBCPanel) self.rtopButton.clicked.connect(self.slotRtop) topLeftLayout.addWidget(self.backButton) topRightLayout.addWidget(self.bcPanelButton) topRightLayout.addWidget(self.bladeRebootButton) topRightLayout.addWidget(self.rtopButton) topLeftFrame.setLayout(topLeftLayout) topRightFrame.setLayout(topRightLayout) topBarLayout.addWidget(topLeftFrame) topBarLayout.addWidget(topRightFrame) # Make grid layout for the array buttons bladeGrid = QtGui.QGridLayout() hardwareGrid = QtGui.QGridLayout() # ----------------- THE DATA! --------------------- # machineDataArray - based on the data passed in # # Template, each entry - [ bladeNum, bladeState, [ cpuRate, memoryRate, rx, tx ] ] #dynamicInfo = [ [ '1', 0, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '2', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '3', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '4', 2, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '5', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '6', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '7', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '8', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '9', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '10', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '11', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '12', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '13', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '14', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ 'AMM', 1, [], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ 'SWITCH\nMODULE\n001', 1, [], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ 'SWITCH\nMODULE\n002', 1, [], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ 'MEDIA\nTRAY', 1, [], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ] ] j = 0 # Check for the first 14 blades k = 0 # Incrementor machineDataArray = data[3] mediaTrayAssignment = data[3][0][ 0] # NEEDS TO BE UPDATED (PLACEHOLDER) for i in machineDataArray: if (j < 14): button = self.makeHardwareButton(i[0], i[1], 43, 300, i, i[3]) bladeGrid.addWidget(button, 0, j) j = j + 1 else: if ('ADVANCED' in i[0]): button = self.makeHardwareButton(i[0], i[1], 169, 135, i, i[3]) elif ('SWITCH' in i[0]): button = self.makeHardwareButton(i[0], i[1], 169, 135, i, i[3]) elif ('MEDIA' in i[0]): # MUST CHANGE: Defaulting to giving the first blade in a blade center as the # assignment of the media tray. When the back end is implemented, this value # will need to be changed to whatever the media tray gives back for its assignment button = self.makeHardwareButton(i[0], i[1], 169, 135, machineDataArray, i[3]) # else: Throw an error hardwareGrid.addWidget(button, 0, k) k = k + 1 # -------------Matryoshka Assembly!--------------------- # Widgets: should each be contained in a layout # Layouts: each get added to the main layout self.layout.addLayout(topBarLayout) self.layout.addLayout(bladeGrid) self.layout.addLayout(hardwareGrid) # Finalize layout of window and show self.setLayout(self.layout) self.move(300, 150) self.setWindowTitle('BLADE CENTER VIEW') self.setGeometry(50, 50, 700, 500)
class TopoBCenterLevel(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, data): super(TopoBCenterLevel, self).__init__() self.font = QtGui.QFont() self.initUI(data) def slotBlade(self, dynamicData): self.blade = BladeControl(dynamicData) self.blade.exec_() def slotAMM(self): self.AMM = AMMControl() self.AMM.exec_() def slotSwitch(self): self.Switch = SwitchControl() self.Switch.exec_() def slotBCPanel(self): self.bcControl = BladeCenterPanel() self.bcControl.exec_() def slotRtop(self): self.Rtop = RtopPanel() self.Rtop.exec_() def slotMediaTray(self, bladeAssign): self.trayAssignment = ClusterMediaTray(bladeAssign) self.trayAssignment.exec_() def makeActionButton(self, name, tooltip, sizeX, sizeY): button = QtGui.QPushButton(name) button.setToolTip(tooltip) button.setMinimumSize(sizeX, sizeY) self.font.setBold(True) button.setFont(self.font) color = button.palette() color.setColor(button.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(0,102,187)) color.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, QtGui.QColor(255,255,255)) button.setPalette(color) return button def makeHardwareButton(self, label, state, sizeX, sizeY, drillDownData, statusInfoArray): button = QtGui.QPushButton(label) button.setMinimumSize(sizeX, sizeY) self.font.setBold(True) button.setFont(self.font) # Make Tooltip to display status of hardware button # checkIfLast - check if last element being added to the string; removes the '\n' from last line statusString = '' checkIfLast = 0 for i in statusInfoArray: if checkIfLast != len(statusInfoArray) - 1: statusString += i + '\n' else: statusString += i checkIfLast += 1 button.setToolTip(statusString) buttonsColor = button.palette() if state == 0: #HARDWARE UP AND GOOD STATE buttonsColor.setColor(button.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(0,102,0)) buttonsColor.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, QtGui.QColor(255,255,255)) elif state == 1: #HARDWARE DOWN OR BAD STATE buttonsColor.setColor(button.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(221,0,0)) buttonsColor.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, QtGui.QColor(255,255,255)) elif state == 2: #HARDWARE HAS NON-CRITICAL ISSUES buttonsColor.setColor(button.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QColor(255,221,68)) buttonsColor.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, QtGui.QColor(255,255,255)) elif state == 3: #NO HARDWARE PRESENT STATE button.setEnabled(False) button.setPalette(buttonsColor) # What are we connecting the button to? if ('ADVANCED\nMANAGEMENT\nMODULE' == label): button.clicked.connect(self.slotAMM) elif ('SWITCH\nMODULE\n001' == label): button.clicked.connect(self.slotSwitch) elif ('SWITCH\nMODULE\n002' == label): button.clicked.connect(self.slotSwitch) # The media tray is a special case and the drillDown data passed for its call # is meant to set a parameter to the first blade in the bladecenter as default # for the media tray assignment, this will need to be swapped for the actual assignment of # the media tray, when the backend in implemented elif ('MEDIA\nTRAY' == label): button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.slotMediaTray(drillDownData[0][0])) else: button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.slotBlade(drillDownData)) return button def initUI(self, data): # This will be used to to set the window's layout self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() topBarLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() topLeftLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() topRightLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() topLeftFrame = QtGui.QFrame() topRightFrame = QtGui.QFrame() topLeftFrame.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.StyledPanel) topRightFrame.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.backButton = self.makeActionButton('BACK', 'Return to high-level view', 158, 60) self.bladeRebootButton = self.makeActionButton('REBOOT\nERROR BLADES', 'Perform automated shutdown\nand boot up procedures\nto all blades with errors\nin this blade center', 156, 60) self.bcPanelButton = self.makeActionButton('BLADE CENTER\nPANEL', 'Open information panel\nfor the blade center', 158, 60) self.rtopButton = self.makeActionButton('RTOP', 'Launch blade, LCCA,\nand management node\nmonitor utility', 158, 60) self.bcPanelButton.clicked.connect(self.slotBCPanel) self.rtopButton.clicked.connect(self.slotRtop) topLeftLayout.addWidget(self.backButton) topRightLayout.addWidget(self.bcPanelButton) topRightLayout.addWidget(self.bladeRebootButton) topRightLayout.addWidget(self.rtopButton) topLeftFrame.setLayout(topLeftLayout) topRightFrame.setLayout(topRightLayout) topBarLayout.addWidget(topLeftFrame) topBarLayout.addWidget(topRightFrame) # Make grid layout for the array buttons bladeGrid = QtGui.QGridLayout() hardwareGrid = QtGui.QGridLayout() # ----------------- THE DATA! --------------------- # machineDataArray - based on the data passed in # # Template, each entry - [ bladeNum, bladeState, [ cpuRate, memoryRate, rx, tx ] ] #dynamicInfo = [ [ '1', 0, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '2', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '3', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '4', 2, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '5', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '6', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '7', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '8', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '9', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '10', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '11', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '12', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '13', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ '14', 1, [ 100, 10, '85KB', '100KB' ], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ 'AMM', 1, [], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ 'SWITCH\nMODULE\n001', 1, [], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ 'SWITCH\nMODULE\n002', 1, [], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ], # [ 'MEDIA\nTRAY', 1, [], ['ON', 'PING-ABLE', 'SSH-ABLE', 'NO ERRORS'] ] ] j = 0 # Check for the first 14 blades k = 0 # Incrementor machineDataArray = data[3] mediaTrayAssignment = data[3][0][0] # NEEDS TO BE UPDATED (PLACEHOLDER) for i in machineDataArray: if (j < 14): button = self.makeHardwareButton(i[0], i[1], 43, 300, i, i[3]) bladeGrid.addWidget(button, 0, j) j = j + 1 else: if ('ADVANCED' in i[0]): button = self.makeHardwareButton(i[0], i[1], 169, 135, i, i[3]) elif ('SWITCH' in i[0]): button = self.makeHardwareButton(i[0], i[1], 169, 135, i, i[3]) elif ('MEDIA' in i[0]): # MUST CHANGE: Defaulting to giving the first blade in a blade center as the # assignment of the media tray. When the back end is implemented, this value # will need to be changed to whatever the media tray gives back for its assignment button = self.makeHardwareButton(i[0], i[1], 169, 135, machineDataArray, i[3]) # else: Throw an error hardwareGrid.addWidget(button, 0, k) k = k + 1 # -------------Matryoshka Assembly!--------------------- # Widgets: should each be contained in a layout # Layouts: each get added to the main layout self.layout.addLayout(topBarLayout) self.layout.addLayout(bladeGrid) self.layout.addLayout(hardwareGrid) # Finalize layout of window and show self.setLayout(self.layout) self.move(300, 150) self.setWindowTitle('BLADE CENTER VIEW') self.setGeometry(50, 50, 700, 500)