def perform_data_datamining(mirnov_angles, misc_data_dict, n_clusters = 16, n_iterations = 60): feat_obj = clust.feature_object(instance_array = mirnov_angles, misc_data_dict = misc_data_dict) z = feat_obj.cluster(method="EM_VMM",n_clusters=n_clusters,n_iterations = n_iterations,start='k_means',verbose=0) #z.plot_VM_distributions() #z = feat_obj.cluster(method="k_means",n_clusters=n_clusters,n_iterations = n_iterations) #z.fit_vonMises() return z
def multi_extract(shot_selection,array_name, other_arrays = None, other_array_labels = None, meta_data = None, n_cpus=8, NFFT = 2048, overlap = 4, extraction_settings = None, method = 'svd'): '''Runs through all the shots in shot_selection other_arrays is a list of the other arrays you want to get information from ''' if extraction_settings == None: if method == 'svd': extraction_settings = {'power_cutoff' : 0.05, 'min_svs': 2} elif method == 'stft': extraction_settings = {'n_pts': 20, 'lower_freq': 1500, 'cutoff_by' : 'sigma_eq', 'filter_cutoff': 20} #Get the scan details if method == 'svd': wrapper = single_shot_svd_wrapper elif method == 'stft': wrapper = single_shot_stft_wrapper else: raise ValueError('method is not a valid choice : choose svd, stft') shot_list, start_times, end_times = H1_scan_list.return_scan_details(shot_selection) rep = itertools.repeat if other_arrays == None: other_arrays = ['ElectronDensity','H1ToroidalNakedCoil'] if other_array_labels == None: other_array_labels = [['ne_static','ne_mode'],[None,'naked_coil']] if meta_data == None : meta_data = ['kh','heating_freq','main_current','sec_current', 'shot'] input_data_iter = itertools.izip(shot_list, rep(array_name), rep(other_arrays), rep(other_array_labels), start_times, end_times, rep(NFFT), rep(overlap),rep(meta_data), rep(extraction_settings)) #generate the shot list for each worker if n_cpus>1: pool_size = n_cpus pool = Pool(processes=pool_size, maxtasksperchild=3) print 'creating pool map' results =, input_data_iter) print 'waiting for pool to close ' pool.close() print 'joining pool' pool.join() print 'pool finished' else: results = map(wrapper, input_data_iter) start=1 for i,tmp in enumerate(results): print i if tmp[0]!=None: if start==1: instance_array = copy.deepcopy(tmp[0]) misc_data_dict = copy.deepcopy(tmp[1]) start = 0 else: instance_array = np.append(instance_array, tmp[0],axis=0) for i in misc_data_dict.keys(): misc_data_dict[i] = np.append(misc_data_dict[i], tmp[1][i],axis=0) else: print 'One shot may have failed....' return clust.feature_object(instance_array = instance_array, misc_data_dict = misc_data_dict)
def multi_stft(shot_selection, array_names, n_cpus=1, NFFT=2048, perform_datamining=1, overlap=4, n_pts=20, lower_freq=1500, filter_cutoff=20, cutoff_by='sigma_eq'): #Get the scan details shot_list, start_times, end_times = H1_scan_list.return_scan_details( shot_selection) rep = itertools.repeat hop = NFFT / overlap input_data = itertools.izip(shot_list, rep(array_names), rep(NFFT), rep(hop), rep(n_pts), rep(lower_freq), rep(None), start_times, end_times, rep(perform_datamining), rep(filter_cutoff), rep(cutoff_by)) if n_cpus > 1: pool_size = n_cpus pool = Pool(processes=pool_size, maxtasksperchild=3) print 'creating pool map' results =, input_data) print 'waiting for pool to close ' pool.close() pool.join() print 'pool finished' else: results = map(single_shot_wrapper, input_data) start = 1 #Put everything back together kappa_list = [] for i, tmp in enumerate(results): print i kappa_list.append(copy.deepcopy(tmp[2])) if tmp[0] != None: if start == 1: instance_array = copy.deepcopy(tmp[0]) misc_data_dict = copy.deepcopy(tmp[1]) start = 0 else: instance_array = np.append(instance_array, tmp[0], axis=0) for i in misc_data_dict.keys(): misc_data_dict[i] = np.append(misc_data_dict[i], tmp[1][i], axis=0) else: print 'something has failed....' return clust.feature_object(instance_array=instance_array, misc_data_dict=misc_data_dict), kappa_list
def perform_data_datamining( mirnov_angles, misc_data_dict, datamining_settings): # n_clusters = 16, n_iterations = 60): feat_obj = clust.feature_object( instance_array=mirnov_angles, instance_array_amps=misc_data_dict['mirnov_data'], misc_data_dict=misc_data_dict) #z = feat_obj.cluster(method="EM_VMM",n_clusters=n_clusters,n_iterations = n_iterations,start='k_means',verbose=0) #print 'perform datamining', datamining_settings z = feat_obj.cluster(**datamining_settings) #n_clusters=n_clusters,n_iterations = n_iterations,start='k_means',verbose=0) #z.plot_VM_distributions() #z = feat_obj.cluster(method="k_means",n_clusters=n_clusters,n_iterations = n_iterations) #z.fit_vonMises() return z
def multi_stft(shot_selection, array_names, n_cpus=1, NFFT=2048, perform_datamining = 1, overlap=4, n_pts=20, lower_freq = 1500, filter_cutoff = 20, cutoff_by = 'sigma_eq'): #Get the scan details shot_list, start_times, end_times = H1_scan_list.return_scan_details(shot_selection) rep = itertools.repeat hop = NFFT/overlap input_data = itertools.izip(shot_list, rep(array_names), rep(NFFT), rep(hop), rep(n_pts), rep(lower_freq), rep(None), start_times, end_times, rep(perform_datamining), rep(filter_cutoff), rep(cutoff_by)) if n_cpus>1: pool_size = n_cpus pool = Pool(processes=pool_size, maxtasksperchild=3) print 'creating pool map' results =, input_data) print 'waiting for pool to close ' pool.close();pool.join() print 'pool finished' else: results = map(single_shot_wrapper, input_data) start=1 #Put everything back together kappa_list = [] for i,tmp in enumerate(results): print i kappa_list.append(copy.deepcopy(tmp[2])) if tmp[0]!=None: if start==1: instance_array = copy.deepcopy(tmp[0]) misc_data_dict = copy.deepcopy(tmp[1]) start = 0 else: instance_array = np.append(instance_array, tmp[0],axis=0) for i in misc_data_dict.keys(): misc_data_dict[i] = np.append(misc_data_dict[i], tmp[1][i],axis=0) else: print 'something has failed....' return clust.feature_object(instance_array = instance_array, misc_data_dict = misc_data_dict), kappa_list
def multi_svd( shot_selection, array_name, other_arrays=None, other_array_labels=None, meta_data=None, n_cpus=8, NFFT=2048, power_cutoff=0.05, min_svs=2, overlap=4, ): '''Runs through all the shots in shot_selection other_arrays is a list of the other arrays you want to get information from ''' #Get the scan details shot_list, start_times, end_times = H1_scan_list.return_scan_details( shot_selection) rep = itertools.repeat if other_arrays == None: other_arrays = ['ElectronDensity', 'H1ToroidalNakedCoil'] if other_array_labels == None: other_array_labels = [['ne_static', 'ne_mode'], [None, 'naked_coil']] if meta_data == None: meta_data = [ 'kh', 'heating_freq', 'main_current', 'sec_current', 'shot' ] input_data_iter = itertools.izip(shot_list, rep(array_name), rep(other_arrays), rep(other_array_labels), start_times, end_times, rep(NFFT), rep(power_cutoff), rep(min_svs), rep(overlap), rep(meta_data)) #generate the shot list for each worker if n_cpus > 1: pool_size = n_cpus pool = Pool(processes=pool_size, maxtasksperchild=3) print 'creating pool map' results =, input_data_iter) print 'waiting for pool to close ' pool.close() print 'joining pool' pool.join() print 'pool finished' else: results = map(single_shot_svd_wrapper, input_data_iter) start = 1 for i, tmp in enumerate(results): print i if tmp[0] != None: if start == 1: instance_array = copy.deepcopy(tmp[0]) misc_data_dict = copy.deepcopy(tmp[1]) start = 0 else: instance_array = np.append(instance_array, tmp[0], axis=0) for i in misc_data_dict.keys(): misc_data_dict[i] = np.append(misc_data_dict[i], tmp[1][i], axis=0) else: print 'One shot may have failed....' return clust.feature_object(instance_array=instance_array, misc_data_dict=misc_data_dict)
def multi_extract(shot_selection, array_name, other_arrays=None, other_array_labels=None, meta_data=None, n_cpus=8, NFFT=2048, overlap=4, extraction_settings=None, method='svd', start_times=None, end_times=None): '''Runs through all the shots in shot_selection other_arrays is a list of the other arrays you want to get information from ''' if extraction_settings == None: if method == 'svd': extraction_settings = {'power_cutoff': 0.05, 'min_svs': 2} elif method == 'stft': extraction_settings = { 'n_pts': 20, 'lower_freq': 1500, 'cutoff_by': 'sigma_eq', 'filter_cutoff': 20 } #Get the scan details if method == 'svd': wrapper = single_shot_svd_wrapper elif method == 'stft': wrapper = single_shot_stft_wrapper else: raise ValueError('method is not a valid choice : choose svd, stft') #Check to see if a shot list was provided shot_list_nums = False try: for i in shot_selection: tmp = int(i) shot_list_nums = True shot_list = shot_selection except: print('List of shots not provided, looking up data in H1_scan_list') if not shot_list_nums: shot_list, start_times, end_times = H1_scan_list.return_scan_details( shot_selection) rep = itertools.repeat if other_arrays == None: other_arrays = ['ElectronDensity', 'H1ToroidalNakedCoil'] if other_array_labels == None: other_array_labels = [['ne_static', 'ne_mode'], [None, 'naked_coil']] if meta_data == None: meta_data = [ 'kh', 'heating_freq', 'main_current', 'sec_current', 'shot' ] input_data_iter = itertools.izip(shot_list, rep(array_name), rep(other_arrays), rep(other_array_labels), start_times, end_times, rep(NFFT), rep(overlap), rep(meta_data), rep(extraction_settings)) #generate the shot list for each worker if n_cpus > 1: pool_size = n_cpus pool = Pool(processes=pool_size, maxtasksperchild=3) print 'creating pool map' results =, input_data_iter) print 'waiting for pool to close ' pool.close() print 'joining pool' pool.join() print 'pool finished' else: results = map(wrapper, input_data_iter) start = 1 for i, tmp in enumerate(results): print i if tmp[0] != None: if start == 1: instance_array = copy.deepcopy(tmp[0]) misc_data_dict = copy.deepcopy(tmp[1]) start = 0 else: instance_array = np.append(instance_array, tmp[0], axis=0) for i in misc_data_dict.keys(): misc_data_dict[i] = np.append(misc_data_dict[i], tmp[1][i], axis=0) else: print 'One shot may have failed....' return clust.feature_object( instance_array=instance_array, instance_array_amps=+misc_data_dict['mirnov_data'], misc_data_dict=misc_data_dict)
def multi_extract_DIIID(shot_selection, array_name, other_arrays=None, other_array_labels=None, meta_data=None, n_cpus=8, NFFT=2048, overlap=4, extraction_settings=None, method="svd", start_times=None, end_times=None): # Runs through all of the shots in shot_selection. other_arrays is a list of other arrays to # pull information from. Adapted from multi_extract from below # ( will delete multi_extract(...) once it becomes obsolete ) # John Gresl 10/07/2016 if extraction_settings is None: if method.lower() == "svd": extraction_settings = {"power_cutoff": 0.05, "min_svs": 2} elif method.lower() == "stft": extraction_settings = { "n_pts": 20, "lower_freq": 1500, "cutoff_by": "sigma_eq", "filter_cutoff": 20 } # Fetch the scan details if method.lower() == "svd": wrapper = single_shot_svd_wrapper elif method.lower() == "stft": wrapper = single_shot_stft_wrapper else: raise ValueError( "'method' is not a valid choice! Choose either svd or stft") # Gather shot numbers if type(shot_selection[0]) == str: print( "List of shots not provided. Looking up shots in {}" .format(shot_selection)) (shot_list, start_times, end_times) = DIIID_scan_list.return_scan_details(shot_selection) rep = itertools.repeat if other_arrays is None: # other_arrays = ["ElectronDensity", "H1ToroidalNakedCoil"] # TODO: Find DIIID names for these devices other_arrays = [] if other_array_labels is None: # other_array_labels = [["ne_static", "ne_mode"], [None, "naked_coil"]] # TODO: Same as ^ other_array_labels = [] if meta_data is None: meta_data = [ "kh", "heating_freq", "main_current", "sec_current", "shot" ] # Construct the input data iterable for our single_shot_wrapper mapper. input_data_iter = itertools.izip(shot_list, rep(array_name), rep(other_arrays), rep(other_array_labels), start_times, end_times, rep(NFFT), rep(overlap), rep(meta_data), rep(extraction_settings)) # Generate the shot list for each worker if n_cpus > 1: pool = Pool(processes=n_cpus, maxtasksperchild=3) results =, input_data_iter) pool.close() pool.join() else: results = map(wrapper, input_data_iter) start = True for i, tmp in enumerate(results): if tmp[0] is not None: if start: instance_array = copy.deepcopy(tmp[0]) misc_data_dict = copy.deepcopy(tmp[1]) start = False else: instance_array = np.append(instance_array, tmp[0], axis=0) for i in misc_data_dict.keys(): misc_data_dict[i] = np.append(misc_data_dict[i], tmp[1][i], axis=0) else: print("One shot may have failed.") return clust.feature_object( instance_array=instance_array, instance_array_amps=+misc_data_dict["mirnov_data"], misc_data_dict=misc_data_dict)