def do_giant(self, cmd): p1 = cmd.find("create") p2 = cmd.find("upload") p3 = cmd.find("download") if cmd.find("create") is not -1: if cmd.find("--type=root") is not -1: ruser_info = {} ruser_info["ruser_id"] = get_para("--uid=", cmd) ruser_info["ruser_pw"] = get_para("--pw=", cmd) auth_api = Auth_api() res = auth_api.Create_RUser(ruser_info=ruser_info) print(ruser_info) elif cmd.find("--type=sub") is not -1: ruser_info = {} suser_info = {} ruser_id = get_para("--uid=", cmd) ruser_pw = get_para("--pw=", cmd) suser_info["user_id"] = get_para("--suid=", cmd) suser_info["display_name"] = get_para("--display_name=", cmd) auth_api = Auth_api() res = auth_api.Create_SUser(ruser_id=ruser_id, ruser_pw=ruser_pw, suser_info=suser_info) print("create subuser sueccess") elif cmd.find("--type=bucket") is not -1: bucket = get_para("--bucketname=", cmd) access_key = get_para("--a_key=", cmd) secret_key = get_para("--s_key=", cmd) s3 = G_s3.S3(access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key) res = s3.create_bucket(bucket=bucket) print("create bucket success") if cmd.find("upload") is not -1: bucket = get_para("--bucketname=", cmd) access_key = get_para("--a_key=", cmd) secret_key = get_para("--s_key=", cmd) key = get_para("--key=", cmd) local_file_path = get_para("--path=", cmd) # print(local_file_path) s3 = G_s3.S3(access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key) res = s3.upload(bucket=bucket, key=key, local_file_path=local_file_path) print("upload success") if cmd.find("download") is not -1: bucket = get_para("--bucketname=", cmd) access_key = get_para("--a_key=", cmd) secret_key = get_para("--s_key=", cmd) key = get_para("--key=", cmd) to_local_file_path = get_para("--path=", cmd) s3 = G_s3.S3(access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key) res =, key=key, to_local_file_path=to_local_file_path) print("download success")
def get_para(key, cmd): p = cmd.find(key) q = len(key) para = cmd[p + q : len(cmd)] i = 1 for s in para: if s.isspace() is False: i = i + 1 else: break para = para[0 : i - 1] return para
def handle_cmd(cmd, var): cmd = sub(cmd, var) to_eval = [""] evaled = [""] for j in range(10): to_eval.append("") evaled.append("") i = 0 while cmd.find("(") != -1: to_eval[i] = cmd[cmd.find("("):cmd.find(")") + 1] cmd = cmd.replace(to_eval[i], "/h") i += 1 to_eval = filter(None, to_eval) i = 0 for to in to_eval: evaled[i] = evaluate(to, var) cmd = cmd.replace(" ", "\x90") i = 0 while cmd.find("/h") != -1: cmd = cmd.replace(cmd[cmd.find("/h"):cmd.find("/h") + 2], evaled[i]) cmd_list = getTokenList(cmd, "\x90") cmd_list = filter(None, cmd_list) return cmd_list
def command(line,reku=False): global stop_command args = re.split('\s+',line[1:]) cmd = find_cmd(args[0]) if cmd == None: print("Unknown command "+args[0]) return False if cmd == 'uart': if len(args) == 1: b = 9600 elif args[1] == 'fast': b = 460800 else: b = args[1] sys.stdout.write(reader_prompt) tty_send("uart.setup(0,{0},8,0,1,0)".format(b)) time.sleep(0.5) kill_tty() open_tty(b) elif cmd == 'help': replcmd.do_help('') elif cmd == 'paste' or cmd == 'file' or cmd.find('compile') or cmd == 'load': if cmd == 'file' or cmd == 'load' or (cmd == 'execute' and len(args) == 2) or (cmd.find('compile') and len(args) == 3): if cmd == 'load' or cmd == 'execute': if len(args)==1: print("bad args, should be ':load src'") return False args.append(args[1]) if len(args) != 3: print("bad args, should be ':file dst src'") return False try: with open(args[2],"rb") as f: buff = except IOError: print("file {0} not found".format(args[2])) return False else: try: buff = bytes(clipboard.paste()) except UnicodeEncodeError: print("invalid clipboard content") return False if cmd == 'cross-compile' or cmd == 'execute': buff = luac_compile(buff) if buff == None: return False if cmd == 'soft-compile': head = ["collectgarbage() function __wrapper__()"] head += re.split("[\r\n]+",buff) head.append("end") head.append(OPEN_SEQ.format(args[1])) head.append("file.write(string.dump(__wrapper__)) file.close() __wrapper__=nil collectgarbage()") elif cmd == 'execute': head = ['collectgarbage() __backup__ = c c = {}'] head += lualib_b64 for x in reversed(base64_split(buff)): head.append('table.insert(c,{0})'.format(x)) head.append('__code__=c c=__backup__ __backup__=nil') head.append('local r,e=load(function() collectgarbage() tmr.wdclr() return table.remove(__code__,#__code__) end) if r==nil then print(e) else r() end __code__= nil') elif len(args) > 1 and cmd != 'load': head = ['collectgarbage()'] head += lualib_b64 head += lualib_crc head.append(OPEN_SEQ.format(args[1])) for x in base64_split(buff): head.append('file.write({0})'.format(x)) head.append('file.close() __c32__("{0}",{1}) __c32__=nil __dec__=nil collectgarbage()'.format(args[1],binascii.crc32(buff))) else: head = re.split("[\r\n]+",buff) sys.stdout.write(reader_prompt) if not reku: stop_command = False for x in head: if stop_command: print("aborted") break if x[0]==':' and (cmd=='load' or cmd=='paste'): command(x,True) else: tty_send(bytes(x)) sem.acquire() if not reku: stop_command = True
def getDirectory(self): cmd = self.cmd.strip(',') index = cmd.find('/') return cmd[index:]