Esempio n. 1
def get_wato_folder(row: Dict,
                    how: str,
                    with_links: bool = True) -> Union[str, HTML]:
    filename = row["host_filename"]
    if not filename.startswith("/wato/") or not filename.endswith("/"):
        return ""
    wato_path = filename[6:-9]
        title_path = watolib.get_folder_title_path(wato_path, with_links)
    except MKGeneralException:
        # happens when a path can not be resolved using the local WATO.
        # e.g. when having an independent site with different folder
        # hierarchy added to the GUI.
        # Display the raw path rather than the exception text.
        title_path = wato_path.split("/")
    except Exception as e:
        return "%s" % e

    if how == "plain":
        return title_path[-1]
    if how == "abs":
        return HTML(" / ").join(title_path)
    # We assume that only hosts are show, that are below the current WATO path.
    # If not then better output absolute path then wrong path.
    current_path = request.var("wato_folder")
    if not current_path or not wato_path.startswith(current_path):
        return HTML(" / ").join(title_path)

    depth = current_path.count("/") + 1
    return HTML(" / ").join(title_path[depth:])
Esempio n. 2
    def _add_host_to_tree(self, tree_spec, tree, host_row, tag_groups, topics):
        _site, _host_name, wato_folder, state, _num_ok, num_warn, \
            num_crit, num_unknown, custom_variables = host_row

        if wato_folder.startswith("/wato/"):
            folder_path = wato_folder[6:-9]
            folder_path_components = folder_path.split("/")
            if watolib.Folder.folder_exists(folder_path):
                folder_titles = watolib.get_folder_title_path(folder_path)[
                    1:]  # omit main folder
            folder_titles = []

        state, have_svc_problems = self._calculate_state(
            state, num_crit, num_unknown, num_warn)

        tags = set(custom_variables.get("TAGS", []).split())

        # Now go through the levels of the tree. Each level may either be
        # - a tag group id, or
        # - "topic:" plus the name of a tag topic. That topic should only contain
        #   checkbox tags, or:
        # - "folder:3", where 3 is the folder level (starting at 1)
        # The problem with the "topic" entries is, that a host may appear several
        # times!

        parent_level_branches = [tree]

        for level_spec in tree_spec:
            this_level_branches = []
            for tree_entry in parent_level_branches:
                if level_spec.startswith("topic:"):
                    topic = level_spec[6:]
                    if topic not in topics:
                        continue  # silently skip not existing topics

                    # Iterate over all host tag groups with that topic
                    for tag_group in topics[topic]:
                        for tag in tag_group.tags:
                            if in tags:
                                        "_children", {}).setdefault(
                                            (tag.title,, {}))

                elif level_spec.startswith("folder:"):
                    level = int(level_spec.split(":", 1)[1])

                    if level <= len(folder_titles):
                        node_title = folder_titles[level - 1]
                        node_value = "folder:%d:%s" % (
                            level, folder_path_components[level - 1])
                        node_title = _("Hosts in this folder")
                        node_value = "folder:%d:" % level

                        tree_entry.setdefault("_children", {}).setdefault(
                            (node_title, node_value), {}))

                elif level_spec.startswith("foldertree:"):
                    path_components = []
                    foldertree_tree_entry = tree_entry
                    for path_component in folder_path_components:

                        level = len(path_components)
                        if level <= len(folder_titles):
                            node_title = folder_titles[level - 1]
                            node_value = "foldertree:%d:%s" % (
                                level, path_components[level - 1])
                            node_title = _("Main folder")
                            node_value = "foldertree:%d:" % level

                        foldertree_tree_entry = foldertree_tree_entry.setdefault(
                            "_children", {}).setdefault(
                                (node_title, node_value), {})

                        if path_components == folder_path_components:  # Direct host parent

                    # It' a tag group
                    if level_spec not in tag_groups:
                        continue  # silently skip not existant tag groups

                    tag_value, tag_title = self._get_tag_group_value(
                        tag_groups[level_spec], tags)

                    if self._trees[self._current_tree_id].get("exclude_empty_tag_choices", False) \
                       and tag_value is None:

                        tree_entry.setdefault("_children", {}).setdefault(
                            (tag_title, tag_value), {}))

            parent_level_branches = this_level_branches

        # Add the numbers/state of this host to the last level the host is invovled with
        for tree_entry in this_level_branches:
            tree_entry.setdefault("_num_hosts", 0)
            tree_entry.setdefault("_state", 0)

            tree_entry["_num_hosts"] += 1
            tree_entry["_svc_problems"] = tree_entry.get(
                "_svc_problems", False) or have_svc_problems

            if state == 2 or tree_entry["_state"] == 2:
                tree_entry["_state"] = 2
                tree_entry["_state"] = max(state, tree_entry["_state"])