Esempio n. 1
    def build_job(self, session):
        """Produce the Job for this operation.

        Return the Job object that has to be sent to Workers to have
        them perform the operation this object describes.

        session (Session): the database session to use to fetch objects
            if necessary.

        return (Job): the job encoding of the operation, as understood
            by Workers and TaskTypes.

        result = None
        dataset = Dataset.get_from_id(self.dataset_id, session)
        if self.type_ == ESOperation.COMPILATION:
            submission = Submission.get_from_id(self.object_id, session)
            result = CompilationJob.from_submission(submission, dataset)
        elif self.type_ == ESOperation.EVALUATION:
            submission = Submission.get_from_id(self.object_id, session)
            result = EvaluationJob.from_submission(submission, dataset,
        elif self.type_ == ESOperation.USER_TEST_COMPILATION:
            user_test = UserTest.get_from_id(self.object_id, session)
            result = CompilationJob.from_user_test(user_test, dataset)
        elif self.type_ == ESOperation.USER_TEST_EVALUATION:
            user_test = UserTest.get_from_id(self.object_id, session)
            result = EvaluationJob.from_user_test(user_test, dataset)
        return result
Esempio n. 2
    def build_job(self, session):
        """Produce the Job for this operation.

        Return the Job object that has to be sent to Workers to have
        them perform the operation this object describes.

        session (Session): the database session to use to fetch objects
            if necessary.

        return (Job): the job encoding of the operation, as understood
            by Workers and TaskTypes.

        result = None
        dataset = Dataset.get_from_id(self.dataset_id, session)
        if self.type_ == ESOperation.COMPILATION:
            submission = Submission.get_from_id(self.object_id, session)
            result = CompilationJob.from_submission(submission, dataset)
        elif self.type_ == ESOperation.EVALUATION:
            submission = Submission.get_from_id(self.object_id, session)
            result = EvaluationJob.from_submission(
                submission, dataset, self.testcase_codename)
        elif self.type_ == ESOperation.USER_TEST_COMPILATION:
            user_test = UserTest.get_from_id(self.object_id, session)
            result = CompilationJob.from_user_test(user_test, dataset)
        elif self.type_ == ESOperation.USER_TEST_EVALUATION:
            user_test = UserTest.get_from_id(self.object_id, session)
            result = EvaluationJob.from_user_test(user_test, dataset)
        return result
Esempio n. 3
    def acquire_worker(self, job, side_data=None):
        """Tries to assign a job to an available worker. If no workers
        are available then this returns None, otherwise this returns
        the chosen worker.

        job (job): the job to assign to a worker
        side_data (object): object to attach to the worker for later

        returns (int): None if no workers are available, the worker
                       assigned to the job otherwise
        # We look for an available worker
            shard = self.find_worker(WorkerPool.WORKER_INACTIVE, require_connection=True, random_worker=True)
        except LookupError:
            return None

        # Then we fill the info for future memory
        self._job[shard] = job
        self._start_time[shard] = make_datetime()
        self._side_data[shard] = side_data
        logger.debug("Worker %s acquired." % shard)

        # And finally we ask the worker to do the job
        action, object_id = job
        timestamp = side_data[1]
        queue_time = self._start_time[shard] - timestamp
            "Asking worker %s to %s submission/user test %d "
            " (%s after submission)." % (shard, action, object_id, queue_time)

        with SessionGen(commit=False) as session:
            if action == EvaluationService.JOB_TYPE_COMPILATION:
                submission = Submission.get_from_id(object_id, session)
                job_ = CompilationJob.from_submission(submission)
            elif action == EvaluationService.JOB_TYPE_EVALUATION:
                submission = Submission.get_from_id(object_id, session)
                job_ = EvaluationJob.from_submission(submission)
            elif action == EvaluationService.JOB_TYPE_TEST_COMPILATION:
                user_test = UserTest.get_from_id(object_id, session)
                job_ = CompilationJob.from_user_test(user_test)
            elif action == EvaluationService.JOB_TYPE_TEST_EVALUATION:
                user_test = UserTest.get_from_id(object_id, session)
                job_ = EvaluationJob.from_user_test(user_test)
                job_.get_output = True
                job_.only_execution = True

                plus=(action, object_id, side_data, shard),

        return shard
Esempio n. 4
def debugSubmission(submission_id, dataset_id, testcase_codename):
    config.keep_sandbox = True
    file_cacher = FileCacher()

    with SessionGen() as session:
        submission = session.query(Submission)\
            .filter( == submission_id)\

        if submission is None:
            logger.error("There's no submission with id %d" % submission_id)
            return False

        if dataset_id is None:
            dataset = submission.task.active_dataset
            dataset_id = submission.task.active_dataset_id
            dataset = session.query(Dataset)\
                .filter( == dataset_id)\

        # Compilation
        operation = ESOperation(ESOperation.COMPILATION, submission_id,
        comp_job = CompilationJob.from_submission(operation, submission,

        task_type = get_task_type(comp_job.task_type,
        task_type.execute_job(comp_job, file_cacher)

        for sandbox_path in comp_job.sandboxes:
  "Compilation sandbox created in %s" % sandbox_path)

        # Check if the compilation is successful
        result = submission.get_result(dataset)
        if result is None or result.compilation_failed():
            logger.error("Compilatoin Failed")
            return True

        # Evaluation
        operation = ESOperation(ESOperation.EVALUATION, submission_id,
                                dataset_id, testcase_codename)
        eval_job = EvaluationJob.from_submission(operation, submission,

        task_type = get_task_type(eval_job.task_type,
        task_type.execute_job(eval_job, file_cacher)

        for sandbox_path in eval_job.sandboxes:
  "Evaluation sandbox created in %s" % sandbox_path)

    return True
Esempio n. 5
 def job(files=None, managers=None):
     files = files if files is not None else {}
     managers = managers if managers is not None else {}
     return CompilationJob(language="L1", files=files, managers=managers)