def render_params(self): ret = super(ContestHandler, self).render_params() ret["contest"] = self.contest if self.contest_url is not None: ret["contest_url"] = self.contest_url ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp) ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None) ret["questions_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_questions ret["testing_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_user_tests if self.current_user is not None: participation = self.current_user ret["participation"] = participation ret["user"] = participation.user res = compute_actual_phase( self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop, self.contest.analysis_start if self.contest.analysis_enabled else None, self.contest.analysis_stop if self.contest.analysis_enabled else None, self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time, participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time) ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \ ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \ ret["valid_phase_end"] = res if ret["actual_phase"] == 0: ret["phase"] = 0 # set the timezone used to format timestamps ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest) # some information about token configuration ret["tokens_contest"] = self.contest.token_mode t_tokens = set(t.token_mode for t in self.contest.tasks) if len(t_tokens) == 1: ret["tokens_tasks"] = next(iter(t_tokens)) else: ret["tokens_tasks"] = TOKEN_MODE_MIXED return ret
def render_params(self): ret = super(ContestHandler, self).render_params() ret["contest"] = self.contest if hasattr(self, "contest_url"): ret["contest_url"] = self.contest_url ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp) ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None) ret["questions_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_questions ret["testing_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_user_tests if self.current_user is not None: participation = self.current_user res = compute_actual_phase( self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop, self.contest.analysis_start if self.contest.analysis_enabled else None, self.contest.analysis_stop if self.contest.analysis_enabled else None, self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time, participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time) ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \ ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \ ret["valid_phase_end"] = res if ret["actual_phase"] == 0: ret["phase"] = 0 # set the timezone used to format timestamps ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest) # some information about token configuration ret["tokens_contest"] = self._get_token_status(self.contest) t_tokens = sum(self._get_token_status(t) for t in self.contest.tasks) if t_tokens == 0: ret["tokens_tasks"] = 0 # all disabled elif t_tokens == 2 * len(self.contest.tasks): ret["tokens_tasks"] = 2 # all infinite else: ret["tokens_tasks"] = 1 # all finite or mixed # TODO Now all language names are shown in the active language. # It would be better to show them in the corresponding one. ret["lang_names"] = {} # Get language codes for allowed localizations lang_codes = self.langs.keys() if len(self.contest.allowed_localizations) > 0: lang_codes = filter_language_codes( lang_codes, self.contest.allowed_localizations) for lang_code, trans in self.langs.iteritems(): language_name = None # Filter lang_codes with allowed localizations if lang_code not in lang_codes: continue try: language_name = translate_language_country_code( lang_code, trans) except ValueError: language_name = translate_language_code( lang_code, trans) ret["lang_names"][lang_code.replace("_", "-")] = language_name ret["cookie_lang"] = self.cookie_lang ret["browser_lang"] = self.browser_lang return ret
def render_params(self): """Return the default render params used by almost all handlers. return (dict): default render params """ ret = {} ret["timestamp"] = self.timestamp ret["contest"] = self.contest ret["url_root"] = get_url_root(self.request.path) ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp) ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None) ret["questions_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_questions ret["testing_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_user_tests if self.current_user is not None: participation = self.current_user res = compute_actual_phase(self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop, self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time, participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time) ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \ ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \ ret["valid_phase_end"] = res if ret["actual_phase"] == 0: ret["phase"] = 0 # set the timezone used to format timestamps ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest) # some information about token configuration ret["tokens_contest"] = self._get_token_status(self.contest) t_tokens = sum(self._get_token_status(t) for t in self.contest.tasks) if t_tokens == 0: ret["tokens_tasks"] = 0 # all disabled elif t_tokens == 2 * len(self.contest.tasks): ret["tokens_tasks"] = 2 # all infinite else: ret["tokens_tasks"] = 1 # all finite or mixed # TODO Now all language names are shown in the active language. # It would be better to show them in the corresponding one. ret["lang_names"] = {} # Get language codes for allowed localizations lang_codes = self.langs.keys() if len(self.contest.allowed_localizations) > 0: lang_codes = filter_language_codes( lang_codes, self.contest.allowed_localizations) for lang_code, trans in self.langs.iteritems(): language_name = None # Filter lang_codes with allowed localizations if lang_code not in lang_codes: continue try: language_name = translate_language_country_code( lang_code, trans) except ValueError: language_name = translate_language_code(lang_code, trans) ret["lang_names"][lang_code.replace("_", "-")] = language_name ret["cookie_lang"] = self.cookie_lang ret["browser_lang"] = self.browser_lang if self.current_user is not None: tree_menu = {'childs': {}, 'tasks': []} for t in self.contest.tasks: if not self.contest.restrict_level or self.current_user.user.level == t.level or self.current_user.user.level == "x" or t.level == "x": node = tree_menu if t.category: for subcat in t.category.split('.'): if subcat not in node['childs']: node['childs'][subcat] = { 'childs': {}, 'tasks': [] } node = node['childs'][subcat] node['tasks'].append(t) def make_list(tree, result, ancname="root"): for name in sorted(tree['childs']): fullname = ancname + '.' + name result.append({ 'type': 'startcat', 'name': name, 'fullname': fullname, 'parent': ancname }) make_list(tree['childs'][name], result, fullname) result.append({'type': 'endcat'}) for t in sorted(tree['tasks'], key=lambda t: result.append({ 'type': 'task', 'task': t, 'parent': ancname }) ret['list_tree_menu'] = [] make_list(tree_menu, ret['list_tree_menu']) return ret
def test(contest_start, contest_stop, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time, intervals): """Helper to test compute_actual_phase. It takes all the parameters accepted by compute_actual_phase (with the same semantic but in a different format: instead of datetimes and timedeltas they have to be strings in the form "HH[:MM[:SS]]") with the exception of timestamp, which is substituted by intervals. This represents the partition into intervals that the first six parameters induce on the time. It's a tuple with an odd number of elements, the ones having even index being datetimes in the format "HH[:MM[:SS]]" and the ones having odd index being integers, i.e. "labels" for the time interval delimited by the datetime preceding and following the label. Additionally we will also consider the intervals [-infty, intervals[0]] (labeled -2) and [intervals[-1], +infty] (labeled +2). This function selects a sample of datetimes inside each interval (more "dense" near the boundaries), calls compute_actual_phase on each of them and checks that the label of the interval is returned. contest_start (string): the contest's start. contest_stop (string): the contest's stop. per_user_time (string|None): the amount of time allocated to each user; contest is USACO-like if given and traditional if not. starting_time (string|None): when the user started his time frame. delay_time (string): how much the user's start is delayed. extra_time (string): how much extra time is given to the user at the end. intervals (tuple): see above. raise (Exception): if compute_actual_phase doesn't behave as expected, or if some arguments weren't properly formatted. """ contest_start = parse_datetime(contest_start) contest_stop = parse_datetime(contest_stop) per_user_time = parse_timedelta(per_user_time) starting_time = parse_datetime(starting_time) delay_time = parse_timedelta(delay_time) extra_time = parse_timedelta(extra_time) assert len(intervals) % 2 == 1 parsed = list() valid_begin = None valid_end = None parsed.append((-2, None, parse_datetime(intervals[0]))) for i in range(1, len(intervals), 2): status = intervals[i] begin = parse_datetime(intervals[i - 1]) end = parse_datetime(intervals[i + 1]) parsed.append((status, begin, end)) if status == 0: valid_begin, valid_end = begin, end parsed.append((+2, parse_datetime(intervals[-1]), None)) for status, begin, end in parsed: if begin is None: for step in TEST_STEPS: res = compute_actual_phase(end - step, contest_start, contest_stop, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time) assert res == (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end), \ "Check on %s returned %s instead of %s" % ( end - step, res, (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end)) elif end is None: for step in TEST_STEPS: res = compute_actual_phase(begin + step, contest_start, contest_stop, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time) assert res == (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end), \ "Check on %s returned %s instead of %s" % ( begin + step, res, (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end)) else: for step in TEST_STEPS: if begin + step > end - step: break res = compute_actual_phase(begin + step, contest_start, contest_stop, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time) assert res == (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end), \ "Check on %s returned %s instead of %s" % ( begin + step, res, (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end)) res = compute_actual_phase(end - step, contest_start, contest_stop, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time) assert res == (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end), \ "Check on %s returned %s instead of %s" % ( end - step, res, (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end))
def test(contest_start, contest_stop, analysis_start, analysis_end, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time, intervals): """Helper to test compute_actual_phase. It takes all the parameters accepted by compute_actual_phase (with the same semantic but in a different format: instead of datetimes and timedeltas they have to be strings in the form "HH[:MM[:SS]]") with the exception of timestamp, which is substituted by intervals. This represents the partition into intervals that the first six parameters induce on the time. It's a tuple with an odd number of elements, the ones having even index being datetimes in the format "HH[:MM[:SS]]" and the ones having odd index being integers, i.e. "labels" for the time interval delimited by the datetime preceding and following the label. Additionally we will also consider the intervals [-infty, intervals[0]] (labeled -2) and [intervals[-1], +infty] (labeled +4). This function selects a sample of datetimes inside each interval (more "dense" near the boundaries), calls compute_actual_phase on each of them and checks that the label of the interval is returned. contest_start (string): the contest's start. contest_stop (string): the contest's stop. analysis_start (string): the analysis mode's start. analysis_stop (string): the analysis mode's stop. per_user_time (string|None): the amount of time allocated to each user; contest is USACO-like if given and traditional if not. starting_time (string|None): when the user started their time frame. delay_time (string): how much the user's start is delayed. extra_time (string): how much extra time is given to the user at the end. intervals (tuple): see above. raise (Exception): if compute_actual_phase doesn't behave as expected, or if some arguments weren't properly formatted. """ contest_start = parse_datetime(contest_start) contest_stop = parse_datetime(contest_stop) analysis_start = parse_datetime(analysis_start) analysis_end = parse_datetime(analysis_end) per_user_time = parse_timedelta(per_user_time) starting_time = parse_datetime(starting_time) delay_time = parse_timedelta(delay_time) extra_time = parse_timedelta(extra_time) assert len(intervals) % 2 == 1 parsed = list() valid_begin = None valid_end = None parsed.append((-2, None, parse_datetime(intervals[0]))) for i in range(1, len(intervals), 2): status = intervals[i] begin = parse_datetime(intervals[i - 1]) end = parse_datetime(intervals[i + 1]) parsed.append((status, begin, end)) if status == 0: valid_begin, valid_end = begin, end parsed.append((+4, parse_datetime(intervals[-1]), None)) for status, begin, end in parsed: if begin is None: for step in TEST_STEPS: res = compute_actual_phase( end - step, contest_start, contest_stop, analysis_start, analysis_end, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time) assert res == (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end), \ "Check on %s returned %s instead of %s" % ( end - step, res, (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end)) elif end is None: for step in TEST_STEPS: res = compute_actual_phase( begin + step, contest_start, contest_stop, analysis_start, analysis_end, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time) assert res == (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end), \ "Check on %s returned %s instead of %s" % ( begin + step, res, (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end)) else: for step in TEST_STEPS: if begin + step > end - step: break res = compute_actual_phase( begin + step, contest_start, contest_stop, analysis_start, analysis_end, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time) assert res == (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end), \ "Check on %s returned %s instead of %s" % ( begin + step, res, (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end)) res = compute_actual_phase( end - step, contest_start, contest_stop, analysis_start, analysis_end, per_user_time, starting_time, delay_time, extra_time) assert res == (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end), \ "Check on %s returned %s instead of %s" % ( end - step, res, (status, begin, end, valid_begin, valid_end))
def render_params(self): """Return the default render params used by almost all handlers. return (dict): default render params """ ret = {} ret["timestamp"] = self.timestamp ret["contest"] = self.contest ret["url_root"] = get_url_root(self.request.path) ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp) ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None) if self.current_user is not None: participation = self.current_user res = compute_actual_phase( self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop, self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time, participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time) ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \ ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \ ret["valid_phase_end"] = res if ret["actual_phase"] == 0: ret["phase"] = 0 # set the timezone used to format timestamps ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest) # some information about token configuration ret["tokens_contest"] = self._get_token_status(self.contest) t_tokens = sum(self._get_token_status(t) for t in self.contest.tasks) if t_tokens == 0: ret["tokens_tasks"] = 0 # all disabled elif t_tokens == 2 * len(self.contest.tasks): ret["tokens_tasks"] = 2 # all infinite else: ret["tokens_tasks"] = 1 # all finite or mixed # TODO Now all language names are shown in the active language. # It would be better to show them in the corresponding one. ret["lang_names"] = {} for lang_code, trans in self.langs.iteritems(): language_name = None try: language_name = translate_language_country_code( lang_code, trans) except ValueError: language_name = translate_language_code( lang_code, trans) ret["lang_names"][lang_code.replace("_", "-")] = language_name ret["cookie_lang"] = self.cookie_lang ret["browser_lang"] = self.browser_lang return ret
def render_params(self): """Return the default render params used by almost all handlers. return (dict): default render params """ ret = {} ret["timestamp"] = self.timestamp ret["contest"] = self.contest ret["url_root"] = get_url_root(self.request.path) ret["phase"] = self.contest.phase(self.timestamp) ret["printing_enabled"] = (config.printer is not None) ret["questions_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_questions ret["testing_enabled"] = self.contest.allow_user_tests if self.current_user is not None: participation = self.current_user res = compute_actual_phase( self.timestamp, self.contest.start, self.contest.stop, self.contest.per_user_time, participation.starting_time, participation.delay_time, participation.extra_time) ret["actual_phase"], ret["current_phase_begin"], \ ret["current_phase_end"], ret["valid_phase_begin"], \ ret["valid_phase_end"] = res if ret["actual_phase"] == 0: ret["phase"] = 0 # set the timezone used to format timestamps ret["timezone"] = get_timezone(participation.user, self.contest) # some information about token configuration ret["tokens_contest"] = self._get_token_status(self.contest) t_tokens = sum(self._get_token_status(t) for t in self.contest.tasks) if t_tokens == 0: ret["tokens_tasks"] = 0 # all disabled elif t_tokens == 2 * len(self.contest.tasks): ret["tokens_tasks"] = 2 # all infinite else: ret["tokens_tasks"] = 1 # all finite or mixed # TODO Now all language names are shown in the active language. # It would be better to show them in the corresponding one. ret["lang_names"] = {} # Get language codes for allowed localizations lang_codes = self.langs.keys() if len(self.contest.allowed_localizations) > 0: lang_codes = filter_language_codes( lang_codes, self.contest.allowed_localizations) for lang_code, trans in self.langs.iteritems(): language_name = None # Filter lang_codes with allowed localizations if lang_code not in lang_codes: continue try: language_name = translate_language_country_code( lang_code, trans) except ValueError: language_name = translate_language_code( lang_code, trans) ret["lang_names"][lang_code.replace("_", "-")] = language_name ret["cookie_lang"] = self.cookie_lang ret["browser_lang"] = self.browser_lang if self.current_user is not None: tree_menu = {'childs':{}, 'tasks': []} for t in self.contest.tasks: if not self.contest.restrict_level or self.current_user.user.level == t.level or self.current_user.user.level == "x" or t.level == "x": node = tree_menu if t.category: for subcat in t.category.split('.'): if subcat not in node['childs']: node['childs'][subcat] = {'childs':{}, 'tasks': []} node = node['childs'][subcat] node['tasks'].append(t) def make_list(tree, result, ancname="root"): for name in sorted(tree['childs']): fullname = ancname+'.'+name result.append({'type': 'startcat', 'name' : name, 'fullname' : fullname, 'parent' : ancname}) make_list(tree['childs'][name], result, fullname) result.append({'type': 'endcat'}) for t in sorted(tree['tasks'], key=lambda t: result.append({'type': 'task', 'task' : t, 'parent' : ancname}) ret['list_tree_menu'] = [] make_list(tree_menu, ret['list_tree_menu']) return ret