class F5(): def __init__(self, filename): # build plotting area # self.filename = filename self.iv = IVCurve() # use standard IVCurve here... self.temperature = 34 self.initdelay = 150. def run(self): self.post_cell = cells.Bushy.create(morphology=self.filename, decorator=Decorator, species='mouse', modelType='XM13') self.post_cell.set_temperature(float(self.temperature)) self.post_cell.set_d_lambda( freq=2000.) # necessary to ensure appropriate spatial self.iv.reset() irange = self.post_cell.i_test_range irange = {'pulse': (-0.6, 1.1, 0.2)} self.durs = (self.initdelay + 20., 100., 50.), self.post_cell, durs=self.durs, temp=float(self.temperature), initdelay=self.initdelay) def plot(self): pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w') # set background to white pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k') = pg.mkQApp() wintitle = 'test_decorator' self.view = pg.GraphicsView() self.layout = pg.GraphicsLayout() #(border=(100,100,100)) self.view.setCentralItem(self.layout) self.view.resize(800, 600) self.plots = {} nr1 = 6 nc = 10 for i in range(1, nr1): self.plots['p%d' % i] = None for i in range(1, nr1 + 1): self.layout.addLayout(row=i, col=nc) for i in range(1, nc + 1): self.layout.addLayout(row=nr1 + 2, col=i) self.plots['p1'] = self.layout.addPlot(row=1, col=1, rowspan=6, colspan=9, labels={ 'left': 'V (mV)', 'bottom': 'Time (ms)' }) self.plots['p2'] = self.layout.addPlot(row=7, col=1, rowspan=1, colspan=9, labels={ 'left': 'I (nA)', 'bottom': 'Time (ms)' }) for k in range(len(self.iv.voltage_traces)): self.plots['p1'].plot(self.iv.time_values, np.array(self.iv.voltage_traces[k]), pen=pg.mkPen('k', width=0.75)) self.plots['p2'].plot(self.iv.time_values, np.array(self.iv.current_traces[k]), pen=pg.mkPen('k', width=0.75)) self.plots['p1'].setRange(xRange=(0., np.sum(self.durs) - self.initdelay), yRange=(-160., 40.)) self.plots['p2'].setRange(xRange=(0., np.sum(self.durs) - self.initdelay), yRange=(-1, 1)) PH.noaxes(self.plots['p1']) PH.calbar(self.plots['p1'], calbar=[125., -120., 10., 20.], unitNames={ 'x': 'ms', 'y': 'mV' }) PH.noaxes(self.plots['p2']) PH.calbar(self.plots['p2'], calbar=[125, 0.1, 0., 0.5], unitNames={ 'x': 'ms', 'y': 'nA' }) text = (u"{0:2d}\u00b0C {1:.2f}-{2:.2f} nA".format( int(self.temperature), np.min(self.iv.current_cmd), np.max(self.iv.current_cmd))) ti = pg.TextItem(text, anchor=(1, 0)) ti.setFont(pg.QtGui.QFont('Arial', 9)) ti.setPos(120., -120.) self.plots['p1'].addItem(ti)
class Toy(Protocol): """ Calls to encapsulate the model runs Run a set of cells with defined parameters to show excitability patterns. Note that cells from Rothman and Manis are run at 22C; others at various temperatures depending on how they were initially measured and defined. """ def __init__(self): super(Toy, self).__init__() def current_name(self, name, n): """ From the name of the current model, get the current injection information Parameters --------- name : str (no default) name of the cell type n : int (no default) """ if len(self.celltypes[name][3]) > 2: injs = self.celltypes[name][3] injarr = np.linspace(injs[0], injs[1], injs[2], endpoint=True) return '%.3f' % injarr[n] else: return '%.3f' % self.celltypes[name][3][n] def getname(self, cell, ninj): name = self.make_name(cell) iname = self.current_name(name, ninj) nname = name + ' ' + iname return name, nname def make_name(self, cell): return cell + ', ' + self.celltypes[cell][1] + ':' def run(self): sre = re.compile( '(?P<cell>\w+)(?:[, ]*)(?P<type>[\w-]*)(?:[, ]*)(?P<species>[\w-]*)' ) # regex for keys in cell types self.celltypes = OrderedDict([ ('Bushy, II', (cells.Bushy, "II", 'guineapig', (-0.5, 0.5, 11), 22)), ('Bushy, II-I', (cells.Bushy, "II-I", 'guineapig', (-0.5, 0.5, 11), 22)), ('DStellate, I-II', (cells.DStellate, 'I-II', 'guineapig', (-0.3, 0.3, 9), 22)), ('TStellate, I-c', (cells.TStellate, "I-c", 'guineapig', (-0.15, 0.15, 9), 22)), ('TStellate, I-t', (cells.TStellate, "I-t", 'guineapig', (-0.15, 0.15, 9), 22)), ('Octopus, II-o', (cells.Octopus, 'II-o', 'guineapig', (-2.5, 2.5, 11), 22)), ('Bushy, II, Mouse', (cells.Bushy, "II", 'mouse', (-1, 1.2, 13), 34)), ('TStellate, I-c, Mouse', (cells.TStellate, "I-c", 'mouse', (-1, 1, 9), 34)), ('DStellate, I-II, Mouse', (cells.DStellate, 'I-II', 'mouse', (-0.5, 0.5, 9), 34)), ('Pyramidal, I, Rat', (cells.Pyramidal, 'I', 'rat', (-0.3, 0.4, 11), 34)), ('Cartwheel, I, Mouse', (cells.Cartwheel, 'I', 'mouse', (-0.5, 0.5, 9), 34)), ('Tuberculoventral, I, Mouse', (cells.Tuberculoventral, 'I', 'mouse', (-0.35, 1, 11), 34)), ('SGC, bm, Mouse', (cells.SGC, "bm", 'mouse', (-0.2, 0.6, 9), 34)), ('SGC, a, Mouse', (cells.SGC, "a", 'mouse', (-0.2, 0.6, 9), 34)), ]) dt = 0.025 h.dt = dt h.celsius = 22 stim = { 'NP': 1, 'delay': 10, 'dur': 100, 'amp': 0., 'dt': h.dt, } tend = stim['delay'] + stim['dur'] + 20. netcells = {} for c in self.celltypes.keys(): g = sre.match(c) cellname ='cell') modelType ='type') species = self.celltypes[c][2] if'type') == '': netcells[c] = self.celltypes[c][0].create() else: netcells[c] = self.celltypes[c][0].create(modelType=modelType, species=species, debug=False) # dicts to hold data pl = OrderedDict([]) pl2 = OrderedDict([]) rvec = OrderedDict([]) vec = OrderedDict([]) istim = OrderedDict([]) ncells = len(self.celltypes.keys()) # # build plotting area # app = pg.mkQApp() = pg.GraphicsWindow()'w'), 600) cols, rows = autorowcol(ncells) row = 0 col = 0 labelStyle = {'color': '#000', 'font-size': '9pt', 'weight': 'normal'} tickStyle = pg.QtGui.QFont('Arial', 9, pg.QtGui.QFont.Light) self.iv = IVCurve() # use standard IVCurve here... for n, name in enumerate(self.celltypes.keys()): nrn_cell = netcells[ name] # get the Neuron object we are using for this cell class injcmds = list(self.celltypes[name][3]) # list of injections injcmds[2] = (injcmds[1] - injcmds[0]) / ( float(injcmds[2] - 1)) # convert to pulse format for IVCurve temperature = self.celltypes[name][4] nrn_cell.set_temperature(float(temperature)) ninjs = len(injcmds) print('cell: ', name) # print( 'injs: ', injcmds) pl[name] ={ 'left': 'V (mV)', 'bottom': 'Time (ms)' }) PH.nice_plot(pl[name]) pl[name].setTitle(title=name, font=pg.QtGui.QFont('Arial', 10)) col += 1 if col >= cols: col = 0 row += 1 self.iv.reset(){'pulse': [injcmds]}, nrn_cell, durs=(stim['delay'], stim['dur'], 20.), sites=None, reppulse=None, temp=float(temperature)) for k in range(len(self.iv.voltage_traces)): pl[name].plot(self.iv.time_values, self.iv.voltage_traces[k], pen=pg.mkPen('k', width=0.75)) pl[name].setRange(xRange=(0., 130.), yRange=(-160., 40.)) PH.noaxes(pl[name]) PH.calbar(pl[self.celltypes.keys()[0]], calbar=[0, -120., 10., 20.], unitNames={ 'x': 'ms', 'y': 'mV' }) text = (u"{0:2d}\u00b0C {1:.2f}-{2:.2f} nA".format( int(temperature), np.min(self.iv.current_cmd), np.max(self.iv.current_cmd))) ti = pg.TextItem(text, anchor=(1, 0)) ti.setFont(pg.QtGui.QFont('Arial', 9)) ti.setPos(120., -120.) pl[name].addItem(ti) # get overall Rin, etc; need to initialize all cells nrn_cell.cell_initialize() for n, name in enumerate(self.celltypes.keys()): nrn_cell = netcells[name] nrn_cell.vm0 = nrn_cell.soma.v pars = nrn_cell.compute_rmrintau(auto_initialize=False) print( u'{0:>14s} [{1:>24s}] *** Rin = {2:6.1f} M\ohm Tau = {3:6.1f} ms Vm = {4:6.1f} mV' .format(nrn_cell.status['name'], name, pars['Rin'], pars['tau'], pars['v']))