Esempio n. 1
def evaluate_classifier(classifier, metadata, settings):
    Apply the image classifier to all the images and save the classified images.

    KV WRL 2019

    classifier: joblib object
        classifier model to be used for image classification
    metadata: dict
        contains all the information about the satellite images that were downloaded
    settings: dict with the following keys
        'inputs': dict
            input parameters (sitename, filepath, polygon, dates, sat_list)
        'cloud_thresh': float
            value between 0 and 1 indicating the maximum cloud fraction in 
            the cropped image that is accepted
        'cloud_mask_issue': boolean
            True if there is an issue with the cloud mask and sand pixels
            are erroneously being masked on the images
        'output_epsg': int
            output spatial reference system as EPSG code
        'buffer_size': int
            size of the buffer (m) around the sandy pixels over which the pixels 
            are considered in the thresholding algorithm
        'min_beach_area': int
            minimum allowable object area (in metres^2) for the class 'sand',
            the area is converted to number of connected pixels
        'min_length_sl': int
            minimum length (in metres) of shoreline contour to be valid

    Saves .jpg images with the output of the classification in the folder ./detection
    # create folder called evaluation
    fp = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'evaluation')
    if not os.path.exists(fp):
    # initialize figure (not interactive)
    fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=[17,10],sharex=True, sharey=True,

    # create colormap for labels
    cmap = cm.get_cmap('tab20c')
    colorpalette = cmap(np.arange(0,13,1))
    colours = np.zeros((3,4))
    colours[0,:] = colorpalette[5]
    colours[1,:] = np.array([204/255,1,1,1])
    colours[2,:] = np.array([0,91/255,1,1])
    # loop through satellites
    for satname in metadata.keys():
        filepath = SDS_tools.get_filepath(settings['inputs'],satname)
        filenames = metadata[satname]['filenames']
        # load classifiers and
        if satname in ['L5','L7','L8']:
            pixel_size = 15
        elif satname == 'S2':
            pixel_size = 10
        # convert settings['min_beach_area'] and settings['buffer_size'] from metres to pixels
        buffer_size_pixels = np.ceil(settings['buffer_size']/pixel_size)
        min_beach_area_pixels = np.ceil(settings['min_beach_area']/pixel_size**2)
        # loop through images
        for i in range(len(filenames)):   
            # image filename
            fn = SDS_tools.get_filenames(filenames[i],filepath, satname)
            # read and preprocess image
            im_ms, georef, cloud_mask, im_extra, im_QA, im_nodata = SDS_preprocess.preprocess_single(fn, satname, settings['cloud_mask_issue'])
            image_epsg = metadata[satname]['epsg'][i]

            # compute cloud_cover percentage (with no data pixels)
            cloud_cover_combined = np.divide(sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int))),
            if cloud_cover_combined > 0.99: # if 99% of cloudy pixels in image skip

            # remove no data pixels from the cloud mask (for example L7 bands of no data should not be accounted for)
            cloud_mask_adv = np.logical_xor(cloud_mask, im_nodata)
            # compute updated cloud cover percentage (without no data pixels)
            cloud_cover = np.divide(sum(sum(cloud_mask_adv.astype(int))),
            # skip image if cloud cover is above threshold
            if cloud_cover > settings['cloud_thresh']:
            # calculate a buffer around the reference shoreline (if any has been digitised)
            im_ref_buffer = SDS_shoreline.create_shoreline_buffer(cloud_mask.shape, georef, image_epsg,
                                                    pixel_size, settings)
            # classify image in 4 classes (sand, whitewater, water, other) with NN classifier
            im_classif, im_labels = SDS_shoreline.classify_image_NN(im_ms, im_extra, cloud_mask,
                                    min_beach_area_pixels, classifier)
            # there are two options to map the contours:
            # if there are pixels in the 'sand' class --> use find_wl_contours2 (enhanced)
            # otherwise use find_wl_contours2 (traditional)
            try: # use try/except structure for long runs
                if sum(sum(im_labels[:,:,0])) < 10 :
                    # compute MNDWI image (SWIR-G)
                    im_mndwi = SDS_tools.nd_index(im_ms[:,:,4], im_ms[:,:,1], cloud_mask)
                    # find water contours on MNDWI grayscale image
                    contours_mwi, t_mndwi = SDS_shoreline.find_wl_contours1(im_mndwi, cloud_mask, im_ref_buffer)
                    # use classification to refine threshold and extract the sand/water interface
                    contours_mwi, t_mndwi = SDS_shoreline.find_wl_contours2(im_ms, im_labels,
                                                cloud_mask, buffer_size_pixels, im_ref_buffer)
                print('Could not map shoreline for this image: ' + filenames[i])
            # process the water contours into a shoreline
            shoreline = SDS_shoreline.process_shoreline(contours_mwi, cloud_mask, georef, image_epsg, settings)
                sl_pix = SDS_tools.convert_world2pix(SDS_tools.convert_epsg(shoreline,
                                                                            image_epsg)[:,[0,1]], georef)
                # if try fails, just add nan into the shoreline vector so the next parts can still run
                sl_pix = np.array([[np.nan, np.nan],[np.nan, np.nan]])
            # make a plot
            im_RGB = SDS_preprocess.rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9)
            # create classified image
            im_class = np.copy(im_RGB)
            for k in range(0,im_labels.shape[2]):
                im_class[im_labels[:,:,k],0] = colours[k,0]
                im_class[im_labels[:,:,k],1] = colours[k,1]
                im_class[im_labels[:,:,k],2] = colours[k,2]        
            # show images
            ax[1].imshow(im_class, alpha=0.5)
            filename = filenames[i][:filenames[i].find('.')][:-4] 
            ax[0].plot(sl_pix[:,0], sl_pix[:,1], 'k.', markersize=3)
            ax[1].plot(sl_pix[:,0], sl_pix[:,1], 'k.', markersize=3)
            # save figure
            fig.savefig(os.path.join(fp,settings['inputs']['sitename'] + filename[:19] +'.jpg'), dpi=150)
            # clear axes
            for cax in fig.axes:
    # close the figure at the end
Esempio n. 2
def evaluate_classifier(classifier, metadata, settings):
    Interactively visualise the new classifier.

    KV WRL 2018

        classifier: joblib object
            Multilayer Perceptron to be used for image classification
        metadata: dict
            contains all the information about the satellite images that were downloaded
        settings: dict
            contains the following fields:
        cloud_thresh: float
            value between 0 and 1 indicating the maximum cloud fraction in the image that is accepted
        sitename: string
            name of the site (also name of the folder where the images are stored)
        cloud_mask_issue: boolean
            True if there is an issue with the cloud mask and sand pixels are being masked on the images
        labels: dict
            the label name (key) and label number (value) for each class
        filepath_train: str
            directory in which to save the labelled data


    # create folder
    fp = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'evaluation')
    if not os.path.exists(fp):

    # initialize figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,
                           figsize=[17, 10],
    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()

    # create colormap for labels
    cmap = cm.get_cmap('tab20c')
    colorpalette = cmap(np.arange(0, 13, 1))
    colours = np.zeros((3, 4))
    colours[0, :] = colorpalette[5]
    colours[1, :] = np.array([204 / 255, 1, 1, 1])
    colours[2, :] = np.array([0, 91 / 255, 1, 1])
    # loop through satellites
    for satname in metadata.keys():
        filepath = SDS_tools.get_filepath(settings['inputs'], satname)
        filenames = metadata[satname]['filenames']

        # load classifiers and
        if satname in ['L5', 'L7', 'L8']:
            pixel_size = 15
        elif satname == 'S2':
            pixel_size = 10
        # convert settings['min_beach_area'] and settings['buffer_size'] from metres to pixels
        buffer_size_pixels = np.ceil(settings['buffer_size'] / pixel_size)
        min_beach_area_pixels = np.ceil(settings['min_beach_area'] /

        # loop through images
        for i in range(len(filenames)):
            # image filename
            fn = SDS_tools.get_filenames(filenames[i], filepath, satname)
            # read and preprocess image
            im_ms, georef, cloud_mask, im_extra, im_QA, im_nodata = SDS_preprocess.preprocess_single(
                fn, satname, settings['cloud_mask_issue'])
            image_epsg = metadata[satname]['epsg'][i]
            # calculate cloud cover
            cloud_cover = np.divide(
                (cloud_mask.shape[0] * cloud_mask.shape[1]))
            # skip image if cloud cover is above threshold
            if cloud_cover > settings['cloud_thresh']:
            # calculate a buffer around the reference shoreline (if any has been digitised)
            im_ref_buffer = SDS_shoreline.create_shoreline_buffer(
                cloud_mask.shape, georef, image_epsg, pixel_size, settings)
            # classify image in 4 classes (sand, whitewater, water, other) with NN classifier
            im_classif, im_labels = SDS_shoreline.classify_image_NN(
                im_ms, im_extra, cloud_mask, min_beach_area_pixels, classifier)
            # there are two options to map the contours:
            # if there are pixels in the 'sand' class --> use find_wl_contours2 (enhanced)
            # otherwise use find_wl_contours2 (traditional)
            try:  # use try/except structure for long runs
                if sum(sum(im_labels[:, :, 0])) < 10:
                    # compute MNDWI image (SWIR-G)
                    im_mndwi = SDS_tools.nd_index(im_ms[:, :, 4],
                                                  im_ms[:, :, 1], cloud_mask)
                    # find water contours on MNDWI grayscale image
                    contours_mwi = SDS_shoreline.find_wl_contours1(
                        im_mndwi, cloud_mask, im_ref_buffer)
                    # use classification to refine threshold and extract the sand/water interface
                    contours_wi, contours_mwi = SDS_shoreline.find_wl_contours2(
                        im_ms, im_labels, cloud_mask, buffer_size_pixels,
                print('Could not map shoreline for this image: ' +
            # process the water contours into a shoreline
            shoreline = SDS_shoreline.process_shoreline(
                contours_mwi, cloud_mask, georef, image_epsg, settings)
                sl_pix = SDS_tools.convert_world2pix(
                    SDS_tools.convert_epsg(shoreline, settings['output_epsg'],
                                           image_epsg)[:, [0, 1]], georef)
                # if try fails, just add nan into the shoreline vector so the next parts can still run
                sl_pix = np.array([[np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan]])
            # make a plot
            im_RGB = SDS_preprocess.rescale_image_intensity(
                im_ms[:, :, [2, 1, 0]], cloud_mask, 99.9)
            # create classified image
            im_class = np.copy(im_RGB)
            for k in range(0, im_labels.shape[2]):
                im_class[im_labels[:, :, k], 0] = colours[k, 0]
                im_class[im_labels[:, :, k], 1] = colours[k, 1]
                im_class[im_labels[:, :, k], 2] = colours[k, 2]
            # show images
            ax[1].imshow(im_class, alpha=0.5)
            filename = filenames[i][:filenames[i].find('.')][:-4]
            ax[0].plot(sl_pix[:, 0], sl_pix[:, 1], 'k.', markersize=3)
            ax[1].plot(sl_pix[:, 0], sl_pix[:, 1], 'k.', markersize=3)
            # save figure
                fp, settings['inputs']['sitename'] + filename[:19] + '.jpg'),
            # clear axes
            for cax in fig.axes:

    # close the figure at the end