Esempio n. 1
def test_read_settings_file():
    # Arrange
    # Default path should be fine for the tests.

    # Act
    result = settings.read_settings_file()

    # Assert
    assert isinstance(result, dict)
    assert result.get("include")
Esempio n. 2
def deserialize_raw(collection_type: str):
    Get a collection from mongodb and parse it into an object.

    :param collection_type: The collection type to fetch.
    :return: The first element of the collection requested.
    if collection_type == "settings":
        return settings.read_settings_file()
        collection = mongodb[collection_type]
        return collection.find()
Esempio n. 3
def test_settingsfile_migration_content(tmpdir: pathlib.Path):
    # Arrange
    src = "/test_dir/tests/test_data/settings_old"
    dst = os.path.join(tmpdir, "settings")
    shutil.copyfile(src, dst)

    # Act
    result_settings = settings.read_settings_file(filepath=dst)
    settings_obj = Settings().from_dict(result_settings)
    clean_settings = settings.validate_settings(settings_obj.to_dict())

    # Assert
    assert isinstance(clean_settings, dict)
    assert "include" in result_settings
Esempio n. 4
def test_settingsfile_migration_extension(tmpdir: pathlib.Path):
    # Arrange
    src = "/test_dir/tests/test_data/settings_old"
    dst = os.path.join(tmpdir, "settings")
    shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
    expected_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "settings.yaml")

    # Act
    result_settings = settings.read_settings_file(filepath=dst)

    # Assert
    assert os.path.exists(expected_path)
    assert isinstance(result_settings, dict)
    assert "include" in result_settings
Esempio n. 5
def test_settingsfile_migrate_gpxe_ipxe():
    # Arrange
    new_settings = "/etc/cobbler/settings.yaml"
    old_settings = "/test_dir/tests/test_data/settings_old"  # adjust for test container %s/code/test_dir/

    # Act
    with open(new_settings) as main_settingsfile:
        content_new = yaml.safe_load(
    with open(old_settings) as old_settingsfile:
        content_old = yaml.safe_load(

    new_settings_file = settings.read_settings_file(new_settings)
    direct_settings = settings.__migrate_settingsfile_gpxe_ipxe(content_new)

    # Assert
    assert isinstance(content_old, dict) and "enable_gpxe" in content_old
    assert isinstance(direct_settings, dict) and "enable_ipxe" in direct_settings
    assert "enable_gpxe" not in direct_settings
    assert isinstance(new_settings_file, dict) and "enable_ipxe" in new_settings_file
    assert "enable_gpxe" not in new_settings_file
Esempio n. 6
def deserialize_raw(collection_types: str):
    Loads a collection from the disk.

    :param collection_types: The type of collection to load.
    :return: The loaded dictionary.
    if collection_types == "settings":
        return settings.read_settings_file()
        results = []

        path = os.path.join(libpath, collection_types)
        all_files = glob.glob("%s/*.json" % path)

        for f in all_files:
            with open(f) as file_descriptor:
                json_data =
                _dict = json.loads(json_data)
        return results
Esempio n. 7
def application(environ, start_response):

    if 'VIRTUALENV' in environ and environ['VIRTUALENV'] != "":
        # VIRTUALENV Support
        # see
        import site
        import distutils.sysconfig
        # Now all modules are available even under a virtualenv

    from import CobblerSvc

    my_uri = urllib.parse.unquote(environ['REQUEST_URI'])

    form = {}

    # canonicalizes uri, mod_python does this, mod_wsgi does not
    my_uri = os.path.realpath(my_uri)

    tokens = my_uri.split("/")
    tokens = tokens[3:]
    label = True
    field = ""
    for t in tokens:
        if label:
            field = t
            form[field] = t
        label = not label

    form["query_string"] = urllib.parse.parse_qs(environ['QUERY_STRING'])

    # This MAC header is set by anaconda during a kickstart booted with the
    # kssendmac kernel option. The field will appear here as something
    # like: eth0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    mac_counter = 0
    remote_macs = []
    mac_header = "HTTP_X_RHN_PROVISIONING_MAC_%d" % mac_counter
    while environ.get(mac_header, None):
        mac_counter = mac_counter + 1
        mac_header = "HTTP_X_RHN_PROVISIONING_MAC_%d" % mac_counter

    form["REMOTE_MACS"] = remote_macs

    # REMOTE_ADDR isn't a required wsgi attribute so it may be naive to assume
    # it's always present in this context.
    form["REMOTE_ADDR"] = environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR", None)

    # Read config for the XMLRPC port to connect to:
    ydata = settings.read_settings_file()
    remote_port = ydata.get("xmlrpc_port", 25151)

    # instantiate a CobblerWeb object
    cw = CobblerSvc(server="" % remote_port)

    # check for a valid path/mode
    # handle invalid paths gracefully
    mode = form.get('op', 'index')

    # TODO: We could do proper exception handling here and return
    # corresponding HTTP status codes:

    status = "200 OK"
    # Execute corresponding operation on the CobblerSvc object:
    func = getattr(cw, mode)
        content = func(**form)

        if content.find("# *** ERROR ***") != -1:
            status = '500 SERVER ERROR'
            print("possible cheetah template error")

        # TODO: Not sure these strings are the right ones to look for...
        elif content.find("# profile not found") != -1 or \
                content.find("# system not found") != -1 or \
                content.find("# object not found") != -1:
            print(("content not found: %s" % my_uri))
            status = "404 NOT FOUND"
    except xmlrpc.server.Fault as err:
        status = "500 SERVER ERROR"
        content = err.faultString

    # req.content_type = "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
    response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'),
                        ('Content-Length', str(len(content)))]
    start_response(status, response_headers)

    return [content.encode('utf-8')]