def moveRobot(self,id, direction): array = self.getEnv(id) if(array[direction]==False): return False else: Arena._mone_move +=1 x = self._Robots[id]._real_location._x y = self._Robots[id]._real_location._y self._mat_robot_id[x][y]=-1 tolog = "" if(direction == UP()): tolog = ("Robot " + str(id) + ": move UP From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y-1) + "]") y = y - 1 elif(direction == DOWN()): tolog =("Robot " + str(id) + ": move DOWN From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y+1) + "]") y = y + 1 elif (direction == LEFT()): tolog =("Robot " + str(id) + ": move LEFT From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x-1) + "][" + str(y) + "]") x = x - 1 else: tolog =("Robot " + str(id) + ": move RIGHT From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x+1) + "][" + str(y) + "]") x = x + 1 Log.addLine(tolog) #print(tolog) self._mat_robot_id[x][y] = id self._Robots[id]._real_location = Point(x,y) return True
def action(data, time): size = len(Simulation.__data._Arena._Robots_sort_Random) for t in range(0, time): Air._messages = [] data._time += 1 Log.addLine("\n\n#### Simulation: Time = " + str(data._time) + " ####") print("\n\n#### Simulation: Time = " + str(data._time) + " ####") Simulation.__data._Arena.sortRandomRobotsArray() for i in range(0, size): #robot = data._Arena._Robots_sort_Random[i] robot = data._Arena._Robots[data._Arena._Robots_sort_Random[i]] robot._time = data._time robot._current_zone = data._Arena.getCurrentZone(robot._id) robot.doAction() data.Messages_mone += len(Air._messages) Air._messages = [] for i in range(0, size): Log.addLine(data._Arena._Robots[i].toString()) #plt.close() data.showGUI()
def __init__(self): self._mat_robot_id = [] self._Robots = [] self._mat_zone = [] #by color (white = 0 gray = 1 black = 2) for i in range(int(float(ARENA_X()))): self._mat_robot_id.append(int(ARENA_Y())*[-1]) self._mat_zone.append(int(ARENA_Y())*[WHITE()]) # Mark gray areas: Gray_area_point = GRAY_AREA() for b in range(len(Gray_area_point)): Log.addLine("create gray area point between: "+str(Gray_area_point[b])) for i in range(Gray_area_point[b][0], Gray_area_point[b][2]+1): for j in range(Gray_area_point[b][1], Gray_area_point[b][3]+1): self._mat_zone[i][j] = GRAY() # Mark black areas: black_area_point = BLACK_AREA() for b in range(len(black_area_point)): Log.addLine("create black area point between: " + str(black_area_point[b])) for i in range(black_area_point[b][0], black_area_point[b][2]+1): for j in range(black_area_point[b][1], black_area_point[b][3]+1): self._mat_zone[i][j] = BLACK() # Creates a new robot 'that can move' to variable "Robots" for s in range(0, int(ROBOTS_MOVE())): self._Robots.append(Robot(s)) Log.addLine("create new Robot- " + self._Robots[s].toString()) # Creates a new robot 'that can't move' to variable "Robots" for s in range(int(ROBOTS_MOVE()), int(ROBOTS_MOVE())+int(ROBOTS_NOT_MOVE())): self._Robots.append(Robot(s)) self._Robots[s].CanMove = False Log.addLine("create new Robot- " + self._Robots[s].toString()) #put the robots on Arena: for s in range(0, len(self._Robots)): x = randint(1, int(ARENA_X()) - 2) y = randint(1, int(ARENA_Y()) - 2) bool1 = self._mat_robot_id[x][y]!=-1 bool2 = self._mat_zone[x][y] == BLACK() bool3 = self._Robots[s]._can_move == False bool4 = self._mat_zone[x][y] != WHITE() while((bool1 |bool2 ) | (bool3 & bool4)): x = randint(1, ARENA_X() - 2) y = randint(1, ARENA_Y() - 2) bool1 = self._mat_robot_id[x][y] != -1 bool2 = self._mat_zone[x][y] == BLACK() bool3 = self._Robots[s]._can_move == False bool4 = self._mat_zone[x][y] != WHITE() self._Robots.append(Robot(s)) self._mat_robot_id[x][y] = self._Robots[s]._id self._Robots[s]._real_location = Point(x, y) Log.addLine("put Robot_" + str(self._Robots[s]._id) + self._Robots[s]._real_location.toString())
def getRandomDirection(self): env = self.getEnv() direction = randint(WHITE(), BLACK()) #white,black,gray count = 0 #Case: Robot cant move in any direction. while(env[direction] == False and count < 5): direction = randint(0, 3) count+= 1 if count >= 5: Log.addLine("robot "+str(self._id)+" Cant move in any direction. (surrounded by other robots)") else: return direction
def __init__(data): Log.addLine("create Simulation") data._Air = Air() data._Arena = Arena() Air.static_mat_zone = data._Arena._mat_zone Simulation.__data = data data._time = 0 data.Messages_mone = 0 Robot.static_arena = data._Arena # Must give the static_arena a value!!! Robot.static_air = data._Air # Must give the static_air a value!!!
def __init__(self): Log.addLine("create Simulation") self._Air = Air() self._Arena = Arena() Air.static_mat_zone = self._Arena._mat_zone Simulation.__self = self self._time = 0 self.Messages_mone = 0 Robot.static_arena = self._Arena # Must give the static_arena a value!!! Robot.static_air = self._Air # Must give the static_air a value!!!
def getRandomDirection(self): env = self.getEnv() direction = randint(WHITE(), BLACK()) #white,black,gray count = 0 #Case: Robot cant move in any direction. while (env[direction] == False and count < 5): direction = randint(0, 3) count += 1 if count >= 5: Log.addLine( "robot " + str(self._id) + " Cant move in any direction. (surrounded by other robots)") else: return direction
def moveRobot(self,id, direction): array = self.getEnv(id) if(array[direction]==False): return False else: x = self._Robots[id]._real_location._x y = self._Robots[id]._real_location._y self._mat_robot_id[x][y]=-1 if(direction == UP()): y = y - 1 Log.addLine("move the Robot_" + str(id) + " UP to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "]") elif(direction == DOWN()): y = y + 1 Log.addLine("move the Robot_" + str(id) + " DOWN to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "]") elif (direction == LEFT()): x = x - 1 Log.addLine("move the Robot_" + str(id) + " LEFT to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "]") elif (direction == RIGHT()): x = x + 1 Log.addLine("move the Robot_" + str(id) + " RIGHT to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "]") self._mat_robot_id[x][y] = id self._Robots[id]._real_location = Point(x,y) return True
def getMessage(self): msg = Robot.static_air.getMessage(self) self._battery_status -= BATTARY_COST_GET_MSG() if (msg == NO_MSG()): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Receiving Messages. ---> Not received!") return else: if msg._version >= MAX_NUM_OF_VERSIONS(): return msg._version += 1 Log.addLine( "Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Receiving Messages. ---> Received a new message! " + msg.toString()) print("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Receiving Messages. ---> Received a new message! " + msg.toString()) #Updating 'neighbors_loc' with info from recieved message:(location of the last message sender) point1 = Point(msg._sender_estimated_location._x, msg._sender_estimated_location._y) point1._deviation = Point.signalToDistance(msg._snn) point1._zone = msg._sender_estimated_location._zone if (len(msg._sender_history) > 0): self._neighbors_loc[msg._sender_history[ len(msg._sender_history) - 1]] = point1 else: self._neighbors_loc[msg._id_source] = point1 # Updating 'estimated_location' with info from recieved message: #toLog = "Robot " + str(self._id) +": Estimated_location before the message - "+ self._estimated_location.toString() #Log.addLine(toLog) self._estimated_location._x -= self._private_location._x self._estimated_location._y -= self._private_location._y new_point = Point(msg._sender_estimated_location._x, msg._sender_estimated_location._y) new_point._deviation = Point.signalToDistance(msg._snn) self._estimated_location.joint(new_point) self._estimated_location._x += self._private_location._x self._estimated_location._y += self._private_location._y #toLog = "Robot " + str(self._id) +": Estimated_location after the message - "+ self._estimated_location.toString() #Log.addLine(toLog) self._currently_get_message = msg self._action_time = self.msgRandomWaitTime() self._message_log.append(msg._id_message)
def sendNewMessage(self): #Want to set my zone: self._estimated_location._zone = self._current_zone # send the true color of zone # creating new message: msg = Message(self._id,self.creatMessageId(),self._time,self._estimated_location) self._currently_sending = msg self._action_time = self.msgRandomWaitTime() if(self._time < self._action_time): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " create a new message and send it soon") # Case: 'action time' is now: if self._time == self._action_time: self._action_time += 1 return # checking with 'Air' that robot can send now: if Robot.static_air.canSend(self) == False: # robot must send another time: Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " was trying to send a message now ---> Because of congestion notifications will try next time") # Case: 'action time' is now but 'Air' wont let robot send: if self._time == self._action_time: self._action_time += 1 return else: #Sending now! Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " sent a new message: " + str(self._currently_sending.toString())) print("Robot " + str(self._id) + " sent a new message: " + str(self._currently_sending.toString())) self._battery_status -= BATTARY_COST_SEND_MSG() self._message_log.append(msg._id_message) Robot.static_air.sendMessage(msg, self) self._action_time = INFINITY() self._currently_sending = NO_MSG()
def forwardMessage(self): if (self._estimated_location._deviation > 100): self._action_time = INFINITY() self._currently_sending = NO_MSG() return if(self._currently_sending == NO_MSG()): # hould not happen .. Debugger self._action_time = INFINITY() return self._currently_sending._sender_history.append(self._id) # Adds the robots id to message's 'sender_history'. was_sent = Robot.static_air.sendMessage(self._currently_sending, self) if was_sent == False: self._action_time += 1 if(self._action_time > MSG_LIFE_TIME()): self._action_time = INFINITY() self._currently_sending = NO_MSG() Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Is Waiting to forward Message (" + str(self._action_time) + ") ---> Went too long ---> throw the message!") else: Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Is Waiting to forward Message (" + str(self._action_time) + ")") return else: self._battery_status -= BATTARY_COST_SEND_MSG() Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " sent message " + str(self._currently_sending.toString())) print("Robot " + str(self._id) + " sent message " + str(self._currently_sending.toString())) return
def __init__(self): Log.addLine("create Simulation") self._Air = Air() self._Arena = Arena() """ #test: self._Air.transmit_Message(Message("abcde", 11)) self._Air._messages[0]._real_location = self._Arena._Robots[11]._real_location test:: point0 = Point(500,500) print("to 500, 500: ") print(self._Air._messages[0]._real_location.toString()) print(self._Arena.distance(self._Air._messages[0], point0)) print("to 500, 500 end")""" """ <<< Here should be the "MAIN FOR" Of the project >>> """ """point1 = Point(100,100)
def moveRobot(self, id, direction): array = self.getEnv(id) if (array[direction] == False): return False else: Arena._mone_move += 1 x = self._Robots[id]._real_location._x y = self._Robots[id]._real_location._y self._mat_robot_id[x][y] = -1 tolog = "" if (direction == UP()): tolog = ("Robot " + str(id) + ": move UP From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y - 1) + "]") y = y - 1 elif (direction == DOWN()): tolog = ("Robot " + str(id) + ": move DOWN From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y + 1) + "]") y = y + 1 elif (direction == LEFT()): tolog = ("Robot " + str(id) + ": move LEFT From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x - 1) + "][" + str(y) + "]") x = x - 1 else: tolog = ("Robot " + str(id) + ": move RIGHT From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x + 1) + "][" + str(y) + "]") x = x + 1 Log.addLine(tolog) #print(tolog) self._mat_robot_id[x][y] = id self._Robots[id]._real_location = Point(x, y) return True
def getMessage(self): msg = Robot.static_air.getMessage(self) self._battery_status -= BATTARY_COST_GET_MSG() if(msg == NO_MSG()): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Receiving Messages. ---> Not received!") return else: if msg._version >= MAX_NUM_OF_VERSIONS(): return msg._version+= 1 Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Receiving Messages. ---> Received a new message! " + msg.toString()) print("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Receiving Messages. ---> Received a new message! " + msg.toString()) #Updating 'neighbors_loc' with info from recieved message:(location of the last message sender) point1 = Point(msg._sender_estimated_location._x, msg._sender_estimated_location._y) point1._deviation = Point.signalToDistance(msg._snn) point1._zone = msg._sender_estimated_location._zone if(len(msg._sender_history)>0): self._neighbors_loc[msg._sender_history[len(msg._sender_history)-1]] =point1 else: self._neighbors_loc[msg._id_source] = point1 # Updating 'estimated_location' with info from recieved message: #toLog = "Robot " + str(self._id) +": Estimated_location before the message - "+ self._estimated_location.toString() #Log.addLine(toLog) self._estimated_location._x -=self._private_location._x self._estimated_location._y -= self._private_location._y new_point = Point(msg._sender_estimated_location._x, msg._sender_estimated_location._y) new_point._deviation = Point.signalToDistance(msg._snn) self._estimated_location.joint(new_point) self._estimated_location._x += self._private_location._x self._estimated_location._y += self._private_location._y #toLog = "Robot " + str(self._id) +": Estimated_location after the message - "+ self._estimated_location.toString() #Log.addLine(toLog) self._currently_get_message = msg self._action_time = self.msgRandomWaitTime() self._message_log.append(msg._id_message)
def action(data, time): size = len (Simulation.__data._Arena._Robots_sort_Random) for t in range(0, time): Air._messages = [] data._time += 1 Log.addLine("\n\n#### Simulation: Time = " + str(data._time) +" ####") print("\n\n#### Simulation: Time = " + str(data._time) +" ####") Simulation.__data._Arena.sortRandomRobotsArray() for i in range(0, size): #robot = data._Arena._Robots_sort_Random[i] robot = data._Arena._Robots[data._Arena._Robots_sort_Random[i]] robot._time = data._time robot._current_zone = data._Arena.getCurrentZone(robot._id) robot.doAction() data.Messages_mone += len(Air._messages) Air._messages = [] for i in range(0, size): Log.addLine(data._Arena._Robots[i].toString()) #plt.close() data.showGUI()
def sendNewMessage(self): #Want to set my zone: self._estimated_location._zone = self._current_zone # send the true color of zone # creating new message: msg = Message(self._id, self.creatMessageId(), self._time, self._estimated_location) self._currently_sending = msg self._action_time = self.msgRandomWaitTime() if (self._time < self._action_time): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " create a new message and send it soon") # Case: 'action time' is now: if self._time == self._action_time: self._action_time += 1 return # checking with 'Air' that robot can send now: if Robot.static_air.canSend(self) == False: # robot must send another time: Log.addLine( "Robot " + str(self._id) + " was trying to send a message now ---> Because of congestion notifications will try next time" ) # Case: 'action time' is now but 'Air' wont let robot send: if self._time == self._action_time: self._action_time += 1 return else: #Sending now! Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " sent a new message: " + str(self._currently_sending.toString())) print("Robot " + str(self._id) + " sent a new message: " + str(self._currently_sending.toString())) self._battery_status -= BATTARY_COST_SEND_MSG() self._message_log.append(msg._id_message) Robot.static_air.sendMessage(msg, self) self._action_time = INFINITY() self._currently_sending = NO_MSG()
def forwardMessage(self): if (self._estimated_location._deviation > 100): self._action_time = INFINITY() self._currently_sending = NO_MSG() return if (self._currently_sending == NO_MSG() ): # hould not happen .. Debugger self._action_time = INFINITY() return self._currently_sending._sender_history.append( self._id) # Adds the robots id to message's 'sender_history'. was_sent = Robot.static_air.sendMessage(self._currently_sending, self) if was_sent == False: self._action_time += 1 if (self._action_time > MSG_LIFE_TIME()): self._action_time = INFINITY() self._currently_sending = NO_MSG() Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Is Waiting to forward Message (" + str(self._action_time) + ") ---> Went too long ---> throw the message!") else: Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Is Waiting to forward Message (" + str(self._action_time) + ")") return else: self._battery_status -= BATTARY_COST_SEND_MSG() Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " sent message " + str(self._currently_sending.toString())) print("Robot " + str(self._id) + " sent message " + str(self._currently_sending.toString())) return
from tkinter import Radiobutton from code.Point import Point from code.Arena import Arena from code.Air import * from code.Robot import Robot from code.Log import Log from code.Simulation import Simulation from code.Message import Message from code.Global_Parameters import * #MUST HAVE: readParameters() Mylog = Log() #Tests parameter class: def globalParametersTest(): print("**********************globalParametersTest*****************************************") print("BATTARY_CAPACITY", BATTARY_CAPACITY()) print("TRANSMISSION_RANGE", TRANSMISSION_RANGE()) print("ROBOTS_NOT_MOVE", ROBOTS_NOT_MOVE()) print("ROBOTS_MOVE", ROBOTS_MOVE()) print("ARENA_X", ARENA_X()) print("ARENA_Y", ARENA_Y()) print("BLACK_AREA", BLACK_AREA()) print("GRAY_AREA", GRAY_AREA()) print("LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY", "|" + LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY() + "|") print("WHITE", WHITE()), print("GRAY", GRAY()), print("BLACK", BLACK()) print("OLDER", OLDER()), print("SAME_AGE", SAME_AGE()), print("YOUNGER", YOUNGER()) print("UP", UP()), print("LEFT", LEFT()), print("DOWN", DOWN()), print("RIGHT",RIGHT()) print("INSTANT_SENDING_CHANCE", INSTANT_SENDING_CHANCE()) print("MAX_NUM_OF_VERSIONS", MAX_NUM_OF_VERSIONS())
from tkinter import Radiobutton from code.Point import Point from code.Arena import Arena from code.Robot import Robot from code.Log import Log from code.Simulation import Simulation from code.Message import Message from code.Global_Parameters import * import webbrowser #MUST HAVE: readParameters() Mylog = Log() s = Simulation() s.showGUI() Mylog.close()"LogFile.txt")
def doAction(self): # battery charge if (self._current_zone == WHITE()): self._battery_status += BATTARY_CHARGE_LITHT_SPEED() if (self._battery_status > BATTARY_CAPACITY()): self._battery_status = BATTARY_CAPACITY() # forward Message IF Exist: if self._action_time != INFINITY(): if self._action_time == self._time: self.forwardMessage() return # for static robot: if (self._can_move == False): if (BATTERY_ABOUT_TO_END() * BATTARY_CAPACITY() > self._battery_status): # The battery is about to run out Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out (" + str(self._battery_status) + ") ---> The robot should rest") return self._battery_status = BATTARY_CAPACITY() x = randint(0, 10) if (x < ROBOT_STATIC_CHANCE_SEND_MSG() * 10): # send new Message. self.sendNewMessage() else: # get message. self.getMessage() return # The battery is about to run out if (BATTERY_ABOUT_TO_END() * BATTARY_CAPACITY() > self._battery_status): if (self._current_zone == WHITE()): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out (" + str(self._battery_status) + ") ---> The robot should rest") return Env = self.getEnv() for i in range(0, len(self._private_location_log)): i1 = len(self._private_location_log) - i - 1 if (self._private_location_log[i1]._zone == WHITE()): direction = self._private_location.which_direction( self._private_location_log[i1]) if (direction == INFINITY()): continue if (direction != INFINITY() and self.try_move_to_constant_direction(direction) == True): Log.addLine( "Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out ---> The robot go to light on " + str(direction) + "direction - The robot knows the point") return if (self._estimated_location._deviation < BATTARY_CAPACITY()): for i in range(0, len(self._neighbors_loc)): if (self._neighbors_loc[i] == INFINITY()): continue if (self._neighbors_loc[i]._deviation > BATTARY_CAPACITY()): continue # Only if the robot can go there if (Point.airDistancePoints(self._estimated_location, self._neighbors_loc[i]) > BATTARY_CAPACITY()): continue # Only if the robot can go there if (self._neighbors_loc[i]._zone == WHITE()): direction = self._estimated_location.which_direction( self._neighbors_loc[i]) if (direction == INFINITY()): continue if (direction != INFINITY() and self.try_move_to_constant_direction(direction) == True): Log.addLine( "Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out ---> the robot goes towards the robot_" + i + " (to the " + str(direction) + ") is there light!") return x = randint(1, int(BATTERY_ABOUT_TO_END() * 10)) if (x != 1): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out (" + str(self._battery_status) + ") ---> The robot rest") else: Log.addLine( "Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out (" + str(self._battery_status) + ") ---> The robot has decided to continue as usual") x = randint(0, 100) if (x < ROBOT_CANMOVE_CHANCE_SEND_MSG() * 100 and self._battery_status > BATTARY_COST_SEND_MSG()): # send new Message. if (self._estimated_location._deviation > 100): return self.sendNewMessage() return elif x < ((ROBOT_CANMOVE_CHANCE_GET_MSG() + ROBOT_CANMOVE_CHANCE_SEND_MSG() * 100)): # get message. if (self._battery_status > BATTARY_COST_GET_MSG()): self.getMessage() return elif self._battery_status > BATTARY_COST_WALK(): # Move randomly. direction = self.getRandomDirection() self.move(direction) #Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Moving randomly.") return
def __init__(self): self._mat_robot_id = [] self._Robots = [] self._Robots_sort_Random = [] self._mat_zone = [] #by color (white = 0 gray = 1 black = 2) for i in range(int(float(ARENA_X()))): self._mat_robot_id.append(int(ARENA_Y()) * [-1]) self._mat_zone.append(int(ARENA_Y()) * [WHITE()]) # Mark gray areas: Gray_area_point = GRAY_AREA() for b in range(len(Gray_area_point)): Log.addLine("create gray area point between: " + str(Gray_area_point[b])) for i in range(Gray_area_point[b][0], Gray_area_point[b][2] + 1): for j in range(Gray_area_point[b][1], Gray_area_point[b][3] + 1): self._mat_zone[i][j] = GRAY() # Mark black areas: black_area_point = BLACK_AREA() for b in range(len(black_area_point)): Log.addLine("create black area point between: " + str(black_area_point[b])) for i in range(black_area_point[b][0], black_area_point[b][2] + 1): for j in range(black_area_point[b][1], black_area_point[b][3] + 1): self._mat_zone[i][j] = BLACK() # Creates a new robot 'that can move' to variable "Robots" for s in range(0, int(ROBOTS_MOVE())): self._Robots.append(Robot(s)) self._Robots_sort_Random.append(s) Log.addLine("create new Robot- " + self._Robots[s].toString()) # Creates a new robot 'that can't move' to variable "Robots" for s in range(int(ROBOTS_MOVE()), int(ROBOTS_MOVE()) + int(ROBOTS_NOT_MOVE())): self._Robots.append(Robot(s)) self._Robots_sort_Random.append(s) self._Robots[s]._can_move = False Log.addLine("create new Robot- " + self._Robots[s].toString()) #put the robots on Arena: for s in range(0, len(self._Robots)): x = randint(1, int(ARENA_X()) - 2) y = randint(1, int(ARENA_Y()) - 2) bool1 = self._mat_robot_id[x][y] != -1 bool2 = self._mat_zone[x][y] == BLACK() bool3 = self._Robots[s]._can_move == False bool4 = self._mat_zone[x][y] != WHITE() while ((bool1 | bool2) | (bool3 & bool4)): x = randint(1, ARENA_X() - 2) y = randint(1, ARENA_Y() - 2) bool1 = self._mat_robot_id[x][y] != -1 bool2 = self._mat_zone[x][y] == BLACK() bool3 = self._Robots[s]._can_move == False bool4 = self._mat_zone[x][y] != WHITE() self._Robots.append(Robot(s)) self._mat_robot_id[x][y] = self._Robots[s]._id self._Robots[s]._real_location = Point(x, y) #self._Robots_sort_Random[s]._real_location = Point(x, y) if (bool3): #self._Robots[s]._can_move == False self._Robots[s]._estimated_location = Point(x, y) self._Robots[s]._estimated_location._deviation = 0 Log.addLine("put Robot_" + str(self._Robots[s]._id) + self._Robots[s]._real_location.toString()) self.sortRandomRobotsArray()
def doAction(self): # battery charge if(self._current_zone == WHITE()): self._battery_status +=BATTARY_CHARGE_LITHT_SPEED() if(self._battery_status >BATTARY_CAPACITY()): self._battery_status = BATTARY_CAPACITY() # forward Message IF Exist: if self._action_time != INFINITY(): if self._action_time == self._time: self.forwardMessage() return # for static robot: if(self._can_move == False): if (BATTERY_ABOUT_TO_END() * BATTARY_CAPACITY() > self._battery_status): # The battery is about to run out Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out (" + str( self._battery_status) + ") ---> The robot should rest") return self._battery_status = BATTARY_CAPACITY() x = randint(0, 10) if(x < ROBOT_STATIC_CHANCE_SEND_MSG()*10): # send new Message. self.sendNewMessage() else: # get message. self.getMessage() return # The battery is about to run out if(BATTERY_ABOUT_TO_END()*BATTARY_CAPACITY() > self._battery_status): if (self._current_zone == WHITE()): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out (" + str(self._battery_status) + ") ---> The robot should rest") return Env = self.getEnv() for i in range(0,len(self._private_location_log)): i1 = len(self._private_location_log) - i-1 if(self._private_location_log[i1]._zone == WHITE()): direction = self._private_location.which_direction(self._private_location_log[i1]) if(direction == INFINITY()): continue if(direction !=INFINITY() and self.try_move_to_constant_direction(direction)== True): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out ---> The robot go to light on " + str(direction) + "direction - The robot knows the point") return if(self._estimated_location._deviation<BATTARY_CAPACITY()): for i in range(0,len(self._neighbors_loc)): if(self._neighbors_loc[i] == INFINITY()): continue if(self._neighbors_loc[i]._deviation >BATTARY_CAPACITY()): continue # Only if the robot can go there if(Point.airDistancePoints(self._estimated_location, self._neighbors_loc[i])>BATTARY_CAPACITY()): continue # Only if the robot can go there if(self._neighbors_loc[i]._zone == WHITE()): direction = self._estimated_location.which_direction(self._neighbors_loc[i]) if (direction == INFINITY()): continue if(direction !=INFINITY() and self.try_move_to_constant_direction(direction)== True): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out ---> the robot goes towards the robot_" + i + " (to the " + str(direction) + ") is there light!") return x = randint(1, int(BATTERY_ABOUT_TO_END() *10)) if(x!=1): Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out (" + str(self._battery_status) + ") ---> The robot rest") else: Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + " The battery is about to run out (" + str(self._battery_status) + ") ---> The robot has decided to continue as usual") x = randint(0, 100) if (x < ROBOT_CANMOVE_CHANCE_SEND_MSG() * 100 and self._battery_status > BATTARY_COST_SEND_MSG()): # send new Message. if(self._estimated_location._deviation >100): return self.sendNewMessage() return elif x < ((ROBOT_CANMOVE_CHANCE_GET_MSG()+ROBOT_CANMOVE_CHANCE_SEND_MSG()*100)): # get message. if(self._battery_status > BATTARY_COST_GET_MSG()): self.getMessage() return elif self._battery_status > BATTARY_COST_WALK(): # Move randomly. direction = self.getRandomDirection() self.move(direction) #Log.addLine("Robot " + str(self._id) + ": Moving randomly.") return