def getEnv(self, id): x = self._Robots[id]._real_location._x y = self._Robots[id]._real_location._y array = [True, True, True, True] if (Point.existsXY(x, y - 1) == False or y - 1 == 0): array[UP()] = False elif (self._mat_robot_id[x][y - 1] != -1 | self._mat_zone[x][y - 1]): array[UP()] = False if (Point.existsXY(x, y + 1) == False or y + 1 != ARENA_Y() - 1): array[DOWN()] = False elif (self._mat_robot_id[x][y + 1] != -1 | self._mat_zone[x][y + 1]): array[DOWN()] = False if (Point.existsXY(x - 1, y) == False or x - 1 == 0): array[LEFT()] = False elif (self._mat_robot_id[x - 1][y] != -1 | self._mat_zone[x - 1][y]): array[LEFT()] = False if (Point.existsXY(x + 1, y) == False or x + 1 != ARENA_X() - 1): array[RIGHT()] = False elif (self._mat_robot_id[x + 1][y] != -1 | self._mat_zone[x + 1][y]): array[RIGHT()] = False return array
def getEnv(self, id): x = self._Robots[id]._real_location._x y = self._Robots[id]._real_location._y array = [True,True,True,True] if (Point.existsXY(x, y-1) == False or y-1 ==0): array[UP()] = False elif(self._mat_robot_id[x][y-1]!=-1 | self._mat_zone[x][y-1]): array[UP()] =False if (Point.existsXY(x, y+1) == False or y+1 != ARENA_Y()-1): array[DOWN()] = False elif(self._mat_robot_id[x][y+1]!=-1 | self._mat_zone[x][y+1]): array[DOWN()] =False if (Point.existsXY(x - 1, y) == False or x-1 ==0): array[LEFT()] = False elif(self._mat_robot_id[x-1][y]!=-1 | self._mat_zone[x-1][y]): array[LEFT()] =False if(Point.existsXY(x+1, y) == False or x+1 != ARENA_X()-1): array[RIGHT()] = False elif(self._mat_robot_id[x+1][y]!=-1 | self._mat_zone[x+1][y]): array[RIGHT()] =False return array
def showGUI(data): X = [] for i in range(int(ARENA_X())): line = int(ARENA_Y())*[-1] X.append(line) for i in range(int(ARENA_X())): for j in range(int(ARENA_Y())): if(X[i][j] != -1): continue if(data._Arena._mat_robot_id[i][j]!=-1): if(data._Arena._Robots[data._Arena._mat_robot_id[i][j]]._can_move): X[i][j] = ROBOTS_MOVE_COLOR() for i2 in range(i - ROBOT_LEANGHT(), i + ROBOT_LEANGHT()): for j2 in range(j - ROBOT_LEANGHT(), j + ROBOT_LEANGHT()): if (Point.existsXY(i2, j2)): X[i2][j2] = ROBOTS_MOVE_COLOR() else: X[i][j] = ROBOTS_NOT_MOVE_COLOR() for i2 in range(i - ROBOT_LEANGHT(), i + ROBOT_LEANGHT()): for j2 in range(j - ROBOT_LEANGHT(), j + ROBOT_LEANGHT()): if (Point.existsXY(i2, j2)): X[i2][j2] = ROBOTS_NOT_MOVE_COLOR() elif (data._Arena._mat_zone[i][j] == 2): X[i][j] = 1000 elif (data._Arena._mat_zone[i][j] == 1): X[i][j] = 500 elif (data._Arena._mat_zone[i][j] == 0): X[i][j] = 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(X, cmap='RdGy', interpolation='nearest') callback = data Msg1_loc = plt.axes([0.05, 0.95, 0.90, 0.045]) Msg1 = Button(Msg1_loc, "Time= "+str(data._time) + ", Robot moved= "+str(Arena._mone_move) + ", Messages = " + str(data.Messages_mone))#) +" | << Click here for details >>") #Msg1.on_clicked(callback.actionMsg1) #button1: butt1_loc = plt.axes([0.1, 0.001, 0.25, 0.065]) butt1 = Button(butt1_loc, str(BUTTON_NUMBER_1())+' step forward') butt1.on_clicked(callback.actionButton1) # button2: butt2_loc = plt.axes([0.4, 0.001, 0.25, 0.065]) butt2 = Button(butt2_loc, str(BUTTON_NUMBER_2()) +' step forward') butt2.on_clicked(callback.actionButton2) ##button3: butt3_loc = plt.axes([0.7, 0.001, 0.25, 0.065]) butt3 = Button(butt3_loc, str(BUTTON_NUMBER_3()) +' step forward') butt3.on_clicked(callback.actionButton3)
def sendMessage(message, robot): canSend = Air.canSend(robot) if(canSend == True): message._real_location = robot._real_location if (bool(ACTIVE_MATDISTANCE())): Point.fillMatDistance(Air.static_mat_zone,message._mat_distance, message._real_location) #Air._self.Id_message = Air._self.mone*1000 +robot._id #Air._self.mone = Air._self.mone+1 Air._messages.append(message) return canSend
def showGUI(self): X = [] for i in range(int(ARENA_X())): line = int(ARENA_Y())*[-1] X.append(line) for i in range(int(ARENA_X())): for j in range(int(ARENA_Y())): if(X[i][j] != -1): continue if(self._Arena._mat_robot_id[i][j]!=-1): X[i][j] = -1000 for i2 in range(i-ROBOT_LEANGHT(), i+ROBOT_LEANGHT()): for j2 in range(j - ROBOT_LEANGHT(), j + ROBOT_LEANGHT()): if(Point.existsXY(i2,j2)): X[i2][j2] = -1000 elif (self._Arena._mat_zone[i][j] == 2): X[i][j] = 1000 elif (self._Arena._mat_zone[i][j] == 1): X[i][j] = 500 elif (self._Arena._mat_zone[i][j] == 0): X[i][j] = 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(X, cmap='RdGy', interpolation='nearest')
def getMessage(robot): sum_range = 0 flag = False if(len(Air._messages) ==0 ): return NO_MSG() nearest_messagesa = Air._messages[0] robot_loc = robot._real_location r=0 for i in range(0, len(Air._messages)): r =0 if (bool(ACTIVE_MATDISTANCE())): r = Air._messages[i]._mat_distance[robot_loc._x][robot_loc._y] else: r = Point.airDistancePoints(robot_loc, Air._messages[i]._real_location) if(r == INFINITY() or r<=0): continue if(r <=MIN_MSG_RANGE()): Air._messages[i]._snn = (MAX_MSG_RANGE()-r)*(MAX_MSG_RANGE()-r) return Air._messages[i] ##################################put distance to msg elif(r >=MAX_MSG_RANGE()): continue else: if(Air._messages[i]._sender_estimated_location._deviation<100): Air._messages[i]._snn = (MAX_MSG_RANGE() - r) * (MAX_MSG_RANGE() - r) return Air._messages[i] ##################################put distance to msg sum_range = sum_range + r nearest_mess_loc = nearest_messagesa._real_location messa_i = Air._messages[i]._real_location if(flag == False): flag = True nearest_messagesa = Air._messages[i] nearest_messagesa._snn = (MAX_MSG_RANGE() - r) * (MAX_MSG_RANGE() - r) return nearest_messagesa elif(Point.distance(Air.static_mat_zone, robot_loc,nearest_mess_loc) > Point.distance(Air.static_mat_zone, robot_loc,messa_i)): nearest_messagesa = Air._messages[i] nearest_messagesa._snn = (MAX_MSG_RANGE() - r) * (MAX_MSG_RANGE() - r) if(flag): return NO_MSG() if(sum_range==0): return NO_MSG() if(r==0 or sum_range>= MAX_MSG_RANGE()): return NO_MSG() else: nearest_messagesa._snn = nearest_messagesa._snn - sum_range #print("\n%%%\nnearest_messagesa._snn:: " + str(nearest_messagesa._snn)) #print("sum_range:: " + str(sum_range)) #print("_snn:: " + str(nearest_messagesa._snn)) ##################################put distance to msg return nearest_messagesa
def canSend(robot): sum_range = 0 robot_loc = Robot(robot)._real_location for i in range(0, len(Air._messages)): r = 0 if (bool(ACTIVE_MATDISTANCE())): r = Air._messages[i]._mat_distance[robot_loc._x][robot_loc._y] else: r = Point.airDistancePoints(robot_loc, Air._messages[i]._real_location) if (r < MAX_MSG_RANGE()): sum_range = sum_range + r if (sum_range < math.sqrt(MAX_MSG_RANGE())): return True else: return False
def __init__(self, Id_Sender, Id_Message, Time, sender_estimated_loc): self._id_source = Id_Sender # Upond creation: source = sender. self._id_message = Id_Message # transmit_Message function (on Simulation) updates that value self._sender_history = [ ] # From here you can also find the latest sender. self._sender_estimated_location = sender_estimated_loc self._create_time = Time #so that we dont pass 'MSG_LIFE_TIME'. self._version = 0 #so that we dont pass 'MAX_VERSION'. self._real_location = Point(0, 0) self._snn = 0 self._mat_distance = [] #Iputing '_mat_distance' distances: if (bool(ACTIVE_MATDISTANCE())): for i in range(int(float(ARENA_Y()))): self._mat_distance.append(int(ARENA_X()) * [INFINITY()])
def moveRobot(self, id, direction): array = self.getEnv(id) if (array[direction] == False): return False else: Arena._mone_move += 1 x = self._Robots[id]._real_location._x y = self._Robots[id]._real_location._y self._mat_robot_id[x][y] = -1 tolog = "" if (direction == UP()): tolog = ("Robot " + str(id) + ": move UP From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y - 1) + "]") y = y - 1 elif (direction == DOWN()): tolog = ("Robot " + str(id) + ": move DOWN From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y + 1) + "]") y = y + 1 elif (direction == LEFT()): tolog = ("Robot " + str(id) + ": move LEFT From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x - 1) + "][" + str(y) + "]") x = x - 1 else: tolog = ("Robot " + str(id) + ": move RIGHT From [" + str(x) + "][" + str(y) + "] to [" + str(x + 1) + "][" + str(y) + "]") x = x + 1 Log.addLine(tolog) #print(tolog) self._mat_robot_id[x][y] = id self._Robots[id]._real_location = Point(x, y) return True
from code.Global_Parameters import * from code.Robot import Robot from code.Arena import Arena from code.Message import Message from code.Point import Point from code.Air import Air from code.Log import Log readParameters() Mylog = Log() p1 = Point(100,100) p1._deviation = 100 print(p1.toString()) p2 = Point(30,70) p2._deviation = 100 print(p2.toString()) p1.Joint(p2) print(p1.toString())
def showGUI(data): X = [] for i in range(int(ARENA_X())): line = int(ARENA_Y()) * [-1] X.append(line) for i in range(int(ARENA_X())): for j in range(int(ARENA_Y())): if (X[i][j] != -1): continue if (data._Arena._mat_robot_id[i][j] != -1): if (data._Arena._Robots[data._Arena._mat_robot_id[i] [j]]._can_move): X[i][j] = ROBOTS_MOVE_COLOR() for i2 in range(i - ROBOT_LEANGHT(), i + ROBOT_LEANGHT()): for j2 in range(j - ROBOT_LEANGHT(), j + ROBOT_LEANGHT()): if (Point.existsXY(i2, j2)): X[i2][j2] = ROBOTS_MOVE_COLOR() else: X[i][j] = ROBOTS_NOT_MOVE_COLOR() for i2 in range(i - ROBOT_LEANGHT(), i + ROBOT_LEANGHT()): for j2 in range(j - ROBOT_LEANGHT(), j + ROBOT_LEANGHT()): if (Point.existsXY(i2, j2)): X[i2][j2] = ROBOTS_NOT_MOVE_COLOR() elif (data._Arena._mat_zone[i][j] == 2): X[i][j] = 1000 elif (data._Arena._mat_zone[i][j] == 1): X[i][j] = 500 elif (data._Arena._mat_zone[i][j] == 0): X[i][j] = 0 fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(X, cmap='RdGy', interpolation='nearest') callback = data Msg1_loc = plt.axes([0.05, 0.95, 0.90, 0.045]) Msg1 = Button( Msg1_loc, "Time= " + str(data._time) + ", Robot moved= " + str(Arena._mone_move) + ", Messages = " + str(data.Messages_mone)) #) +" | << Click here for details >>") #Msg1.on_clicked(callback.actionMsg1) #button1: butt1_loc = plt.axes([0.1, 0.001, 0.25, 0.065]) butt1 = Button(butt1_loc, str(BUTTON_NUMBER_1()) + ' step forward') butt1.on_clicked(callback.actionButton1) # button2: butt2_loc = plt.axes([0.4, 0.001, 0.25, 0.065]) butt2 = Button(butt2_loc, str(BUTTON_NUMBER_2()) + ' step forward') butt2.on_clicked(callback.actionButton2) ##button3: butt3_loc = plt.axes([0.7, 0.001, 0.25, 0.065]) butt3 = Button(butt3_loc, str(BUTTON_NUMBER_3()) + ' step forward') butt3.on_clicked(callback.actionButton3)
def __init__(self): self._mat_robot_id = [] self._Robots = [] self._Robots_sort_Random = [] self._mat_zone = [] #by color (white = 0 gray = 1 black = 2) for i in range(int(float(ARENA_X()))): self._mat_robot_id.append(int(ARENA_Y()) * [-1]) self._mat_zone.append(int(ARENA_Y()) * [WHITE()]) # Mark gray areas: Gray_area_point = GRAY_AREA() for b in range(len(Gray_area_point)): Log.addLine("create gray area point between: " + str(Gray_area_point[b])) for i in range(Gray_area_point[b][0], Gray_area_point[b][2] + 1): for j in range(Gray_area_point[b][1], Gray_area_point[b][3] + 1): self._mat_zone[i][j] = GRAY() # Mark black areas: black_area_point = BLACK_AREA() for b in range(len(black_area_point)): Log.addLine("create black area point between: " + str(black_area_point[b])) for i in range(black_area_point[b][0], black_area_point[b][2] + 1): for j in range(black_area_point[b][1], black_area_point[b][3] + 1): self._mat_zone[i][j] = BLACK() # Creates a new robot 'that can move' to variable "Robots" for s in range(0, int(ROBOTS_MOVE())): self._Robots.append(Robot(s)) self._Robots_sort_Random.append(s) Log.addLine("create new Robot- " + self._Robots[s].toString()) # Creates a new robot 'that can't move' to variable "Robots" for s in range(int(ROBOTS_MOVE()), int(ROBOTS_MOVE()) + int(ROBOTS_NOT_MOVE())): self._Robots.append(Robot(s)) self._Robots_sort_Random.append(s) self._Robots[s]._can_move = False Log.addLine("create new Robot- " + self._Robots[s].toString()) #put the robots on Arena: for s in range(0, len(self._Robots)): x = randint(1, int(ARENA_X()) - 2) y = randint(1, int(ARENA_Y()) - 2) bool1 = self._mat_robot_id[x][y] != -1 bool2 = self._mat_zone[x][y] == BLACK() bool3 = self._Robots[s]._can_move == False bool4 = self._mat_zone[x][y] != WHITE() while ((bool1 | bool2) | (bool3 & bool4)): x = randint(1, ARENA_X() - 2) y = randint(1, ARENA_Y() - 2) bool1 = self._mat_robot_id[x][y] != -1 bool2 = self._mat_zone[x][y] == BLACK() bool3 = self._Robots[s]._can_move == False bool4 = self._mat_zone[x][y] != WHITE() self._Robots.append(Robot(s)) self._mat_robot_id[x][y] = self._Robots[s]._id self._Robots[s]._real_location = Point(x, y) #self._Robots_sort_Random[s]._real_location = Point(x, y) if (bool3): #self._Robots[s]._can_move == False self._Robots[s]._estimated_location = Point(x, y) self._Robots[s]._estimated_location._deviation = 0 Log.addLine("put Robot_" + str(self._Robots[s]._id) + self._Robots[s]._real_location.toString()) self.sortRandomRobotsArray()