Esempio n. 1
    def FillMap(self):

        coordinatesDict = defaultdict()
        coordinatesDict[self.location] = self.coordinates

        mapWidth = self.width() - 40
        mapHeight = self.height() - 170

        thisMap = code_MapHtml.MapHtml()
        thisMap.mapHeight = mapHeight
        thisMap.mapWidth = mapWidth
        thisMap.coordinatesDict = coordinatesDict

        html = thisMap.html()
Esempio n. 2
    def FillMap(self):

        coordinatesDict = defaultdict()
        mapWidth = self.width() - 20
        mapHeight = self.height() - self.lblLocation.height() - (
            self.lblDateRange.height() * 7.5)
        self.webMap.setGeometry(5, 5, mapWidth, mapHeight)

        for l in range(self.lstLocations.count()):
            locationName = self.lstLocations.item(l).text()
            coordinates = self.mdiParent.db.GetLocationCoordinates(
            coordinatesDict[locationName] = coordinates

        thisMap = code_MapHtml.MapHtml()
        thisMap.mapHeight = mapHeight - 20
        thisMap.mapWidth = mapWidth - 20
        thisMap.coordinatesDict = coordinatesDict

        # save mapHtml in object's variable so we can reload it later
        self.mapHtml = thisMap.html()

        # pass the mapHtml we created to the QWebView widget for display
Esempio n. 3
    def LoadLocationsMap(self, filter):

        self.title = "Location Map"

        coordinatesDict = defaultdict()
        mapWidth = self.frameGeometry().width() - 10
        mapHeight = self.frameGeometry().height() - 35
        self.scrollArea.setGeometry(5, 27, mapWidth + 2, mapHeight + 2)
        self.webView.setGeometry(5, 27, mapWidth + 2, mapHeight + 2)
        self.contentType = "Map"
        self.filter = filter

        locations = self.mdiParent.db.GetLocations(filter)

        if len(locations) == 0:
            return (False)

        for l in locations:
            coordinates = self.mdiParent.db.GetLocationCoordinates(l)
            coordinatesDict[l] = coordinates

        thisMap = code_MapHtml.MapHtml()
        thisMap.mapHeight = mapHeight
        thisMap.mapWidth = mapWidth
        thisMap.coordinatesDict = coordinatesDict

        html = thisMap.html()


        # set window title to descriptive map name

        locationName = filter.getLocationName(
        )  # str   name of region or location  or ""
        locationType = filter.getLocationType()
        startDate = filter.getStartDate()  # str   format yyyy-mm-dd  or ""
        endDate = filter.getEndDate()  # str   format yyyy-mm-dd  or ""
        startSeasonalMonth = filter.getStartSeasonalMonth()  # str   format mm
        startSeasonalDay = filter.getStartSeasonalDay()  # str   format dd
        endSeasonalMonth = filter.getEndSeasonalMonth()  # str   format  dd
        endSeasonalDay = filter.getEndSeasonalDay()  # str   format dd
        speciesName = filter.getSpeciesName()  # str   speciesName
        family = filter.getFamily()  # str family name

        # set main location label, using "All Locations" if none others are selected

        windowTitle = speciesName

        if locationName != "":
            if locationType == "Country":
                locationName = self.mdiParent.db.GetCountryName(locationName)
            if locationType == "State":
                locationName = self.mdiParent.db.GetStateName(locationName)
            windowTitle = windowTitle + "; " + locationName

        if startDate != "":
            dateTitle = startDate + " to " + endDate
            if startDate == endDate:
                dateTitle = startDate
            windowTitle = windowTitle + "; " + dateTitle

        # set main seasonal range label, if specified
        if not ((startSeasonalMonth == "") or (endSeasonalMonth == "")):
            monthRange = [
                "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
                "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
            rangeTitle = monthRange[
                int(startSeasonalMonth) -
                1] + "-" + startSeasonalDay + " to " + monthRange[
                    int(endSeasonalMonth) - 1] + "-" + endSeasonalDay
            windowTitle = windowTitle + "; " + rangeTitle

        if family != "":
            family = family[0:family.index("(") - 1]
            windowTitle = windowTitle + "; " + family

        if windowTitle == "":
            windowTitle = "All species, locations, dates and families"

        #remove leading "; " if needed
        if windowTitle[0:2] == "; ":
            windowTitle = windowTitle[2:]

        # add location count to window title
        windowTitle = "Map: " + windowTitle + " (" + str(
            len(coordinatesDict.keys())) + ")"

        self.title = windowTitle

        icon = QIcon()
        icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/icon_map.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off)

        return (True)